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Church and State legislation in Connecticut while a colony, 493--497; as a
State, 499.

Classical studies, importance of, 397.

Colleges, why needed, 389-392: advantages, 393: reform in considered, 394:
proper constitution and government, 407, 408: to what extent should they be
multiplied, 409.

Colton, Rev. Calvin,-Thoughts on the Religious state of the country, 488--504;
a distinguished man in his own eyes,-his book a sort of Biographia Theolo-
gico-literaria, 488; psycological process of his conversion to Episcopacy, 489;
compared and contrasted with Mr. Connelly, 491; gross blunder as to the ec-
clesiastical history of Connecticut corrected, 492: his reasons for Episcopacy
considered, 591--617; extract from his work on American Revivals, 601, 602.
Connection between Egyptian and Jewish History, 337--353: materials for the
early history of Egypt, 339; dynasties reconciled, 340; Egyptian cycle, 341.
confirmation of scripture in Egyptian antiquities, 342; Exodus, time of, 344;
Pithom, is it the name of a man or city? 366; reference to Judah in Hiero-
glyphics, 380.

Connelly, Pierce, on the religious state of the country,-his conversion from
Episcopacy to the Roman Catholic faith, 491; his lamentations over the coun-
try, 503.
Correspondence, 672.

Dangers of our country, 505--519; from general agitation, 506; from intolerance,
508; political party-spirit, 510; disregard and violation of the sabbath, 512;
papacy, 515; infidelity and atheism, &c., 519.

Dew, Prof., his defense of slavery noticed, 119.

Divine Government, illustrations of, T. Southwood Smith, reviewed, 80--112;
based on the doctrine, that sin is the necessary means of the greatest good,
81; theory of providence, 82; of free agency, 83; justice, 84: annihilates
distinction between right and wrong, 85: excludes all sense of guilt or re-
morse, 86 subverts the very foundations of moral government, 87: theory of
moral evil, extracts, 90, 91; baseless, 92; how does God purpose sin, 94;
another view, 99; its advantages, includes a plan, 100; harmonizes with di-
vine attributes, 101; other objections to Dr. Smith's view, 109--112.

Education, what ought to be included in a liberal one, 394.

domestic, John Hall, Esq., on, 43--57; wrong estimate of earliest char-
acter of children by parents, 45; personal neglect of government of children,
46; disclosures of their faults, 47; choice of schools, 48.

Education too often solely for this world, 48.

-, parents form too low views of it, 49.

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physical, leading principles respecting it, 404.
practical, mistakes in corrected, 401.

Eloquence, its origin, 411; its nature, 410.

Episcopacy-Calvin Colton's Reasons for: faults of Presbyterianism, system of
church judicatories, 591--593; loss of pastoral influence, 595--597; excessive
amount of labor, 597; mode of admission, 598; mutual watch and care,
602--606; his answers to objections against, 606: arguments for, its advantages,
607--609, 612--614 objections, 614--617.

Essay-writing, remarks on, and on the English essay, 529: utility and advant-
ages, 531, 540; a difficult species of composition, 541.
Eternity, meaning of the term, (aion in Greek,) 317.
Etymologies and criticism by Noah Webster, LL. D., 311.
Ezekiel, i. 1: xxvii. 14, description of cherubim, 371, 379.

Gen. iii. 24; description of the cherubim, 368.

Goodrich, Rev. Elizur, D. D.--document of much interest prepared for General
Convention at Stamford, 498, 499.

Harris, Rev. John, author of the Great Teacher,-bold and fervid writer, 413,
Hall, John, Esq., on the education of children, 43.

Haste, in the preparation of books, to be deprecated, 293.

Health, injurious effects of popular works on, 439-455: on the mind, 443: vis-

ionary plans of living, 447: common sense the best guide, 448, 454: they
overlook the accommodating powers of the human system, 452.
Health, influence of religion on, Dr. Brigham's, 51--80.

Hopkins, Bishop, Primitive Church,-views of doctrine unscriptural, 227; on
union to a church, 228; election, 230--233; baptism and sponsors, 234--236;
confirmation, 237, 240; bible societies, &c. 241; prayer meetings, 242; revi-
vals, 243 opposition to temperance societies, 244; his reasons examined and
refuted, 246--253.

Induction-true meaning of the term, 182-184.

Jefferson, Thomas, his denial, that christianity is part of the common law of
England, refuted, 15.

Johnson, James, M. D.-change of air or philosophy of Traveling, 455: spirit
of the work, vaunting and illiberal at times 456, 457, a book of reflections, and
impressions, 459:-journey in Europe, 458, remarks on France and French
character, 459, 460; scenery on the way to Italy, &c. 461-465, Florence and
Rome, 466, and Pompeii, 469: his views of Italy as a residence for invalids,
469, climate, 470-472. malaria, 472, 473, medicinal influence of the climate, 474,
in pulmonary affections, 475, bronchial, nervous or dyspeptic disorders, 476,
477; moral and religious effects of Italian residence, 479.

Kaufman, Rev. A. translation of Tholuck on John, 319-327; his defects as a
translator, 319.

Leigh, Hon. B. W. speech in defense of slavery in U. S. Senate noticed, 124.
Life, future-Natural evidence of, furnished by analogy drawn from facts in sci-
ence-solution 586, rarefaction, 556, natural decomposition, 560, light and
heat, 562, electricity, galvanism, and magnetism, 566, chimical attraction, 568,
gravitation, 569, vegetation, animal organization, 570, animal life, 571, organs
of sensation, 572, Personal Identity, suspended animation, spectral illusions,

Logic-too much neglected, 400.

Manual labor in colleges considered, 404-407.

Maryland, progress of this state towards becoming a free state, statistics, 166-168.
Mathematics and science necessary in colleges, 398, 399.

Memoirs, best method of writing, 41.

Mendon Association, 170,

and Hopkinsianism; letter to Conductors of Christian Spectator, and re-
marks, 327.

Miscellaneous Notices, 669.

Mitchell, Hon. Stephen Mix, LL. D.-Sketch of the life and character of, 205:
birth and ancestry, 206, 207, education, 207, tutor in Yale College, reproof of
Dwight, 208-professional life, 209; a statesman, 209, 210, aid in securing to
Connecticut the Western reserve 211; original letter on this subject, 211 note;
influence as to Mr. Madison's commercial resolutions 1794, 212-character as
a statesman, confidence in him, 213, wide and liberal views, 214, quick dis-
cernment of character &c. moderation and firmness, 215, sterling integrity;
social and private character, 217-220; intellectual character, 221; moral and
religious character, 222--225.

Mortality, comparative, of free black and other classes, 169.

Natural Evidence of a future life-object of the work, 557; character, 576.

Orders of the Ministry, Bishop Hopkins views examined, 266--276.

Phrenology, chances for its truth, 53--55, note.

Physical Theory of another life, 643--663. Outline of the work-conditions of
corporeity, 646: prerogatives of the spiritual body, 647 points of advantage,
648; probability of happiness or misery, 649: his three conjectures as to the
theater of action, 650: Objections to the theory, 652; singular notions as to
the intermediate state, 656: excellencies of the work, 659; extracts, 660.

Philip, Robert, Young Man's Closet Library, 669.

Piety-proper standard and aim of, 663; practicability of high attainments in
individuals, 664, in the church, 666.

Polity, ecclesiastical, Bishop Hopkins' views of, 260-his arguments examined,

Power, meaning of according to West, &c. 174, 175.
Prayer, modes and forms discussed, 253--260.

meetings, Bishop Hopkins views of them, 242.

Providence particular, doctrine of, 1--12: evident from God's general providence,
2, from his word, 3, from history-sacred, 4-civil, 5 objections answered,
7--10: practical bearings of the doctrine 10--12.

Puritan, The, by John Oldbug, Esquire, 528--556, character of the work, 538--542.

Revivals, Bishop Hopkins' views of them, 243.
Rev. iv. 6--11. description of the cherubim, 379.

Reform sure and only safe way of, 155.

Rice, Rev. John, H. D. D.-sketch of his life, 22--43: character, 27; as a
preacher, 38; as a writer, 39; his views on slavery, 39, 40; Reflections, 41.
Ridicule and sarcasm in the pulpit, how far lawful, 533.

Special agency of the Holy Spirit-meaning, 65--68: objections refuted, 68--72 :
Effects or incidents, 73--78.

Slavery, Prof. Dew's defence of, 119.

Dr. Rice's views, 39, 40.

Prof. Andrews on, 160-southern in theory and practice, 161, as a sys-
tem, 161--165.

question, present state of, 112.

Smith T. Southwood, M. D. his illustrations of divine government, 80--112.
Soul, an inquiry concerning, 276--292.

Sprague, Rev. William B., D. D.-Hints designed to regulate christian intercourse,
292, defect as to final impression, 309.

Ticknor, Caleb, M. D-Philosophy of living, 439.

Temperance Societies-opposed by Bishop Hopkins, grounds, of objection ex-
amined and refuted, 244--253.

Theology, Natural-its importance, 179, the argument of design not strictly in-
ductive, 182--184, but surer and safer, 184, 185-design and nature of the ar-
gument from, 182, conclusive in its application, 187: Examples in the mate-
rial world, 190--195, in the intellectual, 196; ultimate design of God, with
regard to man, 200; its character, 203-true position, 204.

Tholuck ou John, its excellencies as a commentary, 234, contrasted with Kuinoel,
325, 326.

Thoughts-importance of precision or condensation in, 400.

Tyndale William,-sketch of his life, 618; Birth, early studies, 620, ordination,
first attempts at translation of the new testament in English, specimen, 621:
persecuted, flees to Germany, 625: translates and publishes the testament in
English, 626: efforts made to suppress its circulation, 627; effect, 629:
his tracts, 630 chaplain to the English merchants at Antwerp, efforts made
to get him to England 631, his noble sentiments 632--634, his life at Antwerp,
635, is betrayed, 636, imprisoned, and put to death, 636, comparison of his
testament with Wiclif's, 639.

Wesley, John-" on the Witness of the Spirit," 353--368-his character, 355,
the doctrine of his discourse-a real impression-felt before the commence-
ment of holiness, its divinity can be instantaneously demonstrated-identical
except in its office with the views of the Quakers, 356--367: Evil tendency
of the doctrine, unwarrantable fancy of mysticism, extravagant and wild in its
principle, 388, destroys healthy action of christians, by creating intemperate
demand for excitement, 363, spasmodic religion, 365, declension and insensi-
bility, 366.

West, Dr. Stephen,-father of the divine-efficiency scheme, his views, 172, 173.
Winslow, on civil and social duties, 151--160.

Wordsworth and his poetry, 127--151.

Worship-modes and forms of, examined, 258--260.

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