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OCTOBER 12, 1901..

2. Each country shall communicate from time to time to the other its tariff of charges (fees paid by the public), which shall be established under this convention, and these rates shall in all cases be payable in advance by the remitters, and shall not be repayable.

3. It is understood, moreover, that each country is authorized to suspend, temporarily, the exchange of Money Orders should circumstances give rise to abuses or cause detriment to the postal revenue.


Fees payable in ad


Temporary suspen

sion of money orders

Each country shall keep the fees paid by the public charged on all Fees to be retained. Money Orders issued within its jurisdiction.


The service of the Postal Money Order System between the two countries shall be performed exclusively by the agency of offices of exchange. On the part of the United States the office of exchange shall be New York, Ñ. Y., and on the part of Bolivia, La Paz.


No Money Order shall be issued unless the applicant furnish the name and address of the person to whom the amount is to be paid, and his own name and address; or the name of the firm or company who are the remitters or payees, together with the addresses of each.


1. The particulars of all Money Orders drawn in the United States upon Bolivia shall be entered at the Exchange Office New York, N. Y., in a list similar to the form marked "A" (in the Appendix) in which shall be shown the amount of each order in United States money, which list after having received the impression of the New York dating stamp, shall be forwarded to the Exchange Post Office of Bolivia, where it shall be impressed with the date stamp of that office, and where the requisite arrangement for effecting payment of the Orders shall be carried out.

2. In like manner the particulars of Money Orders drawn in Bolivia upon the United States shall be entered at the Exchange Office at La Paz in a list similar to the form marked "B" (in the Appendix) in which shall be shown the amount of each in the money of both countries, which list after having received the impression of the dating stamp of that office, shall be forwarded to the Exchange Office at New York, N. Y., where it shall receive the impression of the dating stamp in use in that office, and where the necessary arrangements for effecting payment of the orders shall be carried out.

3. Each list, as well as the entries in the lists dispatched shall be numbered consecutively 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc., in the order of dispatcn, commencing on July 1st of each calendar year, and the receipt of each list shall be acknowledged on either side, by means of the first subsequent list forwarded in the opposite direction.

Offices of exchange.

Names and address.


To be numbered.

4. Such a list shall be transmitted by each mail dispatched from Duplicates, etc. Bolivia to the port of New York, and vice versa, and of each list dispatched a duplicate shall be sent by the following mail.

5. Should it happen that, on the day when the list is to be dispatched, there are no orders to be certified for payment, the list must nevertheless be sent. But, in that event, the Exchange Office will write across the list the words: "No Money Orders."

[blocks in formation]

due course, the despatching Exchange Office, on receiving information to that effect shall transmit without delay a duplicate or triplicate of the list duly certified as such.


1. As soon as the list of the dispatching office shall have reached the receiving office of exchange, the latter shall reissue Money Orders in favor of the payees for the amounts specified in the list, and shall forward them free of postage to the addresses or to the offices of destination, in conformity with the regulations in each country for the payment of Morey Orders.

2. When the lists shall show irregularities which the receiving office shall not be able to rectify, that office shall demand an explanation with as little delay as possible. Pending the receipt of the explanation the reissue of Money Orders of payment relating to the entries found to be erroneous in the list should be suspended.

3. One copy of each exchange list shall be returned by the receiving office of exchange to the dispatching office, but before returning such copy, the receiving exchange office shall enter therein the names of the respective offices of payment of the orders enumerated in the list, and, in the lists from the United States, returned by the Exchange Office at La Paz, the latter office shall also enter the amount of each Order in the money of Bolivia according to the conversion made by it.


1. The Orders issued by each country on the other shall be subject, as regards payment, to the regulations which govern the payment of Domestic Money Orders in the country on which they are drawn. 2. The paid orders shall remain in the possession of the country of payment.


When it is desired that any error in the name of the remitter or payee shal! be corrected, or that the amount of a Money Order shall be repaid to the remitter, application must be made by the remitter to the postal administration by which the order was issued.


Duplicate orders shall only be issued by the postal administration of the country in which the original orders were payable and in conformity with the regulations established or to be established in that country.


1. Repayment of orders to remitters shall not be made until an authorization for such repayment shall first have been obtained by the country of issue from the country where such orders are payable, and the amounts of the repaid orders shall be duly credited to the former country in the quarterly account. (Article XVI.).

2. It is the province of each postal administration to determine the manner in which repayment to remitters is to be made.


1. Orders which shall not have been paid within twelve calendar months from the month of issue shail become void, and the sums received shall accrue to and be at the disposal of the country of origin.

OCTOBER 12, 1901.

2. The Bolivian Postal Administration shall therefore, enter to the credit of the United States in the quarterly account all, Money Orders entered in the lists received from the United States which remain unpaid at the end of the period specified (Article XVI.)

3. On the other hand the Post Office Department of the United States shall, at the close of each month, transmit to the Bolivian Postal Administration, for entry in the quarterly account, a detailed statement of all Orders included in the lists dispatched from the latter

office which under this article become void.


1. At the close of each quarter an account shall be prepared by the Quarterly accounts. Postal Administration of Bolivia showing in detail the totals of the lists containing the particulars of Orders issued in either country during the quarter, and the balance resulting from such transactions.

2. Two copies of this account shall be transmitted to the Post Office Department of the United States at Washington, and the balance, after proper verification, shall, if due by the Post Office Department of the United States be paid at La Paz, but if due by the Bolivian Postal Administration it shall be paid in New York, and in the money of the country to which the payment is made.

3. Payments may also be made in money or by drafts, or by bills of exchange on points other than La Paz or New York, by mutual agreement between the two Departments.



1. If pending the settlement of an account one of the two postal Remittance of baladministrations shall ascertain that it owes the other a balance exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), the indebted administration shall promptly remit the approximate amount of such balance to the credit. of the other, but nothing herein contained shall prevent such administration from remitting a lesser amount than one thousand dollars ($1,000) at discretion. This account and the letters which accompany such intermediate remittances shall be in accordance with the forms (“C”) (“D”) (“E”) (“F”) annexed to this Convention.

2. If payment by the debtor administration be not made within a period of three months from the time such balance accrues, the creditor administration shall have the right to demand and receive interest thereon.


1. The postal administration in each country shall be authorized to adopt any additional rules (if not repugnant to the foregoing), for greater security against fraud, or for the better working of the system generally.

2. All such additional rules however, must be promptly communicated to the Post Office Department of the other country.


Additional rule

sion of service.

Each administration is authorized in extraordinary circumstances Temporary suspen that would justify the measure, to suspend temporarily the Money Order service in whole or in part upon condition of giving notice of such suspension immediately to the other country, and if deemed necessary, by means of the telegraph.

Duration of Conven





OCTOBER 12, 1901.

This present Convention shall take effect on the first day of December of 1901, and shall continue in force until twelve months after either of the contracting parties shall have notified to the other its intention to terminate it.

The ratification of the present convention shall be exchanged at La Paz as soon as possible.

In witness whereof, the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the above articles both in the English and the Spanish languages, and have hereunto affixed their seals.

Done in duplicate at the city of La Paz, Bolivia, this 20th day of June, 1901.

[Seal of Bolivia.]

WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 12, 1901.

I hereby approve the foregoing.


[Seal of United States.]

Postmaster General of the United States.

[blocks in formation]

The examination of the said (list) has demonstrated the correctness of the totals therein set forth, to wit, amounts paid in.........



of International Money .....cents.

In turn I transmit to you, herewith, (in duplicate) my List No.
Orders amounting in the aggregate to....... ......dollars....
Please examine, complete and return to me the original of the said list, with your acknowledgment
of receipt endorsed thereon.

[blocks in formation]

OCTOBER 12, 1901.

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