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caricatures of tigers, one would not look for heroism. The too heavy for the fastenings which confined their trunnions, great arm of the infantry, however, is the dreaded gingall, the long heavy gun from which such extraordinary missiles, besides the heavy 3 lb. ball, are projected from considerable distances. The field-gingalls require each two men to carry and work them; they are supported on three-legged wooden stands, or on an upright wooden stand resting on three wooden feet, sharpened so as to stick in the ground. Sometimes, but not always, these stands are made so as to shut up. The infantry regiments consist of as many as 3,000 men each; and they are indicated by characters and figures worn on a sort of band which fits obliquely across the chest.

The artillery soldiers are not distinguishable at a distance from the infantry, but amongst the dead within the Taku forts they could be detected lying near their gingalls, amongst those who had properly fought the large guns.


or the carriages being far too light for the guns, the unfortunate Chinese artillerymen had loaded the guns across their middle with large double bags of shot, like panniers across a donkey's back, to prevent the gun from jumping. The guns were elevated or depressed by wedges; they could be made to traverse with the carriages; and they were worked with springs and rammers like our own, but of inferior make. The shot were of iron, both solid and hollow; some being obviously the spoil of our last unlucky expedition, and others being clever imitations. They had copied our naval fusee,—a matter quite in their way, as ingenious pyrotechnists,--to the astonishment of those who examined them; but their hollow shot or shell did not burst correctly. It may be mentioned that no mortars for vertical shell firing were found. Both iron and lead bullets, very well cast, were seen in abundance; and bags of pistol-shot, for the heavy gingalls of the forts, which require three or four men each to work them.

However long the Chinese have been acquainted with gunpowder, they do not seem to have succeeded in applying it in any original manner in war. Their pyrotechny has more of We should be doing John Chinaman an injustice were we show than service in it. They possess very large old-fashioned to omit all mention of his fire-balls, his gigantic Roman canguns of native make, built up of pieces of iron, hooped dles, and his stink-pots. The fire-balls,-about the size of an together; but these are practically useless. They have a apple or a closed fist, are made of some composition, enclosed few very fine brass guns of considerable size, but rather small in whity-brown paper cases, and have a small fusee or slow bore, evidently cast in China, having some Chinese charac-match stuck in them. They are sometimes thrown by the ters, or what our informant humourously spoke of as hand; but a favourite practice, at night only, seems to be to conversation," upon them. The best guns in the Taku fill a cannon with fire-balls, and, by the aid of a small charge forts were, however, some of our own 32-pounders which of powder, to fire them up into the air, and so,—as is done by had been taken from the sunk and abandoned gunboats us with blue lights,-expose the movements or position of an of our expedition last year. These large guns were placed enemy in the dark. Large hollow sticks, six inches in in the embrasures of the parts of the fortifications called diameter, and filled with flat circular black cakes, composed of cavaliers, which were approached by an open ramp some combustible substances, are, in reality, huge Roman behind. The embrasures, constructed of earth and wood, candles. Hundreds of them were found in the Taku forts. were lined with plates of tin, for protection against fire They are also used at night; and being placed erect in the and concussion; they were covered over head, and were very ground, vomit forth their luminous discs of many-coloured skilfully blinded towards the river, with large shutters made fire, at regular intervals, up into the air, where they continue of dried hides stretched on wooden or bamboo frames. burning till they descend, and turn, for a minute or two, the Besides these largest guns, there were found, in the forts, darkness into a lurid day. The stink-pots are like balls, two or three of our own 24 lb. howitzers, and a great number covered with coarse paper. They contain an inflammable comof 12 lb. iron carronades, evidently bought from Europeans, position, in which, probably, nothing more noxious than probably from English or American merchant ships. resinous substances have a place. They are the same as There were likewise many still smaller guns, 3 or 4 pounders, those which have been long used by the eastern pirates, who both brass and iron, which were of native manufacture. throw them from the mast-heads of their own junks on to the Numerous gingalls, with their stands, heavier than those decks of any ship which they may attack. Except in close carried into the field, were also found in the several forts. quarters, they are, of course, useless. The Chinese make use Lastly, strange to reflect upon, hundreds of cross-bows, of a of nothing which resembles our old hand-grenade,―i.e. no very curious construction, were discovered, upon and within hand fire-ball, which bursts and discharges its contained the walls. The stock of these bows, about three feet and a missiles around. half in length, heavy and bent down at its hinder end, is supported near its middle by a wooden pin or foot, which rests on the wall; the bow-part, not three feet long, is made of some tough but elastic wood; the string is of gut or tendon; the arrows are of wood, about one foot in length, tipped with an iron point or nail fixed into them, and feathered in three rows with very short feathers. Above the bow is fixed a curious long, deep, but narrow box, in which about a dozen arrows can lie one above the other; at the bottom of this box is a groove, in which the lowest arrow lies. By means of a long lever, fixed at one side, the bow-string is stretched back into a wooden pin; and by a further movement of the same lever, the string is loosened from this pin, and the lowermost arrow is discharged, another immediately falling down on to its place. These bows are strongly and ingeniously fitted with. out any iron fastenings or mechanism in them. The arrows are propelled with great force for about seventy yards; beyond that distance they are useless. A few of our men were hit and hurt, but no one was killed by them. What a singular spectacle! A civilized people clinging, in the ignorance or desperation of their unequal contest with the wielders of an Armstrong shell, to the rude weapons of an almost forgotten age! Between and on each side of the larger guns in the cavaliers, were the numerous smaller guns of all sizes, and the gingalls; and between these, the matchlock and the cross-into a long semicircle or crescent, composed of very loose bow.

The pieces of artillery, large and small, were mounted on heavy or light wooden carriages, like those of ships' guns, which moved over the hard beaten earth of which the forts were so well constructed. In some instances, the guns being

It is hardly necessary to do more than call to mind the Chinese flags, which seem to be a sort of "institution" with them. Large and small, square and swallow-tail, of cotton or of silk, beautiful or shabby, plain, coloured, or decorated with embroidered dragons, there they were all along the parapets. The Chinese cannot fight without them. No less important to them in warfare are the gongs and wooden rattles, and other musical or unmusical instruments, by means of which the bustling movements of their troops are spirited, and their often ticklish courage inflamed before the commencement of an action.

It is time, however, that we turned from those details of the armature of our late wily foes, to their discipline and conduct in the fort and field.

The Tartar cavalry are merely the most irregular of irregular horse. They are not divided into small and convenient masses, like our troops and regiments. They have no manoeuvres, and clearly could never execute or withstand a charge, such as is the pride and power of our cavalry brigades. They come upon the field like a flock of wild animals, swarming on one or more points of view, and riding about amongst each other, for hours perhaps, at a respectful distance, and then disappear entirely. When bent on a serious attack, they spread out, like the ancient Parthian or Scythian horse,

files, and in double, treble, or quadruple rows,-indeed, in the loosest order or disorder. In the recent conflict they stood the Armstrong shells very well, and advancing within a couple of hundred, and at length about a hundred, yards, opened a promiscuous discharge of matchlock balls and



The Enfield rifles, however, quickly astonished them; and, in spite of the harangues of an officer in the front, the continuous emptying of a saddle here and there quickly told upon the hindmost ranks, who, turning round, were followed by all the rest, and together were seen no more. As to the behaviour of the infantry in the field, there is but little to say. It is known that in the civil war with the Taiping rebels, the two opposite parties begin to fire at each other with their gingalls when at least two miles apart, and continue this system sometimes for days. At length, one party, it is quite a toss up which,-bolder than the other, advances, when its opponents run away. The meeting of such infantry with Europeans can have, when it happens,

but one result.

and gone up into the land of the stranger,-emphatically the stranger,-to encounter the unknown difficulties of a march on the capital of an empire numbering 300,000,000 souls. All praise to them for their rapid and complete success! But the sooner the real strength, or rather weakness, of the military power of China is known, and the sooner we let the Chinese know that we know it, the less falsehood they will have to conceal, and the less inducement they will have to practise their old policy of the exclusion of others and the seclusion of themselves.


THE Island of Portland is remarkable, not only for its im mense breakwater, now in course of construction, for the military importance it has been made lately to assume, and for the fine naval harbour it will soon afford, but also for its primeval history, for what it was ere ships of war, or land defence, or man himself were upon the earth. Geologically, possesses very special interest. Dr. Fitton said that "few places, probably, in the world exhibit with such clearness phenomena of more extraordinary interest, or of greater inportance to theory;" and this is true, although the island is but four miles in length and one and a half miles in width at its widest part.

The Chinese, like most people, fight better behind walls than in the field; and when they have a chance, as in the case of our stranded and disabled gunboats in the Peiho disaster, their artillerymen show great promptitude and skill in the rapid deliverance of a crushing fire. From the copiously-it armed cavaliers and parapets of the Taku forts a similar reception had doubtless awaited the allies in any approach from the sea; and an attack from that quarter might again have cost us dear, so many were the smaller guns arranged all round the walls. But the poor fellows were outflanked, and taken from the land side in the rear. Turning their guns round from the embrasures, they fought for a time, and bravely, against the science of Armstrong, quite unprotected, or "in the open;" but the contest was short; and the rapid fall of two forts, with great slaughter, led to the abandonment of the rest. Their own artillery did but little mischief. | It may be remarked, in conclusion, on this head, that they had no floating batteries in the rivers; and, so far as appeared, no movable field batteries in the interior. Such field-guns as were met with were placed in fixed positions, in a sort of entrenchment.

When the northern forts gave in, the prisoners were sent over the river, by the great boom thrown across it, the strength and ingenuity of construction of which were undeniable. Possibly, the wounded were, as on the former occasion, sent over thus during the engagement; but no surgical appliances of any kind, no bandages or splints, were found on any of the wounded left behind, nor indeed were any such articles lying about in readiness to be used. Stores of grain and thousands of water melons were, however, at hand. It is not known whether native doctors attend at, or even near, the scene of


The Tartar huts, erected in the various entrenched camps, lying in the open country, or found within the entrenched walls of their various towns, deserve a closing paragraph. Their ground plan is oblong, being about eight or ten feet wide by ten or twelve deep. They are covered in by an arched top, the arch springing from one side to the other, and are closed by flat walls at the front and back. They are constructed of fascines of reeds bent over from side to side, and covered with a plaster of mud. In the front of the hut, where the roof projects over like a pent, is a low central door, having windows closed, often with glass, but sometimes with prepared paper, on each side of it. The interior is divided by a wooden partition, having also its door and two paper windows, into a front or eating room and a back bed chamber. The floor, sometimes of beaten earth, and always dry, is usually of wood; and there are wooden tables, iron pots for boiling, and outside, in front, very frequently an iron plate, supported on stones, like the Scotch girdle or Irish girdle, for baking bread. The bed is a large raised quadrilateral mass of earth and stones, near one end of which is a hole or flue, in which a fire may be made to warm the primitive couch. In the better huts, sheep-skins and dog-skins and other skins were found lying about in the bed chamber; so that the one common bed (for each hut has several inhabitants, sometimes all soldiers, sometimes a soldier and his family) is by no means a bed of thorns. The campaigner in China may indeed bring back a hint or two to our damp and dreary Aldershott The object of these sketchy outlines of our recent antagonists in their most warlike aspect will not, we trust, be misunderstood. It is not intended to detract one jot from the merit of that brave handful of men, who have left their ships

The stone so famous in London, and over half England, as "Portland stone," is derived from this island, although the term "Portland stone" is applied geologically, and also commercially, at times, to stone from corresponding series of beds in other localities. St. Paul's Cathedral is built of real Portland stone, taken from the Grove quarries, on the East Cliff. Finished in the year 1700, it is still in almost perfect condition, except in those parts exposed to the south and south-west winds. In all other parts, the carvings of flowers and fruit and other ornaments, although much blackened, are nearly as perfect as when first executed. Many other buildings give similar evidence as to the value for building purposes of the stone of the Isle of Portland. Whenever it has been well selected from the proper beds, it has lasted almost without injury. The "New Church," erected on the island in 1776, is in a perfect state of preservation, even exhibiting the original tool-marks; while in "Bow and Arrow Church," which is some centuries old, the stone is for the most part in equally perfect condition. It is curious that several frustra of columns, and other blocks of stone, which were quarried at the time of the erection of St. Paul's Cathedral, are now lying in the island, near the quarries from which they were hewn; and that although these blocks are covered with lichens, and have been exposed to all the vicissitudes of a marine atmosphere for more than a hundred and fifty years, they still exhibit beneath the lichens their original form, even to the marks of the chisels which were employed in shaping them. This is the more remarkable, when we consider that stone taken from the same quarries, and used in the constrac tion of St. Paul's Cathedral, has, in many instances, in the parts exposed to the south and south-west winds, begun to moulder away.

A feature of the Isle of Portland, not less interesting than its beds of unrivalled building stone, is what is locally called the "Dirt Bed." This is an earthy deposit, now about a foot in thickness, composed of the actual soil which nourished the roots of an ancient forest. It is generally described as being black, but it is really of a dark gray colour, with here and there patches of a sooty black substance. The most remarkable circumstance connected with this bed is not its mere preservation, but the place and manner of its preser vation, since it lies between two hard beds, each of which has undergone all the changes incident to a passage from mud to stone.

Numerous fossils are found in the dirt-bed, and are called by the quarrymen "crows' nests" and "birds' nests." The quarrymen believe them to be the petrified nests of birds who built in the branches of the trees which once grew upon this ancient soil. The botanist, however, recognises in them

• Handbook to the Geology of Weymouth and the Island of Portland. With Notes on the Natural History of the Coast and Neighbourhood. By ROBERT DANON, Accompanied by a Map of the District, Geological Sections, Plates of Fossils Coast Views, and numerous other Illustrations. London: Stanford. 1880.

the forms of tropical plants, the nearest living species to which are the Zamia Pungens, which now flourishes at the Cape of Good Hope, and the Cycas Revoluta, now growing in the tropics. Of the Cycas Revoluta we recently saw a fine specimen in Kew gardens, and at once traced its close resemblance to a fossil Cycadite from Portland in our cabinet. The presence of these Cycadites in the dirt-bed is a proof that, at the time of their flourishing, the climate of Portland was of a temperature nearly equal to that which now prevails at New Holland and at the Cape of Good Hope.

Fossil trees are also found in the dirt-bed. From their number and the position of their remains it may be inferred that they grew as close to each other as the trees of a modern forest. The prostrate trunks lie near to the stumps from which they have been severed, and generally lie nearly north and south, that is, in the direction of the length of the island. The stumps, many of which are of great bulk, still stand erect in their original positions, and as their roots fill and fit cavities in the underlying stone, the latter must have been in a soft state while the trees were growing. The trees all bleong to the family of Coniferæ, or trees which bear cones, in which their seeds are contained. Like the Cycadites, they must have demanded for their growth a much higher temperature than now prevails in our islands; and when one stands upon the isle of Portland now, and marks its utterly sterile aspect,-for, except in the grounds around Pennsylvania Castle, and on a few spots which have very recently been brought into cultivation, there is scarcely a tree or a shrub in the whole island,-one cannot but be struck with the strong contrast between the present era and those primeval epochs when over all this little island tall Conifers arose, and round, rough-scaled, feather-branched Cycadites spread out, and hot sunbeams glowed between the branches and tufts, and the glowing sea reflected back the burning beams, and not a human being stood upon the island, or saw one of its trees in its greenness and glory.

We must here terminate our geological glance at the isle of Portland, but there is no reason why our readers should not continue it for themselves. All who are interested in geological science should visit this little island, and explore its most interesting strata and fossils. To all who may do so we can confidently commend the little book whose title is given at the head of this article. It is one of the very best local companions in print that we have ever met with. It is simply written, free from all affectation, very neatly illustrated, correct, and intelligible to beginners in the study of geology, who will find it serviceable to them, in addition to any special interest they may take in Portland or Weymouth.


SUCH is the title of one of the prettiest of the many recently published books having reference to the sea-side and the aquarium. It may be commended to every reader desiring knowledge respecting the habits, haunts, and behaviour in captivity of such molluscous animals as may be obtained on most British sea-coasts.

Some of the most interesting portions of Mr. Harper's volume relate to the common mussel. This mollusc is very tenacious of life. On placing in sea-water specimens kept in the pocket by accident for several days, they have been found to be quite lively and well. It is commonly believed that its byssus, or thread beard, is poisonous; but this notion is altogether erroneous. By means of this byssus it is accustomed to attach itself to foreign substances very tenaciously, and this habit has been taken advantage of for the benefit of man. A curious instance is exhibited at Bideford, in the case of the well-known bridge of twenty-four arches which stretches across the Torridge river, near the mouth of the Taw. The tide flows so rapidly at this spot that the bridge cannot be kept in repair by mortar. "The corporation, therefore, keep boats in employ to bring mussels to it, and the interstices of the bridge are filled by hand with these mussels. It is supported from being driven away entirely by the strong fibres these mussels fix to the stone-work." These fibres are formed

Glimpses of Ocean Life; or, Rock-Pools and the Lessons they Teach. By Joux

HARPER. With numerous Illustrations by the Author. London: Nelson and
Sons. 1860. Pp. 420, price 5s.

from a mucous fluid which is secreted in a gland situated at the base of the mussel's foot, from which it is expelled, apparently at the will of the animal, into a furrow, where it is spun into threads. These threads, considering that they are finer than the thinnest strand of silk, are of wonderful strength. By means of them the mussel will anchor himself, not only to foreign substances, but to other mussels. It is a common thing for a whole community of mussels to be bound together, not by the cords of love, but by the cords of their beards. Every reader who is acquainted with the Brighton pier must have often seen huge masses of the common mussel attached to the piles and projecting wood-work, and hanging therefrom securely by their beards. When a strong tide is coming in, it is interesting to watch how the thundering waves dash upon the bunches of mussels, and make them rattle and swing, but without dislodging them. Examine a bunch closely, and you will find that each shell is affixed to its neighbour something after the fashion in which Alpine travellers are accustomed to tie themselves to each other for safety, while the mass is attached to the wood by a number of central ropes, each consisting of many threads of byssus, bound together by a subtle gelatinous fluid. Unravel a piece of one of these central cables, and it will be almost like unravelling a piece of hempen rope, except that each separate thread will be found to be complete, and capable of supporting its due proportion of whatever weight the cable is in. tended to bear.

The case of the Bideford bridge is not the only one in which man has availed himself of the binding power of the mussel. The French engineers have done the same at Cherbourg. When forming the breakwater there they threw many tons of mussels upon the loose masses of rock of which the breakwater is composed, in the expectation that, in the course of time, the mussels would spin out their beards, and thereby bind together the huge stones with a firmness which would enable them to defy the waves, and that the destructiveness of the billows would thus be kept down by an aggregate of fine filaments woven by their own inhabitants.

So much for one brief "glimpse of ocean life." Other books may afford us an opportunity of inviting the reader to take other such glimpses by-and-by.

SCIENTIFIC MEMORANDA. THE issue of bronze coins, now in progress, will amount, it is understood, to 6,000 tons, and consist of about 500,000,000 pieces. The rate of production at present averages four hundred coins per minute. The metal used consists of ninetyfive parts of copper, four parts of tin, and one part of zine, and is by far the hardest metal ever coined. It requires to be annealed several times before it becomes malleable enough to yield to the impress of the dies; and after all precautions have been taken frequently splits under the blow.

The new electric light, invented by Professor Way, hasbeen applied to photography, with great success. According to the Photographic News, "the results obtained by this mercury medium are very rapid, the exposure required being less than in daylight," while the pictures are unexceptionable. The same journal, in alluding to the American invention,-of which we gave an account last month,-by which photographic impressions can be printed at the rate of 12,000 an hour, mentions that "our ingenious American cousins have turned these remarkable printing facilities to good practical account, for at the recent presidential election portraits of the candidates were extensively circulated amongst the 'sweet voices,' and, in many cases, deposited in the ballot boxes." The next thing will probably be, that photographs will be substituted for woodcuts in our illustrated newspapers.

The report of the Commission appointed to consider Colonel Sir Henry James's plan of reducing the ordnance maps from one scale to another by means of photography, has just been printed by order of the Secretary of War. The report approves of the system, and states that it will effect a saving of £35,000 in the printing of the entire series of maps. The process is called "photo-zincography," and is as follows:The sheet to be reduced is hung against a wall, in a suitable light, and a negative photograph of it taken on glass, the size of the negative being in accordance with the required scale of

reduction. The negative is then printed on a special kind of sensitized paper, the impression developed, and the sheet on which it is printed carefully dried. The next step is to transfer the photographic map from this sheet to a plate of zinc, to which end a plate of zinc is highly polished with fine emery. The paper on which is the photographic map is brushed over with a peculiar kind of greasy ink, and then carefully floated in hot water, when the ink leaves those parts of the paper which have not been acted upon by the light, but adheres tenaciously to those parts which have been so acted upon. The map, which has now a thick layer of ink on all its lines and letters, is again carefully dried, and is then pressed between sheets of porous paper damped with nitric acid and water. When thus damped with dilute nitric acid, it is laid on the zine plate, and heavily pressed, which causes the zine to receive on its surface an accurate etching of the photographic map. The zinc plate is then ready for printing the ordnance maps of commerce.

Another method of transferring photographic pictures to surfaces from which impressions can be taken in the printing press has recently been patented. In this process gelatine is impregnated with bi-chromate of potash, and is then exposed in the ordinary way to light transmitted through a negative. When exposed to moisture, the prepared gelatine on which a photographic picture has thus been printed becomes elevated and depressed in exact accordance with the lights and shadows imprinted upon it, and in this state can be used as a matrix for a mould of metal to be deposited by the galvanic battery, which metal mould can then be printed from in the usual way.

An assertion in a leading article in the Times, to the effect that nothing was known in this country with respect to the climate of Pekin, has led Sir John Herschel to direct attention to a remarkable" series of meteorological observations, made and registered, by order of the Russian government, by M. Scatchkoff and his assistants, at that capital, during every single hour of every day and night consecutively throughout the years 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854, and 1855." These observations have been published, and copies have been presented by the Russian government to various learned bodies, and also to many individuals of scientific eminence. From these observations, it appears that the climate of Pekin is subject to much more extreme variations than that of London. The mean temperature of the whole year in Pekin is 52 deg., and in London 49 deg., Fah. ; the mean temperature of the hottest month, July, is 82 deg. in Pekin, and in London 63 deg.; and the mean temperature of the coldest month, January, is 24 deg. in Pekin, and 36 deg. in London. The summer of Pekin is thus nineteen degrees hotter than a London summer, and the Pekin winter ten degrees colder than a London winter. There were days, however, in each of the six years over which the observations extend, when the thermometer at Pekin fell below 9 deg., while on one occasion, in 1852, it went down as low as 2 deg.

It is reported that lithium and strontium have been detected in London water by means of spectrum analysis, and that by the same means it has been determined that the mineral waters of Krenznach and Dureckeim contain a metal not hitherto known. "The chloride of this new metal," we are told, gives a very interesting spectrum, formed of two blue fringes, of which one coincides with the blue band of strontium, and the other is situated a little above the first." The new metal has not yet received a distinctive name.

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The decay of parts of the new Houses of Parliament, and the discussion which has thence arisen with respect to the desirability of coating building stones with "water-glass," or other preparations of silica, have led Sir H. Rawlinson to call attention to the fact, noticed by him years ago in the East, that the ancients were accustomed to adopt this plan for the preservation of their public buildings from atmospheric influences. He mentions that the cuneiform inscription of Darius Hystapes, cut on the rock of Belustan by the Persians, presents unmistakable traces of a varnish on the face of it, much harder than the limestone rock beneath, and that when ees of the surface of the tablet are chipped off they have pearance of opaque glass. Although cut nearly two ad four hundred years ago, and exposed ever since to

storms from the south-east, the characters are as clear as though engraved yesterday.

In a paper on guano which M. Bousingault lately presented to the French Academy of Sciences, it is stated that the richest qualities of this valuable manure are found on the coast of Peru, between the second and twenty-first parallels of south latitude. Fish, which constitute the food of the guanaes,-such being the name of the birds which chiefly contribute the guano,-are more plentiful in the waters which wash this coast than anywhere else in the world. They are often cast ashore in shoals even in calm weather. The guano is sometimes found in two strata, or layers, the lowest being at a depth of several yards, and being itself fifteen to twenty yards in thickness. Between this lower layer and the upper one is a bed of old alluvial soil, and since this old alluvium is known to be the product of an era long preceding the date of man's introduction upon the earth, the deposit of guano must have commenced at a period many thousand years anterior to that epoch. As guano contains five times as much nitrogen (which is the principal fertilizing agent in manures) as is contained in the same weight of fish, and as the guano deposits, before they were worked, contained 578,000,000 quintals of guano, the birds which deposited it must have consumed, according to M. Bousingault, at least 2,268,000,000 quintals of fish.

A weed which is common in England and in many parts of the continent, and which is known scientifically as Ornithopus Perpuniltus, and commonly in England as "Bird's Claw,” turns out to be a highly nutritive food for cattle. It has for a long time been cultivated by the Portuguese, who use it as fodder with great advantage. It has recently been cultivated experimentally in France, and the experiment has been attended with great success. It is said to "thrive best in a damp soil,-above all in a soil abounding in potash." Expe. riments with it, as a food for cattle, are about to be made in this country.

"The Bull Dog Machine" is the name given by Sir F. Leopold M'Clintock to a new instrument designed by him for the purpose of bringing up "bottom" in deep-sea soundings. It consists of two metal scoops hinged together, and kept open during their descent by means of a heavy weight. When the scoops touch the bottom, the weight becomes detached, and the scoops fly together, gathering between them some pounds of mud or sand, or whatever else the bottom may consist of. An India-rubber band of very great strength keeps the instrument closed while it is being drawn up to the surface. It has received its canine appellation from the circumstance of the original model having been constructed on board H.M.S. Bulldog.

The Bulldog is the vessel in which Sir F. Leopold M'Clintock went out to survey the proposed route for the projected North American Telegraph. It will be remembered, that, after the failure of the Atlantic telegraph, several plans for telegraphically uniting England with America were proposed, one being to lay cables from Scotland to the Faroe islands, from the Faroe Islands to Iceland, from Iceland to Greenland, and from Greenland to Labrador, the line thence to be carried overland through Canada to the United States. This route having been strongly recommended to government, it was resolved to despatch an expedition to survey it, and to take deepsea soundings, and the command of this expedition was given to Sir F. Leopold M'Clintock, who set out on the 24th of June. He has now returned and reported the results obtained. Twenty-four deep-sea soundings were made between the Faroe Islands and Iceland, the bottom being found at depths varying from 63 to 682 fathoms, and consisting of sand and a few shells. Between Iceland and Greenland thirty soundings were taken, the depth varying from 22 to 1,572 fathoms, and the bottom being sand and rock. Between Greenland and Labrador sixteen soundings were made, the minimum depth being found to be 86 fathoms, the maximum depth 2,032 fathoms, and the bottom light ooze. In Iceland, good landing places for a cable were observed at Hoalford and Mariahaven, while on the Greenland coast three suitable spots were found. The coast of Labrador was not examined. This expedition has established that animal life can be maintained in the sea at much greater depths than had been

previously supposed. Until now the belief has been that animal life cannot exist at depths below five hundred fathoms, owing to the enormous pressure of the water at such depths. Dr. Wallich, however, who accompanied the expedition as naturalist, has printed, for private distribution, a circular in which he states that between Capes Farewell and Rockach bottom was found at 1,260 fathoms. After the bottom was reached, an extra fifty fathoms of line was let out, as the custom is in these deep soundings, and fifty fathoms of rope must therefore have trailed on the ocean's bed. When the line was withdrawn, on the portion of it which had thus trailed on the bottom were found several star-fish, full of life and vigour. Dr. Wallich calculates that at 1,260 fathoms the pressure of the water is equal to a ton and a half on the square inch, and it may reasonably be presumed that no ray of light can penetrate to such a depth.


[Any book in the following list will be obtained to order by the publisher of the REGISTER within two days. Our usual list of French, German, and American Books are this month crowded out.]

Abbott-The Young Christian. By Jacob Abbott. New edit. Edited by the Rev. J. W. Cunningham, M.A. 1smo, cl. 2s. James Blackwood. Ackerman-The Christian Element in Plato, and the Piatonic Philosophy, unfolded and set forth by Dr. C. Ackerman. Translated from the German by Samuel Ralph Asburg, B.A. With an Introductory Note by Wm. G. T. Shedd, D.D. Svo, cl. 78. Gd. (T. and T. Clark, Edinburgh.) Hamilton and Co. Adams Sacred Allégories. By the Rev. W. Adams, M.A. New edit. cr. 8vo, el. 98. Rivingtons,

Adeork's Engineer's Pocket-Book for the Year 1861. 12mo, roan tuck, 6s.
Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.

Addington-Some Account of the Abbey Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, at
Dorchester, Oxfordshire. By the Rev. II. Addington, B.A. Ee-issue, with
Additional Notes, and a Shert Account of the Restoration of the North
Aisle. By the Rev. W. C. Macfarlane, R.A. Svo, cl, 6s. J. H. and J. Parker.
Adventures (Strange and Surprising) of the Venerable Gooroo Simple and his
Five Disciples,-Neod'e, Doodle, Wiseacre, Zany, and Foozle. Illustrated
by Alfred Crowquill. Post Sve, cl. gilt, 10s. G. Trukner and Co.
Adviser (The): a Monthly Magazine for Young People. 18ino, swd. 6d. ; cl. 18.;
cl. gilt. 2s. Houlston and Wright.

Aimard The Tiger-Slaver; a Tale of the Indian Desert. By Gustave Aimard.
Fep. Svo, hds. 2s. Ward and Lock.

Alexander-Plain Paths for Youthful Runners. Fep. 8vo, cl. 2s. 6d. T. Nelson and Sons.

Alison The Philosophy and History of Civilization. By A. Alison. 8vo, cl. 14s. Chapman and Hall.

Alison-History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution to the Restoration of the Bourbons in 1815. By Sir Archibald Alison, Bart. D.C.L. 10th edit. with Portraits. 14 vols. 8vo, cl. 10 10. Wm. Blackwood and Sons.

Allen-The Intellectual Severance of Men and Women. By James M'Grigor Allen. 12mo, cl. limp, 2s. 6d. T. C. Newby.

Allison-First Lessons in English Grammar, for the Use of the Nursery and Junior Classes in Schools with Questions for Examination at the end of each Lesson. By M. A. Allison. 12th edit, 18mo, swd. 9d.; cl. swd. 1s. Longman and Co.

Almanach de Gotha. Annuaire Diplomatique et Statistique pour l'Anee 1861. 32mo, cl. 5s. Dulau and Co.

Alphabet of Animals. Designed to impress Children with Affection for Brute
Creation. 12mo, swd. 6d. Book Society.
Andersen-Self-made Men. By the Rev. Wm. Andersen. Cr. 8vo, cl. 58. Snow.
Annals of the Rescued. By the Author of Haste to the Rescue; or, Work while
it is Day. With a Preface by the Rev. C. E. L. Wightman. 12mo, cl. 8. 03.
J. Nisbet and Co.
Ashwell The Schoolmaster's Studies: an Address delivered at the Annual
Meeting of the Gloucester Schoolmasters' Association, June 29, 1860; and at
the Annual Meeting of the Vale of Aylesbury Schoolmasters' Association,
Oct. 4, 1860. By the Rev. A. R. Ashwell, M.A. 12mo, el. 2s. J. H. and J.
Art Journal (The). New Series. Vol. 6-1860. Imp. 4to, el. 81s. 6d. A. Hall
and Co.

Atkinson-Sketches in Natural History, with an Essay on Reason and Instinct. By the Rev. J. C. Atkinson. Illustrated. Cr. 8vo, cl. 58. Routledge and Co.

Auckland-The Journal and Correspondence of William, Lord Auckland
With a Preface and Introduction by the Right Hon, and Right Itev, the
Bishop of Bath and Wells. 2 vols. 8vo, el. 30s, R. Bentley.
Autobiography (The) of Frank, the Happiest Little Dog that ever Lived. By
the Author of the Gipsy's Daughter, etc. Fep. 8vo, el. 5s. Darton and Co.
Babes (The) in the Wood. Illustrated with Ten Drawings by a Lady. Printed
in Colours by William Dickes. Imp. 16mo, el. gilt, 58. Low, Son, and Co.
Babes (The) in the Basket; or, Daph and her Charge. Fep. Svo, el. s. 6d.
S. Low, Son, and Co.

Babes (The) in the Basket; or, Daph and her Charge. Fep. Svo, cl. (advanced
fo) 2s. S. Low, Son, and Co.
Baillie-Grace Abounding: a Narrative of Facts, illustrating what the Revival
has done and is doing. With Thoughts on the Christian Ministry, Lay
Action, and Individual Responsibility. By the Rev. Juo. Baillie. 12mo, el.
2s. 6d. J. Nishet and Co.

Baily's Turf Guide and Racing Register for 1860. Winter edit. 12mo, cl. swd. 2. 6d. Baily Brothers,

Balfour The Typical Character of Nature; or, All Nature a Divine Symbol.
By Thos. A. G. Balfour, M.D. Cr. Svo, cloth, 3, 6d. J. Nishes and Co.
Balfour-The Victim; or, an Evening's Amusement at the "Vulture Tavern."
By Mrs. C. L. Balfour. 12mo, swd. 6d. British Workman Office.
Ballantyne The Dog Crusoe: a Tale of the Western Prairies. Ey R. M.
Ballantyne, Fep. 8vo, cl. 5s. T. Nelson and Sons.
Banking (The) Almanack, Directory, Year Book, and Diary for 1861. Edited by
D. M. Evans. 8vo, el. 5s. Groombridge and Sons.
Barney The Star in the East: an Account of the Church Missionary Society's
Work in North India, with Sketches of the Country and People. By Miss
A. M. Barney, with Preface by the Rev. W. Knight, M.A. Fep. 8vo, cl. 3s. 6d.

J. F. Shaw.

Barbauld-Hyrans in Prose for Children. By Mrs. Barbauld. 3rd edit. 18mo, swd. 1s. Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.

Barnard The Theory and Practice of Landscape Painting in Water-Colours By Geo. Barnard. New and revised edit. with coloured illustrations. Imp. 8vo, el. elegant, 21s. Routledge and Co.

Balzac Les Contes Drolatiques Collegez ez Abbayes de Touraine et mis en lumière par le Sieur de Balzac, pour l'esbattement des pantagruelistes et non aultres. Cinquiesme édition, illustree de 425 dessins par Gustave Dore. Cr. 8vo, hf. bd. 128. Jno. Camden Hotten.

Beaumont-French for Children: the Complete Primer. By Henri Beaumont. 12mo, cloth, 2s Williams and Norgate.

Beeton's Christinas Annual for 1800. Edited by the Publisher. Royal 8vo,

swd. ls. S. O. Beeton.

Barrera-Gems and Jewels; their History, Geography. hemistry, and Area,
from the Earliest Ages down to the Present Time. By Madame be Barrera
Cr. Svo, el. 10s. 6d. R. Bentley.
Bell-The Hand, its Mechanism and Vital Endowments, as evincing Design.
By Sir Chas. Bell. 6th edit. revised, preceded by an Account of the Author's
Discoveries in the Nervous System. By Alexander Shaw. Illustrated. Cr.
Svo, cl. 6s. Jno. Murray.

Bickersteth-Family Prayers for Six Weeks. By the late Rev. E. Bickersteth.
New edit. 12mo, el. 3s. 6d. Seeley and Co.

Bishop's (The) Daughter in the Eleventh Century: a Story of the Dark Ages.
Cr. Svo, cl. 5s. James Blackwood.

Blaikie-David King of Israel; the Divine Plan and Lessons of his Life. By the
Rev. William Garden Blaikie, A.M. 12mo, el. s. J. Nisbet and Co.
Blunt-Essays, contributed to the Quarterly Review. By the Kev. J. J. Blunt,
B.D. Svo, cl. 12s. Jno. Murray.

Boat (The) and the Caravan; a Family Tour through Egypt and Syria. A new
edit. fep. Svo, cl. 5s. 6d. Bell and Daldy.
Book (The) and its Missions, Past and Present. Dedicated to the British and
Foreign Rible Society, and to the Friends of Bible Circulation throughout
the World. Edited by L. N. R. Vol. 5. 1800. 8vo, cl. 48.; gilt, 4s. 6d. W.
Kent and Co.
Boone-Sermons, chiefly on the Theory of Belief. By the late Rev. J. S. Boone,
M.A. Svo, cl. 12s. Longman and Co.
Boosey's Shilling Pianoforte Tutor. Folio, swd. Boosey and Sons.
Boosey's Shilling Violin Tutor, Folio, swd. Boosey and Sons.
Boys' (The) Own Magazine. Vol. 6. 12mo, cl. 2s. 6d. S. O. Beeton.
Boys-God and Man considered in Relation to Eternity Past. Time that is,
Eternity Future, the Perfection of God in Christ, Adoration, the Spiritual
World, Dependence and Independence, Glory to God. By Thos. Boys. Fep.
8vo, el. 5s. Simpkin. Marshall, and Co.


Bree-A History of the Birds of Europe, not observed in the British Isles.
Chas. Robt, Bree, Esq., M.D. Vol. 2. Koy. Svo, el. 178. Groombridge and Sons.
Bremer-Two Years in Switzerland and Italy. By F. Bremer. Translated by
Mary Howitt. 2 vols. er. Svo, cl. 24s. Hurst and Blackett.
Brehaut-Cordon, Training of Fruit Trees, Diagonal, Vertical, and Horizontal,
adapted to Orchard, House, and Open-air Culture. By the Rev. T. Collings
Brehaut. Fep. 8vo, cl. 3s. 6d. Longman and Co.

Bright Gems for the Young. A Collection of Little Stories with Great Mean-
ings. With Illustrations. 18mo, cl. 2s. 6d. Jas. Blackwood.
Brightwell-Difficulties Overcome. Scenes in the Life of Alexander Wilson, the
Ornithologist. By C. Lucy Brightwell. Fep. Svo, el. 2s. S. Low, Son, and Co.
Brookedale; or, the Cousins. 18mo, swd. 1s. H. J. Tresidder.
Brown-The Public Life of Capt. Jno. Brown. By James Redpath. With an
Autobiography of his Childhood and Youth. (Cheap edit.) Cr. 8vo, bus.
2s. 6d. Thickbroom and Co.

Brünnow s Spherical Astronomy. Translated by the Rev. Robert Main, M.A.
Part 1. Including the chapters on Parallax, Refraction, Aberration, Pre-
cession, and Nutation. Svo, cl. Ss. 6d. (Deighton, Bell, and Co. Cambridge.)
Bell and Daldy.
Bunyan-Profitable Meditations: a Poem. Written by John Bunyan whilst
Confined in Bedford Gaol, with Notes, etc., by Geo. Offor. Small 4to, lf-bd.
7. 6d. J. C. Hotten.
Burford Cottage and its Robin Redbreast. By the Author of Keeper's Travels,
etc. New edit. Edited by Mrs. R. Valentine, 18mo, cl. 1s. 6d. W. Tegg.
Burke-Vicissitudes of Families, and other Essays. First Series. By Sir Ber-
nard Burke. 5th edit. post Svo, el. 12s. 6d. Longman and Co.
Burn-Hints for Farmers and Useful Information for Agricultural Students.
By R. S. Burn. (Books for the Country.) 12mo, swd. Is. Routledge and Co.
Burn-Year Book of Agricultural Facts for 1860. Edited by R. S. Burn. Fep.
8vo, el. 5s. Wm. Blackwood and Sons.
Barsill-Hand-Shadows to he Thrown upon the Wall. By Henry Bursill. 1<t
and 2nd Series. New edit. 4to, bds. 2s. each plain; 2s. 6d. each coloured.
Griffith and Farran.

"Buy an Orange, Sir?" or, the History of Jannie Woodford. 18mo, el. Is. Book Society. Byron-The Poetical Works of Lord Byron, complete. New edit. the Text carefully revised, with Portrait. Cr. 8vo, bds. 6s. Juo. Murray. Calvert-Fruit Figures, and How to Make them; being simple Directions for Making Funny Figures from Fruit. By W. Calvert. 4to, bds. Is. 6d. ; coloured, 2s. 6d. Dean and Sons.

Carcer (The) of an Artful Dodger, showing one-half of the World how the other half Lives. Fep. Svo, bds. 1s. 6d. Geo. Vickers.

Carlyle Autobiography of the Rev. Dr. Alexander Carlyle, Minister of Inveresk, containing Memorials of the Men and Events of his Time. Svo, cl. 14s. Wm. Blackwood and Sons.

Carmichael-The Happiness of Obedience. By Mrs. Carmichael. 18mo, cl. 28. Jas. Blackwood.

Cassell's Illustrated Family Paper. Vol. 6. New Series. 4to, cloth, 4s. 6d. ; swd. 3. Cassell and Co.

Censeur (Le); or, English Errors in Speaking French. By Mile, E. D. G. New edit. 1st and 2nd Series. 12mo, swd. 1s. 6d. cach, or in 1 vol. cl. 2s. 6d. Longman and Co. Charlesworth-England's Yeomen, from Life in the Nineteenth Century. By Maria Louisa Charlesworth. 12mo, el. 5. Seeley and Co. Child's Companion (The) and Juvenile Instructor. New Series, 1860. 18mo, el. 1. Od. Religious Tract Society. Child's (The) Own Alphabet and Object Lessons. (Reading a Pleasure, not a Task.) By the Author of Plain Stories for Little Folks. 4to, cl. 2s. 6d. Darten and Co.

Children's (The) Picture Book of the Life of Joseph. Written in Simple Language. With 16 large Illustrations by Henry Warren. Imp. 16mo, čl. 2s. úd. Bell and Daldy.

Christmas Tree (The): a Book of Instruction and Amusement for all Young
People. Illustrated. Imp. 16mo, cl. 3s. 6d. Jas. Blackwood.
Christian Treasury (The). Vol. for Is. Royal svo, cl. 5s. Groombridge
Christian Lyrics; chiefly selected from Modern Authors. Fep 8vo, el. güit,
3. ed. Hamilton and Co.

and Sons.

Christy's Minstrels' Songs (Sixty of the) and Choruses: Words and Music, without Pianoforte Accompaniments, Part 2, royal svo, swd. 6d. Musical Bouquet Office.

Churchinan's (The) Monthly Penny Magazine and Guide to Christian Truth. Vol. 14. January to December, 1860. 12mo, cl. 1s. 6d. Wertheim and Co. Cities (The) of Refuge; or, the Name of Jesus. A Sunday Book for the Young. By the Author of Memories of Bethany, Morning and Nigh Watcher, etc. 16mo, cl. 1s. 6d. J. Nisbet and Co.

Clayton-Celebrated Women; Stories of their Lives and Examples, Literary,
Social, and Historical. A Book for Young Ladies. By Ellen C. Clayton.
Illustrated. 12mo, cl. 38. 6d. Dean and Som.

Clayton-Women of the Reformation, their Lives, Faith, and Trials. By Ellen
C. Clayton. Fep. 8vo, el. 3s. 6d. Dean and Son.
Clements-Lord Macaulay, his Life and Writings; being the Substance of two
Lectures Delivered at Sidmouth. By H.G. J. Clements, M.A. Cr.svo, ci. 2s. 6d.
Whittaker and Co.

Clyde-Greek Syntax, with a Rationale of the Constructions. By James Clyde,
LL.D. Prefatory Notice by J. S. Blackie. 2nd edit. post 8vo, cloth, 4s.
(Sutherland and Knox, Edinburgh.) Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.
Codex Alexandrinus-Novum Testamentum Græce ex Antiquissimo codice
Alexandrino a C. G. Wolde olim Descriptum: ad fidum codices ipsius denuo
accuratis edidit B. H. Cowper. Svo, el. 12. Williams and Norgate.
Calebs in Search of a Cook, with Divers Recipes and other Delectable Things
relating to the Gastronomic Art. Cr. svo, cl. swd. 2s. James Blackwood.
Collins-Antonina; or, the Fall of Rome. A Romance of the Fifth Century. B.
Wilkie Collins. New edit. post Svo, el. 5s. S. Low, Son, and Co.
Congregational Pulpit (The), Containing Sermons from the Manuscripts of
Nonconformist Ministers of the Present Day, together with Original Out-
lines, Lectures on the Romans, and Notices of Religious Publications.
Conducted by the Rev. T. G. Horton. Vol. 10. Cr. Svo, cl. 4s. Judd and
Contanseau-Partie Francaise du Guide a la Traduction de l'Anglais en Fran-
cais. Par Leon Contanseau. 12mo, cl. 3s. Cd. Longman and Co.

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