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foot distances. The machinery is all controlled | minor orders, when the civil war broke out at the from an operating-tower by means of levers, one set death of Ferdinand in 1833. He at once joined the admitting steam to the Hamilton-Corliss engines, partisans of Don Carlos, and by his energy and pitianother set reversing the engines, and another set less cruelty made his name a household word throughoperating the brakes. The passenger-cars seat 90 out Aragon and Valencia. Defeated and wounded persons, and the speed made is nine miles per hour. at Rancon, he escaped with difficulty, but soon reThe cost of equipping the road was $260,000. appeared at the head of a formidable force, defeated the royal army in two engagements, and for a time threatened Madrid itself. In 1839 Don Carlos created him count of Morella, and governor-general of Aragon, Valencia and Murcia. He strongly opposed Don Carlos's abdication in 1845, and in 1848 renewed the struggle for absolutism in Spain; but the attempt proved an utter failure, and he was obliged to take refuge in France.

A projected road at the Jungfrau, in the Alps, will be, perhaps, the most novel of any of the cable railways. Its grade is 45 degrees, and the entire route is to be tunneled, so that it will present the appearance of an inclined well. The tunnel is to be made circular, and the cars are surrounded by ring-like shields which fill the area of the tunnel in such manner that they may serve to compress the air in the tunnel. In case of a break to the cable, a powerful air-tight door at the bottom is closed automatically, and thus a cushion of air is introduced to break the force of the fall, which could not result in serious damage to the occupants of a car.

Much inventive ingenuity has been expended upon the mechanism of grips for cable-cars, the conditions under which they operate being very exacting. The supporting piece that goes through the slot must be very strong, though but five eighths of an inch thick. The hold must be taken on the cable gradually, and in such a manner as not to wear the outer strands, so that loose wires will project and catch the grips of cars that it is desired to stop. This last requirement is not wholly met, and runaways of cable-cars will continue until some improved device overcomes the difficulty.



CABOT, GEORGE, statesman; born in Salem, Massachusetts, Dec. 3, 1751; died in Boston, April 18, 1823. At the age of 25 he was a member of the Massachusetts provincial congress, and in 1790 was elected to the United States Senate from Massachusetts. In 1814 he was president of the Hartford convention. He was an assistant of Alexander Hamilton in his financial schemes, and an authority on political economy.

CABOT, JAMES ELLIOTE, writer and editor; born in Boston, Massachusetts, June 18, 1821; in 1844 began writing for The Dial; in 1848-50 was editor of Massachusetts Quarterly; since then has written for the Atlantic Monthly, North American Review, and edited Emerson's works and Audubon's Birds of America. He published in 1887 a Memoir of Ralph Waldo Emerson.

CABRAL, PEDRO ALVAREZ, Portuguese explorer; born probably about 1460, and died about 1526; appointed by the king of Portugal to command a fleet for the East Indies, it was carried by currents to Brazil. An account of his landing there is given in BRAZIL, Vol. IV, pp. 227, 228. He set sail again and arrived in Calicut, India, with the loss of seven vessels. The last mention of him is in the account of his arrival home at Lisbon in 1501.

CABRERA, DON RAMON, Carlist leader; born at Tortosa, Catalonia, Spain, in 1810; died at Wentworth, near Staines, England, May 24, 1876. He was intended for the church, and had already received the

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CACAO-BUTTER, a fixed oil expressed by heat and pressure from the fruit of Theobroma cacao, and largely used in pharmacy and in the preparation of cosmetics. The raw cacao-nut contains over 50 per cent of fat, or cacao-butter. See Cocoa, Vol. VI, pp. 100 et seq.

CÁCERES, ANDRÉS AVELINO, Peruvian soldier; born in Huanta, April 12, 1838. He joined the army as second lieutenant in 1852. He assisted in the abolition of slavery under Castilla; won the rank of colonel; distinguished himself in the war with Chile; was made brigadier-general; and was instrumental in the overthrow of the Peruvian General Iglesias, who had established a government of his own at Cajamarca. Cáceres entered the capital in March, 1885, was elected President in December, and inaugurated in July, 1886. In 1891 he was sent as Peruvian minister to Spain and France.

CACERES, NUEVA, a town of the Philippines, in the province of South Camarines, on the island of Luzon. It is situated on the river Naga, or Santa Cruz, between the Bay of San Miguel and the Gulf of Rogay, about 175 miles S.E. of Manila. Population, 12,500.


CACHE, a name given by travelers in Canada and the western part of the United States to places for concealing provisions and other articles for present convenience or future use. Usually the place of concealment is in the ground or under a cairn. The characteristic mounds of heaped-up stones in the arctic regions, along the lines of navigation, are also known by this name. They are constructed to leave a permanent deposit of food for navigators.


CACHEXIA, a name applied by physicians sometimes to a group of diseases, and sometimes to the constitutional state accompanying a particular disease, as the cancerous cachexia, gouty cachexia, Cachexia has come to be chiefly employed with reference to diseases in which the general nutrition of the body is at fault, and in which the local disorders are supposed to be the result of a constitutional cause.


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of opal, and sometimes called pearl opal, or motherof-pearl opal. (See MINERALOGY, Vol. XVI, p. 390.) It has a flat, conchoidal fracture, and it is found united with common chalcedony.

CACIQUE OR CAZIQUE, the designation given to the chiefs of Indian tribes in the central and southern parts of America. The title was first applied by Spanish discoverers to the native princes whom they found reigning in Mexico, Peru, Haiti and Cuba, and was formed from a native Haitian word.

CACODYL, the fuming liquor of Cadet. See CHEMISTRY, Vol. V, p. 577.

CACOUNA, a village of Temiscouata County, northeast Quebec, beautifully situated on the right bank of the St. Lawrence, about 130 miles below the city of Quebec, on the Grand Trunk railroad. It is a favorite summer resort for fishing and hunting and for salt-water bathing. Population, 900.

CACTUS WREN, one of the wrens of the genus Campylorhynchus, which lives among the cactus in the southwestern United States, Mexico and Central America.

CADASTRAL SURVEYS, any large and complete land survey which includes the making of detail maps. Used in surveying property for the assessment of taxes. The usual scale for a cadasThe usual scale for a cadastral map is two feet to the mile. The survey usually includes descriptive books, giving areas and names of property owners. Cadastral surveys were used in Italy as early as 1677.



CADDOAN INDIANS, the name of a group of North American Indians, for a time thought to be distinct, but later identified with the Pawnees. When first known, they occupied the Indian Territory, Arkansas, Kansas, Nebraska and North Dakota. At present located by tribes as follows: the Pawnees in the northern part of the Indian Territory and Oklahoma; the Wichita in the south of the Indian Territory; the Arikara on St. Berthold reservation, North Dakota; and several scattering remnants on the Kiowa and Comanche reservations in western Oklahoma. They number about 2,100 souls, of whom 530 are still bearing the name Caddo. See INDIANS, Vol. XII, p. 827.

CADE, JACK, leader of the insurrection of 1455, was by birth an Irishman. For a violation of law he was obliged to flee to France, and served for a time against England, but subsequently returned and settled in Kent as a physician. In June, 1450, assuming the name of Mortimer, and the title of Captain of Kent, he placed himself at the head of about 16,000 followers and marched on London, encamping on Blackheath, from which place he sent a paper to the king, demanding redress of certain grievances, and change of counselors. This demand was met by an army, before which Cade retreated to Sevenoaks; there he defeated a detachment and killed its two leaders. He entered London on July 2d, and for two days maintained strict order, though he forced the Lord Mayor to pass judgment on Lord Say, one of the king's detested favorites, and he was promptly executed by Cade's men. On

the third day some houses were plundered, and that night the citizens held London Bridge against the insurgents. Dissensions arose among Cade's men; they dispersed, and a price was set upon his head. He attempted to escape, but was overtaken and killed on July 11th, near Heathfield, Sussex.

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CADELLÉ, a name given in France to the larva of a beetle of the family Trogositidæ. It commits great ravages in granaries, and is often imported with grain into countries where it is not indigenous.

CADENCE, a musical term used to denote the finish of a phrase of which there are three principal species; namely, the whole, the half, and the interrupted cadence. The whole cadence, which finishes. on the harmony of the tonic, is always used at the end of a composition, and is frequently called the final cadence. In its most perfect use it consists of three chords, the one before the final being always dominant. The half-cadence is used to mark the termination of an idea or phrase, like the colon and semicolon, showing a considerable division, but, at the same time, that a continuation is necessary. The harmony of the half-cadence is the reverse of the whole cadence, as it falls from the tonic to the dominant. In the interrupted cadence another harmony quite strange is introduced, so that the ear is deceived. The more particular the preparation for the usual cadence is made, the more strange and unexpected is the interruption, which can be made. in so many ways, that Reicha, in his Traité de Haute Composition Musicale, gives 129 interrupted cadences. In rhetoric, cadence signifies the sinking or falling of the voice, and the modulation of the voice in general.

CADER IDRIS ("Chair of Idris," a reputed giant), a picturesque mountain in the county of Merioneth (q.v., Vol. XVI, p. 38), Wales, 5 miles S.W. of Dolgelly. It consists of an immense ridge of broken precipices, 10 miles long and 1 to 3 miles broad, the highest peak reaching an elevation of 2,914 feet. It is composed of basalt, porphyry and other trap rocks, with beds of slag and pumice. The view from the summit is very extensive, including the Wrekin, in Shropshire, and St. George's Channel almost to the Irish coast.

CADET, a term applied in a general sense to the younger son of a noble house, as distinguished from the elder. The military use of the word arose from the practice of providing for younger sons, or cadets, by making them officers of the army or navy. (See NAVY, Vol. XVII, p. 294.) In the United States a military cadet is one who is receiving instruction and military discipline at the military or naval academies (q.v., in these Supplements). As to British military cadets, see ARMY, Vol. II, p. 585; for naval cadets, see NAVY, Vol. XVII, p. 294.

CADI OR KÁDI, an Arabic word signifying a judge or person learned in the law. See MOHAMMEDANISM, Vol. XVI, pp. 590, 591.

CADILLAC, ANTOINE DE LA MOTHE, French colonial governor in America; born in Gascony, France, about 1660; died about 1717. He was a descendant of a noble family, and was ordered by Louis XIV to examine the coast defenses of the French territory in America. He was granted Mount


Desert island, off the coast of Maine, in 1691. He founded Detroit, Michigan, in 1701 (calling it Fort Pontchartrain), established trading-forts, discovered a silver-mine, which was named "La Mothe," and in 1711 became governor of Louisiana.

CADILLAC, a city, capital of Wexford County, northwest lower Michigan; on Clam River, about 100 miles N. of Grand Rapids, on the Ann Arbor and the Grand Rapids and Indiana railroads. It is the seat of an extensive trade in lumber, and contains numerous lumber-mills, machine-shops and foundries, and manufactories of bricks, cigars, carriages and wagons. Population 1894, 5, 105.

CADIZ, a town, the capital of Trigg County, southwest Kentucky, 9 miles from the Cumberland River, 55 miles S. E. of Paducah. It has manufactures of wagons, plows and furniture. Population 1890, 890.


| in New Haven, Connecticut, was brevetted brigadiergeneral, and was soon after retired from service.

CÆCILIA, a genus of serpent-like amphibians (see AMPHIBIA, Vol. I, p. 751), the typical genus of the family Cæciliida. These are worm-like, without limbs and with small eyes, in correspondence with a subterranean mode of life. The cæcilians live in South America and the East Indies. Their food consists of worms and insect larvæ.

CÆCILIUS STATIUS, a Roman comic poet; date of birth unknown; died about 168 B.C.; a native of Milan. He was given the name Statius on account of his being a slave. His works that are preserved consist of but a few fragments. They were mainly free translations of Greek writers. He was classed by the Romans with Terence and Plautus. See DRAMA, Vol. VII, p. 411.


CAEN STONE, a fine oölite stone for which the neighborhood of Caen, in Normandy, France, has long been celebrated. The quarries are subterranean, and the stone is brought up in blocks eight or

CADIZ, a town, the capital of Harrison County, central east Ohio, in a fertile, hilly district, about 20 miles N.W. of Wheeling, on the Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis railroad. It is the center of an important wool-growing industry. In the vicinity are valuable mines of bituminous coal. Pop-nine feet long and two thick, through vertical shafts. ulation, 1,716.

CADOUDAL, GEORGES, a Chouan leader; born in Auray, Brittany, Jan. 1, 1771; executed in Paris, June 25, 1804; the son of a miller; joined the royalist peasants and became their leader; was taken prisoner in 1794, but escaped from Brest; Bonaparte offered to make him lieutenant-general, which offer he refused; he entered into a conspiracy against Bonaparte, was taken prisoner, and executed. See CHOUANS, Vol. V, p. 687.

CADWALADER, GEORGE, Soldier; born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1804; died there, Feb. 3, 1879. He practiced law; served in the Mexican War as brigadier-general of volunteers; rose to be major-general on account of gallantry at Chapultepec, served as major-general of volunteers in 1862, and was a member of a commission appointed to revise the United States military laws and regulations.

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CÆSALPINIA, a genus of trees of the family Leguminosa, the type of the suborder Casalpiniea. This suborder contains about 1,500 known species, among which many are notable for their purgative properties, as senna; some produce eatable fruits, as the tamarind; some yield resinous and balsamic products, some produce important dyewoods, and some are trees of great size and very valuable for their timber. They are natives of the warm parts of Asia and America, although the "redbud (Cercis Canadensis) and “honey-locust" (Gleditschia triacantha) are familiar representatives in the temperate parts of the United States. Tropical species. of Casalpinia yield "sappan-wood," "Brazil-wood," "algarovilla," etc., used as dyewoods and in tanning. See DIVIDIDI, Vol. VII, p. 292.

CÆSAR, the title of the Roman emperors and of the heirs to the throne, was originally the name of a patrician family of the Julia Gens, one of the oldest in the Roman state, claiming to be descended from Iulus, the son of Æneas. Octavian bore the name as the adopted son of the great Julius Cæsar, and handed it down to his own adopted son, Tiberius, after whom it was borne by Caligula, Claudius and Nero. Although the Cæsarean family proper became extinct with Nero, the word Cæsar was part of the style of the succeeding emperors; usually between imperator and the personal name, as, "Imperator Cæsar Vespasianus Augustus." When the Emperor Hadrian adopted Ælius Verus (136), the latter was permitted to take the title of Cæsar; and from this time in the Western, and afterwards also in the Eastern, Empire it was borne by the heir apparent to the throne, while Augustus continued to be the exThe name

CADWALADER, JOHN, an American general; born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Jan. 17, 1742; died in Shrewsbury, Pennsylvania, Feb. 11, 1786. He was interested in public affairs prior to the Revlutionary War; was captain of a military company, and when the city battalions were formed, was placed in command of the "Silk Stocking Company." Promoted brigadier-general, he was placed in command of the Pennsylvania militia, assisted in the capture of the Hessians at Trenton, and was present at the battles of Brandywine, Germantown and Monmouth. He wounded Thomas Conway in a duel, brought about by the attacks of Conway on Washington. After the close of the war he removed to Maryland, and was elected to the state legislature. CADY, ALBEMARLE, officer; born in New Hamp-clusive name of the reigning emperor. shire about 1809, and graduated from West Point in 1829. He served chiefly at frontier posts until 1846, fought in the Mexican War from 1846 to 1848, and during the early part of the Civil War was on Pacific Coast duty. In 1864 he was apCÆSAREAN OPERATION OR HYSTERECpointed to the command of the drafting rendezvous | TOMY, so called from the belief that Julius Cæsar

reappears in the Czar (or Tsar) of Russia, in the Kaiser of the "Holy Roman Empire," and the modern empire of Germany, and the Kaisar-i-Hind, or Empress of Hindustan.

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was brought into the world in this way. GERY, Vol. XXII, p. 691.


CESIUM, a bluish-gray alkali metal. Chemical symbol, Cs. See POTASSIUM METALS, Vol. XIX, PP. 592, 593.

CAFFEIN OR THEINE (CHIN'O), the alkaloid or active principle of coffee and tea. When isolated it forms beautiful white crystals, with a silky luster, which are soluble in water, alcohol and ether. It was first discovered in 1820 by Runge in Germany, and by Pelletier and Caventou in France. It is present in coffee to the extent of about 1 per cent, and in ordinary tea, from 2% to 6 per cent, and is also found in Paraguayan teas; in the former, about 1 per cent, and in the latter, which is a sort of chocolate, nearly 5 per cent. Caffein is thought to be present also in the beans of the coffee and other plants. It is used in medicine as a powerful stimulant in case of deficient circulation or respiration.

CAHAWBA, a navigable river of Alabama. rises in the northern central part of the State, at the northeast corner of Jefferson County, flows southward through Jefferson, Shelby, Bibb and Perry counties, extending for about 200 miles, and enters the Alabama at the old village of Cahawba, 10 miles below Selma, in Dallas County.

CAHIR, a town in the county of Tipperary, south-central Ireland, on the Suir, beautifully situated on the east end of the valley, between the Galtees and Knockmealdown Mountains. Cahir Castle, an ancient irregular Norman structure of considerable extent, is situated on a rock on the left bank of the Suir. Cahir has extensive flourmills. Population, about 2,500.

CAHOKIA, a village of St. Clair County, southwestern Illinois; so named from an extinct tribe of Indians; situated on the Mississippi, 4 miles from East St. Louis, on the Cairo and St. Louis railroad. It was settled by the French about 1682; and its present inhabitants, descendants of the original settlers, preserve many of the customs and traditions of their ancestors. In the neighborhood are found numerous prehistoric mounds. Some coal-mining is carrried on. Population, about 200. CAICOS, CAYOS OR KEYS, a group of islands belonging geographically to the Bahamas, of which they form the two southeastern groups; annexed in 1874 to Jamaica. The governing power is supervised by the governor of Jamaica, and consists of a commissioner and a legislative board of five, all appointed by the British ruler. The group consists of 30 islands, only 6 of which are inhabited. The largest island is Grand Caicos, 6 miles wide by 20 long. The capital is on Grand Turk. Together with Turk's Islands, they have an area of 223 square miles. Salt-making, sponge-fishing and cultivation of sisal grass for hemp are the chief industries. Population 1891, 4,745,

CAILLIAND, FREDERIC, a French traveler; born at Nantes, June 9, 1787; died there, May 1, 1869. He became a goldsmith and traveled over Europe, and in 1815 went to Alexandria. In examining the mineral resources of Egypt he rediscovered the ancient emerald-mines of Zebal Zobara,

near the Red Sea, and his report of a journey to Siwah led to its annexation by Egypt in 1820. In 1821-22 he accompanied Ibrahim Pasha's expedition to the White Nile, and his Voyage à Néroé (4 vols., Paris, 1823-26) contained the first trustworthy account of that district. In 1827 he became conservator of the Natural History Museum at Nantes. He published a Voyage à Syouah, and two volumes of researches on the life of the ancient Egyptians, Nubians and Ethiopians.

CAIN, WILLIAM, civil engineer; born in Hillsboro, North Carolina, May 14, 1847; professor of mathematics and civil engineering at the University of North Carolina; is a graduate of the North Carolina Military and Polytechnic Institute. Among his published writings are Maximum Stresses in Framed Bridges; Symbolic Algebra; and Theory of Solid and Braced Arches.

CAINE, THOMAS HENRY HALL, better known as "Hall Caine," British novelist and dramatist, was born of Manx parentage in 1853, and commenced his career as an architect in Liverpool. From contributing to both the Builder and the Building News he became connected with journalism, and joined the staff of the Liverpool Mercury. He resided with Dante Rossetti in London until the poet's death in 1882 later making his home on the Isle of Man; published Sonnets of Three Centuries (1882), and also Recollections of Rossetti, while in 1883 Cobwebs of Criticism appeared. During the last few years his skill as a novelist has been exemplified in The Shadow of a Crime, A Son of Hagar (1887); The Deemster, which was dramatized under the title of Ben-My-Chree (1887), The Bondman (1890), and The Scapegoat, which appeared in 1891. He published a book on the Manx nation in 1891. The Manxman, one of his best novels, appeared in 1894.



CAINOZOIC PERIOD. See GEOLOGY, Vol. X, pp. 360-365.

CAIRD, EDWARD, author and teacher; was born at Greenock, Scotland, in 1835; educated at the University of Glasgow. From Glasgow he passed as a Snell exhibitioner to Balliol College, Oxford, and became in 1864 fellow and tutor at Merton. In 1866 he was appointed professor of moral philosophy at Glasgow University, and in 1893 he accepted the position of master of Balliol College, Oxford. Among his works are a Critical Account of the Philosophy of Kant (1877); an excellent little book on Hegel, in Blackwood's "Philosophical Classics;" an examination of The Social Philosophy and Religion of Comte (1885); and Evolution of Religion (1893).

CAIRD, SIR JAMES, British economist and agriculturist; born in Stranraer, Scotland, in 1816; died in London, Feb. 10, 1882; graduated from the University of Edinburgh; in 1849 made a report on the


famine in southwest Ireland and suggested measures for the relief of the agriculturists of that district; was elected to Parliament in 1857; was knighted in 1865; became privy councilor to the Board of Agriculture in 1889. He published several reports covering agricultural subjects in England, the United States and Ireland. He represented the government on many important commissions, among them the Indian Famine Commission. He is author of English Agriculture (1852), and India: The Land and the People.

CAIRD, JOHN, Scottish preacher; born at Greenock, Scotland, Dec. 15, 1820. He studied at the University of Glasgow, and was locally well known. as an able preacher, when a sermon delivered before the Queen, in Crathie, in 1855, and published under the title of The Religion of Common Life, quickly carried his fame into all parts of the Protestant world. It was pronounced by Dean Stanley to be the greatest single sermon of the century. In 1858 Dr. Caird published a volume of sermons, marked by beauty of language, strong thought and intense sympathy with the spiritual aspirations of mankind. He received the degree of D.D. in 1860, was appointed professor of divinity in 1862, and in 1873 principal and vice-chancellor of Glasgow University. In 1880 he published The Philosophy of Religion, and in 1888 Spinoza.

CAIRD, MRS. MONA, authoress; born in the Isle of Wight, at Ryde; gained a reputation chiefly by reason of her writing on marriage. Her published writings include Whom Nature Leadeth; One That Wins; The Wing of Azraël; contributions on Marriage and Ideal Marriage to the Westminster Review; to the Daily Telegraph on Is Marriage a Failure? and in the Fortnightly on The Morality of Marriage. CAIRNS, HUGH MACCALMONT, LORD, statesman and lawyer; born near Belfast, Ireland, in 1819; died in Bournemouth, April 2, 1885; elected to Parliament in 1852; appointed Attorney-General in 1866. He became a leader of the Conservative party in the House of Lords, and was twice Lord Chancellor of England, first in 1868 and again from 1874 to 1880. CAIRO, EGYPT. See AFRICA, in these Supple


CAIRO, a city, capital of Alexander County, southwest Illinois; situated on a low point of land at the junction of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers, and on the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis, the Illinois Central and the Mobile and Ohio railroads. It was formerly subject to inundations, which retarded its growth, but extensive levees that have recently been erected at great expense afford ample protection against the encroachments of the rivers, and the city is now rapidly increasing in numbers and wealth. It is the entrepôt for southern markets of the products of Illinois, Wisconsin and Iowa. More than 4,000 steamboats enter and clear from its wharves every year. Population in 1880, 9,011; in 1890, 10,422.

CAITHNESS FLAGSTONES, dark-colored, bituminous schists, slightly micaceous and calcareous, valuable on account of their great toughness and durability for pavements. See GEOLOGY, Vol. X, p.



CAJABAMBA, a town situated 102 miles S. of Quito, Chimborazo province, Ecuador, on the arid plateau of Topi, at an elevation of 9,480 feet. The first town of Riobamba, founded on this site in 1533, was in 1797 overwhelmed by an earthquake, in which 30,000 lives were lost.

CAJAMARCA. See CAXAMARCA, Vol. V, p. 279. CALABASH OR GOURD TREE, a tree of the West Indies and the tropical parts of America, of the natural order Bignoniacea, suborder Crescentiacea. In height and size it resembles an apple tree; it has wedge shaped leaves, large, whitish, fleshy flowers, and a gourd-like fruit, sometimes a foot in diameter. The wood of the tree is tough and flexible, and is well adapted for coach-making, but the most useful part is the hard shell of the fruit, which is used instead of bottles, goblets, cups, water-cans, etc. The calabashes are sometimes polished, carved, dyed, and otherwise ornamented. See also GOURd, Vol. XI, p. 4.

CALAIS, a city, capital of Washington County, northeast Maine, at the head of navigation on St. Croix River, opposite St. Stephen's, New Brunswick, 12 miles from Passamaquoddy Bay, 82 miles N.E. of Bangor. Its chief industry is ship-building, and there is an extensive export trade in lumber, which is sawn in the vicinity. There are also a number of machine-shops and foundries, the power for running which is furnished by the St. Croix River. Calais is the seat of Calais Academy. Population 1890, 7,290. CALAMANDER-WOOD is an exceedingly hard and valuable cabinet wood of rich and varied colors, obtained from Diospyros hirsuta of southern Asia. Its near relative, D. Ebeneum, yields the well-known "ebony wood," while the American representative is D. Virginiana, the " is D. Virginiana, the "persimmon." The genus belongs to the family Ebenacea. See EBONY, Vol. VII, p. 619.

CALAMARY or SQUID, a name applied to numerous forms of cuttle-fish, or Cephalopoda. See CUTTLE-FISH, Vol. VI, p. 735. is a very

CALAMBUCO OR CALAMBOUR durable timber tree of Luzon, somewhat resembling the teak, and much used in ship-building and in the manufacture of furniture and agricultural implements.

CALAMIANES, a group of islands in the Eastern Archipelago, in latitude about 11° 25' to 12° 20' N., and longitude 120° E.; between Palawan and Mindoro of the Philippines; area, 1,332 square miles. Calamian is the largest, being 15 miles wide and 35 long. See PHILIPPINES, Vol. XVIII, p. 752. CALAMICHTUS, a genus of ganoid river fishes found in western Africa. It is called reed-fish because of its slender, cylindrical body.

CALAMINE, an ore consisting essentially of silicate of zinc. It occurs in small, obtuse-edged crystals, also compact and massive. See ZINC, Vol. XXIV, pp. 784, 785.

CALAMINT, a name given to species of Calamintha, a genus of the family Labiata. Calamintha officinalis is not infrequent in England. It has whorls of flowers on many-flowered stalks, and serrated leaves, with an agreeable aromatic odor, and is used to make herb-tea and as a pectoral medi

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