OF THE STATE OF MONTANA PASSED AT THE ...FIFTH REGULAR SESSION... OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY HELD AT HELENA, THE SEAT OF GOVERNMENT OF SAID STATE, COM- STANFORD LIBRARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICATION. STATE OF MONTANA, SECRETARY'S OFFICE. SS. I, T. S. Hogan, Secretary of State of the State of Montana, do hereby certify that the printed laws, resolutions and memorials contained herein are true and correct copies of all the enrolled laws, resolutions and memorials that were passed at the Fifth Regular Session of the Legislative Assembly of said State, commencing January 4th, 1897, and ending March 4th, 1897, and held at Helena, the seat of government of said State, with the exception of corrections in orthography and punctuation, and omission or substitute words inserted in brackets. [SEAL] IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of said State. Done at Helena, the seat of government of the State of Montana, this twenty-fifth day of March, A. D. 1897. T. S. HOGAN, 228684 Secretary of State. |