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charge, is fo impatient to fee his mistress, before he fets out on his expedition against Nigromant, that he gives up his wand to Tycho, and repeats the fame charge over to him-Tycho, roufed by curiofity to have fome converfation with the confined fpirits feverally, enquires the causes of their confinement; when after diverting himself with the characters of a Jew, an attorney, a poet, a ftatefman, and an actrefs, his fenfes are fo charmed by the harmony of two female fpirits, that he falls faft afleep, and lets drop the wand. The confequence of this is, the fpirits all break loofe, and dance round Tycho in thunder and lightning.

Hearing this, Bonoro flies with vengeance to his fon, who is taking leave of Camilla: but upon her throwing the blame on herself, he generously forgives him.-Here the lovers take a tender adieu; after which Floridor and Tycho fet out on their expedition; but they are fcarcely engaged in their first onfet, when the confined fpirits, let loose by Tycho's indifcretion, go over to Nigromant's affiftance, and by their fpells wreft from Flori. dor his fword and buckler. Dif. tracted at this circumftance, he is met by Camilla, disguised under the character of Grenelda, an old woman, who promifes to recover him his arms," provided he will do whatever the defires."-The love of his mistress, and of glory, makes him readily accede to this treaty, when inftantly, by her fkill, the fcene changes, and difcovers his fword and buckler hanging upon a tree; after which the difappears.

Gaining fresh courage by this recovery, Floridor attacks Nigro. mant in his palace, furrounded by a fea of fire; and after exerting prodigies of valour, defeats him, and binds him and his infernal train

in chains.-He now flies to his miftrefs, who receives him with open arms; but whilft he is thus feemingly made happy after all his toils, a meffenger delivers him a letter, demanding his promife from Grenelda, "of doing whatever fhe defired." Difturbed at this interrup tion of his happiness, Camilla apparently grows jealous, and leaves him to put his conftancy and honour to the proof, by once more perfonating Grenelda, and claiming his affections under the general promife of "doing whatever the defired."-She accordingly appears in that character, when he abfolutely refufes, upon any condition whatever, to forfeit his firft affections.

Camilla, being now convinced of his valour, conftancy, and honour, joyfully throws off the mask, acknowledges him as her molt deferving husband, and their hands are joined by Ronoro.-After which, the whole is concluded by a grand chorus.

The Prologue was well fpoken by Mr. Palmer, in the character of Chriftmas, reprefented as a venerable old man, encircled with minced pies and evergreens; a collar of brawn for his cap, and a carving knife for his fword, preceded by a number of cooks, two of whom carry across the ftage a firloin of beef, to the tune of O! the Roaft Beef of Old England!

The whole merit of this entertainment, which is fathered by Mr. Garrick, who has pilfered it from a French comic opera, called, Ninette ou Cours, confifts in the fcenery. From the sketch we have given of the fable, the reader will perceive, that its improbability and abfurdity places it beneath all criticifm. A few of the airs were pleafing; but in general they were heavy, too long, and were far from being novel.

[blocks in formation]


ON Thursday the 16th ult. the Opera called, Achilles in Petticoats, originally written by the celebrated Mr. Gay, about forty years fince, and printed among his dramatic pieces, was revived at this theatre, with no very effential changes from that piece, the chief alterations confifting of abridgment and tranf pofition. The fable is founded on the circumftance of Achilles's mo

ther difguifing him as a woman,
under the name of Pyrrha, and
Lycomedes, king of Scyros, in or-
placing him in the royal family of
der to prevent her fon from going
to the Trojan war.

mance, this opera, though the pro-
Confidered as a dramatic perfor
duction of Gay, is, in our opini-
on, very dull, tedious, and infipid;
and the mufic, tho' composed by
Dr. Arne, was not equal to any of
fimilar kind.
that great master's late effays of a

The following Letter cannot but gratify many of our curious Readers. It never reached Luther's Hand by Reafon of his Death; but it fhers that Calvin was in perfect Charity with him. The Original is in the Library of Geneva, and has never before been printed.

Excellentiffimo Chriftianæ Ecclefia Paftori Domino, Doctori Martino Luthero, patri mihi plurimum obfervando, 12 Kal. Feb. 1545, S.

YUM Gallos noftros viderem offenfionibus, mundi invidiam fuquotquot a

ad fidei fanitatem redu&ti erant, nihil tamen de confeffione mutare, ac proinde fe polluere facrilegiis papiftarum, ac fi nullum veræ doc. trinæ guftum haberent; temperare mihi non potui, quin tantam hanc focordiam ficuti, meo judicio, merebatur, acriter reprehenderem, qualis enim hæc fides. quæ intus in animo fepulta nullam in fidei confeffionem erumpit? qualis religio, quæ fub idololatriæ fimulatione fepulta jacet? Verum argumentum hic tractandum not fufcipio, quod libellis duobus copiofe fum profecutus: unde, fi obiter eos confpicere moleftum non erit, tum quid fentiam, tum quibus impulfus rationibus ita fentiam, melius perfpicies. Horum vero lectione nonnulli ex noftris hominibus expergefacti, cum antea fecuri dormirent altum fomnum, cogitare cœperunt, quidnam fibi agendum foret; fed quia durum eft, vel omiffa ratione fui vitam exponere, periculo vel concitatis hominum

folo voluntarium adire exilium; iis dificultatibus retinentibus, quominus certi quid conftitutum habent, alias tum rationes et quidem fpeciofas obtendunt; fed quibus appareat, prætextum qualemcunque ab ipfis quæri. Cæterum quia fufpenfi quodammodo tuum judicium audire defiderant, hæfitant, quod ut meritò revenrentur, ita illis magnæ confirmationis loco erit. Me ergo rogarunt, ut certum nuncium datâ operâ ad te mitterem, nos referret Ego vero quia et ipqui refponfum fuper hac re tuum að forum magnopere intereffe puta -. bam, tuâ authoritate adjuvari, ne fic perpetuo fluctuentur, et quia mihi etiam ipfi ultro expetendum id fuit, negare illis nolui quod poftulabant. Nunc ego, Pater in Domino, plurinum obfervande, per Chriftum te obteftor, hoc ut tædium meâ et ipforum causâ devorare non graveris, primum ut epiftolam, eorum nomine fcriptam, libellofque meos tanquam per cafum otiofis ho

ris percurras, vel legendi negotium alicui demandes qui tibi fummam referat, deinde ut fententiam tuam paucis verbis refcribas. Invitus equidem facio, ut tibi inter tot tam graves tamque varias occupationes hanc moleftiam exhibeam; fed quæ tua eft æquitas, cum, nonnifi neceffitate coactus, id faciam, veniam te mihi daturum confido. UtiDam iftuc mihi, quo faltem ad paucas horas tuo congreffu fuerer, liceret advolare; mallem enim et


longe præftaret, non de hac quæftione modò, fed et de aliis etiam tecum coram agere. Verum quod hic in terris non datur, brevi, fpero, in regno Dei nobis continget. Vale, clariffime, viz. præftantiffime Chrifti minifter, ac pater mihi femper honorande, Dominus te fpiritu fuo gubernare pergat ufque in finem, in commune ecclefiæ fuæ bonum. 12 Calend. Februar. 1545. JOANNES CALVINUS tuus.


To the most excellent Paftor in Chrift's Church, Doctor Martin Luther, my moft honoured Father, Health.

AVING obferved, that almoft all our French, who have left the darkness of Popery for the true faith, have yet made no alteration in their confeffions, and thereby continue to pollute themfelves with the facrilegious idolatries of Popery, as if they never had any tafte or knowledge of the true doctrine; I could not refrain from blaming fuch floth and negligence, in the fharp manner which I thought it fo justly deserved; for what can I attribute to that faith, which, lying buried in the mind, produces no confeffion? or to that religion, which lies buried under the appearance of idolatry? But I do not propofe to difcufs this point now, having already treated that matter at large in two books, where you will more clearly fee my opinion, if the reading of thofe books would not give you too much trouble. The reading of them has already had a good effect upon fome here, who before were entirely regardlefs of this matter, and fet upon confidering what was to be done. But because it is a matter of great difficulty, regardless of our own intereft, to expose our lives to danger, or to bear the imputation of hav

ing given offence to our brethren, or to quit our fortunes, and undergo a voluntary banishment from our native country and friends; moved by thefe difficulties, many are hindered from entertaining any pofitive refolution, and, for this backwardness, they offer fome, and thofe fpecious reafons; though it is very apparent, that they lay themfelves out to find out fpecious pretences for this purpose: but, as they acknowledge that they have many doubts, they wish to have your opinion upon this point; and, as they defervedly entertain the greatest reverence for you, your opinion will have very great weight with them. They have, therefore, entreated the favour of me to fend a particular meffenger to you, who may bring back to us your anfwer to this point and I knowing how highly it concerns them to be affifted by your opinion, in order to remove thofe doubts under which they at prefent labour, and because I fhould have done this upon my own particular account, had they not defired it, I could by no means refufe to comply with their request.


Now, therefore, my moft honoured father, I beseech you, by


Jefus Chrift, that you will not refufe to take this trouble upon you, as well for theirs as my fake; and, firft, that you read over the letter which goes to you in their name, and then that you will either read over my books, or, if that will take up too much time, that you will employ fome other perfon to read them, who may lay the fubftance of them before you, and, when that is done, that you will be fo good as to fend us your opinion by the bearer. I own, that it grieves me, in the many and great affairs in which I know you are engaged, to give you this trouble; but, from your acknowledged goodnefs and humanity, when you confider the neceffity I am under, I flatter my

felf with the hopes of your pardon. I wish I could fly to you, that I might have the happiness an hour or two of your conversation; for I could with, not only to converfe with you upon this, but upon fome other fubjects, which would, I am perfuaded, redound greatly to my benefit. But what I am not allow

ed to enjoy in this world, I hope will foon happen in heaven. Farewel, most excellent man, moft eminent fervant of our bleffed Lord, and my most honoured father! May God continue to direct you to the end, by his bleffed fpirit, for the common benefit of his church!

Your own JOHN CALVIN. Feb. 12, 1545.




SIR, T is an extraordinary, but it feems nevertheless to be a ferious truth, that an abufe of words is fometimes made inftrumental to an abuse of morals. That it fhould be fo, is indeed moft abfurd; yet that it really is fo, I think we need only advert to the word Gallantry to determine. I need not, Sir, inform your readers how this word, according to its original meaning, ought to be underfood; but according to the modern dictionary of the Times, it appears to mean, feducing indifcriminately either married women or virgins; and, if need be, cutting throats with a good grace.

Hence proceed the many ruinous intrigues that have been carried on with the daughters of private families, who have been undone by their credulity; and hence the number of divorces which fill the fcandalous chronicle of the times.

The man who feduces a virgin by falfe pretences, and laying fnares

for her virtue; and when his end is obtained, abandoning her to mifery and infamy; notwithstanding all his pretenfions to gallantry, is worse than å highwayman: and the man who dares, in oppofition to all laws human and divine, to tempt a married woman from her duty, to alienate her affections from her hufband, and violate the fanctity of the marriage-bed, is little, if at all, be:ter than a murderer, and deferves a fimilar treatment.

But he who can commit either or both of thefe enormities, and dares to juftify them, as it is termed, by meeting in the field the perfon he has injured, is worfe than a murderer and a favage; and were the utmost feverity the lenient laws of this country allow of to fall upon him, he would be far from receiving the punishment due to his crimes -far om being rewarded according to his deferts.

Yet all this, and more, if more could

could be, is perfectly compatible with the fpirit of a man of Gallantry: nay, all this is no more than is generally expected from him, if he acts up to that character: It is, in fhort, his conftant practice to accumulate infamy, which he has the audacity to pafs for gallantry; and he would think himself authorifed to call any one to a strict account who fhould question his honour, though he is violating it. every day What must we think of fach a wretch? and how criminal is it in any to approve of fuch a conduct?-Yet that this is too much the cafe, common experience evinces; and that these men of Gallan try are admitted into all companies, and even diftinguished by females of reputation on account of their Spirit, as it is termed; and thus are countenanced from that very quarter from whence they ought to meet with the greatest difcouragement.

It would be well if, instead of fuch treatment, these gentry were excluded from the general converfation of fociety, and reduced to hew their gallantry amongst the nymphs of Covent Garden, for the meridian of which gallant place it is certainly beft calculated.

Wherever there is a chatte virgin, the should fhun the company of these men, as fhe would a contagious diforder; the fhould avoid every kind of connexion with them, however feemingly innocent; as being convinced, that whatever appearance fuch men may put on, in order to serve their particular purpofe, het ruin is their principal



aim; and that if there is any encouragement given them, they will betray her firit, and expofe her afterwards.

As to married women, ftrictly fpeaking, it is fcarcely blameless in them to liften to what otherwise might be deemed only innocent trifling. But to barely admit one of thefe gallants to her company is to forfeit her claim, if not to Virtue, at leaft to Reputation. Can any one fuppofe, if it had not been for this abfurd prejudice in favour of gallantry, that fo many females who ftood confpicuous in high life would have facrificed at once virtue and confcience, and become a prey to loose defires? We had not else heard of the crimes of a G-r, a Lr, or a C-n, which flaunt it in the face of day, together with others, though not fo public, yet not lefs certain, which dif grace the characters of the present age.

In effect, Sir, it appears that this fpirit of gallantry is one of the worft that ever prevailed in this nation. It is faid to have been originally derived from our neighbours the French. If we can import nothing better from the Continent, it were better we had done without their affiftance: as it is, every fenfible perfon must perceive that it is productive of the worst confequences; and amongst all our changes of fashion, one of the best that could be adopted in this country would be, that of excluding this exotic from amongst us.


S this is the feafon for making a jelly of Blackberries, it is our duty to communicate the following account of its very remarka


ble efficacy in that dreadful diforder of the gravel and stone.-A Gentleman, who for many years was afflicted with this terrible com


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