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Mr. Foot's Resolution.

[FEB. 24, 1830. war, by stigmatizing them as "white slaves of the South," that hoisted the new banner of National Republicanism, because, in a crisis of great perplexity and peril, they exulted that he "was consigned to the tomb of all the Capustood by their brethren of the South, the Middle States, lets," and farther added, "when we recollect that Mr. L. and the West, in attempts to vindicate our country's rights, is an old sinner, and that we are inflicting punishment for and pluck up drowning honor by the locks," rather the backslidings of thirty years, we may safely say he falls than standing by the mere leaders of a party in the East, unwept--unhonored." who cried out then as now, that the whole of New Eng land was put to the ban of the empire.

Little did they then expect his Antæan vigor, in rising from that fall, would so soon restore him to the councils Few can be ignorant how often, within the last four of his country, as the representative of a sovereign State, years, the same kind of taunt has been reiterated against rather than of a single district. And little did they heed, all those who, in the late Presidential canvass at the East, as in "by-gone days," the base injustice they are perpesupported the present Executive. Coming this very trating on one, of whom it is no flattery to say, he is a cimorning, and now in my hand, in a paper now under the vilian, no less than a politician-an ornament both to that banner of National Republicanism, but during that war, State, and his country, if not to our race. Accessions under the five striped flag, is the very repetition, for the have, of course, been made from other ranks to swell the ten thousandth time, of one of these same groundless scoffs. increased majority of 1828 over those of 1800 and 1812; "If New Hampshire chooses to send Representatives but they have been, I trust, accessions of principle, and not who can thus desert the best interests of their constituents, of bargain; and, if such accessions, then they will endure, and become the white slaves of the South, she must blame flourish, and bear good fruit, long as the original stock herself." upon which they have been engrafted. But if they have not been from principle, who regrets how soon they may be severed from the stock?

The ear-mark of this attack on a part of my constituents is, therefore, too large and long not to show at once its true origin and character, and to prove anew how Whether the same doctrines, in the main, are also not much easier it is to alter names than things. The incon- now advocated by us and by the opposition, as were adsistency of these sneers from such quarters will also be vocated by the administration of 1801, and by its opposi apparent, when we set our history right, by finding that tion, is of too common notoriety, and has been too fully these same authors of them have also voted for Southern shown in the progress of this debate, to need much furcandidates nearly, if not quite, as often as the democrats, ther illustration. On the part of the administration, abusand always when their party success could be promoted by ed as it has been, or at least on the part of its supportit; because, omitting 1789 and 1793, when all united for a ers in the East, whose claims to democracy have been so Southern man, they appear to have voted for one as Pre-modestly challenged, I venture with frankness to assert, sident in 1804, 1808, 1816, and 1820.

that there is, in general, the same adherence to a strict The smallness of the number, and the diminutive impor- construction of the constitution, and to the reserved rights tance of the supporters of this administration in the East, and sovereignties of the States, as under Jefferson; the is another magnanimous taunt from the same source, against same acquiescence in instructions by State Legislatures; the genuineness of their democracy; as if, when history is the same desire for reform and economy; the same abset right, the present Executive did not obtain more votes horrence of implied and doubtful powers, whether over in New England than did Mr. Jefferson in 1800, and, with the press, the deliberations of this body, or the industry the exception of one State, more than Mr. Madison did in and free trade of the country. On the contrary, on the 1812. We are accustomed in the East, sir, to new trials part of the opposition, there are, and have been, the same for correcting mistakes. New Hampshire, as a State, scoff's at reform and economy; the same denial of the since the late election, has already changed her delegation right of instruction in the States to their Senators; the in the other House, so as to be entire in favor of this ad- same struggle for enlarged constructions of the constituministration. And has not Maine herself, beside an elec- tion; a refusal to be palsied by the will of their constitoral vote for it, sent an equal number there in its support? tuents;" implied powers carried to the greatest extent, On this, I think her democrats have some little claim to in assuming to accept, in the recess, invitations to Panarespect, in point of numbers, however charged with apos-ma, and in claiming the right, in that recess, without tacy; and I may be pardoned in the guess that, from the the consent of the Senate, to appoint ministers on such signs of the times there, they will at least try to show a an expensive and hazardous mission; and, finally, certain majority in favor of this administration sooner than the movements of a 'specific" character, bearing on the present delegation from Maine here shall succeed in ob- press, not quite in coincidence with a bill introduced here taining all the Maine and Massachusetts claims for the mis- the same day, by my friend from New Jersey, [Mr. DICKconduct of their peace party in the late war. ERSON] to refund a fine collected under the sedition law of 1798.


The resemblance between the political character of the opposition and administration parties, in 1798, 1812, and This attitude of a party now in a majority, disclaiming 1828, would seem to give us some little title to old fashioned implied and enlarged powers in the Legislative as well as democracy. The same democratic States, with one or the Executive branches, is a most cheering sign of the two exceptions only, are found, at each era, side by side, times for the safety of our liberties; and is an attitude in favor of Jefferson, Madison, and the hero of Orleans. worthy imitation in all Governments, especially by all reOn one side, Virginia and Pennsylvania, Carolina and publican magistrates, in all future time. I say nothing Georgia, Tennessee and Kentucky. On the other, Del- against the past administration as men, for some of them aware and Massachusetts, Connecticut, and divided Mary-possess my entire respect; but I am speaking of some of land. The same distinguished statesmen of the first era, the political measures they, or their friends, have proposwho survive and who were honored with every species of ed and approved. If any part of the democracy of the abuse, from the most malignant of their enemies--those East, friendly to this administration, were once in favor republican statesmen, of 1798, the Livingstons, the Ma- of the late Chief Magistrate, and sincerely intended to cons, the Smiths, the Randolphs, and the Gileses, are again support his administration, for having, as they supposed, found acting and stigmatized with the humble democrats become united with that democracy, and inclined to enof the East, who support the present administration. Yes, force its principles, and many of them honestly did so sir, when that gentleman, [Mr. LIVINGSTON] little more intend and believe; if any of them, in "by-gone-years," than a year since, not in old "by-gone days" of virulence, vindicated him against attacks from the same political was defeated in an election to the other House, one of the school whence we ourselves are now assailed, and, like first papers at the "head quarters of good principles" the present President, in the letters here cited against

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him to Mr. Monroe, did think well of the talents and patriotism of that Chief Magistrate, the world will see, when the history of the East is set right, where, and on what side, has been any change of principle.


debate, to the history, merits, and glories of the East, entirely at war with the real worth of that democracy. Yielding, as I cheerfully do, and always shall, due praise to political opponents, yet, I can never consent They will see whether the treachery and apostacy, so that all the excellencies and applause bestowed on the often insinuated here, and elsewhere, and formerly ap- East, by gentlemen from that or other regions, shall at plied by the same political school, in the same way, to once be assumed and appropriated, as if exclusively bethat very Chief Magistrate, do not now, if applicable at longing to the opponents of that vilified democracy-to the all, if courteous and just to any body, more properly ap- peace party in war. Thus we see, that when nobody has ply to the course of that magistrate and of his adminis-been attacked from any other quarter, except those oppotration, than to those democrats in the East, who continents, every change of eulogy has been rung in reply, as nued faithfully to cling to the platform of democratic prin- if the eulogy was all deserved, all won, and all to be ciples? What verdict, on this point, have all the demo-monopolized by only those who were attacked-by only cratic States in the Union, standing together in 1798, those opponents. Little did my friend from South Carc1812, and 1828, almost unanimously returned? Is it not lina [Mr. HAYNE] think his prophecy would so soon be that the past administration, in many respects, departed apparently verified, when he spoke of what might be done from the principles of democracy? And what verdict by some future biographer of one of the members of the has New Hampshire herself, within the last year, return- Hartford Convention. "I doubt not," said he, "it will ed? That those who were sent hither by democratic votes, be found quite easy to prove that the peace party in and to defend democratic principles, and who abided by Massachusetts were the only defenders of their country those principles to the hazard of both popularity and of during the war, and actually achieved our victories, by fice--that they were faithful among the faithless, and land and sea.' Have gentlemen not been pursuing here their course to be approved? or that the desertion, if it a constant course of argument, tending, in fact, whatever existed at all, was on the side of that part of her delega-may have been the intent, to something very like a confir tion in the other House, who, for adhering to all men and mation of this prediction? measures indiscriminately of that administration, have been permitted to retire to private life?

One only of that delegation, a man whose stern democracy never quailed, or bent to any fellow-man, has, for that, been borne back here triumphantly by the suffrages of the people, proving again, what is, and always should be, a proud excellence in a free Government; that however the waves of faction or sectional prejudice may, for a time, dash against a consistent and faithful Represen


"An honest man is still an unmoved rock;
"Washed whiter, but not shaken by the shock."

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Thus, when members of the Hartford Convention are assailed, there is in reply a flourish of trumpet after truntpet, in defence of those who stood by the country, and who, in fact, resisted that convention, and denounced, as loudly as has been denounced here, its leaders and its doctrines: thus creating an impression that that convention stood by their country, or that those who resisted that convention had been assailed. Is this course of reply one of the means referred to by Washington, for converting any party charge, or excitement, into a sectional shape? Thus, again, if schemes for disunion and for a Northern confederacy are charged home upon the leaders of a party in the East, before the Hartford Convention, and before Gentlemen know but little of that democracy, if they sup- the embargo, on the authority of assertions by the late pose their object is to go themselves, or have their Re-President, cited by the gentlemen on my right and left, presentatives go, for mere menr ather than measures: that then we have, in reply, eulogies on Eastern bravery and they are slaves enough, or ever have been, or ever will fidelity, as if belonging exclusively to those implicated in be, to bend the servile knee to any "lord or master" but the above schemes. Some doubts, to be sure, on the con the Supreme Lord of all; or to acknowledge any such institutionality of purchasing Louisiana, and some charges office, as intimated, except their constituents and their of corruption in purchasing it, are re-intimated, perhaps State. You do them foul injustice and reproach, if you from the same quarter that repeated those charges twenty believe that democracy has not the justice and patriotism years since, and which have been so fully proved to be to uphold those who uphold their country; and if ever groundless, from the recent account of that purchase by misled, for a time, by local prejudice or personal regard, the Abbe Marbois: and in conclusion, we have again the that they will ever long go for men, unless those men go sectional attempt to make the whole East believe, when for their cause; ever long go for any slavish and monar- the peace party in the East was alone assailed, that the chical doctrine of unlimited devotion to particular indivi- whole East has now, in this hall, been put to the ban of duals, or particular dynasties. These principles, I am the empire.

proud and thankful for the opportunity to say, in behalf As a farther specimen, the Senate, in answer to charges of my faithful constituents-whose attachment, when I for- against the patriotism of the peace party in the late war, get, may my God forget me--these principles belong to have again and again been invited to look at the glories that part of the New Hampshire democracy which sup- of Bunker Hill, and Bennington, and Saratoga, and Monports this calumniated administration. But whether they mouth-as if these glories had been denied or attacked; are the principles of that kind of national republicanism and provided they had, as if the democracy of the East, in Maine and Massachusetts, which opposes this adminis- which supported the late war, and those of them which tration, the world has enjoyed an opportunity of judging support the present administration, had no part or lot in in the course of this debate.

those sanguinary conflicts. As if the gallant Pierce, who The country will thus be able to set right the history now presides in my native State, and the brave Stark of of the East, in the late Presidential canvass; and I re- the same neighborhood, who fought by the side of his impeat, that it is only in self defence, and in vindication of a mortal father, so singularly eulogized in this very debate, large portion of my constituents and myself, thus attack- as if the intrepid Hall, who trod in blood on the deck of ed on this floor, for their want of real democracy, in sup- the Ranger, as lieutenant to Paul Jones, all were not now porting the present administration, that I could have living monuments in New Hampshire of the part which overcome my repugnance in this assembly to make any some of the distinguished survivors of the Revolution take allusions to those fierce party struggles that so often among the democracy of the East, in rallying round the have raged between the modern Spartans and Athenians present Executive of the Union. If you turn there to the of the rocky East. whole muster roll of the survivors in that contest, you will

My mind is recalled to one other direction given in this find the proportion of them as large, entertaining the


Mr. Foot's Resolution.

[FEB. 24, 1830. same political views with their heroic officers. The peace served powers of the people and the States. But, as some party in the Revolution, for there was also a peace party in more exciting and more local topics of difference occurthat war, might with just as much propriety claim all the red-an Eastern Chief Magistrate being removed from of honor of the victories of the Revolution. Just as well, as fice, under complaints and remonstrances, as doleful and the peace party of the last war, might they seek to engross violent as any heard here on account of more recent reall the credit of those victories from that part of the de-movals, and his place being supplied by a Southern sucmocracy of the East, who survived to mingle in the po-cessor, and a vast addition being soon made, under that litical contest in favor of either Mr. Jefferson's, Mr. Madi-successor, to our Southern territory, and expected also son's, or the present administration. So, again, from the to be made thereby to any peculiar Southern influence, same quarter, in answer to censures bestowed only on the which might prevail in the administration of our Governpeace party in the East, we are invited to gaze on the ment--these general parties, so far as respected one of brilliant achievements of the bloody ninth, the twenty-them, gradually assumed almost an entire sectional characfirst, and eleventh regiments, in 1814; and in exultation ter; and, contrary to the injunctions of Washington, so often against those attacking only what the gentleman from urged on our consideration in this debate, its leaders began Maine [Mr. HOLMES] then pronounced "treasonable" op- to drag into the controversy every sectional interest and preposition to that war, we are informed of the prowess, judice that nestle closest round the heart of erring man. chivalry, and descent from New England loins, of those The attempts, which two of the distinguished members who, in fact, put all in jeopardy to support that war. of that party have recently averred were soon after made Did it never occur to gentlemen that history would be for separating the Union, had a poor apology, in any be set right, and that those regiments, and their brave offi- lief that the purchase of Louisiana was unconstitutional, cers, their Ripleys, their Millers, their McNeils, and their as one of their then number, now on this floor, scems still Weekses all these last natives of the scoffed New Hamp. to hold; and must have been, from the account of those shire-would be known to have sprung chiefly from the de-members, of a mere rash and sectional character; and, ! mocracy of the East; and that all of these before named have no doubt, met with no approbation among many of officers, with perhaps a single exception, are decided sup- the honest disciples of that party, even in the East; or porters of this abused administration? among few, if any of them, south of the Hudson. These On the contrary, lofty as were the principles and deeds last had no motives to cherish such local and pernicious of all the whigs of the Revolution in the East, yet, on all views. The embargo, non-intercourse, and war, which hands, it must be confessed that, during the late war, the soon and successively followed, pressed with extreme sepatriotism of the leaders of a party there took a most un-verity upon the Eastern States, and gave the leaders of fortunate direction. While those taunted heroes of those the party, having thus become separated by sectional brave regiments, taunted then, as most of them now are, views from their brethren elsewhere, an opportunity to with being slaves to the South, and apostates from New appeal still more strongly to sectional prejudices, and to England principles; while they, I say, were flying to the renew, or begin for the first time, as the truth may be, a then derided flag of our Union, and were pouring out their course of opposition to the General Government, violent blood at Bridgewater and Chippewa, in defence of their in language, disorganizing in its measures, and, whether country's rights, the leaders of the "peace party in war" aiming or not at a Northern confederacy, certainly ending were seen flying to far different scenes at Hartford, and in the Hartford Convention-a course of opposition which, pouring out from their pulpits, presses, and legislative as- to say the least, was any thing but practising the lessons semblies, anathemas against the administration, the war, of Washington--any thing but real national republicanism and all their supporters. Sorry am I to say it, sir, except --any thing but respect for the constituted authorities-to "put history right" in our defence, that not the mere any thing but eulogy on the great minds and patriotic maniacs of the party, as intimated by the gentleman on my hearts, then sent to cheer and to bless us in the proseculeft, [Mr. SPRAGUE] were engaged in this unfortunate dis- tion of that glorious war--any thing but devotion to our play of this new species of patriotism, but with the leaders, country, our whole country, and nothing but our country. in their pulpit services and opinions, were found some, at Whoever took the lead then, in that course of opposition, least, of their confiding congregations. With the dele- in Congress or out; whoever is attacked by the South or gates of the three sovereign States, and parts of two oth- the West, for taking such lead, I, for one, protest, that ers, at Hartford, were found, in principle, some constitu- the whole East, as a section, is not to be involved in the ents to elect them. With eloquent Representatives and defence; and that its democracy, so far as represented by Senators here, were found to support them at home, at me, has neither been implicated in the attack, nor seen any least a party, a whole party, and nothing but a party. On occasion for : angry retort. The whole controversy, so far this occasion, what I say is not to be misunderstood, how-as regards my friend to the right, [Mr. HAYNE] has been ever much it may be misrepresented. When, in self de-shown, by a reference to his remarks, to have arisen from fence, I allude to a certain party and its acts in the East, strictures by him solely on the peace party in the late war, about the period of that war, far be it from me to include and the violent movements of its leaders in that course of all of them, or of those in other quarters of the Union opposition. Leaders and movements then officially, and who had borne the same party name. as strongly as here now, denounced by a large minority in

It is well known, in the history of this country, that, ha- the East itself, as having been exclusively British, and by ving lived under a limited monarchy till the Revolution, which leaders and movements the late Executive has pubnot only then, but in the formation of our State and Ge-licly repeated that a separation of the Union was openly neral constitutions, some honest diversity of opinion exist- stipulated. Thus it will be seen how different a character ed, as to the extent and limits of power safely to be en- this course of opposition, both before and during the war, trusted in the hands of the people's agents. Without dwel- had given to that party in the East in respect to its attachling on the titles which should be given to the one side, ment to the Union, and its patriotism at large, from what for asking large power and much confidence in office justly belonged to the same nominal party elsewhere. It holders; and to the other, for granting only small power is by setting history right, in this way, that proper discrimi and limited confidence; it is sufficient to notice that this nations can be made between nominal federalists, in and division, coupled with other matter, from time to time, out of the East, and even between those in the East itself, connected and incidental, separated the whole country who led, and those who were misled or betrayed, by secinto opposing parties-parties, too, which not then be- tional violence. ing chiefly sectional, were useful rather than injurious, in rousing vigilance, and in preserving unimpaired the re

If gentlemen please, I for one have so little party bitterness, on merely old party grounds, as to be willing

FEB. 24, 1830.]

Mr. Foot's Resolution.


to go, in meeting their invitations, to forgetfulness of by- trust, distinctly understood, that I have cast no strictures gone acrimony, and party feuds, more than half way, and on federalists, even in the East, except those who, after to take the epoch of the late war as a period of amnesty, war was declared, still opposed their own Government and beyond which, like the era of Richard I. for other pur- its measures; and, according to Governor Eustis, thus ocposes the memory of man runneth not, about parties, ex-casioned double sacrifice of life and treasure, while the cept as connected with historical facts and constitutional citizens of other States were exercising their utmost enerprinciples, bearing on the present administration of the gies against the common enemy. Even many of those I State and the General Governments. But I never can go would censure only as misguided and unfortunate politifor any abandonment or compromise of these principles. cians; men who, from sectional clamor, were made to beStill another concession will I make, in justice to the lieve that the whole East was put to the ban of the emyeomanry of the East, many of whom, in the late war, pire; who trusted too far to the groundless assertions, by were deluded into opposition, by what Mr. Jefferson those who have been here called [by Mr. SPRAGUE] the called "the Marats, the Dantons, and Robespierres, of bedlamites of the party. Thus it happened, undoubtedMassachusetts." (4 Jefferson's Notes, 210.) ly, that so many grave legislators, holy priests at the altar, The same sectional attempts were, by that class of lead- and other seigniors of the land, both in public and in priers, then brought to bear on their honest hearts and warm vate life, were deluded to join in that violent opposition. heads, which were made to bear on them in the late can- This alone can account, also, for the Hartford Convenvass, and are now continued, with a view to prejudice tion, as a solemn, deliberate, and official act, by the Legisla them against the South, and to seduce them into a belief tures of three sovereign States, and by primary meetings that the whole of New England is proscribed, and that in the federal portions of two others, at a moment when the real interest of the two regions is hostile, rather than the foreign enemy had his foot planted on our sacred soil; united, as closely as the interests and inclinations of mar- and when, with a different commander in the Eastern deried life. Is it strange, then, that the large mass, even of partment, some of its members might, we are told, have the peace party, should thus have been misled for a time, had a different trial than what has yet been held on them. by those leaders, clerical or political, in whom they had For withholding the militia from the General Government, been accustomed to place implicit confidence? and that as another official act in which the Judiciary and Execu they should fallaciously appear, as if with deliberation, tive ceremoniously united, and which has since been justgiving sanction to those violent party acts, instigated by ly denounced by one of their own Executives, as withthe mere leaders, such as official refusals, when our holding from the Government the constitutional means of hearths and altars were invaded, to place the militia un-defence. For the exhortation against enlistments, against der the officers of the Union, for defence; such as legis- joining the stars and stripes of their country, over which lative exhortations against loans and enlistments; public we have had such eloquent eulogies, as another of those votes and speeches in Congress, against raising additional cold blooded official acts instigated by Hotspur leaders. troops for protection; motions here, at one time, to im- The Massachusetts Legislature, in June, 1812, say, “If peach Mr. Jefferson, and threats at another, that Mr. your sons must be torn from you by conscription, consign Madison deserved a halter. Yet, with a similar lead to them to the care of God; but let there be no volunteers." what then led, we are told, again and again, in defence of The loans, on which gentlemen dwell with so much comattacks on this violent course of opposition, about New placency, as evidence of Eastern patriotism, were also as England patriotism and New England respect for order violently denounced by the leaders, and came mostly from and regular government, as if these virtues belonged to that abused democracy, one of whom, a principal leader, those alone who required a defence: and as if that class my near and dear relative, still survives in that Cumberof politicians possessed all, effected all, and were all in all. land district, so justly denominated the star in the East, As if, for a moment's illustration, the soldiers' bones that to see flung upon him, as a supporter of this administramoulder on our Niagara frontier were those of patriotic tion, the sarcasm of being a new made democrat, from volunteers from the Massachusetts remonstrants, whom near the doors of the Hartford Convention. The patriothe gentleman on my right then fearlessly charged with tism of such supporters of this administration among the taking the enemy's ground, supporting his claims, and democracy of the East, and I thank God there are many justifying his aggressions: as if the saving loans in aid of of them, took rather a different direction from the unforthat glorious struggle came from those who pronounced tunate one pursued by the violent opposers of that war. the struggle unjust and murderous; and as if our sailors, Their patriotism was not as early as 1806, to ridicule Mr. who pulled down the flag of the Guerriere and Pea- Jefferson for his pacific war by proclamations, though cock," were of those who deemed it immoral and irre- losing thousands by French and British decrees; was not ligious to rejoice at our naval victories. Not such as the to denounce and violently resist an embargo as unconsti last-not such aid, nor such defenders, did that crisis tutional, and charge the President with French influence need. and falsehood in recommending it, though their remaining vessels were rotting at their wharves; was not to vote, speak, and write, in constant hostility to the war and the

Non tali auxilio nec defensoribus istis
Tempus eget.

Far be it from me to utter or feel a single sentiment of measures for its success, though their funds and their inunkindness to one individual who did not participate industry were forced out of customary employment. But those measures of opposition, and much less to any one it was, if not "above all Greek, above all Roman fame;" who did participate, from honest convictions they were it was the patriotism of the noblest days, of the noblest of right, and who still has the frankness and magnanimity to our race. Though scoffed as slaves to the South, by peravow it; and to award full justice to the abused democra-sons now professing to deprecate sectional jealousies, it cy of the East. Such thought and acted for themselves was to devote all to their country; to enter the alarm list like freemen, and disdain to shrink from their responsibi- themselves for the defence of the sea-board; to advolity for it. But that those of the democracy of the East, cate enlistments; to lend their remaining and impaired forfriendly to the present administration, and who bore a full tunes to the cause, and, in fine, for the salvation of all share in all the perils, sufferings, and glories of that war, those great principles of civil liberty their fathers had should now be sneered at, as witnessed here, is what none bled to secure; intrepidly to meet the domestic enemy at who sincerely sympathized with them in that conflict, and the polls, and send their sons on the ocean, the lakes, have partaken with them in fidelity to principle since, could and the land, to meet the foreign enemy at the cannon's be guilty of without blushing blood; or could in others lis-mouth. From the history of all republics, they knew ten to without indignation and abhorrence. It is, then, I that God had preserved liberty only to vigilance and valor.

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Mr. Foot's Resolution.

[FEB. 24, 1830.


They, therefore, braved the lion in his den; they rose as Corinthian columns of our whole social edifice in the East, their country rose, and fell only as her prospects fell. The and in doing more than their full share, because their victories of the common enemy were a true barometer, in litical principles did not forbid them to take a full share every year, of the victories and hopes of the conflicting with their brethren of the Middle States, the South, and parties at home. I was then of an age, sir, to feel such the West, in bearing the flag of victory, whether over things somewhat deeply, and hence, I may speak of them land or ocean, in the Revolution or the late war. They too strongly. But this much can with safety be asserted, have always met the struggle with firmness, and, in comthat the political war at home was but little less arduous mon with other parts of the Union, with entire devotion, and exciting than the foreign one abroad. That democra-in times of peril, to the common cause, of their lives, their cy, though a minority then as now, in every State in the fortunes, and their sacred honor. They never halted be East save one, though abused then as now, and buffeted tween two opinions when the wolf was on the walk-when both in private and public life by their opposers, had, and the enemy was on our soil. They had, and still have, still have, thank God, some knowledge of their rights, quite too much of the Roman, not to endure embargoes and, "knowing, dare maintain them." In the darkest and wars, and even death, for their country, whether on hours of that war, when civil butchery was in some places their own seaboard, or on a distant and savage frontier, threatened, when schemes for disunion were supposed when that country and its honor call for the sacrifice. to be maturing, and, according to my friend here, [Mr. This they have shown by deeds, not words; and this, I GRUNDY] "moral treason" stalked abroad; when the ar-will give my pledge, they will always show, when ocdent yeoman sometimes slept with his fire arms at his pil-casion demands. But, once for all, I will repeat, that low; when his sons were absent as volunteers at Chippe- that democracy make, and have made, no pledges to men, wa and Plattsburg-on the lakes and the ocean--then independent of their measures, and that, so far as reprethe members of that democracy, who were at home, sented by me, they will offer or seek no new alliances, and fought and endured the moral and political warfare, hard-consent to none. They have made no old alliances and ly paralleled: the proscription and persecution of private consented to none, whether with the West or the South, life; the shameless attacks of the press; the insults of except the general alliance of all in the bond of the Union. heated partisans; the anathemas of the pulpit; and, mi- They will neither cajole, nor flatter, nor bargain. Those of nority as they were, they fearlessly faced the apologist of New Hampshire would fain stand among the other States the common enemy, and the libeller of their own Govern-as a peer among peers, a sovereign among sovereigns, an ment, whether in the courts of justice, the halls of legis lation, or in those primary meetings of the thousand town democracies which cover our granite hills.

equal among equals; recognizing the rights of no mere man from the East to tender or pledge them, either to make or unmake Presidents--to pull down or build up Grant that individuals of the party opposed to Mr. Jef. administrations. They mean to go where democratic ferson and Mr. Madison did not unite in what the former principles go--palmam ferat qui meruit; and when those calls in Massachusetts "the parricide crimes and treasons principles disappear, they mean to halt. Such were the of the late war," but went gallantly for their country when views that led their young men, in the late war, to succor in peril. They have earned for themselves laurels which the bleeding West; and in their cause, as well as that of they richly deserve to wear, and which, God forbid their country at large, to moisten with their blood the should attempt to soil. They relinquished opposition fields of Tippecanoe, and the forests of Brownstown, when the common enemy approached, and stood by their while from the ranks of a different party in that war, country and their whole country, and did not lend a help-however prodigal in professions of friendship now to the ing hand to those sectional excitements that often belittle West, not a drum was heard--not a gun was fired. These and dishonor the politics of New England. By such ex-views in peace, likewise, have led them to aid, to popu citements, groundlessly defaming the democracy of the late, and protect from the savage, the smiling val East and of other parts of the Union, has the glory de-leys of the Ohio and Mississippi. And their brethren in parted from her Israel, more than by any change of rela- principle, whether there, or at home in the East, will tive population and territory. But if the violent leaders cheerfully unite in every measure they believe constituof the Eastern opposition to the war, then, as since, con- tional, for the relief or improvement of those who have stantly poured out on the democracy of that section the suffered with them in the common cause. uncourteous epithets of Jacobins and Judases, and styled! Can it be doubted that the same feelings would not them, as the whole administration has been styled in this lead them to assist, in the same way, either the Middle debate, a motley collection of the fragments of all parties, States, or the South, in the embarrassments of their induswith no common bond of principle, and held together by try and trade, or in their utmost need, by invasion or war a mere rope of sand; if these abusers then, as now, On the exciting topic of slavery, as connected with the made very modest claims to all the talents, order, and re- South, and introduced into this debate, it is true they ligion; I stand not here to retort in kind, but courteously have honest and deep rooted opinions. But this Con to seek justice for myself and my political friends, from gress knows, and the Union knows, that, averse as the unfounded imputations; and to say, with sober minded-democracy of the East is to slavery, and aiding as they ness and charity, that, leaving our opponents to the en-have, within only about the last half century, to abolish it joyment of all their real worth, which, in many respects, all over New England, and anxious as they are for its exI freely admit to be enviable, yet I do contend, that, in tirpation from the whole country, yet, never have they private or public life, there is no ground for discrimina- joined, and never will join, in the sectional tirade against tion in their favor against that much vilified democracy-the South as "black States." They are convinced that in all the hardy and heroic virtues which have distinguished there, as in the East half a century ago, slavery must be New England, if not more highly, yet in common with left to be regulated by the domestic opinions of each the middle States and the South, since the Puritan sovereign State itself, founded on its own better know. and merchant adventurers first landed at Plymouth Rockledge of its own climate, productions, industry, and soand Strawberry Bank--virtues deeply founded as her hills, cial policy; and that any great change in the civil insti and pure as her mountain streams. No ground for discri-tutions of a State must, to be wise, useful, and permanent, mination against that democracy, in either correct morals, be cautiously considered and gradually commenced. tireless industry, or unsleeping enterprise-no ground of They cherish, too, I am satisfied, the same kindly feeldiscrimination in doing their full share to build up the ing towards the South, on the subject of the tariff, that fiskeries, extend commerce, and scatter plenty over a they do, and have done to the West, on subjects deeply sterile soil; to erect and preserve all the Doric if not affecting the interests and the prosperity of that West

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