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would cause a deficit at the place from which it is taken and an accumulation at some other place. It is evident that this could not go on indefinitely, for the accumulated quantity would eventually overcome all obstacles and find its way to the place of deficit. Hence it follows that, in order to maintain a continuous current of electricity, it is necessary to provide, first, a continuous difference of potential, and second, a closed conducting-circuit. The first condition we may obtain by any of the several ways of producing electrification; as, for example, contact, induction, chemical action or electromagnetic induction, and the second by making the circuit continuous and of a conducting material. As there are no perfect conductors, any substance we may use will oppose, to a more or less extent, the flow of electricity along it, or, what is the same thing, will require the expenditure of energy in order to maintain a current, and the electrical energy which disappears appears as heat.

To sum up, we have the following quantities ever present in the case of continuous electric

current, connected with each other by simple

laws, which are of the utmost importance:

1. The continuous difference of potential or electromotive force.

2. The resistance of the closed conducting circuit, or that of any one of its parts.

3. The strength of the current which is produced.

4. The energy expended in the circuit, or any of its parts.





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motive force between the points, and briefly written E. M. F. The work done when the unit-charge is carried completely around the circuit is called the electromotive force of the cell, and is equal to the difference of potential between the plates before the wire, R, was added.

$41. STRENGTH OF CURRENT. If the difference of potential of the plates (Fig. 29) is kept constant, the current through the wire, R, is constant, provided the resistance of the wire does not change. Furthermore, the quantity of electricity that passes through any cross-section of the circuit in the same time, as P for example, must be constant; if not, there would be an accumulation of electricity at some point in the circuit. The quantity that passes any section in unit time is called the intensity of the current.

42. RELATION BETWEEN E. M. F., INTENSITY OF CURRENT AND RESISTANCE. Let E be the electromotive force between the points P and P' (Fig. 29), I the strength of current and R the resistance of the conductor between P and P'. The relation between these three quantities is which is known as.

given by the expression I = E

Ohm's law.


$43. ENERGY EXPENDED BY THE CURRENT IN OVERCOMING RESISTANCE. As before, let E be the electromotive force between P and P' (Fig. 29), I the intensity of current, and R the resistance of the wire between these points. By definition, E is the work done on unit-charge in carrying it from P to P'; and as I is the number of units passing between the points in unit-time, EI is the total work done between these points. From Ohm's law, E RI; hence the work per second is EI RI2. This energy, which disappears as electrical energy, appears as heat, which, in most cases, is a loss; but whenever it is desired to produce light or heat by means of the current, this forms the useful part of the energy.


The product, EIIR, is a number of workunits; hence if the heat generated is measured, we obtain a value of the mechanical equivalent of heat; for, by the principle of conservation of energy, the amount of energy that appears in the form of heat must be equal to that which disappeared as electrical energy.

5. The field of force about the wire. § 39. CONTINUOUS POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE. Take the case of a simple voltaic cell, as shown in Fig. 29, consisting of two conP' ducting-plates immersed in an immersed in an acid which acts upon one or both of them. Suppose that the wire, B R, is not present, the plates A and B become charged either by contact with the acid or by the conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy, or both. Each plate in contact with the acid is charged to a definite potential, depending upon the material of the plate and the Fig. 29. liquid. (See PRIMARY CELLS, in these Supplements.) In this case the zinc is charged to a higher potential than the copper. If, now, the plates be connected by the wire, R, we have but to consider two plates, as the charged bodies A and B of Fig. 10; the liquid corresponds to the connecting wire in the same figure, and the wire, R, is the return-path, the whole making up a complete circuit, which may be taken as a typical circuit. The liquid is necessarily a conductor, and conducts in a manner peculiar to liquids; it is called an electrolyte. The following table gives the specific resistance (See ELECTROLYSIS, in these Supplements.) and relative conductivity of the more common $40. ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. The work substances; also the resistance of a wire or coldone by the electric forces when unit-charge is umn of the substance one meter long and one propelled from P to P' is called the electro-square millimeter in cross-section.


$44. CONDUCTIVITY. If R is the resistance of a conducting wire, then R ductivity.

is defined as its con

It is often necessary to refer to the resistance and conductivity of a substance, rather than a definite portion of it. The resistance of a substance is termed its specific resistance, and is defined as the resistance of a conductor of the material having unit-length and unit cross-section; i.e., a unit cube. The conductivity is the reciprocal of the specific resistance.

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Dilute ZnSO4, 24%.

214 X 105

Dilute HNO3, 30%

129 X 101

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Less than one millionth part.

Less than one billionth.

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Fig. 32.


32) be two positively charged conductors connected by a wire. The surface of the conductors and the wire forms an equipotential surface, the electric intensity at all points on the surface being normal to the surface, as shown in Fig. 32. Suppose that a part of the electrification on B should be instantly removed or neutralized, the potential of B is lowered and the surface of the system is not an equipotential surface. The electricity on A moves toward B until equilibrium is again established and the surface is once more an equipotential surface. During the movement of electricity we can picture the lines of force as moving along the wire, but remaining perpendicular to its surface. This onward movement of the stress represented by the movement of lines of force gives to the field of force about the wire entirely new properties. Consider a small amount of electricity in the dielectric at P. We can readily picture the small quantity of elec tricity as being thrown into a state of rotation by the onward movement of the lines of force; the electricity at all points equally distant from P, and in a plane perpendicular to the wire, would be in the same condition; this would give rise to circular filaments of whirls about the wire, each one of which might be represented by an ordinary smoke-ring; this condition of the field would last as long as electricity flows from A to B, or as long as it carries a current. Whether this be true or not, the field about a wire bearing a current possesses the property 'of acting upon magnets, and therefore it is called an electromagnetic field of force. This field of force is exactly the same as that about a magnet. If a sheet of paper be pierced with a hole in the center, and a conductor passed through the hole, as in Fig. 33, the field of force about the wire, when it carries a current, may be mapped out by fine wire-iron fil

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$47a. DIRECTIONS AND INTENSITY OF ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD. The direction of the force at any point in an electro-magnetic field is defined as the direction in which a north-seeking magnet-pole tends to move when placed at that point. The direction of the force can readily be found when the direction of the current is known, by remembering the following simple analogy: Suppose an ordinary watch to be pierced by a hole through its center, and perpendicular to its face; imagine the wire to pass through this hole so that the current will enter the face of the watch, and leave at the back. The direction in which the north-seeking pole would move around the wire is the same as that in which the hands of the watch move.

The intensity of the electro-magnetic field at any point is defined as the force in dynes exerted upon unit positive pole when placed at the point. Unit pole is a small magnet-pole of such a strength that it will repel a like pole with unit force (one dyne) when placed at unit distance (1 c. m.) from it. $48. REPRESENTATION OF THE ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD BY LINES OF FORCE. Fig. 34 shows




of the current producing the field, and the length of
the conductor, if very short as compared with the
distance of the point from the con-
ductor, and inversely proportional
to the square of the distance of
the element of current from the

In Fig. 35 let I be the intensity
of current flowing in the circle,
and P a point at the center; ds is

Fig. 35.

a small length of the conductor, and d its distance
from the point. Then the intensity of the magnetic
where K is a constant de-
field at P is f=
pending upon the unit current used. If P is at
the center of the circle, the intensity at this point
will be

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§ 50. UNIT CURRENT. The magnetic field about a conductor in which a current is flowing enables us to select a definite current to use as a unit or standard current.

If the conductor, Fig. 35, is a circle of unitradius, and the current flowing is such that each unit length of the conductor exerts unit force on unit magnet-pole placed at the center, the current is said to be of unit strength. If the force at the center due to unit length of the conductor is unity, that due to the whole circumference is 27. If the current is not unity, but I, and the radius, any radius, r, the electromagnetic intensity at the Hence K in the pre

center is f=



2arl 2πΙ r2 ceding article is unity, if the above unit of current is chosen.

851. GALVANOMETERS. The action of the electromagnetic field upon a magnet, or the mutual action between two

such fields, serve as a
basis for current meas-


Let ab (Fig. 36) be a circle bearing a current I; SN is a small magnet suspended at the center of the circle, and short as compared with the diameter of the circle. Imagine the the lines of force in the field about a circular ring plane of the circle as bearing a current. The plane of the paper is per- vertical and placed to coincide with the vertical pendicular to the plane of the ring, and passes plane through the magnet when there is no curthrough its center; the current passes down at Arent through the circle, or coil as it is usually and up at B.

Fig. 34.

$49. INTENSITY OF THE FIELD AT THE CENTER OF A CIRCLE. The intensity of the magnetic field at any point is directly proportional to the strength


FIG. 36.

The magnet is suspended from the point O by a light fiber which is without torsion as nearly as possible, and hangs nearly north and south when

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Let NS (Fig. 37) be before deflection and Hm



FIG. 37.


the position of the needle
N'S' that after. The in-
tensity of the magnetic
field at any point due
to the earth's magnet-
ism is expressed in the
same manner as the
field due to a current;
i.e., by the force ex-
erted upon unit-pole
placed at the point.
Furthermore, it is only
that component of the
earth's field lying in
the horizontal plane
which can act to bring

the needle back to its initial position when de-
flected. If the pole-strength of the needle is not
unity, but m, then the force acting on each pole of
the needle is Hm when H is the horizontal compo-
nent of the magnetic field at the point before the
current flows in the coil. The force f, due to the cur-
rent, is practically perpendicular to the plane of the
coil in the small region occupied by the magnet,
and has for its value f= , where m is the pole-
strength of the needle, I the current, and r the
radius of the coil. Consider, first, the force Hm.
It is evident that only that component of it per-
pendicular to the needle can rotate it about the
point of suspension. The value of this compo-
nent is Hm cosa. Similarly, only the component of
the force f, which is perpendicular to the needle
is to be taken into account; this component is



cos ẞ; now, when the needle is acted upon by both forces, it will come to rest at the point where these components are equal; at this point we have 2πmI


cos Hm cos a, but the angle a is equal to 0, the deflection, and is the complement of 0; hence cosa sin and cos cos 0; hence we may write, 2mI -tan 0. If the cos 0=Hm sin@, or I = H coil have n turns close together, and n is not large, then the value of the current is I= H- -tan 0. It



r 271

will be noticed that H is a force which can be meas-
ured, and is practically constant during any one
r is made up of
measurement and the quantity 2πn
constants; hence the current is proportional to
the tangent of the angle of deflection, and the in-
strument is called a tangent galvanometer. Such
an instrument is useful only to determine the ab-
solute value of the current; i. e., measure it directly
with the unit we have defined. The chief objec-
tion to its use is the variability of H. For practi-

cal purposes other forms are used, the principal types of which are,

1. Galvanometers similar to the tangent galvanometer, in that they have a fixed coil and movable magnet.

2. Those in which the magnet is fixed in posi tion, and the coil moves.

3. Electrodynamometers, instruments in which both fields are produced by the current, one of the coils being suspended or movable.

$ 52. SUSPENDED NEEDLE GALVANOMETERS. Fig. 38 shows the construction of an ordinary

Fig. 38.

[merged small][graphic]

mirror or reflecting galvanometer. There are two small magnets, N and S, connected by a light aluminium rod, to the center of which is attached the mirror, M. The magnets, connecting-rod and mirror constitute the system, or suspension as it is sometimes called. Each of the magnets is built up of several small bits of magnetized steel wire, one fourth to three eighths of an inch long. The poles of the two magnets are reversed, as shown in the figure, and the upper magnet is the stronger; hence the force tending to set the system north and south is the difference between the strength of the two needles. If the needles were of the same strength, the system would remain in any position. Such a system is called an astatic system. N'S' is a magnet placed on the case of the instrument, and above the system. (The case is not shown.) This magnet can be moved up and down, and rotated about a vertical axis. In the position shown, N'S' creates a magnetic field at the upper needle which is opposite to that of the earth at the same point; hence if N'S' is lowered to a certain point, it neutralizes the earth's field, and the system becomes as nearly


astatic as we choose to make it. In this condition the galvanometer is extremely sensitive, since the force opposing the rotation of the system is very small. It is evident that if the magnet N'S' is reversed, the galvanometer becomes less sensitive, as then the earth's field is increased. N'S' is called the control-magnet; if the system consisted of but one magnet, it would be controlled in the same manner. A, B, C and D are four coils connected in such a way, that when a current is sent through them each one deflects the system in the same direction. In the figure, C and D are thrown open to show the suspension. The system is suspended from K by a fine silk or quartz fiber with little torsion, and the deflections are read by a spot of light reflected from the mirror, M, to a scale, or with a telescope and scale.

$53. SUSPENDED-COIL GALVANOMETERS. Since the action of a current upon a magnet is mutual,

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Fig. 39 represents a common form of this type. The current to be measured enters the binding, post A, passes under the base of the instrument to the foot of the post P, up P and down the fine metal wire, S, through the coil, C, and the lower wire, S', to the binding-post, B. The wires, S and S', are Fig. 39. very fine, and their elasticity of torsion provides the force against which the coil acts when it rotates. N and

S are the poles of a large magnet, between which the coil C is suspended. I is a soft iron core supported from behind. This is often omitted, and the coil made more narrow. The effect of the soft iron core is to strengthen the magnetic field in which the wires of the coil move. The deflection is read by means of the mirror, in connection with a lamp or telescope, and scale.

Instruments built upon this principle are known as D'Arsonval galvanometers; the advantage of this type over others is, that, having a strong magnetic field of its own, it can be used in any position, and is only slightly affected by the presence of magnetic material in its neighborhood. The suspending-wire must be strong enough to support the coil and large enough to carry the current, and though we make the wire as small as possible, it still has considerable torsion, as compared with the fine silk or quartz fibers used in the suspended-magnet instrument.

The well-known Weston ammeters and voltmeters are instruments of this type; the coil is


supported on an axis which turns in jeweled bearings, and the current is led in and out of the coil by two coiled springs on the axis, like the hairspring of a watch. The springs also furnish the force against which the coil acts.


$54. ACTION OF CURRENTS UPON EACH OTHER. Let A (Fig. 40). represent a conductor and its magnetic field due to a current flowing in it. A line of magnetic force behaves as if it were a stretched spiral spring rotating about the axis. of the spiral, and having its ends joined to form a closed curve about the conductor. A small portion of a line is represented in this manner, at B. Suppose the conductor, A, to be divided longitudinally into two parallel portions, and these separated as shown at C and D. Some of the lines nearest the conductor would part as C and D are separated, and form closed curves around the separate conductors. The other lines would remain as closed curves, somewhat elongated, but enveloping both conductors, and exerting a force tending to draw the wires together again. Since the current in the two portions is flowing in the same direction, it follows that currents flowing in parallel conductors and in the same direction attract each other. If the currents in parallel conductors flow in opposite directions, the lines, rotating, as it were, in opposite directions, cannot coalesce to form closed curves around both conductors, but are crowded between them, as at E and F, thus forcing the wires apart. Hence parallel currents flowing in opposite directions repel each other.


Fig. 40.


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