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Andrews as "the doctrine of duties in society "; in other words, the study and setting forth of the conditions of human character which are essential to the welfare of the citizen, society and government. As right character is the natural source of right action, the science of civics first concerns itself with the facts which underlie and account for these essential characteristics of the good citizen. That the citizen may be qualified to act the part of an intelligent juror in all affairs submitted to the decision of the suffrage, it is essential that he be adequately informed as to other facts in civics, as follows: 2. Civil Polity. Government methods and machinery; suffrage rights and obligations; the qualifications and duties of public officials; executive, legislative and judicial affairs; and all other matters having relation to the orderly and proper administration of government.-3. Law. The principles and facts of the law in applications most directly involving the interests of society, and especially of the citizen and the government.4. Economics. The principles or laws which explain or control the production, distribution and ownership of that which constitutes or is technically called wealth; the facts relating to the development of natural resources, to manufacfactures, and to internal and foreign commerce; questions of supply and demand, labor and capital, and matters of like character, considered with reference, to their effects upon the citizen, and in their relations to government.-5. History. Collateral facts illustrative of tendencies and results growing out of given conditions, considered in connection with ethics, civil politics, law and economics. Civics offers an opportunity for the differentiation of facts hitherto considered within the scope of the sciences which it included, as well as for corresponding exactness in deductions. It differs from what is called social science in general, or sociology, in confining itself to the consideration of sociological facts in their bearings on affairs of citizenship and government.

CIVICS, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF, a national educational institution, with a charter from the United States government. Founded in 1885 by the late Chief Justice Morrison R. Waite and Justice William Strong of the United States. supreme court; Noah Porter, late president of Yale University; John Bigelow, Mellen Chamberlain, Theodore W. Dwight, John Jay, Ex-Governor Hugh S. Thompson of South Carolina; General H. B. Carrington, W. E. Sheldon, the late Dr. Alexander Winchell, Henry Randall Waite, General William Preston Johnston of Louisiana; General Joseph R. Hawley, Bishop J. H. Vincent, and other distinguished citizens. Assuming that the voter is a trustee, charged with sacred responsibili ties, the institute aims to secure such attention to the facts of civics on the part of all citizens as shall surround the suffrage with the safeguards which grow out of a proper sense of obligations, integrity of purpose, and an adequate degree of intelligence as to affairs in issue. The institute is controlled by 33 trustees, and has auxiliaries, styled "councils, "in every state and territory. The immedi

ate direction of its affairs is intrusted to a president and faculty, now numbering 12 members.

CIVIL DAMAGE ACTS, the name given to measures passed in several of the United States, giving to persons who have sustained injury, in person or property or means of support, by any intoxicated person, in consequence of such intoxication, the right of action against the person who sold or gave away the liquor which caused such intoxication. See LIQUOR LAWS, in these Supplements. See ENGINEERING, Vol.





CIVIL LIST is the annual allowance provided for the use of the sovereign of a constitutional monarchy for the support of the household" and court. In England the grant is annually voted by Parliament. Previous to the Restoration, in England, all the expenses of the government were defrayed from what was called the royal revenue, which was derived partly from crown lands and partly from other sources, and was at the disposal of the crown. At the Restoration, a distinction arose between the "civil" and the "military" lists, the expenses of the latter being partly defrayed from the crown lands still available, and partly by an annual grant voted by Parliament. During the reign of William III, after the war with France in 1698, the civil list was £700,000, the expenses being for the following: The royal household; the privy purse; the royal palaces; the salaries of the chancellor, judges, great officers of state and ambassadors; the incomes given to the other members of the royal family; the secret-service money, pensions and other irregular claims. On the accession of George IV, the civil list was fixed at £850,000, besides the transference of £255,000 of expenditure to other funds. On the accession of Queen Victoria, the sovereign surrendered the hereditary revenues of the crown for life, receiving in lieu thereof a yearly sum of £385,000, to be devoted solely to the support of her Majesty's household, and distributed as follows: To the Queen's privy purse, £60,000; salaries and expenses of the royal household, £231,260; retiring allowances and pensions to officers, etc., of the household, £44,240; for royal bounties, alms and special services, £36,300; general expenditure of the court, £13,200. This list does not include the annuities to the Prince of Wales, etc., nor other grants made by Parliament to members of the royal family; and besides this sum, the further sum of £1,200 is appropriated for a pension fund for those deserving of recognition on account of their services to the public, or in literature, science or art. The Queen has, also, at her disposal the revenues of the Duchy of Lancaster, £50,000.


The civil list of the Emperor of Austria is $3,875,000; of the Czar of Russia (estimated), $12,000,000; of the King of Prussia, $3,852,770, besides a vast amount of private property, out of which the expenses of the court and royal family are defrayed; of the King of Italy, $2,858,000.


"Jim Crow cars," exclusively for colored citizens, and to require them to travel therein.

CIVIL RIGHTS BILL, an act passed in 1866 by the United States Congress, conferring citizenship upon all persons born in the United States, not subjects of other powers, "of every race and color, and without regard to any previous condition of servitude."

government it is separated into three branches: Legislative, judicial and the executive.

In republics, such as Switzerland, France, the United States, Brazil, etc., there is no civil list CIVIL SERVICE AND CIVIL SERVICE REof the kind alluded to above. But the term civil FORM. Civil service is the executive branch of list has been applied to the list of the entire ex- the public service, as distinguished from the milipenses of the civil government, the revenue ap-tary and the naval. Under enlightened forms of propriated to the support of the same and the officers of the civil government paid from the public treasury. In such a "list" the salary of the President is but a mere item. The salary of the President of Switzerland is $2,700; that of the President of France about $12,000, with an extra allowance of the same amount; of the United States, $50,000.

CIVIL RIGHTS, a term applied to the privileges which are accorded to every citizen by virtue of his citizenship, without regard to race, color or previous condition of servitude. The condition of the colored race in the United States after the abolition of slavery led to the adoption of the fourteenth and fifteenth amendments to the constitution, by which it is provided that “no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States"; and that the "right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any state, on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude." The words privileges and immunities have been held to mean such as are of a general nature, as security to life and liberty, the right to acquire property, to have access to courts of justice, and freedom to pursue and obtain happiness and safety, with such restrictions as are necessary to the public good. Whatever guaranties states accord to their own citizens upon these points must be extended to the citizens of other states. The effect of the fifteenth amendment to the constitution in respect of many questions of right in the several states has not been settled by the courts, but the object of that amendment is well understood. It abrogates all state legislation or constitutional provision creating distinctions among citizens of the United States based upon race and color, and prevents the introduction of such distinctions either by the action of the state or by the general govern


CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1875, forbidding the exclusion of any person from the enjoyment of inns, public conveyances, theaters, etc., on account of race or color. Under the provisions of this act, or in some states under state statutes similar in terms, colored citizens have brought suit successfully against hotel-keepers and others refusing them accommodations. The Supreme Court has, however, affirmed the right of a railroad company to provide cars, popularly termed

The legislative branch is essentially representative, and this function of legislators makes their views and interests an important part of the proper test of fitness for the places they seek. But very different considerations should prevail in the selection of clerks and other subordinates, for the reason that secretaries, clerks, coyists, messengers, etc., are in no sense repretative. They owe no duty to members of one party that they do not owe equally to the other. Their political views should under no circumstances enter into their work.

The judicial branch of the government is not representative. To make it so in any sens is a prostitution of judicial functions, and a calamity. Justice should be administered alike to every one, at all times and places, without party fear or favor. In the executive department of the United States there are more than one hundred thousand persons occupying responsible clerical positions above the grade of laborers; there are nearly seventy thousand postmasters, with tens of thousands of subordinates, and in all the departments official life is graded from the central authority down to the porters and door-keepers. With rare exceptions, they are doing work the success and the utility of which depend upon its being done wholly on business principles, without any bias of party views. Yet so great was the effort made by parties struggling for power to fill these places with their favorites for the sake of their patronage that gross abuses were practiced.

The same difficulties exist in a monarchical as in a republican form of government. Great Britain discovered the abuses fifty years ago, and required an examination of applicants. The first ones were called pass examinations, but rapidly grew into competitive examinations. The British precedent was the basis of an act, passed by the United States Congress in 1853, by which such examinations were made the basis of an appointment to any place in the four great classes of clerkships in Washington. These examinations were the first practical steps toward what is designated as Civil Service Reform. See also INDIAN AFFAIRS, in these Supplements.


CIVIL SERVICE RULES. President Grant, in 1872, appointed a 'commission" to "devise rules and regulations" for admission to and continuance in the civil service of the United States. The commission prepared and reported such rules,



based upon competitive examinations, and the government officers began at once to carry them out, to some extent. But the political pressure brought to bear upon many of the Senators and members of Congress by their constituents for place and promotion was such that the progress made in the proposed reform was much less rapid than had been expected. In 1879 President Hayes renewed the efforts of President Grant, and the reform was specially observed in the New York post-office and some other large post-offices. Since that date considerable progress has been made, and the system of competitive examinations has been extended, not only to the Federal offices, but also to the civil service in several of the states and chief cities.

employees serving in any customs district, whose employees number at present, or may hereafter number, as many as five, who have been, or may hereafter be, classified under the Civil Service Act.

The Post-Office Service includes the officers and employees in any free-delivery post-office who have been, or may hereafter be, classified under the act, the latestablished in any post-office, or when any post-office ter occurring whenever a free-delivery system shall be shall be consolidated with a free-delivery post-office. Similarly, The Government Printing Service and The Internal Revenue Service include all officers or employees who have been, or may hereafter be, classified under the act. The rules provide for certain employees and positions that shall not be subject thereto, which refer to minor or local offices which require only a portion of the time of the holder; to persons in the military and naval service detailed for civil service duties; to persons employed in the foreign service under the State Department; or any person whose duties are of a quasi military or quasi naval character.

Examinations. The examinations to test the fitness of

The act of Congress prescribing rules and the extent of their application was passed in 1883. It provides for the appointment, by the President, applicants for positions are of a practical and suitable of three Civil Service Commissioners, with a chief examiner, a secretary and other employees, and makes it the duty of the commission to aid the President in preparing rules for carrying the new act into effect; to make regulations for examinations, and for office records and reports, and to provide, also, for the enforcement of the


The headquarters of the commission is in Washington, District of Columbia. The act prescribed that the President can revise or modify the rules from time to time for the regulation of the service. As revised May 6, 1896, the rules include the following points:

Qualifications for Applicants. Every applicant must be a citizen of the United States, of proper age, mentally and physically sound, of good moral character, or who has not been guilty of a crime or other notorious misconduct, etc. All are otherwise eligible, without respect to political or religious creed, or race.

Branches of the Service. The service includes and is arranged in branches, as follows: The Departmental Service, the Custom-House Service, the Post-Office Service, the Government Printing Service, and the Internal Revenue Service. The Departmental Service includes all officers and employees of whatever designation, except persons merely employed as laborers or workmen, and persons who have been nominated for confirmation by the Senate, however or for whatever purpose employed, whether compensated by a fixed salary, or otherwise, who are serving in or on detail from the several executive departments, the commissions and offices in the District of Columbia; the Railway Mail Service; the Indian Service; the several pension agencies; the Steamboat Inspection Service; the Marine Hospital Service; the Lighthouse Service; the Life-Saving Service; the several mints and assay-offices; the Revenue Cutter Service; the force employed under custodians of public buildings; the several subtreasuries; the Engineer Department at large; and all executive officers and employees outside of the District of Columbia, not covered in the above, of whatever designation, whether compensated by a fixed salary, or otherwise, who are serving in a clerical capacity, or whose duties are in whole or in part of a clerical nature; in the capacity of watchman or messenger; in the capacity of physician, hospital steward, nurse, or whose duties are of a medical nature; in the capacity of draftsman, civil engineer, steam-engineer, electrical engineer, computer or fireman; or who are in the service of the Supervising Architect's Office in the capacity of superintendent of construction, superintendent of repair, or foreman; or in the service of the Treasury Department in any capacity.

The Custom-House Service includes the officers and

character, involving such subjects and tests as the commission may direct. The dates of these examinations are such as shall be deemed most suitable for the convenience of applicants and the needs of the service. The board of examiners are appointed from persons in the government service. The examination papers are rated on a scale of 100, and 70 marks or over are considered entitling the candidate to eligibility for appointment. A probationary period of six months is authorized, and vacancies, transfers, employment, appointment and promotion of substitutes, reinstatements, etc., are all controlled by the rules, and applicable to all alike.

Age Limitations. The age limitations for entrance to the different positions in the service are as follows: Departmental Service: Page or messenger-boy, from 14 to 18; apprentice (or student), from 16 to 20; printer's assistant and messenger, from 18 upward; positions in Railway Mail Service, from 18 to 35; superintendent, physician, supervisor, day-school inspector and matron, Indian Service, from 25 to 55; all other positions in the Indian Service, from 21 to 45; all other positions, from 20 upward. Custom-House Service: Clerk and messenger, from 20 upward; other positions, from 20 upward. Post-Office Service: Letter-carrier, from 21 to 40; other positions, from 18 upward. Government Printing Service: All positions (male), from 21 upward; all positions (female), from 18 upward. Internal Revenue Service: Clerk, from 18 upward; other positions, from 21 upward.

Apportionments of appointments are made among the several states and territories and District of Columbia upon a basis of population, except to appointments in the Government Printing-Office; to the position of printer's assistant, skilled helper and operative in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing; to positions in the post-quartermaster's office, in the pension agency and other local offices in the District of Columbia; and to the positions of page and messenger-boy, and apprentice or student. Vacancies outside the District of Columbia are filled by districts; that is, an eligible shall be certified to vacancy in the district in which he resides.

Non-Competitive Examinations. In pursuance of the provisions of the act, wherever competent persons can be found who are willing to compete, no non-competitive examination are given, except as follows: (a) To test fitness for transfer, or for promotion in a part of the service to which promotion regulations have not been applied. (b) To test fitness for appointment of Indians as superintendents, teachers, teachers of industries, kindergartners, and physicians in the Indian service at large. The non-competitive examinations of Indians for the positions mentioned shall consist of such tests of fitness, not disapproved by the commission, as may be determined upon by the Secretary of the Interior. A statement of the result of every non-competitive test, and all appointments, transfers or promotions based thereon, shall be immediately forwarded to the commission.

Exceptions from Examination or Registration. The following-named employees or positions which have been, or


may hereafter be, classified under the Civil Service Act

are excepted from the requirement of examination or registration: Private secretaries or confidential clerks (not exceeding two) to the President or to the head of each of the eight executive departments; Indians employed in the Indian service at large, except those employed as superintendents, teachers, teachers of industries, kindergartners and physicians; one cashier in each customs district; one chief or principal deputy

or assistant collector in each customs district whose employees number as many as 150; one assistant postmaster, or chief assistant to the postmaster, of whatever designation, at each post-office; one cashier of each firstclass post-office when employed under the roster title of cashier only; one cashier in each internal revenue district. As far as possible, all promotions are to be made by competitive examinations. The age limitations are relaxed in the case of persons honorably discharged from military or naval service; and per centum of proficiency in examinations of applicants claiming preference under rule 1754 of the Revised Statutes is reduced to 65.


Beecher's church at Brooklyn, his charities were princely, and he took great delight in assisting promising young men. As early as 1850 he was known as an antislavery advocate. He died at Fordham, New York, Nov. 14, 1885.

CLAGGETT, THOMAS JOHN, an American churchman; born at White's Landing, Maryland, Oct. 2, 1742; was educated at Princeton, where he was graduated in 1762; studied theology, and was ordained in England in 1767. On returning to America he was appointed rector of All Saints' Church, Calvert County, Maryland. On the beginning of the Revolution he retired to his estate in Prince George County; in 1779 began services in St. Paul's parish, and next year became its rector. In 1792 he was consecrated bishop of Maryland, the ceremony taking place in New York, this being the first consecration of a bishop in America, the Scottish and Anglican succession of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America being united in the function. In 1800, during the first session of Congress at Washington, he was chaplain to the Senate. He became rector of Trinity Church, Upper Marlboro, in 1808, which charge he held for the rest of his life. He died at Croom, Maryland, Aug. 2, 1816. CLAIBORNE, WILLIAM, colonist; born in Westmoreland, England, about 1589; died in Virginia about 1676. He came from a distinguished family, and was appointed, under the London Company, surveyor of the Virginia plantations. In October, 1621, he arrived in Jamestown, and located in James City. Soon afterward he acquired an estate amounting to 45,000 acres.. CLAFLIN, LEE, an American philanthropist; March 24, 1625, he became secretary of state for born at Hopkinton, Massachusetts, Nov. 19, 1791; the colony, and on March 13, 1628, was commisbecame rich in the manufacture of shoes, using sioned by the governor to make discoveries southhis wealth liberally in the endowment of the Wes-ward and open trade with the Indians. He setleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Massachusetts; the Methodist University, Middletown, Connecticut; and the Boston Theological Seminary. He died Feb. 23, 1871.

CIVITALI, MATTEO, an Italian sculptor; born at Lucca about 1435. He was a barber until past his thirtieth year, and studied in Florence the art by which he became famous, his master being unknown. His finest works are in the cathedrals at Lucca and Genoa; for the former he executed the altar-piece of St. Regulus, the pulpit, two kneeling angels in the Chapel of the Sacrament, and the Tempiento, the octagonal marble shrine for the Volto Santo, the cedar crucifix that was brought to Lucca, miraculously it is said, in A. D. 780. His figure representing Faith is preserved in the Uffizi Gallery, Florence. He died in 1501.

CLADOCERA. 648, 650.

See CRUSTACEA, Vol. VI, pp.

CLAFLIN, HORACE BRIGHAM, an American merchant and philanthropist; born at Milford, Massachusetts, Dec. 18, 1811; in 1831 succeeded his father in business, and next year, with his brothers, opened a store in Worcester, Massachusetts. In 1843 Horace removed to New York, and with William F. Bulkeley organized the firm of Bulkeley and Claflin, and began a wholesale dry-goods business, the firm rapidly extending its business; in 1851 it became known as Claflin, Mellen and Company, upon the retirement of Bulkeley. In 1864 Mr. Mellen retired, and the firm became known as H. B. Claflin and Company. The business done by the firm has amounted to $72,000,000 a year. Mr. Claflin was a prominent member of Mr.



tled the Isle of Kent, where he established a trading-post, bought out the interest of all the natives in that island, and induced many settlers to locate on his lands. When Lord Baltimore's first colony arrived at St. Marie's, in March, 1634, they claimed control over the Isle of Kent and all its settlers. The dispute was continued between the two parties for many years, until Virginia, in 1776, released all claims to the territory of Maryland beyond the Potomac River. When Lord Baltimore's colony had been founded on St. Marie's River, trouble began between them and the party of Claiborne, and in course of time the latter's settlement on the Isle of Kent became a failure. Claiborne by that time had become involved in serious difficulties, and in 1637 sailed for England. When the Cromwellian revolution began to make headway in Great Britain, both Maryland and Virginia declared their loyalty to the royal government; but Claiborne saw fit to join the Parliamentary party, and on Sept. 26, 1651, with others, was appointed a commissioner by Parliament to reduce Virginia and the plantations on Chesapeake Bay. An English expedition arrived in Virginia in March, 1652, overthrew the government of the Cavaliers and established a Roundhead one, with Claiborne as sec




retary of state. See also MARYLAND, Vol. XV, p. 605.

CLAIBORNE, WILLIAM CHARLES COLE, governor of Louisiana; born in Virginia in 1775; died in New Orleans, Louisiana, Nov. 23, 1817. After studying law, he removed to Tennessee, then a territory, where he was elected a judge. He was a member of the convention which prepared the state constitution of 1796, and in 1797 was elected to Congress, where he served two terms. In 1802 he was appointed governor of the territory of Mississippi, and in 1803, when Louisiana was bought from the French, was appointed a commissioner with General James Wilkinson to take possession of the new territory, of which he was made governor in 1804. His administration was especially difficult, owing to the heterogeneous character of the people; but he preserved harmony between creoles and the American planters, and exercised great tact in dealing with the adventurers of Aaron Burr's expedition. When Louisiana was made a state in 1812, he was elected governor, and during the war with Great Britain aided in the defense of his state. In 1816 he was elected to the United States Senate, but was prevented by impaired health from taking his seat. Other members of his family served in Congress at various times.

CLAIBORNE GROUP, a name given in America to certain beds of clay, lignite, shelly sands, and marly limestone which occur in the vicinity of Claiborne, Alabama, and are believed to belong to the Eocene system.

CLAIM. See PATENT, Vol. XVIII, p. 355CLAIMS, COURT OF. A court of the United States established by act of Congress, Feb. 24, 1855. It has general jurisdiction of all "claims founded upon the constitution of the United States or any law of Congress, except for pensions, or upon any regulation of an executive department, or upon any contract, expressed or implied, with the government of the United States, or for damages, liquidated or unliquidated, in cases not sounding in tort, in respect of which claims the party would be entitled to redress against the United States, either in a court of law, equity or admiralty, if the United States were suable, except claims growing out of the late Civil War and commonly known as war claims," and certain rejected claims.

It has jurisdiction, also, of claims of like character which may be referred to it by any executive department, involving disputed facts or controverted questions of law, where the amount in controversy exceeds $3,000, or where the decision will affect a class of cases or furnish a precedent for the future action of any executive department in the adjustment of a class of cases, or where any authority, right, privilege or exemtion is claimed or denied under the constitution. In all the above-mentioned cases the court, when it finds for the claimant, may enter judgment against the United States, payable out of the public treasury. An appeal, only upon questions of law, lies to the supreme court on the part of

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the defendants in all cases, and on the part of the claimants when the amount in controversy exceeds $3,000. The findings of fact by the court of claims are final, and not subject to review by the supreme court.

By the act of March 3, 1883, chapter 116, called the Bowman Act, the head of an executive department may refer to the court any “claim or matter," pending in his department, involving controverted questions of fact or law. The court is required to find the facts and its conclusions of law, and to report the same to the department for its guidance and action. The same act authorizes either house of Congress, or any of its committees, to refer to the court any "claim or matter" involving the investigation and determination of facts, the court to find the facts and report the same to Congress for such action thereon as may there be determined. This act is extended by act of March 2, 1887, chapter 359.

There is a statute of limitations which prevents parties from bringing actions on their own motion beyond six years after the cause of action accrued, but the departments may refer claims at any time, if they were pending therein within the six years. The only limitation under the Bowman Act is, that the court shall have no jurisdiction of any claim barred before the passage of the act by any then existing provision of law.

By act of Jan. 20, 1885, Congress gave to the court jurisdiction over "claims to indemnity upon the French government, arising out of illegal captures, detentions, seizures, condemnations and confiscations prior to the ratification of the convention between the United States and the French republic, concluded on the thirtieth day of September, 1800." The time of filing claims is limited. to two years from the passage of the act, and all claims not presented within that time are forever barred.

The court finds the facts and the law, and reports the same, in each case, to Congress. By act of March 3, 1891, chapter 538, the court is vested with jurisdiction of certain Indian depredation claims.

There are five judges, who sit together in the hearing of cases, the concurrence of three of whom is necessary for the decision of any


The court sits at Washington, District of Columbia, in the Department of Justice Building, 1509 Pennsylvania Avenue, on the first Monday in December in each year, and continues into the following summer, and until all cases ready for trial are disposed of. Cases may be commenced and entered at any time, whether the court be in session or not.

Prior to the establishment of this court, those having claims against the government had no remedy but to petition Congress, and thence to obtain a bill for their relief. This proceeded on the principle of law that no individual can maintain a suit against a sovereign or government unless with the express consent of the proposed defendant. It was the multiplicity of these petitions to Congress which gave rise to the court of

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