from Central America are stopped at the THE MEDICAL FORTNIGHTLY quarantine station, and the vessels fumi A Cosmopolitan Biweekly for the General Practitioner The Medical Fortnightly is devoted to the progress of the Practice and Science of Medicine and Surgery. Its aim is to present topics of interest and importance to physicians, and to this end, in addition to a well-selected corps of Department Editors, it has secured correspondents in the leading medical centers of Europe and America. Contributions of a scientific nature, and original in character, solicited. News of Societies, and of interesting medical topics, cordially invited. Advertising forms close on the first and fifteenth of each month. Time should be allowed to submit proof for correction Advertising rates on application. Remittances and business communications should be addressed to the Fortnightly Press Co. Subscription, $2.00 a year, in advance, including postage to any part of the United States, Mexico and Canada. Postage to foreign countries in the Universal Postal Union, including Newfoundland, $1.00 a year additional. Entered at the St. Joseph post-office as second-class matter. The Medical Fortnightly will not be discontinued at expiration of subscription, as many of our readers prefer not to have their files broken on account of failure to remit. Unless we receive a distinct request to discontinue, and payment for all arrearages, this magazine will not be discontinued. Subscriptions may begin at any time; volumes end with June and December. Contributors should understand that corrected typewritten copy is essential to clean proof and prompt publication, and is much more satisfactory than manuscript. Original articles should be as condensed as justice to the subject will allow. Editorial offices in St. Louis and St. Joseph, where specimen copies may be obtained, and subscriptions will be received. Contributions and books for review should be addressed to the Managing Editor, 319 and 320 Century Building, St. Louis, Mo. MEDICAL MELANGE. Iodised phenol has been used with success in the treatment of ringworm of the scalp and body. CHICAGO'S HEALTH AND THE DRAINAGE CANAL. The health department of the City of Chicago estimates that the establishment of the superior drainage system by means of the celebrated drainage channel flowing into the Misisssippi river current, and which has been in operation for the past six years, has saved in the time mentioned upward of 5,000 lives in the municipality. The statement is based upon the mortality from impure water diseases for a period of four years preceding the opening of the drainage canal and for the six years since that event. YELLOW FEVER IN CENTRAL AMERICA. News reports received at New Orleans state that yellow fever is spreading in Central America. A letter from Livingston, Gautemala, says that the fever is raging in that section in a virulent form, and is spreading into the interior along the Gautemalan Northern railroad. The spread of the fever has caused a number of American banana planters to suffer financial losses on account of a lack of labor, many of their employes being stricken. New Orleans is maintaining a most rigid quarantine against all tropical countries, and there is no danger of the infection reaching the United States through the mouth of the Mississippi river. Fruit ships gated before being allowed to come up to the city. None of the crews of ships in the Central American trade have been permitted to enter Louisiana since the quarantine was put on. The OVER ONE MILLION IMMIGRANTS IN ONE YEAR. Strange peoples are coming to America these days and the promise to bring us new problems and to engraft new characteristics on us as a nation. Figures of the Immigration Bureau show that the immigration to this country during the fiscal year ending June 30 last, was 73,574 greater than it was during the fiscal year of 1905. immigration during the past year aggregated 1,100,073, against 1,026,499 for the previous year. It is notable that the class of immigrants was not so high as in many previous years, most of them coming from AustriaHungary, Russia and Italy. During the year just passed 12,433 persons were debarred for various causes, principally disease of some sort. During the year seventeen aliens imported for immoral purposes were arrested and deported. Commissioner Sargent says every effort is being made to break up the "white slave traffic." CHINESE FOODS AND THE PURE FOOD Law. It appears that the recently enacted pure food law is going to disturb a lot of people who have developed a taste for foreign "delicacies," such as come to us from Spain, Germany and China. The Chinese will feel this especially. They import all sorts of strange things that have never been seen by It is not known a government inspector. whether it is intended to stop the importation of birds' nest soup and sharks' fins, or whether the ingredients for chop suey will all hereafter have to come from Chicago. It is known that the Chinese do a large trade in the imported duck eggs, some of them fifty years old-the older the better for real epicures. The real thing in duck eggs comes put up in a curious pitch and felt sort of packing. They are consumed solely in Chinese restaurants. But the food inspectors at the ports of entry claim that there is another brand of preserved eggs from China, largely doctored with boric acid and sold to bakers and confectioners. The trade in these has been stopped already, and it is not known whether the more ancient brand will be interdicted too. The barmless LiChe nut will not come under the ban, as that is a simon-pure article and does not need any doctoring, and can not be made any worse than it naturally is. DYSPEPSIA, GASTRITIS, GASTRIC ULCER and CONTAGIOUS DISEASES of the STOMACH and INTESTINES. In order to prove the efficiency of GLYCOZONE, I will send a $1.00 bottle free A copy of the 18th edition of my book of 340 pages, on the "Rational Treatment of Diseases Characterized by the Presence of Pathogenic Germs," containing reprints of 210 unsolicited clinical reports, by leading contributors to Medical Literature, will be mailed free of charge to Physicians mentioning this Journal. Prepared only by Charles Marchand Chemist and Graduate of the "Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures de Paris" (France) 57-59 Prince Street, NEW YORK. Look well to your prescriptions-a careless or dishonest pharmacist may ruin your reputation. INGLUVIN VENTRICULUS CALLOSUS GALLINACEUS -WARNER & Co.~ Highly Recommended in all STOMACH TROUBLES Particularly The Vomiting of Pregnancy Specimen to Doctors on Request WM R. WARNER & CO., PHILADELPHIA. CHICAGO D NEW ORLEANS. BRANCHES - NEW YORK (Each Tablespoonful contains 2 minims of Creosote and 8 grains of Hydrochloro-phosphate of Lime.) PAUTAUBERGE'S CAPSULES (Each capsule contains: Iodoform, 0.02 centigrammes; Phosphate of Lime, 0.15 centigrammes Successfully Prescribed by Best European Doctors for 25 years, in all kinds of Tuberculous Affections, especially those of the Lungs and Bones, Chronic Bronchial and Pulmonary Affections, Convalescence from Pleurisy and Broncho-Pneumonia, Influenza, Measles, Whooping-Cough, Scrofula and Rickets. Dollar Bottle to Physicians willing to pay expressage. GEO. J. WALLAU, Special Agent, 2 Stone Street, NEW YORK. THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE Blancard's Pills BLANCARD'S OF IODIDE OF IRON. Endorsed by Paris Academy of Medicine. Indicated in Anemia, Leucorrhea, Amenorrhea, Constitutional Syphilis, etc. Dose: 2 to 6 pills per day. Samples to Physicians upon receipt of professional card. SYRUP Suitable for children and persons who cannot swallow pills. Dose: 1 to 3 tablespoonfuls. GEO. J. WALLAU, U. S. Agent, 2 and 4 Stone Street, NEW YORK, N. Y. MEDICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE SOUTHWEST. the When the State associations of Missouri, Texas, Kansas, Arkansas,. Oklahoma and Indian Territory met this summer, each one endorsed a movement looking toward the consummation of the idea expressed at a late meeting of the American Medical Association, which was to divide the United States into groups or districts and organize in each a district association which would stand in the relation of an ally to the A. М. А. Each state appointed a committee of five to act on this committee. Monday, July 16th, at 10a.m., the committee met in parlor S, Midland Hotel, Kansas City and organized by electing Dr. F. J. Lutz, of St. Louis, temporary chairman, and Dr. F. H. Clark, of El Reno, Okla., temporary secretary. A lengthy discussion regarding the necessity for such an organi. zation was taken part in by every one present. The following members were present: Drs. J. E. Gilcreest, Gainesville, Tex.; T. E. Holland, Hot Springs, Ark.; J. A. Lightfoot, Texarkana, Ark.; J. B. Bolton, Eureka Springs, Ark.; C. E. Bowers, Wichita, Kas.; Geo. M. Gray, Kansas City, Kas.; M. F. Jarrett, Fort Scott, Kas. ; H. L. Alkire, Topeka, Kas.; Frank J. Lutz, St. Louis, Mo.; Chas. Wood Fassett, St. Joseph, Mo.; Jabez N. Jackson, Kansas City, Mo.; B. F. Fortner, Vinita, Ind. Ter.; A. L. Blesh, Guthrie, Okla.; and F. H. Clark, El Reno, Okla. A large amount of routine business was attended to, the name chosen being "The Medical Association of the Southwest." The meeting is to be an annual one, to be held in the fall, and the initial meeting at Oklahoma City early in October. The exact date is to be fixed as soon as possible. The Committee on Constitution, which consists of Drs. Jackson, Bowers, Gilcreest, Lightfoot and Blesh, were instructed to draw up declaration of principles to be presented to the committee and a constitution to be presented to the general meeting of the association. lowing is the declaration: To the Medical Profession of the Southwest: The fol By virtue of the authority delegated to us by our several state associations, to consider the advisability of the organization of a medical association of the Southwest and to define its purposes, scope and sphere of action, we your committee in pursuance of such instruction, this day met, and beg leave to submit the following conclusions: that the time is now opportune for the formation of a medical association of the Southwest, and respectfully urge that in consideration of the fact that in the territory comprised by the states of Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Indian Territory and Texas are engaged in the active practice of the profession of medicine, between 15,000 and 20,000 of as bright and intelligent physicians as can be found anywhere; who, because of the natural limitations of the state association on the one hand and the magnitude of the American Medical Association on the other, lack the proper opportunity for the full development of their powers, that the formation of an association of the above mentioned states will materially aid in developing this latent talent, and thus advance the standard of scientific medicine in the whole Nation. We believe that the membership of this association should be limited to those members of the profession who are in good standing in their respective state associations. We believe that an association of this kind will satisfactorily fill the present existing hiatus between the state association on the one hand and the A. M. A. on the other, occupying a field peculiarly its own, adding increased effectiveness to the work of the one and at the same time training talent to adorn the other. We would respectfully call the attention of the profession of the great Southwest to the fact that this step is in harmony with the idea expressed at the late meeting of the A. M. A., and in its constitution (Sec. 7) of di • viding the United States into districts, so as to make its work more effective and more truly representative of the whole body of the profession of the United States. We would especially call the attention of the profession to the fact that this association is not to be organized in opposition to, but rather in harmony with all existing regular associations. We recommend that the name of this organization be The Medical Association of the Southwest. We invite the careful consideration of the medical profession of the states above mentioned, to the reasons given herein, and if they meet with their approval, extend a cordial invitation to them to join with us in making this, as it of right should be, one of the strongest working medical bodies in the United States. A. L. BLESH, Committee. After the adoption of the Declaration of Principles, which was unanimous, the committee completed the temporary organization by electing Drs. J. T. Wilson, Sherman, Tex.; Marion King, Texarkana, Ark.; P. S. Mitchell, Iola, Kas., and C. S. Bobo, Norman, Okla., temporary vice-presidents, and Dr. H. C. Todd, Oklahoma City, chairman of Committee of Arrangements. A committee on program was appointed, consisting of Drs. J. E. Gilcreest, H. K. Alkire, J. D. Bolton, F. J. Lutz and F. H. Clark. The program committee was instructed to provide a program for two days, and to divide the work into sections. Dr. H. L. Alkire, chairman of the Section on Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; Dr. J. E. Gilcreest on Surgery, and Dr. J. D. Bolton on General Medicine. A Committee on Publication was appointed, as follows: Dr. Chas. Wood Fassett, St. Joseph; Dr. T. E. Holland, Hot Springs; Dr. M. F. Jarrett, Fort Scott; Dr. M. M. Smith, Austin; Dr. A. L. Blesh, Guthrie. This committee will make a report at the first meeting, and a recommendation as to the best method of publishing the transactions of the association. The secretary was instructed to send a copy of the Declaration of Principles to every physician eligible to membership in the states comprising this district, and to urge them to attend the initial meeting. A rising vote of thanks was tendered Dr. Jabez N. Jackson for his efforts in behalf of the new organization and for his generous entertainment of the committee, after which the committee adjourned to meet on the evening preceding the first meeting of the association at Oklahoma City. F. H. CLARK, Secretary-Treasurer. APPRECIATION. - Dear Doctor: Inclosed find cheque for professional services rendered by you to my late uncle. I thank you for your zeal in the matter and shall not fail to recommend you to all my other wealthy relatives. Translated for Tales from Meggendorfer Blaetter. EPIGRAMS.-Egotism. - Belief that we are necessary while living, and shall be remembered when dead. Religion. With some a hope, with others a belief, and with many a fear that the injustices of this life will be remedied in the next. Wealth. - The modern standard of success. Fools worship it; ascetics despise it; wise men use it.-J. F. Finley in the August Century. |