Jefferson, Thomas, See Homestead Bill. the democratic principles of.. letter to Col. Monroe.. letter to E. Carrington.. quoted...... JOHNSON, ANDREW, biographical notice of.. proclamation in reference to guerrillas.. address at Nashville.. letter accepting the nomination for the vice-presidency xxxi speech at Logansport, Ind.. address to the colored people of Nashville... .. XXXV ........ XXXV .xxxvi xliii speech of April 3d, 1865.. xliii inauguration as President.. speech on the veto-power, August 2, 1848..... remarks on slavery.... xlvii 1 12 67 speech on the state of the Union, delivered February an "ally of every man who loves his country PAGE 256 259 264 282 285 286 speech in reply to Senator Lane, March 2, 1861... 290 refers to the "homestead" policy... 298 speech at Cincinnati, Ohio, June 19, 1861. 316 speech on the war for the Union, July 27, 1861.... 328 remarks on the proclamation of President Lincoln call- ing for 75,000 men.. 341 his faith in woman ... 355 his course during the presidential election of 1860..... 386 his joint resolution proposing amendments to the Con- 461 speech to the Illinois delegation, April 18, 1865........ 468 476 address to loyal Southerners 477 speech to the Indiana delegation, April, 1865.......... 481 Keitt, L. M., speech at Columbia, S. C....... ivingston, Edward, letters on the Louisiana Treaty. ouisiana, the acquisition of.... See Mississippi River........... treaty for the cession of.. condition of, in 1803... 435 64 51 63 195 xlvi 405 184 128 130 171 186 189 how "oppressed" by the United States.. Loyal Southerners, President Johnson's address to......... 477 Madison, James. See Veto-Power remarks on "pure democracies". resolutions of 1798... letter to N. P. Trist, 1832.. notice of...... "Marion," seizure of the.......... Marshall, John, Chief Justice, views of democracy. 51 85 87 89 229 370 63 his opinion of secession.. 105 Martial law, its existence during the Revolution of 1776.... 333 Mason, James M., remarks on slavery in the South..... 70 Mason, J. T., on the acquisition of Cuba... Morris, Gouverneur, opinion of "homesteads " ... 54 481 Moultrie, William, General, his Memoirs quoted. 207 35, 65 Napoleon I., his "pure good will" towards the United States... New York, pauperism in.. Nullification at the North PAGE 184 34, 66 98 Oglesby, Richard J., Gov., speech to President Johnson.... 466 Pickens, F. W., Gov. of S. C., dispatch of, Jan. 19, 1861... 280 Poinsett, Joel R., address to the people of Charleston, S. C. 286 249 Polk, James K. See Veto-Power ............ 8 Polk, Tristen, speech on the war quoted...... 371 Post-offices and post-roads, rights of Congress to establish.. 120 Times," quoted.... 85 xlvi 90 Russell, William Howard, correspondent of the "London Saulsbury, senator of Delaware..... Schenck, R. C., Senator..... Secession, the constitutionality and rightfulness of. the effect on a State after it is committed.. ... 353 433 9 77 124 252 PAGE rier, John. See Frankland.... erman, John, Senator... ve, definition of... avery, the death of... remarks of Senator Hammond on.. the effect of, at the South...... how guaranteed in the United States.. šlaves, Jeff. Davis's resolution for the protection of.. not prohibited in the territories..... Slave-trade, L. W. Spratt's letter on the, quoted... Slidell, John, noticed..... Smalley, David A., Judge... Smith, John. See Aaron Burr....... 269 419 67 XXX 65 67 164 348 220 362 389 410 413 Society, property the main object of.. Soulé, Pierre, on the acquisition of Cuba.. South wants a "dictator "... neutrality of, proposed during the Revolution of 1776.. 208 the secession of, "not an event of a day”...... 212 |