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Southern District of New York, to wit.

BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the first day of March, A. D. 1831, Roger Sherman Skinner, of the said district, hath deposit(L. S.) ed in this office the title of a Book, the title of which is in the words following to wit:

"The NEW YORK STATE REGISTER, for the year of our Lord 1831, with a complete United States Calendar. By Roger Sherman Skinner."

the right whereof he claims as Author. In conformity with an Act of Congress, entitled "An Act to amend the several Acts respecting copy rights."


Clerk of the Southern District of New York.


One year's experience has afforded the people of this state some opportunity to test the value of such a work as the NEW YORK STATE REGISTER. Several years' labor will, however, be necessary to give it the accuracy and variety requisite to its perfection. The difficulties to be surmounted in the compilation are far greater than any person can appreciate, who, has not devoted his attention and his efforts to the collection of the proper materials for such a Book.

Some improvements have been made upon the Register of last year, and others are contemplated in future editions. Among the contemplated improvements is a new arrangement of the Attorneys and Coun sellors with their Law Agents at Albany, Geneva, New York and Utica, so calculated as to present them in a connected view without the intervention of figures of reference. This plan was projected for the present work, but circumstances prevented its completion.

The general arrangement of the Table of contents is simple and easily understood without the aid of an index.

Unforeseen obstacles have delayed the publication of the Register for 1831, to a period much later than was intended.

The reduced size of the volume, although it contains a greater quantity of matter, and more pages than were promised in the prospectus, has made it necessary to omit several subjects of interest to particular classes of the community, the insertion of which, would have gratified the Editor, and enhanced the value of the Book. The subjects omitted are the Militia of the State, National and State Societies, County Medical Societies, and other County Societies, such as Bible, Sabbath School, Education, Tract and Temperance Societies. These will be published in a supplement on the first of June next, if the public shall desire it, and the patronage extended to this work, shall justify it. The mate rials are at hand, and will embody a collection of valuable and interest. ing information.

The thanks of the Editor are cheerfully accorded to those who have thus far aided him in his labors, and their future services will be grate fully acknowledged and rewarded.

The NEW YORK STATE REGISTER, will hereafter be published early in January.

New York, March 15th, 1831.

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Courts of Common Pleas and General Sessions in the following

Counties, viz.

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