PAGE. Poultney estate, to amend act respecting title to...........879, 969, 994, 1097, 1180 Powell, Samuel F., to legalize official acts as justice of the peace ... 1086, 1096, 1137 1161 Pratt & Co., act for the relief of. .......877, 887, 988, 1057, 1247 President of the Senate, communication from, relative to standing committees, Prindle, Horace G., report of judiciary committee relative to ..1077, 1178 report of the committee of investigation in the case of Hon. James Wood, 778 Public health in St. Lawrence and Jefferson, to repeal act for promotion of.... 205 Public instruction, amend laws relative to....... ......303, 797 Public processions, act to regulate, in cities... ...........191, 596, 693, 700 Q. Queens county, to extend time for collection of taxes in, 109, 115, 130, 133, 136, 359 in relation to highway labor in.... ....226, 750 to remove the county site of, 315, 547, 683, 688, 707, 1083, 1110, 1136, 1184 PAGE. Queens county, to regulate planting of oysters in ............483, 564, 1016, 1103 1180 trustees of, to purchase additional lands.... Quincy Rural Cemetery Association, to legalize proceedings of.......971, 984, 1120 R. Rackett river, to amend act to improve navigation of.......126, 283, 469, 592, 843 to amend act for improvement of navigation of......522, 578, 612, 719, 805 Astoria and Hunter's Point, to extend...........370, 442, 604, 627, 633, 1132 on part of Chenango canal... 641, 844, 1155 Buffalo, Corry and Pittsburg, to authorize towns in Chautauqua county ........1086, 1122, 1158, 1169, 1245 ......565, 582, 610, 1014 389, 395, 403, 440, Cattaraugus Railway Company, to extend time for construction of.. 102, 328 Cazenovia and De Ruyter railroad, to take increased fare.. 124, 133, 151, Chemung railroad, act in relation to ....144, 153, 163, 174, 452, 460, 484, 222, 232, 253, 262, 272, 281 Erie, New York Central, Hudson River and Harlem, petitions for repeal 7, 78, 96, 100 act to repeal....103, 133, 300, 309, 336, 354, 360, 372, 393, 414, 470, Gloversville and Northville, to regulate charges for carrying passen- ....880, 887, 912, 934 645 Hunter's Point and Flushing Railroad Company, to incorporate ... 876, 889 1170, 1172, 1177 Railroads: PAGE. Lake Champlain and Moriah Railroad Company, for the relief of...... 877 99, 605, 1135 to facilitate construction of.. 368 885, 912, 970, 1090 .. New York, Utica and Ogdensburgh railroad, concerning the Syracuse North Park Railroad Company, to incorporate...636, 641, 852, 854, 865, 1132 to cancel bonds. 52, 70 to provide for exchange of first mortgage bonds of.. 884, 912, 926, 953 527 1198 Sodus Bay, Corning and New York Railroad Company, to change name, 67 South Side railroad to build branches and purchase stock of other roads, 878 Syracuse Northern Railroad Company, to amend act authorizing exten- 953, 991, 1095 sion of ...... Railroads: PAGE. Utica, Chenango and Cortland, for the extension of ... 176, 182, 221, 227, 689 718,777, 810 Utica, Ithaca and Elmira railroad, to authorize extension of....683, 688, 700 construction of, from Edinburgh to Mohawk Valley ......877, 928, 970, 1089 ..........57, 85, 387, 439, 547, 591 to extend provisions of, to certain towns in Onondago county, 60, 72, to extend provisions of, to Sodus Bay and Corning Railroad Com- 84 1139 companies, in relation to the formation of............255, 328, 457, 465, 1155 from Erie railroad depot to village of Olean, to amend act relative to, 1134 from Syracuse to Onondaga Hill....... construction of, from Watkins to Havana........ 1150, 1158 ..1152, 1153, 1163 878,889, 983, 986, 1008 to create board of commissioners of...... 1174 corporations, to amend to authorize formation of and to regulate the Raymond, Joseph, petition of, relative to government of New York, Kings, 47 ............177, 243, 298, 304, 349 to confirm title of persons to, questioned by reason of alienage of former owners relative to sheriff's certificate of sale of .330, 337, 448, 465 Reformed Protestant Church, relative to board of foreign missions of.....828, 949 Religious societies, amend act to provide for incorporation of....146, 176, 750, 802 995, 1053 act to provide for the dissolution of...........523, 550, 855, 869, 906, 970 95 relative to election of.... 91 Reserve Mutual Life Insurance Company, to amend charter of.......380, 453, 532 536, 1132 Resolutions, for committee to wait upon the Governor...... 5 .. for committee to wait upon the Assembly... 5 Resolutions, inviting clergymen to open the Senate with prayer...... 6 appointing committee to revise rules 6 for amendment of rule relative to committee on cities 47 that the President of the Senate fill vacancies on standing committees, 48 48 for printing report of new capitol commissioners 50 requesting Comptroller to report amount paid officers of Senate, during 75 appointing committee of five to report congressional apportionment, 75, 110 75 relative to Society of Tammany, or Columbian Order.... 75 requesting Superintendent of Insurance Department to report informa- tion relative to insurance companies... 81 requesting same to report facts in relation to charges against him for printing report of commissioners to revise the Statutes......117, 286, 1232 for printing report of State Institution for the Blind... 117 for printing report of Canal Appraisers 117 requesting Comptroller of New York to furnish statement of donations to charitable institutions... 136 requesting Comptroller of New York to furnish statement of value of real estate 136 requesting Comptrolier of New York to report expenses of new court- house 136 .. requesting Comptroller of New York to report expenses of court-house 137 requesting presidents of New York Central, Harlem, and New Haven 202 requesting Auditor of Canal Department to furnish statement of canal expenditures...... 202 requesting Comptroller of New York to furnish statement of value of ground purchased for ninth district court-house. 220 for the appointment of select committee of nine........... .258, 451 requesting the Canal Board to ask of the Legislature an investigation of 320 that Hon. James Wood be expelled from his seat in the Senate.....387, 457 449 relative to calling the list of general orders .......451, 466, 548 for printing report of American Geographical Society. 521 for Eighteenth Ward market 528 |