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to this JOURNAL, April, 1919, p. 128. On May 5th provisional organization of League of Nations was announced. Stéphen Pichon, Foreign Minister of France, presided as chairman, and Sir Eric Drummond assumed duties as Secretary General. London Times, May 7, 1919. On July 5th the Senate of Argentine Republic ratified the League of Nations, La Prensa, July 5, 1919. On August 5th, Senate of Chile approved entrance of Chile into League of Nations. Washington Post, August 6, 1919. On August 17th, King of Spain signed law authorizing Spain to adhere to League Covenant. New York Sun, August 18, 1919. On July 11th it was announced that unless Switzerland adhered to the League within two months the seat of the League would be moved from Geneva. New York Times, July 12, 1919.

22 Supreme Economic Council ends blacklisting and trade licensing. Washington Post, April 23, 1919.

23 MEXICO-FRANCE. Mexican Minister to France recalled. New York Times, April 24, 1919.

April 14-June 6.

FIUME. President Wilson issued memorandum on Fiume April 14th and a statement on April 23d. Reply of Premier Orlando, statement of Serbia to Great Britain and résumé of Italian claims. Current History, 10 (Pt. 1): 405-415. Italian Premier announced that the Italian delegation would leave Paris April 24th. Washington Post, April 24, 1919. On May 4th the delegation was invited to return to conference. New York Times, May 5, 1919. On June 6th the city of Fiume sent protest to United States Senate accusing President Wilson of hostility. Text: New York Times, June 7, 1919.

23 Committee on Responsibility for War published report. Among others, ex-Kaiser, ex-King of Bulgaria, Admiral von Tirpitz, and General von Bissing are found subject to trial. New York Sun, April 25, 1919; Le Temps, April 24, 1919; London Times, April 24, 1919.

25 ITALY JUGOSLAVIA. Italy refuses to keep agreement made in 1918, which had been accepted by United States. Text: Washington Post, April 26, 1919.

26 CHINA. Concessions to Germans in Hu-Kuang cancelled. New York Sun, April 27, 1919.

28 SWITZERLAND CZECHO-SLOVAKIA. Announced that Switzerland had recognized Czecho-Slovakia, subject to eventual delimitation of its frontiers. London Times, April 28, 1919.

28 BLOCKADE. Germany was notified of raising of blockade. New York Times, April 29, 1919.


Council of Three announced agreement by which Shantung Peninsula and Kiao-Chau were transferred to Japan, to be eventually returned to China. London Times, May 1, 1919; New York Times, May 1, 1919. On May 1st both Houses of Chinese Parliament ask Peace Conference for restoration of Kiao-Chau restrictions. New York Tribune, May 2, 1919; New York Times, May 2, 1919. On May 4th Chinese delegates delivered protest to M. Clemenceau relative to Shantung. Text: Current History, 10 (Pt. 1): 444; (Pt. 2): 203. On July 16th Japan denied any agreement to return Shantung to China. New York Times, July 17, 1919; Current History, 10 (Pt. 2): 539, 550.

30 AFGHANISTAN. The son of Siraj-ul-Millat-Waddin proclaimed Emir. Current History, 10 (Pt. 1): 424.

30 BAVARIA. Soviet government at Munich overthrown. Washington Post, May 1, 1919.

May, 1919.

1 HUNGARY. Czecho-Slovakia, Jugoslavia, and Roumania recognized Bela Kun. Text of notes: London Times, May 3, 1919. 2 HUNGARY. Provisional anti-bolshevist government formed under Count Julius Karolyi with headquarters first at Arad and later at Szegedin. Current History, 10 (Pt. 2): 79.

2 SPAIN. Señor Maura appointed Prime Minister. Personnel of cabinet: Current History, 10 (Pt. 1): 433.

2-18 RUSSIA-ROUMANIA. Russian Soviet Government sent from Moscow an ultimatum to Roumania, demanding evacuation of Bessarabia, occupied since the signing of armistice. Current History, 10 (Pt. 1): 433; London Times, May 3, 1919. On May 18th, the Russian Soviet Government at Moscow declared a state of war to exist between Red Russia and Roumania,

owing to the latter's continued occupation of Bessarabia. Current History, 10 (Pt. 2): 87. On July 23d Bolshevist Russia offered peace to Roumania. New York Times, July 24, 1919.

3 RUSSIA-UKRAINIA. Lenine announced alliance between Russian and Ukranian Reds against Roumania. New York Times, May 4, 1919.

5 GERMANY. Von Jagow, former Foreign Minister, admitted that Germany manufactured a pretext for the war. Text: New York Times, May 6, 1919.

5 BELGIUM. Premier Delacroix, of Belgium, issued statement as to Belgian indemnity. Text: Current History, 10 (Pt. 1): 424. 6 FINLAND. On July 20, 1917, the Finnish Diet declared its independence of Russia, to which the Grand Duchy of Finland was ceded by the Treaty of Fredrikshamn, Sept. 17, 1809. London Times, May 7, 1919; Current History, 10 (Pt. 1) : 473. Finland was recognized by Great Britain on May 6th, by the United States on May 7th, London Times, May 13, 1919; by China, Aug. 13th, London Times, Aug. 14th; by Italy, June 28th, London Times, June 28, 1919. On May 11th, Prince Ivoff, chairman of Russian commission in Paris, protested against the Entente Powers' unconditional recognition of Finland's independence. London Times, May 12, 1919. On June 21st the Finnish Diet adopted a new constitution. London Times, June 24, 1919. On July 25th, Professor Karl Stahlberg was elected president of Finland. Professor Stahlberg is fiftyfour years old, and was formerly professor of law in the University of Helsingfors. He was Minister of Commerce in 1905, and afterward served as Prime Minister, and later as president of the Supreme Court. London Times, July 28, 1919. GERMAN COLONIES. Mandatory Powers announced for German colonies. Current History, 10 (Pt. 1): 449.

May 7-June 28.

GERMANY. Draft of treaty of peace delivered to the German delegates at Versailles. Current History, 10 (Pt. 1): 381; London Times, May 8, 1919. On May 9th President Ebert published treaty. Text: Current History, 10 (Pt. 1): 399. Text of Allied and German notes exchanged May 10th-June 16th.

London Times, May 12, 15, 24, 26, June 17, 1919; Current History, 10 (Pt. 2): 1, 191. On May 24th the Allied and Assoated Powers addressed notes to contiguous neutrals asking them if they would agree not to trade with Germany in case that country refused to sign Peace Treaty. New York Sun, May 25, 1919. On June 17th the completed treaty was given to Germany. London Times, June 20, 1919; notes were exchanged June 17th. Texts: London Times, June 19, 24, 1919. On June 23rd notes were exchanged relative to German reservations. New York Times, June 23, 1919. On June 23d German National Assembly voted, 237 to 138, to sign treaty unconditionally. New York Times, June 23, 24, 1919. Final exchange of notes, June 23rd, London Times, June 24, 1919. On June 28th, at 4 P.M., at Versailles, signatures were formally attached to (1) Peace treaty, (2) protocol relative to changes, and (3) protocol relative to Rhine agreement. Texts: Current History, 10 (Pt. 2):196, 285; London Times, June 28, July 4, 1919. See also June 28, 1919.

7 COSTA RICA. Revolutionists issue proclamation naming Julian Acosta provisional president and asking recognition by Central American Republics. New York Times, May 8, 1919.

8 RUSSIA. Department of State announced that the Archangel Provisional Government has recognized the Omsk Government as the Provisional National Government of all Russia. New York Times, May 9, 1919.

11 VORALBERG. By plebiscite 45,500 Voralbergers voted to join Switzerland and 11,000 registered against the proposal, which has now been referred by the Swiss Federal Council to a plebiscitum of the Swiss cantons interested. Voralberg has 1,004 square miles of territory. London Times, May 13, 1919. 11 ABYSSINIA. Abyssinia asked Peace Conference to name a protecting Power for her. New York Times, May 12, 1919.

12 UNITED STATES-CHILE. Parcel post convention signed. Washington Post, May 13, 1919.

12 CHINA. Agreement to aid China signed in Paris by Allied bankers. Text: New York Times, August 1, 1919.

12 DENMARK. Danish Parliament adopted a resolution relative to Schleswig. Text: Current History 10 (Pt. 1): 427.


Premier Paderewski resigned, owing to refusal of

Polish Diet to support his promise to Peace Conference not to proceed against the Ukranians in East Galicia.


not accepted. Current History, 10 (Pt. 2): 80. 13-26 POLAND-UKRAINIA. Poland waged campaign against Ukrainians in East Galicia. On May 19th the Ukrainians requested an armistice, which was granted and negotiations transferred to Warsaw. On May 26th Polish Diet announced principle of autonomy would be adopted for captured region. Current History 10 (Pt. 2) :82.

14 GERMANY. Blockade further relaxed by the Supreme Council. Text: London Times, May 15, 1919.

14 SMYRNA. Greek forces landed to administer the government in accordance with mandate received from the Allied and Associated Powers. Current History, 10 (Pt. 1): 429; London Times, May 16, 1919; New York Sun, May 30, 1919.

18 PERSIA. Through Mr. Tagizadeh, a member of the Persian Parliament, a memorandum was addressed to the Peace Conference. Summary: Current History, 10 (Pt. 2) : 74.


New cabinet formed with Mahomed Said Pasha as Prime Minister. Personnel: Current History, 10 (Pt. 2): 71.

22 ITALY. United States, Great Britain and France send note to Italy requesting explanation of landing of Italian forces in Turkey. New York Times, May 23, 1919.

23 NEWFOUNDLAND. Former Finance Minister, M. P. Cashin, formed new ministry. Personnel: Current History, 10 (Pt. 2):74. 24 AUSTRIA. President Seitz issued statement on peace terms. Text: Current History, 10 (Pt. 2): 49.

May 25-July 24.

AALAND ISLANDS. Swedish delegates handed note to Peace Conference relative to Swedish claim to the islands, asking plebiscite. Text: Current History, 10 (Pt. 2): 75. On June 3d the Landsthing of Aaland Islands sent to President Wilson and Peace Conference a resolution demanding reunion with Sweden. New York Sun, June 4, 1919. On June 20th Sweden, in reply to a note from Finnish Government, repeated its proposal that a plebiscite be held in Aaland Islands, in accordance with principle of self-determination. London Times, June 23, 1919. On July 24th report of Baltic Commission was pre

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