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iron and wood; brewing, distilling and tobacco; | thousand men at Shelbyville and WarTrace, while manufactures of wood; leather; printing; brick and Buckner, at Knoxville, had ten thousand more. Rosecrans's first scheme was to turn the Confederate right. Bragg fell back and destroyed all the lines of communication behind him as he retreated toward Chattanooga. Rosecrans's movements were greatly impeded by the necessity of repairing the damage thus done, meantime suffering sharp criticism from the government at Washington. Bragg, too, came in for his share of dictation from his government, and when he had been reinforced by Generals Polk and Longstreet, he was peremptorily ordered to make a stand and fight. In obedience to these directions, he posted Polk in and around CHICAGO SANITARY AND SHIP CANAL. Chattanooga, while Hardee held the Knoxville railSee CANAL, in these Supplements. road. This disposition of the Confederate forces

The trade and commerce of the city is extensive, the value of the wholesale business for 1895 aggregating $504,675,000. The leading lines were dry goods and carpets; groceries; boots and shoes; lumber; clothing; manufactured iron; jewelry, watches and diamonds; books, stationery and wall-paper; $178,913,809 worth of flour and grain were received in 1895, and $162,602,137 worth shipped. The total value of produce received during the year was close to $400,000,000. See also CHICAGO, Vol. V, pp. 610-613.

CHICAGO, UNIVERSITY Of. See UNIVERSITY rendering Chattanooga too strong for direct attack, OF CHICAGO, in these Supplements.

CHICKADEE, a name popularly applied to the black-capped titmouse (Parus montanus or atricapillus) and related birds. They remain in the Northern United States during all the year, and in winter are often called "snow-birds."

CHICKAHOMINY, a river in eastern Virginia, which rises some 20 miles N.W. of Richmond; flows in a southeasterly direction for some 75 miles and then empties into the James River. The banks of the Chickahominy were the scene of several conflicts in McClellan's campaign against Richmond in May and June, 1862. In its swamps and morasses, or in proximity to them, occurred the battles of Seven Pines and Fair Oaks, May 31-June 1, 1862; Mechanicsville, June 26; Savage's Station, June 29; White Oak Swamp, June 30, 1862; and Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. In the seven days' fight at the end of June, the Confederate loss was double that of the Northern army, and if McClellan had but followed up his advantage he could have taken Richmond and ended the war.

CHICKAMAUGA CREEK, a tributary of the Tennessee River, rising in Walker County, Georgia, which, after flowing northeastward and northward, enters the Tennessee River about six miles above Chattanooga. Here, on September 19-21, 1863, was fought the BATTLE OF CHICKAMAUGA (q.v.).

CHICKAMAUGA, BATTLE OF. The city of Chattanooga, Tennessee was, in 1863, the bone of contention between the Northern and Southern armies. The town was the key to the fertile country to the south, and its railroad connections made it invaluable to either side. After the battle of Stone Riverwon by Thomas and Miller-Rosecrans had remained for months inactive, until at last, in response to pressure from Washington, he began his preparations for a southern movement. His army was divided into three corps-those of Thomas, Crittenden and McCook. At the outset the heavy rains and consequent rise in the rivers intersecting the country over which the Federal army moved, necessarily rendered Rosecrans's movements somewhat slow. The army under his immediate command numbered about sixty thousand, while Burnside, who was supporting the army of the Cumberland by concurrent movements, was in command of twenty thousand more. Το To oppose these two bodies of men, Bragg had fifty

Rosecrans moved down the river and crossed on pontoons and a bridge which had been repaired, hoping thus to turn the Confederate left and gain the rear. Meantime the Federal left, under Crittenden, was ordered to make a direct attack on Chattanooga, while Thomas was to march upon Lafayette, and McCook was to threaten the Confederate communications with the south. On the 21st of August, Crittenden was before Chattanooga and began a bombardment, and by the 1st of September the entire Union army was in the positions designated by Rosecrans. Bragg was not slow to take advantage of the fact that in the execution of these movements Rosecrans had separated his army and interposed between them difficult mountain country. In order to take advantage of this fact, Bragg ordered Hill to march upon Lafayette, at the same time evacuating Chattanooga-intending to crush Rosecrans's left center before he could concentrate his forces. Rosecrans seemed wholly unaware of the intention of Bragg, believing him to be in retreat, instead of contemplating an attack on the weakened Union center and left. Bragg made all the preparation possible for the success of his plans, and there is no doubt that had he received the co-operation of his subordinates, he would have succeeded. As it was, his success was too near fruition to give the Union army anything but a disputed tactical victory. The delay caused by lack of co-operation gave Thomas and McCook opportunity to effect a junction. of their forces-not a moment too soon. Crittenden had encountered the Confederates at Ringgold, and had retreated across the Chickamauga; and on the 18th of September the entire Union army was placed in position on the right bank of the Chickamauga. On the night of the same day the army moved north by the flank, Thomas being in front and McCook to his right, the two commands overlapping. Crittenden was in the rear of the center, Gordon Granger's command being held in reserve at Rossville, while the other reserves were scattered about in positions near Chattanooga. The Confederate forces lay on the other bank of the Chickamauga River that night. It had now become clear that the intention of Bragg was to attack the Union center, turn its left, and cut Rosecrans off from Chattanooga. Polk, with two divisions, held the Confederate right, while Hood occupied the left. occupied the left. The battle was begun by Bragg



throwing thirty thousand men across the Chickamauga and projecting and concentrating division after division on Thomas's front. At first Thomas's advance wavered and retreated, but on the reserve coming up, the Confederates were in turn driven back. The attack was renewed by the Confederates, and Thomas was again forced back. At this juncture General Hazen, by a well-directed artillery fire, forced the Confederates to retire. Another attack Another attack of less strength than the preceding was made, when night put an end to the conflict. During the darkness new disposition was made of both forces, and on the next morning (20th) at ten o'clock the entire Confederate right was thrown against Thomas, who now occupied the extreme left of the Union army. Reinforcements were hurried up to him, and in closing up from the right center a gap was left in the Federal front. Into this gap Longstreet poured his men, sending the right and center flying in the utmost confusion from the field, leaving Thomas on the left to his fate; which then seemed to be certain defeat. Rosecrans and his staff were swept from the field by the uncontrollable rout, and Thomas was left in command. Far to the rear, at the intersection of two roads, one leading to Chattanooga and the other to Thomas's position, Rosecrans halted long enough to send back his chief of staff, Gen. J. A. Garfield, to ascertain the import of the heavy firing still heard from Thomas's command, and then continued his flight to Chattanooga, to prepare for the holding of that town at all events. Meantime, Thomas, termed thenceforth "the Rock of Chickamauga," was receiving a terrific hammering, Polk assaulting his right and Longstreet his left. He was slowly forced back, and at. one time having a gap left in his line, Longstreet rushed in, and for a time disaster and defeat seemed to be the inevitable result for the Union army, but Granger hurried up his reserves and strengthened the weak place, thus averting the impending danger. Nightfall put an end to the second day's fight, and Thomas fell back slowly and in good order, capturing five hundred prisoners as he retired. It is yet an unexplained circumstance why Bragg did not continue the fight during the night of the 20th, when Thomas was exhausted and had resisted to the last extreme of his tenacity, and had not one more effort in reserve. The night was one on which the full moon shone unobscured by a cloud, and the battle could have been continued to the irreparable damage of the Union army. This was not done, and the next morning found Thomas in a new position, from which he offered battle to Bragg, the offer being declined. On the evening of this day Thomas rejoined the army at Chattanooga.

The battle of Chickamauga was undoubtedly a tactical victory for the Confederates, but this victory had been dearly bought. Bragg stated his losses as two fifths of his entire force. But of far greater importance to the Confederacy was the loss of Chattanooga, to which the Federal army had retired, and which they now proceeded to fortify. The Federal losses were in the neighborhood of seventeen thousand men, and arms in proportion, but Chattanooga was worth the price, and this seemingly dispropor

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tionate loss of life was undoubtedly compensated by the fact that the possession of this stronghold practically decided the war in the far South. On the 16th of the following month General Rosecrans was relieved of his command. The subsequent battle of Chattanooga is described in these Supplements, under its appropriate heading. In 1896 the Federal government, having purchased the site of the battle-fields, opened a handsome national park. See NATIONAL PARKS, in these Supplements.

CHICKAREE, a popular name of the red or Hudson Bay squirrel (Sciurus hudsonius), which inhabits British America and the northern part of the United States. See AMER

CHICKEN OR CHICKEN-ITZA. ICA, Vol. I, p. 694; Yucatan, Vol. XXIV, p. 759. CHICKEN-POX, a contagious febrile disease, chiefly of children, and bearing some resemblance to a very mild character of smallpox. Chicken-pox is distinguished by an eruption of vesicles or blebs, which rarely become pustular or yellow, and leave only a very slight incrustation, which falls off in a few days, leaving little or none of the marking or pitting which is such a prominent feature in smallpox. From its vesicular character it has been called the crystal pock. It has been argued that chickenpox is in fact only smallpox modified by previous vaccination; but this opinion, though maintained on good authority, is not accepted by most medical men. It is a disease of little or no danger, the fever being often hardly perceptible and never lasting long.

CHICKERING, JONAS, an American piano manufacturer; born in New Ipswich, New Hampshire, April 5, 1797; died in Boston, Massachusetts, Dec. 6, 1853. His father was a blacksmith. Young Chickering received a common-school education and was apprenticed to a cabinet-maker. In 1818 he went to Boston, became employed with a pianoforte maker, and in 1823 set up for himself, in a small way, as a manufacturer of pianos. This business, in course of time, became greatly extended, until he furnished annually about 2,000 instruments. In 1852 his factory was burned, and before the new one had been completed Mr. Chickering died. He made many valuable improvements and for many years kept the lead of all other makers in this country and in Europe. He was noted for his business enterprise, public spirit and benevolence. After his death the business passed into the hands of his three sons; the eldest, Thomas Edward (born in Boston, Oct. 22, 1824; died there, Feb. 14, 1871), succeeded his father as head of the firm, and distinguished himself in the Civil War. Charles Frank, second son (born in Boston, Jan. 20, 1827; died in New York City, March 23, 1891), after receiving his education, entered his father's factory. He represented his father at the World's Fair in London in 1851, and made many improvements in the manufacture of pianos.

CHICK-PEA, a leguminous plant. See GRAM, Vol. XI, p. 36.

CHICKWEED (Stellaria media), one of the most common weeds of gardens and cultivated fields. It is a native of most parts of Europe and of Asia, appear


ing during the colder months even on the plains of | India; an annual, with a weak procumbent stem and ovate leaves, very variable; some of the smaller varieties in dry, sunny situations, sometimes puzzling young botanists from having no petals or only five or three instead of ten stamens, but always characterized by having the stem curiously marked with a line of hairs, which at each pair of leaves changes from one side to another, and in four changes completes the circuit of the stem. The leaves of chickweed afford a fine instance of the sleep of plants, closing up on the young shoots at night. Chickweed is a good substitute for spinach or greens, although generally little regarded except as a troublesome weed, or gathered only by the poor to make poultices, for which it is very useful, or for feeding cage-birds, which are very fond of its leaves and seeds. A number of species of a nearly allied genus, Cerastium, also bear the name of chickweed, or mouse-ear chickweed, and the name is occasionally given to other plants, either botanically allied, or of somewhat similar appearance.

CHICLAYO, a town of northwestern Peru, 12 miles S.E. of Lambayeque; it is the center of a valuable sugar district. Population, 11,325.

CHICO, a town and the former capital of Butte County, central northern California, situated on Chico Creek, 95 miles N. of Sacramento, on the Southern Pacific railroads. It is the trade-center of a fertile district, and an important shipping-point for lumber. It is the seat of an academy, and contains a variety of manufactories. Population 1890, 2,894.


attends at least one term of the circuit court in each two years.

CHIEM-SEE, a lake of southeastern Bavaria, the largest in the country. It lies about 42 miles S.E. of Munich. It is 12 miles in length and 9 miles in breadth, and is situated at an elevation of more than fifteen hundred feet above the sea.

CHIFF-CHAFF. See WREN, Vol. XXIV, p. 688. CHIGNECTO BAY, an inlet at the head of the Bay of Fundy, in British North America. It separates Nova Scotia from New Brunswick, is thirty miles long and eight broad, and has an isthmus only fourteen miles in width between it and Northumberland Strait, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. An extraordinary ship-railway, designed to transport laden vessels, has been partially completed across this isthmus. It is quite straight, laid with two pairs of 110-pound steel rails, 16 feet apart, and designed for vessels up to 2,000 tons. It is said that $4,000,ooo have been spent, and $1,500,000 more will be required to complete it, but it is now tied up, awaiting the necessary funds.

CHIGOE OR JIGGER. See FLEA, Vol. IX, p. 301.

CHIH-LI OR PECHIHLI, Province of. See CHINA, Vol. V, p. 633.

CHIHUAHUA, the largest state of Mexico, bounded on the north and northeast by New Mexico and Texas; has an area of 83,746 square miles, and a population of about 226,000. In the east is the Bolson de Mapima, a vast desert of sand and alkali plains; in the south and west the surface is mountainous, and there are numerous rivers. The

CHICOPEE, a city of Hampden County, south-state is better adapted for stock-raising than for western Massachusetts, on the Boston and Albany and the Boston and Maine railroads, four miles N. of Springfield. Among the principal industries are the cotton-mills of the Dwight Company, with a capital of $2,000,000. The Chicopee River affords ample water-power for the numerous mills and manufactories. A convent a high school and several churches are located here, and national and

savings banks. Population 1890, 14,007; 1895, 16,420. See also CHICOPEE, Vol. V, p. 614.

CHICOUTIMI, a village of Chicoutimi County, northern Quebec, on the Saguenay River, about 75 miles W. of its mouth, and on the Quebec and Lake St. John railroad. There is here a convent of the Good Shepherd. Large quantities of lumber are shipped direct from here to Great Britain. Population 1891, 2,277.

CHIEF JUSTICE, the principal judge of the United States or a state supreme court, corresponding in rank and dignity with the English Lord Chief Justice (q.v., under JUSTICE, Vol. XIII, p. 789). The chief justice of the supreme court of a state in the Union has, as a rule, few functions other than to preside over the sittings of the supreme court of his The chief justice of the United States supreme court ranks next to the President in official dignity. He receives a salary of $10,500; presides over the sessions of the supreme court; administers the oath to the President and Vice-President at their inauguration; presides over the Senate when the President is tried on articles of impeachment, and


agriculture; the fertile districts are mainly confined to the valleys and river-courses. Cotton is grown in the south. The silver-mines were for centuries among the richest in Mexico, and though many are now abandoned, mining is still the chief industry. The state is traversed by the Mexican Central railway. The capital, Chihuahua, 225 miles south of El Paso by rail, rises like an oasis in the desert, among roses and orange-groves. It is well built, and is the center of considerable trade with Texas. Founded in 1691; population 1890, 12,116.

CHI HWANG TI OR CHE HWANG-TE. See CHINA, Vol. V, pp. 643, 644.


p. 849.



CHILD, FRANCIS JAMES, an American scholar and educator; born in Boston, Feb. 1, 1825. was graduated at Harvard in 1846, traveled and studied in Europe in 1849-50, and in 1851 became professor of oratory and rhetoric at Harvard. held this position until 1876, at which date he exchanged the chair for that of English literature. He especially distinguished himself in AngloSaxon and the earliest English literature, having few, if any, superiors as a Chaucerian scholar. He edited the works of Spenser and issued his first collection of English and Scottish Ballads (1857-58), and superintended the American edition of the British poets. Other works included Four Old Plays (1848); a collection of Poems of Sorrow and Comfort (1865); Observations on the Language of Chaucer and



Gower, made a part of Early English Pronunciation, published in London (1869). His reputation mainly rests on his collection, The English and Scottish Popular Ballads (1882–92), which has passed through many editions and enlargements since 1858. He died at Harvard, Sept. 11, 1896.

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can churches on the 28th of December, to commemorate the slaughter of the children in Bethlehem by order of Herod. It is one of the anniversaries which were retained in the Anglican Church at the Reformation.

CHILDERS, HUGH CULLING EARDLEY, an English statesman; born in London, June 25, 1827; was educated at Cambridge, went to Australia, and sat in the legislature of Victoria. In 1857 he returned to England as agent-general of that colony, and in 1859 was elected to Parliament as a Liberal from Pontefract. He was a Lord of the Admiralty under Palmerston and Gladstone; became Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster in 1872, Secretary of War in 1880, Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1882 and Home Secretary in 1886. He died in London, Jan. 29, 1896.

CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY. See REforMATORIES, in these Supplements.

CHILDREN, SOCIETIES FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO, had their origin in the resolve of Henry Bergh, who, in 1874, established, in his New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, the first society of the kind in the world. For a while he had tried to help the children by the officers of his Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (q.v., in these Supplements), but he

CHILD, SIR JOSIAH (1630-99), a London merchant. See POLITICAL ECONOMY, Vol. XIX, p. 357. CHILD, LYDIA MARIA, authoress; born in Medford, Massachusetts, Feb. 11, 1802; died in Wayland, Massachusetts, Oct. 20, 1880. The daughter of David Francis, a baker, she was educated in common schools and by her brother, the Rev. Convers Francis, D.D. She taught for one year in a seminary in Medford, Massachusetts, and kept a private school in Watertown, Massachusetts, from 1824 till 1828, when she was married to David Lee Child. At the age of seventeen she wrote her first novel, and five years afterward became editress of the Juvenile Miscellany. William Lloyd Garrison interested Mr. and Mrs. Child in the subject of slavery, and soon after Mrs. Child began to write on the question. With her husband she became early interested in the antislavery movement, and she published An Appeal to That Class of Americans Called Africans (Boston, 1833), which was the first antislavery work printed in America in book-form. In 1841 she removed to New York, where she was editress of the National Anti-speedily found the scope of work ample enough for a slavery Standard until 1843, when her husband became editor-in-chief, and she acted as assistant until 1844. Mr. and Mrs. Child spent the remainder of their lives in Wayland, Massachusetts. She contributed largely to aid the Union soldiers during the Civil War, and afterward helped the freedmen, and gave lavishly for the support of schools for the negroes. Her antislavery writings contributed greatly to the formation of public sentiment, and her letters replying to rebukes from Governor Wise and Mrs. Mason, published in Boston in 1860, had a circulation of 300,000. When John Brown was a prisoner at Harper's Ferry, she sent a letter offering her services as nurse. Mr. Brown declined, but asked her aid for his family, and she responded to the request. Mrs. Child was the author of many books, among which were Hobomok: The Rebels; The History of Women; Letters from New York; Fact and Fiction; Looking Toward Sunset; and The Progress of Religious Ideas.

CHILD, THEODORE, an author and general writer; born in Liverpool, in 1846. After graduation at Oxford in 1877, he went to Paris as correspondent of the London Telegraph, and in addition to writing for that paper contributed many able articles on art and literature for English and American magazines. He also acted as correspondent of the New York Sun and the London World. He was the European literary agent of the publishing house of Harper and Brothers for a number of years before his death, which took place Nov. 2, 1892, at Ispahan, Persia, whence he had gone to prepare the data for a book on India and the Afghan question. He had traveled much in Asia, and published a history of the South. American republics after an extended visit to them. CHILDERMAS OR HOLY INNOCENTS' DAY, observed in the Roman Catholic and Angli

separate organization. It was incorporated as the New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children in 1875, with John D. Wright as president until his death in 1879. Then Elbridge T. Gerry gave the society his service, and with G. Fellows Jenkins as secretary, it has proved potent enough to secure much beneficial legislation, including a revision of the penal code of the Empire State in the interests of its wards, and has been prolific enough to be the parent of 154 American and 32 foreign societies, scattered through the principal cities of the world.

As regards the parent society, the annual report shows that during an existence of 21 years, up to 1895, 95,481 complaints were received and investigated, involving the care and custody of 286,443 children; 38,318 cases were prosecuted; 35,270 convictions secured; 62,535 children rescued and relieved.

In the year 1895, 8,523 complaints were received and investigated, 3,301 prosecuted, 3,249 convicted, and 5,350 children rescued and relieved from destitution and vicious surroundings. The receptionrooms sheltered, fed and clothed 3,994 children, and 2,058 cases were investigated at the request of the city magistrates and courts. These cases involved applications for the commitment of 3,455 children; 1,645 of these were committed and 1,810 found to be improper cases-thus saving to the city and county of New York, at the per capita allowance of $104 per year for each year the children remained therein, the total sum of $188,240. With the co-operation of the city magistrates, the society was able to collect from the parents of children committed to the institutions $5,416.10, and that amount was paid to the comptroller of the city and | county of New York, to be credited to it.


Of kindred societies outside the United States, one of the oldest, and perhaps the best known, is the English National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, to which the Rev. Benjamin Waugh has given his life-work as director. His fame would be secure did it rest alone upon the passage of the Children's Charter Act of Aug. 26, 1889. This, his conception of what the law of England should be as regards children, swept away at one stroke, to use the language of a famous statesman, "the relics of a shameful past."


CHILDS, GEORGE WILLIAM, an American publisher and philanthropist; born at Baltimore, May 12, 1829. In his boyhood he settled in Philadelphia, where he obtained employment as a shop-boy in a bookstore. At the age of 18 he set up in business for himself, and at 21 became a member of the firm of R. E. Peterson and Company, afterward Childs and Peterson. In 1864 he purchased the Philadelphia Public Ledger, which, under his management, grew to be a very influential journal. His aim was to eliminate all sensational matter and to conduct a clean and reliable family newspaper. Mr. Childs was noted not only for his success as a journalist and publisher, but also for his unostentatious philanthrophy. He established at Colorado Springs a home and sanatorium for aged printers, and was a generous benefactor of other charities. He was associated in his philanthropic endeavors and in private friendship with A. J. Drexel, and if he had a fault, it was the ease with which his purse-strings could be pulled apart. He placed stained-glass windows in Westminster Abbey to commemorate Cowper and Herbert; erected a Shakespeare memorial fountain at Stratford-on-Avon; was a collector of autographs and art treasures; and in 1890 he published his Recollections. He died in Philadelphia, Feb. 3, 1894.


tempting this, together with other high-handed proceedings, that President Balmaceda (q.v.) aroused, during 1890, the bitter opposition of Congress. The culmination was in January, 1891, when the navy, under Admiral Montt, revolted in favor of the legislative or Congressionalist party. The country became at once divided into two hostile camps, while Balmaceda, as commander-in-chief, took active control of the army, and Congress set about raising an army to oppose him.

A fierce and vindictive war ensued, in which great cruelty, as well as bravery, was displayed on both sides. This continued throughout the summer of 1891, and was only brought to an end by the rout of Balmaceda's forces in the month of August, the President himself becoming a fugitive and shortly afterward a suicide. The Junta, as the Congressional government was called, at once took possession of the cities and entered the capital in triumph. It was during this period of transition that some of its followers committed an outrage, at Valparaiso, on the crew of the United States cruiser Baltimore, leading to a demand for reparation from our own government. This was acceded to after some parley, and meanwhile the new régime in Chile was acknowledged by the various powers, and honestly entered on the task of reconstruction left for it by civil war. Don Jorge Montt, the patriotic admiral of the fleet, was installed as President of Chile in January, 1892, and filled the office until the end of 1896, being succeeded by Señor Errazuriz, the candidate of the coalition or Liberal-Conservative party, on Jan. 1, 1897.

The difficulty with the United States arising out of the Valparaiso incident was atoned for by a salute to our flag, and an indemnity paid to the victims or their families. See also CHILI, Vol. V, pp. 616-624.





CHILLICOTHE, a city of Peoria County, northern central Illinois, on the Illinois River and the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific railroad, 16 miles N.N.W. of Peoria. It is important as a grain-shipping center, and is frequented as a summer resort. Population 1890, 1,632.

CHILE OR CHILI. For the purposes of local CHILLICOTHE, a city and the capital of Livgovernment the republic is now divided into prov-ingston County, northwestern Missouri, on the inces, and the provinces into departments. Accord- Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul and the St. Louis, ing to the rearrangement of 1887, there are 23 Iron Mountain and Southern railroads, about 75 provinces, subdivided into 74 departments and I miles E. of St. Joseph. It is the chief town of the territory. The Senate is elected by the provinces Grand River Valley, and has manufactories of mafor 6 years; the Chamber by the departments for 3 chinery, lumber and flour, and is the seat of an years, by electors possessing a small property quali- academy. Population 1890, 5,717. fication. The census of Nov. 26, 1885, gave the area of the republic as 293,970 square miles, and the population as 527,320. The estimated population in 1894 was 2,963,687, including about 50,000 American Indians and Auracanians. The capital is Santiago, with a population of 250,000. The constitution of the Chilian republic is on the United States model, but the President holds his office for five years and is not re-eligible until after an equal lapse of time. Several of these rulers, however, had virtually arranged for their own successors, and it was in at

CHILLICOTHE, a city and the capital of Ross. County, southern central Ohio (see Vol. V, p. 624). The Ohio canal and the Marietta and Cincinnati and Scioto Valley railroads pass through the city. The courthouse is a fine stone edifice. There is also a high school, public library, and numerous manufactories of carriages, paper, machinery and farming implements. Population 1880, 10,938; 1890, 11,256.


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