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In cases of profuse diarrhea without dys

THE MEDICAL FORTNIGHTLY peptic symptoms, the following

A'Cosmopolitan Biweekly for the General Practitioner

The Medical Fortnightly is devoted to the progress of the Practice and Science of Medicine and Surgery. Its aim is to present topics of interest and importance to physicians, and to this end, in addition to a well-selected corps of Department Editors, it has secured correspondents in the leading medical centers of Europe and America. Contributions of a scientific nature, and original in character, solicited. News of Societies, and of interesting medical topics, cordially invited.

Advertising forms close on the first and fifteenth of each month. Time should be allowed to submit proof for correction Advertising rates on application.

Remittances and business communications should be addressed to the Fortnightly Press Co.

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The Medical Fortnightly will not be discontinued at expiration of ubscription, as many of our readers prefer not to have their files broken on account of failure to remit. Unless we receive a distinct request to discontinue, and payment for all arrearages, this magazine will not be discontinued.

Subscriptions may begin at any time; volumes end with June and December.

Contributors should understand that corrected typewritten copy is essential to clean proof and prompt publication, and is much more satisfactory than manuscript. Original articles should be as condensed as justice to the subject will allow.

Editorial offices in St. Louis and St. Joseph, where specimen copies may be obtained, and subscriptions will be received.

Contributions and books for review should be addressed to the Managing Editor, 319 and 320 Century Building, St. Louis, Mo.

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is recommended:

Tinct. krameriae..
Tinct opii....

Syr. simplicis..
Aquae destil.


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One dessertspoonful every two hours.

In cases in which anemia is a factor following chronic diarrhea, the following combination is of service:

Ferri carb. sacch...
Pulv. ipecac. et opii.
M. Ft. chart. No. x.


Three or four powders daily.

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Dissolve the sulphate of iron and the salicylate of soda separately and then mix. One tablespoonful every three hours until the stools are blackened.

In summer diarrhea, the following is of value:

Decoct. hematoxyli (5%)......
Acidi sulphurici arom..

Spiritus chloroformi.

Tinct. opii camph


Tinct. card. comp...



3 ii

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One teaspoonful in water after each movement of the bowels.

In cases of ulcerative colitis, Yeo recommends the following combination as a rectal injection:

Argenti nitratis...

Aquae dest.....

3 ss-i Oi-ii

Elevate the hips and allow the water to flow in slowly from a siphon bag.-Merck's Archiv.

A CONSCIENTIOUS PATIENT.-" Medicine won't help you any," the doctor told his patient. "What you need is a complete change of living. Get away to some quiet country place for a month. Go to bed early, eat more roast beef, drink plenty of good, rich milk and smoke just one cigar a day."

A month later the patient walked into the doctor's office. He looked like a new man, and the doctor told him so.

"Yes, doctor, your advice certainly did. the business. I went to bed early and did all the other things you told me. But, say, doctor, that one cigar a day almost killed me at first. It's no joke starting in to smoke at my time of life."-Everybody's Magazine.




In order to prove the efficiency of GLYCOZONE, I will

send a

$1.00 bottle free

to Physicians accompanying their request with 25c. to pay forwarding charges.

A copy of the 18th edition of my book of 340 pages, on the "Rational Treatment of Diseases Characterized by the Presence of Pathogenic Germs," containing reprints of 210 un

Prepared only by

Charles Marchand

solicited clinical reports, by leading contributors to Medical Chemist and Graduate of the "Ecole Centrale des Literature, will be mailed free of charge to Physicians mentioning this Journal.

Arts et Manufactures de Paris" (France) 57-59 Prince Street, NEW YORK.

Look well to your prescriptions-a careless or dishonest pharmacist may ruin your reputation.

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Highly Recommended in all STOMACH TROUBLES Particularly The Vomiting of Pregnancy Specimen to Doctors on Request




(Each Tablespoonful contains 2 minims of Creosote and 8 grains of Hydrochloro-phosphate of Lime.)


(Each capsule contains: Iodoform, 0.02 centigrammes; Phosphate of Lime, 0.15 centigrammes
Creosote, 0.05 centigrammes.)

Successfully Prescribed by Best European Doctors for 25 years, in all kinds of Tuberculous Affections, especially those of the Lungs and Bones, Chronic Bronchial and Pulmonary Affections, Convalescence from Pleurisy and Broncho-Pneumonia, Influenza, Measles, Whooping-Cough, Scrofula and Rickets.

Dollar Bottle to Physicians willing to pay expressage.

GEO. J. WALLAU, Special Agent, 2 Stone Street, NEW YORK.


Blancard's Pills BLANCARD'S


Endorsed by Paris Academy of Medicine.

Indicated in Anemia, Leucorrhea, Amenorrhea, Constitutional Syphilis, etc.

Dose: 2 to 6 pills per day.

Samples to Physicians upon receipt of professional card.


Suitable for children and persons who cannot swallow pills.

Dose: 1 to 3 tablespoonfuls.

GEO. J. WALLAU, U. S. Agent, 2 and 4 Stone Street, NEW YORK, N. Y.

[blocks in formation]


I find resinol soap the best preparation on the market for pruritus, and use it with very satisfactory results for itching piles.-H. C. Card, M. D., Hartford, Ct.

A Palatable and Efficient Laxative.-Physicians may recommend syrup of figs to their patients with perfect confidence, knowing that good results will follow its use. As a laxative for children it has no equal.


No condition is more prevalent, especially among persons leading sedentary lives than difficulty and irregularity of defecation. The causes of this are many, most of them being the results of advanced civilization; but since most constipated persons will not faithfully follow a plan calculated to remove the primary cause, it devolves upon the medical attendant to outline a treatment that will, in a measure, neutralize the condition existing. In all these cases, there is a sluggish state almost approaching paralysis. For this purpose, pill cascara cathartic (Hinkle), made by Warner & Co., is not excelled. It increases peristalsis and overcomes hepatic inactivity. In these cases, it is most important that particular attention be paid to the liver, for if this organ does not functionate properly, the bowels will not be restored to a normal state. One or two pills may be ordered as the condition demands, and as improvement follows, the interval between doses may be lengthened. Sold Only to the Profession. We are great believers in consistency and when we find a firm selling an article advertised Sold only to Physicians" lives up to its word, we believe in commending them. An abstract is given from a letter written to an inquirer in Conneticut, which greatly pleased the local physician.

153 So Jefferson St, Chicago, Ill., Feb. 19, 1906.

Dear Sir; It has always been our rule to restrict the sale of our appliances to the physician, believing that he should be the one to give the treatments, as his years of study and training give him the necessary knowledge and often he can sudplement the vibratory treatments with the measures that would assist in a speedy recovery. We are sending our catalog and want you to give it to your family physician. Thanking you for your inquiry and trusting our vibragenitant may be the means of restoring you to perfect health, we remain,

Very truly yours,


Ecthol is an agent that is gaining great popularity by reason of its wide range of usefulness. It contains the active principle of echinacea, which is an old remedy. A recent number of the Chicago Year Book states that the prompt results gained from it have caused all writers to express themselves with such apparent extravagance as to really retard the introduction of this agent to the profession at large. In summing up, the statement is made, that "it will yet establish for itself, by its inherent valuable therapeutic properties, with the entire profession a fixed and permanent place." Ecthol is anti-purulent and a corrector of all dyscrasia of the fluids. It is used locally and internally. The dose is a teaspoonful four to eight times daily. It is useful in septicemia and all cases of blood poisoning from whatsoever cause. It is excellent for erysipelas, carbuncles, abscesses, boils, sores, ulcers, gangrene and as a gargle in diphtheria and putrid sore throat.-W.T. Marrs M. D.. in the Medical Summary.

Conservative Surgery, or the Use of External Applications in Cases of Doubtful Surgical Procedure.-( By F. W. Hander, M. D., Beaumont, Texas.)-Without any comment on the conservation with which a surgeon should use the knife in doubtful surgical cases as regards time, symptoms and condition of patient, I shall give you several cases which have been under my observation: Mrs. H., aged 24, married, had suffered pain in both ovaries, especially the right, shortly before, during and for a short time after menstruation, from the beginning of her menstrual life at the age of 14. This pain gradually increased in severity and time of duration until it had become almost constant and unbearable. After being advised by several excellent physicians to undergo operative procedure for diagnostic as well as curative purposes, she consented. When the abdomen was opened both ovaries were found to be cystic, the cysts being more numerous in the right. The appendix was normal and healthy and gave no evidence of having been in a pathological condition at any previous time. Both ovaries were removed as a curative and preventative measure. The patient made an uneventful recovery from the operation, but for three years after, whon she again sought medical advice, the pain continued as before, with the addition of slight swelling and tension in the right hypochondriac region. The patient passed through the artificial menopause with very little inconvenience or nervous disturbance. Case 2.-Man, married, age about 27, suffering from acute attack of appendicitis, as diagnosed by the attending physician, two consulting physicians concurring. Constitutional symptoms present and anatomical appearances, such as tension, redness, swelling and pain at McBurney's point, pronounced. Operation advised, to which patient and wife objected. In the above cases antiphlogistine was repeatedly applied, with the most marked benefit. In case one, although the woman had suffered three years after the operation, through the influence of antiphlogistine, the pain and tension were modified, leaving only a small, soft elevation in the region of the appendix. Pain returned

only at long intervals and with diminishing severity, and there is every indication now, after one year's treatment along this line, of permanent relief. In case two the same treatment was carried out. Tension, redness, swelling and pain diminished with the first application of antiphlogistine, and disappeared after ten days. With some constitutional treatment the patient entirely recovered in this time. In this case there has been no recurrence of the attack in three years. I had another case in which two wire nails were driven through the palm by a falling timber. This was followed by pain and swelling after a few hours (no bleeding), the swelling extending up the forearm. Another case was a deep infected wound following paronychia. This wound was opened to the bone and free drainage established. but it gradually grew worse, involving the whole hand. Amputation of the finger or hand was advised, to which the patient objected, saying he would die first. In both these cases the local application of phenol and antiphlogistine gave relief and finally cure. In the latter case I cleansed the wound with hydrogen peroxide and applied silver nitrate to the exuberant granulations. Multiplies of these minor cases could be given, where the knife was seemingly indicated, but which rapidly yielded to local applications along the above lines. I also had an interesting case in a boy 12 years of age who suffered from osteo-myelitis of the femur of several years' standing. The discharge was constant through a fistular opening, and the case showed no evidence of improvement, although at several operations all diseased bone and some healthy bone had been removed. Antiphlogistine dressing was persistently applied, with the result that several large particles of bone sloughed off, after which the opening rapidly closed. No further pathological process has been observed in this case in ten years, although an enlarged knee joint and some ankylosis remain as sequelae.

The Rationale of the Use of Iron in the Treatment of Phthisis. It is singular, yet significant, fact, with the exception of a single disease, there is always a slight diversity of opinion among physicians as to which one of a number of agents exercises the greatest curative influence upon a given disorder. The one exception is phthisis. The entire profession is united in the conviction that pure air, more than any one factor, exerts a controlling influence upon the development of phthisical manifestations. Indeed, physicians concur in the opinion that, with the proper quality and quantity of atmosphere, this most widespread and fatal of all human maladies can oftentimes be cured. While the beneficial influences of climate upon phthisical individuals has long been recognized by the profession, a perfect understanding of the exact manner in which atmosphere arrests the progress of the disease is a comparatively recent acquisition. The opinion at one time obtained that mountainous and elevated districts were beneficial to phthisical subjects on account of the elevation alone. Recent investigations have disproved this theory. It is now an accepted fact that elevation, per se, is of little or no importance. On the contrary, the seashore is ofttimes better adapted to phthisical individuals than regions of a much higher altitude. While it is true that the higher altitude, the less prevalent is phthisis, the explanation is that atmospheric impurities are less abundant and ozone is more plenteous in such regions than elsewhere. In other words, it is conceded that the absence of atmospheric impurities and the presence of ozone are the chief elements in the cure of phthisis, and that any section, high or low, which affords these elements is advantageous to the phthisical individual. The benefit derived by consumptives from living in or near pine forests, is a matter of common observation. The turpentine exhaled from pine trees converts oxygen into ozone, and the atmosphere is thus purified by the process of oxidation. Having repeatedly proved that the direct inhalation of ozone is of little, if any, benefit, we are forced to the conclusion that it is not ozone which arrests the progress of phthisis, but the systemic oxidation which is brought to the maximum by the inhalation of a perfectly pure atmosphere. In fine, we are now agreed that if systemic oxidation can, in any manner, be maintained at the proper standard of activity without exhausting the vital forces of the subject, the progress of phthisis can be checked, and very frequently completely cured. Although the benefits derivable by phthisical individuals from an atmosphere that is conducive to a full measure of systemic oxidation are immeasurably great, the fact remains that it is not always within the power of the physician to induce the patient to move to a region affording such an atmosphere. The patient may, through inabil ity to pursue his vocation, be financially unable to make a change of residence, or he may be influenced by the optimism peculiar to phthisical subjects, to postpone the change until the disease has progressed too far. When, for any reason whatever, it is not possible to change the abode of these subjects, it is within the power of the physician to check the progress of the disease by the augmentation of systemic oxidation. While all forms of iron increase systemic oxidation by converting the oxygen in the economy into ozone, the mucous surface of the alimentary tract of phthisical subjects is usually too enfeebled to absorb iron unless it is presented in the organo-plastic form. For this reason, pepto-mangan (Gude) affords results which cannot possibly be secured from any other preparation of iron. In addition to promoting oxidation to a surprising degree, pepto-mangan (Gude) invigorates. the digestive functions and increases the nutritive processes most markedly. The appetite of the patient is improved, the wasting is arrested, and the vital forces are greatly enlarged by the continued employment of the preparation.

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