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2. Such court, justice or judge in a proceeding instituted by any elector whose application to vote has been denied by the inspectors of election shall compel by order the reception of the vote within the hours established by law.

3. An affidavit by any officer or employee of the board of education or any police officer, sheriff or deputy sheriff that he visited the premises claimed by the applicant as his residence, and that he interrogated an inmate, housedweller, keeper or caretaker, owner, proprietor, or landlord thereof or therein, as to the applicant's residence therein or thereat, and that he was informed. by one or more of such persons, naming them, that they knew the person residing upon such premises thirty days before the election, shall be presumptive evidence against the right of the voter to register from such residence.

§ 303-f. Division of union free school district into election districts. 1. In any union free school district where the number of qualified electors equals seven hundred or more, the board of education may upon its own motion and shall upon the petition of twenty-five qualified electors of the district, cause to be submitted at an annual meeting, a proposition to subdivide such school district into election districts.

2. If such proposition be adopted, the board of education shall immediately thereafter and not less than thirty days prior to an annual or special meeting or election, within such district, adopt a resolution dividing the school district into election districts. The school district shall be so divided that if circumstances will permit, there shall be a schoolhouse in each election district or in as many of such election districts as possible, and each election district shall contain not more than seven hundred and not less than two hundred and fifty qualified electors. The election districts so formed shall continue in existence until modified by resolution of the board of education. Such resolution shall accurately describe the boundaries of each such district by streets, alleys and highways, or otherwise. School meetings and elections shall thereafter be held so far as may be possible in the public schoolhouses within any such school election district. The board of education shall designate the place within each election district where the meeting or election shall be held, and shall cause notice of the place in each election district so designated to be stated in the notice of the annual or special meeting or election.

§ 303-g. [Canvass.] Where the meeting or election is held at only one place within such school district and such school district has not been divided into election districts as provided in section three hundred and three-f of this chapter, the board of registration and canvass shall count and canvass the votes and ballots cast at such meeting or election, in the manner specified for the count and canvass of votes by inspectors of election in subdivisions one, two and three of section two hundred and seventeen of this chapter. 1. The secretary or clerk of the board of education shall record 1 Section heading inserted by editor.

L. 1909,
ch. 21

the result of the election as announced and declared by the board of registration and canvass and shall within twenty-four hours after the result of the election has been declared, serve a written notice either personally or by mail upon each person declared to be elected as a member of the board of education.

2. Where the school district shall have been divided according to the provisions of section three hundred and three-f of this chapter, into two or more election districts, then the provisions of section two hundred and seventeen of this chapter shall apply, except that of the three inspectors of election appointed for each election district, not more than two shall belong to any one political party and except also the board of registration and canvass shall meet at the time and in the manner provided in subdivision four of section two hundred and seventeen of this chapter, and shall perform the functions and canvass the returns as in that subdivision specified for the board of education.

§ 303-h. [Application of other provisions of education law.] The provisions of sections two hundred and nine, two hundred and ten, two hundred and twelve, two hundred and thirteen, excepting subdivision nine thereof, two hundred and fourteen, two hundred and fifteen, two hundred and sixteen of the education law, as amended by the laws of nineteen hundred and seventeen, chapter seven hundred and ninety-one, and as further amended, shall apply so far as practicable, to the conduct of meetings and elections in union free school districts where the registration of qualified electors is required as herein provided and where the district is divided into election districts as provided in the preceding section.

§ 2. This act shall take effect immediately.


AN ACT to amend the education law, in relation to taxing lands of the state for school purposes in certain towns.

Became a law April 25, 1924, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

Section 1. Subdivision two of section four hundred and forty of chapter twenty-one of the laws of nineteen hundred and nine, ch. 140), entitled "An act relating to education, constituting chapter sixteen of the consolidated laws," as last amended by chapter sixtythree of the laws of nineteen hundred and twenty-one,1 is hereby amended to read as follows:

§ 440, subd. 2 amended.

Assessment of state

lands in certain school districts

for school purposes.

2. The local school authorities of union free school district number two and common school districts numbers twelve and

2 Section heading inserted by editor.

1 Previously amended by L. 1911, ch. 593; L. 1915, ch. 125; L. 1916, ch. 407; L. 1917, ch. 46; L. 1918, ch. 254; L. 1919, ch. 301; L. 1920, ch. 831.

twenty-two of the town of Wawarsing, Ulster county, districts. numbers six and eight of the town of Dover and districts numbers one and two of the town of Beekman, Dutchess county, all the school districts in the towns of Hyde Park and Poughkeepsie, Dutchess county, all the school districts in the towns of Highlands, Woodbury and Tuxedo, union free school districts numbers four and five, and common school district number one, town of Cornwall, and in school district number two, town of Wallkill,3 Orange county, union free school district number one of the town of Ossi ning in the county of Westchester, all the school districts in the towns of Marcy, Trenton, Western and Lee, union free school district number thirteen, towns of Westmoreland and Rome, Oneida county, districts numbers eleven, twelve and thirteen in the town of Russia, Herkimer county, school district number one, town of Rush, Monroe county, school district number four of the town of Fort Ann, Washington county, school district number fifteen of the towns of Babylon and Huntington, Suffolk county, school district number three of the town of Collins, Erie county, and of school districts in the county of Rockland shall hereafter assess the lands owned by the state of New York and situate within the boundaries of said districts, exclusive of the improvements, if any, erected thereon by the state, at the same valuation as similar lands of individuals in said districts are assessed and the comptroller shall hereafter credit to the treasurer of the county wherein such lands are situated the amount of taxes levied upon the lands of the state therein for school purposes from taxes payable by said county treasurer each year to the state for state taxes levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the towns in which such districts are located and upon the adjustment of such taxes so made, the said county treasurer shall pay to the collector of taxes of the school districts in which such lands are situated the amount of such taxes as allowed and so paid by the state.

§ 2. This act shall take effect immediately.


AN ACT to amend the education law, in relation to central high school districts.

Became a law April 25, 1924, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

ch. 21

Section 1. Section one hundred and eighty-seven of chapter L. 1909, twenty-one of the laws of nineteen hundred and nine, entitled An (revision

[ocr errors]

of L. 1910,

2 Words "and common school districts numbers twelve and twenty-two," ch.140),


3 Words "union free school districts numbers four and five, and common school district number one, town of Cornwall, and in school district number two, town of Wallkill," new.

4 Words "union free school district number thirteen, towns of Westmoreland and Rome," new.

§ 187


§ 189m added.

L. 1909, ch. 21


of L. 1910,

act relating to education, constituting chapter sixteen of the consolidated laws," as amended by chapter one hundred and forty of the laws of nineteen hundred and ten, as added by chapter one hundred and thirty-seven of the laws of nineteen hundred and seventeen, is hereby amended to read as follows:

§ 187. Formation of central high school district. Two or more adjoining school districts or two or more school districts not adjoining but in the same supervisory district1 may be formed into a central high school district in the manner previded in this article, for the purpose of erecting, establishing and maintaining therein a high school for the 'education of the pupils residing in such district who have completed the work of at least3 the first six elementary grades in the several school districts included in such central high school district.

§ 2. Article six-c of chapter twenty-one of the laws of nineteen hundred and nine, entitled, "An act relating to education, constituting chapter sixteen of the consolidated laws," as amended by chapter one hundred and forty of the laws of nineteen hundred and ten and added by chapter one hundred and thirty-seven of the laws of nineteen hundred and seventeen, is hereby amended by adding a new section to be known as section one hundred and eighty-nine-m, to read as follows:

§ 189-m. Other districts may join central high school district. Other school districts that were not included in the establishment of the original central high school district may join such district. upon a vote of the majority of the electors of such district present and voting at a district meeting duly called for that purpose and upon the consent of the board of education of the central high school district and the order of the commissioner of education issued as herein before provided for the establishment of a central high school district.

§ 3. This act shall take effect immediately.


AN ACT to amend the education law, in relation to the qualifications of voters at district meetings.

Became a law April 25, 1924, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

Section 1. Paragraph a of subdivision three of section two hundred and three of chapter twenty-one of the laws of nineteen ch. 140), hundred and nine, entitled "An act relating to education, constituting chapter sixteen of the consolidated laws," such chapter

§ 203,

subd. 3,

1 a amended.

So in original. [Word misspelled.]

1 Words "or two or more school districts not adjoining but in the same supervisory district," new.

[ocr errors]

2 Word secondary omitted.

8 Words "at least


[blocks in formation]

having been amended by chapter one hundred and forty of the laws of nineteen hundred and ten, is hereby amended to read as follows:

a. Owns, leases,1 hires, or is in the possession under a contract of purchase of, real property in such district liable to taxation for school purposes, but the occupation of real property by a person as lodger or boarder shall not entitle such person to vote,


§ 2. This act shall take effect immediately.


AN ACT to validate bonds of the village of Floral Park, Nassau county, state of New York, to be issued for the purpose of improving the roads of such village, and to legalize proceedings relating thereto.

Became a law April 25, 1924, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:


Section 1. All the acts done and proceedings had by the residents, Proceedings legal. tax payers, officers and agents of the village of Floral Park, Nassau ized. county, state of New York, before, during and after the village. election held in and for such village on the eighteenth day of March, nineteen hundred and twenty-four, at which election the issuance of bonds to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars was authorized, the proceeds of the sale of such bonds to be used for improving the roads of such village, as set forth in the notice of such election, are hereby authorized, ratified and confirmed, and the bonds of such village to be issued, as thus authorized, are hereby Bonds declared to be, and shall be, the valid and subsisting obligations of validated such village, notwithstanding any error or omission in action or standing proceedings so taken and notwithstanding that such bonds are for irregulari. a longer term than the term prescribed by law therefor, and this act without reference to any other law, shall be full authority to the sale au trustees of such village to sell such bonds, and all of the same, in such manner as they shall deem for the best interest of such village, but for not less than the par value thereof, and at a rate of interest not greater than six per centum per annum. Such bonds Bonds shall be of the denomination of one thousand dollars, each, num- nation, bered from one to one hundred both inclusive, and mature in nu- maturity. merical order, five bonds in nineteen hundred and twenty-nine and. five bonds in each subsequent year until the year nineteen hundred and forty-eight, inclusive.




§ 2. There shall be raised annually by tax upon the taxable prop- Tax for erty in the village of Floral Park a sum sufficient to pay the prin- payment. cipal of and interest on such bonds as the same shall become due.


§ 3. This act shall take effect immediately but shall not effect* any action or proceeding pending in any court at the time it takes actions, effect.

So in original. [Evidently should be "affect."]

[ocr errors]

1 Word "leases new.

2 Remainder of ¶ a new.

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