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Brooklyn, act to open Eighth avenue from Tenth street to Greenwood....885, 908

912, 938

to create department of public charities in...........905, 908, 910, 964, 1131
to authorize common council to open certain streets...646, 832, 856, 871, 1017

1031, 1100

to authorize improvement of First street and Kent avenue, 646, 714, 782, 812

for the further extension of Prospect Park.

984, 985, 1118, 1122, 1247
666, 828, 846, 1025, 1070

to authorize common council to open and grade Douglass street, 666, 733, 751

789, 826

to establish a board of health in.....674, 685, 725, 740, 1051, 1081, 1181, 1243
to authorize the rebuilding and repairing of certain wharves and piers in, 675

778, 831, 854, 1053

to authorize rebuilding and repairing of certain wharves in, 313, 326, 339, 564

622, 654, 1132

to repeal act relative to election of auditor in.....


to restrict issue of bonds for local improvements, 266, 283, 334, 338, 1067, 1132

relative to improvement of Gowanus canal in


to widen Washington avenue in

.118, 156, 159, 169

to open and widen Sacket and other streets in...184, 908, 970, 995, 1054, 1132

to amend the charter of....


petition of citizens for removal of water commissioners.


resolution of common council of, for authority to borrow money......
resolution of common council for securing cheaper ferriage between

[blocks in formation]

to divide the ninth and twenty-first wards of ....201, 291, 363, 686, 694,
to authorize consolidation of certain gas-light companies



to amend act to lay out Sixteenth street in..........304, 363, 420, 403,
to legalize certain obligations incurred by city of.. 109, 156, 163, 167, 171,
to widen part of Nevins street in




to provide for collecting expenses of constructing certain sewers in



766, 770, 807, 1047

to provide for the government of.........


to provide for improvement of Park avenue in............776, 751, 890, 921

[blocks in formation]

to provide armory in, for Twenty-third Regiment of National Guard...

[blocks in formation]

to create a department of city works in

482, 548, 663, 692

in relation to fire department in

.......482, 548

to open and improve Sanford street

482, 598, 651, 675, 697


Brooklyn, act to provide for construction of sewer in Navy street....483, 564, 594

626, 649

Board of Education, to sell certain lands....

483, 779, 891, 936

petition for construction of sewers...

...520, 782, 812

to provide for adjusting certain accounts in
to repeal act for appointment of interpreter in courts..519, 547, 579, 592,
petition of citizens of, for a new charter

[blocks in formation]

relative to certain lands in, devised by Thomas Poole.. 218, 306, 310, 316,
remonstrance of committee of fifty against a further issue of bonds..... 216
remonstrance of citizens against running Sacket Street railroad through
Union street



relative to arrears of taxes in....

......103, 117, 311, 439, 442,


resolutions of common council relative to Bedford and Perry avenues..


resolution of common council relative to eight-hour law....


resolution of common council of, relative to ambulances.


resolution of supervisors of, for additional ferry facilities.


in relation to the board of excise in.

...906, 909

in relation to pay of firemen appointed by the fire commissioners of.... 971
to extend and improve Fourth street in....971, 1017, 1031, 1111
to alter commissioners' map of

...1000, 1092, 1205

to provide for the repavement of Henry street.........1019, 1118, 1184, 1234
to confirm, reduce and levy certain assessments in.....1020, 1080, 1112, 1247
to increase number of judges of city court ............1048, 1052, 1108, 1154
to authorize city to borrow money for certain extraordinary expenses.. 1061

to amend the charter of....

1153, 1184, 1230, 1243
..1061, 1132, 1202, 1243

in relation to the Wallabout, improvement in........... ........1185, 1237

to extend jurisdiction of board of health in....

.1196, 1243

to establish police courts and courts of special sessions in.........1241, 1245

memorial of citizens relative to pier lines...


to amend charter of......

368, 439, 604, 627, 633

Bath and Coney Island Railroad Company, to prohibit use of steam


..380, 479, 546, 553,


Business Women's Union of, to exempt from taxation........
City Railroad Company, to authorize extension of tracks.. 474, 479, 558,
City and Newtown Railroad Company, to amend act relative to .......
City and Newtown Railroad Company, in relation to..339, 521, 522, 529,




City Safe Deposit Company, to incorporate.......
Club, act in relation to...

City, Hunter's Point and Prospect Park Railroad Company, to change
name of......


........836, 848,891, 933
.690, 733,805, 842
.......477, 515, 578, 592, 614, 1132

Eclectic Dispensary, petition for an appropriation.

Grand Street, Prospect Park and Flatbush railroad, for relief of...1200, 1231
Improvement Company, to issue preferred stock..585, 641, 729, 751, 756, 1024


Mechanics' and Traders' Exchange, to incorporate...878, 890, 991, 1031, 1112

Nursery, petition of, for appropriation.....


Sacket Street Railroad Company, act for relief of...



Brooklyn, Williamsburgh and Bushwick, to amend act consolidating...80,354, 1060

1153, 1184, 1235, 1243

Woman's Half-dime Savings Bank, act to incorporate............233, 289
Breck, George, appointed reporter....
Breen, Margaret, to release interest of State to..........483, 530, 531, 777, 829
Brevoort, Elizabeth Dorothea, petition of, relative to lands in Brooklyn...... 71


74, 85, 99, 104, 183

Bridges, Thomas C., elected assistant door-keeper...
Bruynswick Rural Cemetery Association, to acquire property for burial pur-
..216, 286, 293
Buerckel, George, to release interest of State to........483, 581, 777, 839, 928
Buffalo, to authorize city to issue bonds for water purposes......144, 331, 334, 340
authorizing issue of bonds to aid the people of Chicago...413, 435, 565, 581
609, 697


to borrow money to subscribe to capital stock of Buffalo and James-
town Railroad Co......

..422, 445, 446

to amend charter of

.8, 44, 51, 55, 58
.525, 767, 782, 839

to legalize certain proceedings of common council..

to incorporate the Safe Deposit and Trust Company of...566, 597, 686, 703

to authorize city to convey certain lands

709, 1084, 1154
....879, 886, 915

to authorize taking of lands in, for purposes of an avenue.879, 916
to extend jurisdiction of park commissioners in.....879, 885, 917, 968, 974
to amend charter of...

to construct a bridge over Erie canal at...

553, 596, 686, 703, 710, 1038, 1080, 1137

..835, 1185




petition of the Home of the Friendless, for appropriation

petition in behalf of Ingleside Home of....

relative to dredging done in the Erie basin...

to amend act relative to public parks in.....599, 641, 683, 689, 707, 827
to amend act to establish police in.. 198, 206, 298, 301, 304, 592, 636, 666, 681
Catholic Institute, act to incorporate............566, 719, 769, 783, 784, 1244
East Side Street Railway Company, to amend act to incorporate....642, 685
780, 781, 810, 852
German United Evangelical St. John's Church in, for relief....207, 414, 549

563, 571, 1014

and New York Oil Tankage and Transportation Company, to incorpo-


Orphan Asylum, to amend charter of....
Plank-road, to amend act relative to.....

..1086, 1096, 1163
......926, 1132

109, 197

and Springville Railroad Company, to change terminus of road ....313, 328

389, 395, 403, 440, 454

Street Railroad Company, to make certain contracts.......880, 902, 926, 954

Buildings, better security of mechanics and others erecting

amend act for better security of mechanics erecting

Bull, George W., appointed reporter..


Butcher, William, to release interest of State to........

..134, 459



.331, 337, 345, 349



Caldwell, to authorize supervisors of Warren county to levy tax upon, 644, 702, 730
Canajoharie, to provide for purchase of fire apparatus in, 472, 563, 594, 602, 625, 1004
Canajoharie Academy, to authorize trustees of, to convey property....... 369, 547
Canal claims, to repeal act relative to, 86, 101, 111, 125, 128, 157, 203, 215, 216, 238


to repeal act relative to employment of counsel by the State in, 86, 101, 111

125, 126

Canal debt, making appropriations for payment of principal and interest on, 522

591, 659, 849, 901

Canal and general fund deficiencies, to provide means to pay...... 1060, 1170, 1247
Canal revenues, to repeal act relative to frauds upon....
Canals, to encourage steam towage upon..


to supply deficiencies in appropriation for..
to grant right to propel boats upon, by a traction wheel..
amend act relative to use of steam, caloric, electricity, or other power
amend act relative to European system of towage upon, 146, 152, 192,
210, 216, 264, 269, 270, 276, 289, 290, 310,


339, 769, 1015
292, 310, 353, 361



907, 919

to encourage steam towage upon
649, 663, 769, 783,
relative to new work upon, and extraordinary repairs of, 522, 591, 733,

to amend act relative to registry of liens upon boats navigating the.... 637
to amend act relative to liens upon boats navigating........ 1152, 1179, 1203
to reappropriate money for construction of new work upon, and extra-
ordinary repairs of...

...645, 704, 748, 964

to make appropriation for expense of collection of tolls, superintend-
ence and ordinary repairs of

.....645, 684, 748, 759

to supply deficiencies in appropriation and to pay indebtedness on ac-
count of
...1041, 1170, 1248
to authorize a tax of seven-tenths of mill of valuation of 1872, for con-
struction of new work upon and extraordinary repair of.....879, 999, 1015
1026, 1043, 1071, 1145, 1246

to amend Revised Statutes in relation to management of...........437, 514

[blocks in formation]

Canton, petition for amendment to law relative to justice of peace in..198, 206,


[blocks in formation]

Cattaraugus County Agricultural Society, to legalize conveyance relative to...

126, 139, 141, 151, 205, 207, 234, 271, 289, 293, 295,


[blocks in formation]


Cattaraugus Indian Reservation, for protection of bridges upon..299, 309, 345, 347

349, 547, 1004

repairing bridge on........
Cattaraugus Railway Company, to extend time for construction of ... 102, 117, 139

Cattle, to create State Inspector of

Cayuga, petition for law authorizing election of police justice

141, 149, 307
...453, 828

281, 532, 563, 569


....369, 411

...473, 515, 777, 804

election of police justice in

Cayuga county, to legalize action of supervisors of
Cayuga lake, to establish a ferry across...

427, 597, 606, 653

for removal of obstructions from the outlet of

880, 988, 1096

Cayuga and Seneca canal, for improvement of

.255, 425, 517, 521, 542

Cazenovia and De Ruyter railroad, to take increased fare, 124, 133, 151, 152, 156, 436

Cemeteries, act in relation to

...774, 857, 1071, 1114, 1180

Chaffee, L. L., elected assistant door-keeper.


Champlain canal, to appropriate money for enlargement of..600, 637, 748, 751, 759


Charitable institutions, relative to trustees and directors of ..330, 338, 339, 342, 343


Chautauqua county, to regulate compensation of special county judge of..302,


to prevent obstructions of highways by snows

396, 412, 414, 696,
...775, 820, 856,



Chautauqua lake, to prevent cutting and taking ice from

........264, 272, 277, 284

Chateaugay, to incorporate village of

.314, 325, 396,


Chatham, electors of, to vote by districts for town officers.......178, 225, 253,
Chemung county, to provide for fair grounds in..
Chemung Railroad Company, act in relation to, 144, 153, 163, 174, 452, 460, 484,
Chenango canal, petition of common council of Binghamton relative to

[blocks in formation]

to authorize Canal Commissioners to settle for work done upon......835, 1229
Citizens' Glass Plate Insurance Company, to incorporate ....338, 363, 516, 540, 584
City Island bridge, authorize supervisors of Westchester county to purchase.... 524
Clarence, to authorize levy of a tax upon school district No. 1 in.. 694, 832, 856, 873

906, 1050, 1182.

Clark, Charles C., appointed reporter



Clay and Hastings, to rebuild bridge between towns of. See Oneida river.]
Clergymen, resolution inviting to open Senate with prayer....
Clerks of committees, resolution relative to

[blocks in formation]

Clifton Mining Company, to succeed to rights of Clifton Iron Company..102, 109

186, 203, 205, 212, 692

Clinton, incorporate Psi Chapter of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity of....208, 273, 336

418, 423, 429, 636

Clute, Harrison, act to legalize election as superintendent of the poor of
Clyde, trustees of, to raise money by tax......................154, 172, 193, 208
Cobleskill, to supply with pure and wholesome water..

.....46, 55, 63, 66, 67, 118


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