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ENTERED according to Act of Congress, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, BY HENRY G. LANGLEY,

In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for Northern District of California


PAGE 43.-Last line, for J. P. Whye read W. P. Whyte.

PAGE 51.-Note-For Army read Navy.

PAGE 54.-Inspector Custom-House-For R. A. Thompson, Jr., read R. H. Thompson.

PAGE 58.-Post-Office Department-For John Mason read John Marron.

PAGE 58.-Post-Office Department-Salary of J. D. Fry, Special Agent: for $3,000 read $5,000.
PAGE 63.-Clerk Supreme Court U. S.-For William F. Carroll read William T. Carroll.
PAGE 113.-Note-Amount allowed by Board of Examiners: for $793,377 read $792,121.

PAGE 114.-Population of New Hampshire-For 829,666 read 329,666.

PAGE 174-Librarian State Library-For Brice Husband read Bruce Husband.

PAGE 176-Librarian Sacramento Library Association-for S. V. Vreeland read S. B. Freeland. PAGE 246.-Marin County-Number swine: for 400 read 2,400.

The printing of the present volume of the STATE REGISTER was commenced August 10th, 1858. For the changes and alterations that have taken place during the progress of the work through the press, and up to the date of publication, December 15th, 1858, see Addenda, page 413.


Nos. 127 and 129 Sansome Street.


May 1913


IN presenting to the public the second volume of the CALIFORNIA STATE REGISTER, the editor deems it only necessary to refer to the plan and character of the work, confident that the usefulness of such a compilation, if prepared with the ability and industry that many competent judges have ascribed to this, will insure for its support a patronage sufficient to secure its regular appearance hereafter. The following extract from the "Salutatory" of the first volume, is sufficient to explain the objects sought to be attained by the publication of the REGISTER:

"The plan of the REGISTER will be to embrace in each volume full and reliable statistics, concerning each branch of the resources of the State, and a complete exhibit of the finances thereof, including the different county and municipal organizations, carefully prepared and arranged, from information obtained through official or other reliable sources. The Agricultural, the Mining, the Commercial, the Mechanical and the Manufacturing interests, shall each receive such attention as will best illustrate their character, importance and extent. The REGISTER will also contain such data connected with the operations of the different departments of Government-Federal and State, as will be consistent with its general plan, together with the names of the officers in charge thereof, and such reference to the history and progress of the different States as may prove attractive to its pages."

How far the editor has fulfilled the promises contained in the above, can be better determined by an examination of the work itself, than by any evidence in his favor that could be presented here.

The material from which the present volume of the REGISTER has been compiled, was obtained from official or other reliable sources. Since the announcement of the work, in May last, nearly two thousand communications have been addressed to gentlemen in every section of the State, including the officers of the Federal, State and Municipal governments, and to those engaged in developing the resources of the State. In this manner and by the cooperation of numerous correspondents, a large amount of data was obtained, which, together with what the editor himself has been able to procure, directly, have formed the basis of the present compilation.

An examination of the present volume of the REGISTER will show that it possesses superior claims over its predecessor. In its compilation, the editor has not only aimed to make more complete the information contained in the

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