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4. I may now, therefore, relieve you from the pain of hearing me any longer, and be myself relieved from speaking on a subject which agitates and distresses me. Since Lord George Gordon stands clear of every hostile act or purpose against the Legislature of his country, or the properties of his fellow subjects-since the whole tenor of his conduct repels the belief of the traitorous intention charged by the indictment-my task is finished. I shall make no address to your passions. I will not remind you of the long and rigorous imprisonment he has suffered; I will not speak to you of his great youth, of his illustrious birth, and of his uniformly animated and generous zeal in Parliament for the Constitution of his country. Such topics might be useful in the balance of a doubtful case; yet, even then, I should have trusted to the honest hearts of Englishmen to have felt them without excitation. At present, the plain and rigid rules of justice and truth are sufficient to entitle me to your verdict.

"Defense of Gordon."


5. No, my friends, that will never be the verdict of our people. Therefore, we care not upon what lines the battle is fought. If they say bimetallism is good, but that we can not have it until other nations help us, we reply that, instead of having a gold standard because England has, we will restore bimetallism, and then let England have bimetallism because the United States has it. If they dare to come out in the open field and defend the gold standard as a good thing, we will fight them to the uttermost. Having behind us the producing masses of this nation and the world, supported by the commercial interests, the laboring interests and the toilers everywhere, we will answer their demand for a gold standard by saying to them: You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns; you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.

"Cross of Gold' Speech."





It is desirable that a speaker should have some knowledge of the people he is to address. It will be to his advantage to know something of their range of thought and their likes and dislikes. He should also know something of the occasion, such as: Who will be there? What is expected of him? How long should he speak? Will there be any other speakers? What will be the spirit of the audience? What will be his subject? These and similar questions will enable him to get his bearings and to adapt himself to a particular audience. It is assumed that the speaker has trained himself in voice and gesture, and being master of these means of expression, he now steps before his audience.


The first impression made by a speaker will often determine the success or failure of his undertaking. He should assume a natural and easy standing position and begin in a quiet conversational voice. His face should be cheerful and somewhat animated, and his bearing should be modest. By modesty is not meant timidity or an attitude of subservience, for lack of self-confidence is destructive of successful effort. It means rather a sinking of self, or a merging of self into the subject in hand. Modesty is not incompatible with leadership, and a public speaker must

be a leader. He should look his audience squarely in the eyes, as this is one of the most effective means of riveting their attention. This eye to eye communication will enable him to estimate the effect of his words, and to know when necessary to emphasize, amplify, or otherwise adapt his thought to particular hearers.


There must be evidence of substantial progress being made as a speaker advances in his subject, otherwise the audience will soon become weary and disinterested. A speech should have an onward rising tendency, marked by gradually increasing volume of voice, earnestness of feeling, intensity of facial expression and greater breadth and variety of gesture. Once having secured control of his audience the speaker must keep them so to speak "in his grasp," for should he loosen his hold upon them, even for a few moments, it is doubtful if he could again gain control of them. There should be special strong points in the address, upon which the speaker has particularly prepared himself, all leading up, however, to the great climax which will close his speech.


In every speech there is a summit to be reached, and it is the duty of the speaker to lead his audience to it step by step. If the subject matter has been arranged in climactic order, as it should be, little difficulty should be experienced in working up the vocal climax. Here the highest powers of the speaker are brought into play,-voice, gesture, facial expression and body movements,-all are summoned to aid him in this final appeal. The man's soul seems

on fire as he sends these last burning shafts of eloquence into the minds and hearts of his hearers.


Frequently the climax closes the address, altho a few words may be added in a quieter style should it be found desirable. These words should be very few, however, and straight to the point. They should be concise, important and dignified. Nothing is more distressing than to have a speech "flatten out" toward the end. The closing argument should be put, as Emerson says, into concrete shape,— some hard phrase, round and solid as a ball, which the people can see and handle and carry home with them.


After a speech has been delivered and the mind of the speaker relieved of its weight of responsibility, he should take the first opportunity to rest his voice and abandon himself to quiet and repose. If convenient, a sleep, even for a few minutes, will be refreshing. At a later time he can give some consideration to the speech that has been delivered, what effect it has had upon his audience, how far it was successful and in what respects it failed. This will suggest means of improvement in subsequent efforts. Honest criticism or praise voluntarily offered by others should be cheerfully accepted, but it is not wise nor dignified to invite discussion of the merits of a speaker's address.


1. Let your first efforts be simple.

2. Do your work under the immediate inspiration of duty.

[blocks in formation]

4. Make up your mind to accept the risk. Failure should lead to more persistent effort.

5. Prepare twice as much matter as you intend to use. The memory is sometimes treacherous.

6. Cultivate the extempore style as soon as possible. 7. Learn to select your words and cast your sentences accurately and fluently.

8. Be natural, not artificial.

9. Enunciate deliberately.

10. Regulate the pitch and force of your voice by talking to your farthest auditors.

11. Conceal the bones in the skeleton of your address. 12. Avoid hurry.

13. Be yourself at your best.

14. If you bow, do so from the waist, not from the neck. 15. If your audience appears cold, warm them up. 16. Cultivate concentration.

17. Never let your words overshadow your thought. 18. Better stop too soon than too late.

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