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This extraordinary adventurer was born in Perfia; and by one of thofe fudden revolutions of fortune, to which the natives of those wide Afiatic regions have in all times been more liable, than those of any other part of the world, was reduced in his infancy to a state of flavery. This early change in his condition, was the confequence of one of thofe irruptions, which the avarice of the Turks has continually prompted them to make into that ruined empire, fince the death of Nadir Shah. He fell by purchase into the hands of a native of Rodofto, in Romania, by whom he was brought up; but growing impatient of his conditien when he arrived at maturity, and the fituation of that city, upon the Propontis, being favourable to his purpose, he by the affistance of a Greek made his escape to Smyrna.

As his genius lay wholly to war, and the Ottoman empire afforded no opportunity then for his indulging it, he enlifted among the recruits that are usually raifed in that neighbourhood for the fervice of the ftate of Algiers, and was fent with the reft to Africa. The Algerines were then engaged in a hot war with the inland Moors, who are the original poffeffors and rightful owners of the country; but from whom that state, partly by force, and more, by fomenting the diviLions between their princes, extort a precarious fubmiffion. Our adventurer, by an extraordinary intrepidity, uncommon bodily endowments, and a prefence of mind and invention, which found continua! refources in the greatest dangers, was foon diftinguished from his fellows, and by a moft rapid progrefs, rofe from being a flave to the command of an army. Having now room for the exertion of his abilities, and the difplay of his genius, he conducted the war fo fuccefsfully, and concluded it fo much to the advantage of the flate, that the government of the city and province of Conftantia, the richeft and beft belonging to Algiers, was conferred on him as a reward for his services.

But Haffan foon experienced the effects of that envy which always attends fortunate merit, for though he preferved his government for fome years, he at length found fo powerful a cabal formed against him at Algiers, that he had no other means for the faving his life, and the wreck of his future, but by a precipitate flight into Spain, whither he carried the moft portable and valuable of his effects.

The prefent King of Spain having fome knowledge of his merit and quality, gave orders that he fhould be received and treated with diftinction, and afterwards at his own defire, forwarded him to Naples. There he had the good fortune to freight a Danish thip, which af terwards proved the means of faving his life, and in which he embarked with his effects (which were worth 100,000 crowns) for Conftantinople. Upon hit arrival there, the agent from Algiers immediately obtained an order for the feizing of his perfon, as a deferter from that state; which having put in execution, he was next proceeding to the confifcation of his affects. In this defign he was however vigorously and fuccefsfully opposed by Mr. Gahler, the Danish minifter at the Porte, who immediately fent his janizaries on board the vessel, and infifted upon fupporting the honour of his mafter's flag; by protecting every thing that was in hér.

As the difcuffion of this fubject made fome noife, and took up fome time, it gave Haffan Bay an opportunity, which he did not neglect, of having his affairs reprefented to the Grand Signior; and of fhewing his fervices to Algiers, and the defign upon his life, which could have been only prevented by his flight. He at the fame time declared his zeal for the Porte, and made a tender of his fervice in fuch a manner, as shewed that he confidered it to be of importance; an offer which was the more acceptable, as the prefent war was either then begun or in contemplation. It is alfo probable, that as his treasure was, through the fpirited conduct of Mr. Gahler, at his own difposal, he found means to employ fome part of it to better purpofe in the feraglio, than it would have answered in the hands of the Algerine agent. However that was, he was difcharged, and immediately appointed to the command of a flip of the line. He afterwards acted as vice-admiral in the engagement at Cifme, where the not taking his advice, in ftanding out to fea and engaging the Ruffians, first coft the captain Bafha his fleet, and afterwards his head. In the general deftruction of that night, Haffan Bey fignalized himfelf as ufual; he being the only Turkifh officer that faved his hip, which he did by forcing his way bravely through the Ruffian fleet,

This extraordinary man, is at present the idol of the people, who look uper Uuu 2


him as the restorer of the Ottoman glory. It seems, indeed, as if the Grand Vizir and he may, not unaptly, be confidered as the Fabius and Marcellus of the Turkith empire. The enterprizing fpirit, and brilliant actions of the latter, are, however better known and understood by the people, and more captivating to their imagination, than the itedfast, deliberate wifdom, and judicious conduct of the former, and they are accordingly loud in their wifhes, for Haffan Bey's being promoted to his place. This muft naturally breed a jealoufy between thofe great officers, which may deprive the itate in a great measure of their fervices, and poffibly end in the ruin of one or the other. Whatever Haffan Bey's merits may be, the Porte is probably indebted for its exiftence to Mouffon Oglou.

While the western and northern boundaries of the Ottoman empire, have been liable to the ravages of a cruel and deftructive war, its eastern limits have been depopulated, by that fatal deftroyer of mankind the peftilence. This dreadful fcourge, feems either to have varied its form, or under its old, to have affumed a degree of malignity, which is not perhaps to be equalled in hiftory. The ancient city of Bagdat, was the first victim to its vengeance, where it carried off, (as it is faid) the amazing number of 250,000 people. The fugitives, who fled in great numbers to Baffora, near the mouth of the Euphrates and the gulph of Perfia, brought their fears and the diforder along with them, at the diftance of 240 miles. Here it taged with all its fury, fweeping away the people for fome time, at the rate of fix or seven thousand a day. Most of the western christians perifhed; the English factory faved their lives by flying into Perfia, choofing rather to truft to the clemency of the ufurper Kerim Khan, though their declared enemy, than to the rage of the implacable diforder. The event juftified their conduct; and upon their return, they found only death and defolation in the place of a great city.

There is little room to doubt, that the change of affairs which were apprehended in Sweden upon the acceffion of a new king, had a confiderable influence upon the conduct of Ruffia, with refpect to her liftening to terms of accommodation, and agreeing to the congrefs at Foczany; and is as little to be to oubted that the fubfequent revolution

in that kingdom, had a principal fhare in the renewing of the armiftice, and the entering into fresh negociations at Buchareft. Indeed it is probable, that this was the beft, if not the only reafon which could be given, for Ruffia's entering into a ceffation, which was of such infinite advantage to the enemy.


The emigration of a whole nation of Tartars from the Ruffian dominions, may be confidered as one of the most extraordinary events of the prefent year. great tribe of the Calmuc Tartars, which was called the Torgut, had long inhabited the vaft deferts of the kingdom of Aftracan, were under a limited fubmiffion to the Ruffian government, they fed innumerable herds of cattle, and carried on a very confiderable trade with Aftracan, and the towns on the Wolga, whither they fent cows, fheep, horfes, leather and hides, for which they were paid in corn, meal, rice, copper-kettles, knives, tools, iron, cloth, and other Ruffian commodities. These Tartars were fo numerous, as to be able to raise 30,000 fighting men, and whether it was that they met with any late caufes of difguft, or that they imagined the increase of the Ruffian power, would daily render that liberty which was fo dear to them, more precarious, however it was they determined to quit the country.

They conducted this fcheme with fo much fecrecy, that the smallest fufpicion was not harboured of their defign, till they fet out with their wives, children, and all their effects, for the country of Zongoria, in the Eastern Tartary, which had been the ancient refidence of their ancestors, and lies between the Chinese Tartary, Siberia, and the leffer Bocharia. In this prodigious journey, they were obliged to traverfe a confiderable part of the Ruffian dominions, and two ftrong bodies of troops were sent without effect in purfuit of them. Exclufive of the benefits derived from their traffick, and the value of the mafs of effects which they carried with them, the lofs of fuch a number of people, and the total depopulation of thofe unbounded wilderneffes, that ftretch fo far on all fides of Aftracan, must be prejudical to Ruffia. It may, however, prove the means of enquiring minutely into the caufes of diffatisfaction that operated upon these people, and of regulating her future conduct in fuch a manner, as to preserve the affections of thofe Tartars, who form fo


great a body of her fubjects, and of paying a cautious attention to that unconquerable love of liberty, which, in a greater or leffer degree, prevails through all their various nations.

Notwithstanding the pacific profeffions on both fides, certain appearances and preparations in Sweden, were evidently alarming to the court of Petersburg, and occafioned the fiting out of a very confiderable fleet to cruize in the Baltic, as well as the keeping of an army upon the frontiers. Both these measures, however neceffary they might have been, were highly inconvenient to Ruffia at this period, as the firit prevented her from fending a reinforcement to the fleet in the Archipelago; and the fecond, obliged her to keep a confiderable number of her best troops unemployed, at a time that they were much wanted, both on the Danube, and in the Crimea.

The fame cause made it thought neceffary to enter into a stricter union with Denmark, which was cemented by a treaty of infinite advantage to the latter. In confequence of this treaty, the Grand Duke of Ruffia has made a formal ceffion and renunciation of his patrimonial rights and dominion in the Dutchy of Holftein, to the King of Denmark, who in return, as the fhadow of an equivalent, has ceded the miferable county of Oldenburgh, and the city of Delmenhorft, with its territory, to the Grand Duke. This important tranfNov. 16th, fer of territory and domini1773. on, was executed at Kiel, the capital of Holftein, where the members of the regency, the civil officers, nobility and people, were affigned over and took allegiance to the King of Denmark, and the ceffion was compleated by the delivery of the keys of the city, and of a piece of earth, to Count Reventlau, the Danish minifter.

Thus have both powers parted with the original inheritance of their anceftors, and one in particular, with that which promised more fecurity and greater permanence than any other of his extenfive poffeffions. As the ceffion made by Denmark could be of no ufe to the Great Duke, and from its fituation and diftance was scarcely tenable, he has prefented it to his relation the Duke of Holftein Eutin, Prince Bishop of Lubeck, by which those territories, and the lands belonging to the bishoprick, will become hereditary in that family,

The articles of the treaty are not published; but from the price paid by Ruffia, it is probable that an offenfive and defenfive alliance of the strongest na→ ture must be its bafis. It is faid, that upon the continuance of the war, Denmark is to fend a confiderable naval force to the Mediteranean, to the affiftance of the Ruffians; and there is no doubt, in certain circumstances, that its principal forces by fea and land may be liable to be called forth. In the beginning of the year, while the treaty was yet in agitation, and long before its conclufion, a strong squadron was fitted out by the Danes, and kept in a readiness for fervice during the greater part of the feafon; and no fecret was made of its being intended to join Admiral Bafsballe, the Ruffian commander, if any event should take place in the Baltic, which required their mutual exertion.

As the Grand Duke was now far advanced in his twentieth year, a marriage was determined upon between him and one of the princeffes of Heffe Darmstadt; and it was thought proper, in a matter of fuch importance to his happiness, that the choice fhould reft folely with himfelf, the Landgravine and her three daughters, arrived at Petersburg for that purpose. The Grand Duke's choice was foon determined in favour of the princefs Wilhelmina, who was about a year younger than himself, and that lady having conformed to the Greek religion, was baptized in that faith by the new names of Natalia Alexiowna. The marriage was fome time Oct. 10. after folemnized with great magnificence, the Grand Duke having then entered into his 21st year.

A few days prior to the Great Duke's marriage, and on the anniversary of her coronation, the Empress loaded count Panin, who had been his governor, with honours and emoluments. She beltowed upon that nobleman an eftate for ever, valued at near 7000l. a year, and a penfion for life to the fame amount, befide an appointment of about half the fum, for conducting the department of foreign affairs, together with the choice of any house in Petersburg, to be purchafed for his refidence, and an allowance of money for plate and furniture, of about 35,000l. She alfo fhewed a proportional munificence to all the officers of the Grand Duke's late houshold.


The famous Count Byron, Duke of Courland, died at a great age, on the laft day but one of the preceding year, and was fucceeded by his fon. As the reigning duke was known to be in no degree of favour at the court of Petersburg, his poffeffion of that dutchy was held to be very precarious; while it was generally thought, that it would have been thrown in as an equivalent on one fide or other in the partition of Poland, and probably might by fome marriage arrangement, be formed with fome of the adjoining provinces into an independent ftate. It probable that whatever difficulties prevented the execution, more than one defign of this nature was in contemplation, and the Duke himself was fo fenfible of the dangerous ground he stood on, that he attempted to bring about a match with one of the princeffes of Heffe Darmstadt, in hopes thereby to firengthen his intereft. This defign was crushed as foon as it was known, by the emprefs, who is faid to have sent him word, that he had no occafion to think yet of matrimony. In this hopless fituation, he was fummoned to Petersburg, and his ruin was thought to be decided; but a change foon appeared in the conduct and defigns of the court; whatever it proceeded from, he fuddenly became a favourite at court, and the empress has concluded a marriage for him with a Ruffian princess.

The greatest attention has been unremittingly paid to the forming of a great fleet in the feveral ports of the Baltic, where Sir Charles Knowles, who obtain ed permiffion to retire from the British fervice, and engage in the Ruffian, has exerted his well-known knowledge and abilities, in fuperintending the building of feveral fine fhips upon the English model. In a word, nothing is left untried or undone, by which Ruffia may become a great maritime power. A fmall fquadron, confifting of four fhips of the line and a frigate, under the command of Admiral Grieg, was fent very late in the season to reinforce the fleet in the Mediterranean; and it is fuppofed a very ftrong force will be fent on the fame fervice, upon the opening of the Baltic. The war and conquefts in Georgia, of which we heard fo many extraordinary accounts, have come to nothing. General Sukatin and twelve officers, were the wretched remains that returned to Peterfburg of an army that had fo long been prefented as triumphant, and as aiming

at no lefs than the fubverfion of the Turkifh empire in Afia. They attributed their misfortunes to caufes that were at all times to be forefeen; to the impracticability of the country, the want of fufficient force, and the impoffibility of necessary supplies; to which should have been added, the native bravery of the inhabitants, and their total difinclination to submit to a Ruffian government.

Some new filver mines that have been difcovered in Siberia, feem to promise an indemnification to Ruffia, for the treasure of which the has been drained by the war. That wide and forlorn region, that was fo long unknown, and feemed wrapt up in an eternal winter that rendered it inacceffible to mankind, teems with inexhaustible treasures, and will in time prove the Peru and Potofi of the north, Thefe new mines have afforded upon their firft opening 45,000 pounds of fine filver, which is faid to have been obtained with little difficulty or expence. The emprefs according to her ufual magnificence, has bestowed on the intendant of the royal mines, who made the difcovery, a princely fortune, and has ordered that they may be worked with all diligence.

The ill fuccefs of the campaign afforded an opportunity to the emprefs of fhewing her magnanimity, by not throwing the leaft blame upon her commanders or armies; on the contrary, Count Romanzow feems to stand as high in her favour as he did in the moft fortunate periods. As fpectacles have always been found neceffary in defpotic governments, either to divert the people, from thinking of public affairs, or, upon certain occafions, to keep up their fpirits, a representation of the taking of Giurgewo from the Turks, was exhibited, at confiderable expence, and with great applause, at Petersburg. Upon this occation, a regular fortification was erected and defended, and all the military forms obferved, and approaches conducted, to the final fpringing of mines, making a breach, and taking the place by florm.

The great failures which took place in the principal commercial states, were felt in their effects throughout Europe, and produced every where, an almost, general ftagnation of mercantile credit. The wife conduct of the emprefs upon this critical occafion, and the particular attention and regard which the paid to the English factory and merchants at Peterfburg, cannot be fufficiently praised. She immediately iffued orders to the court


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banker, that the British merchants should be supplied with any fums of money that that were neceffary to fupport their credit, in the present trying exigency; and took every other meafure that could fhew how much fhe had the commercial interefts of her country at heart, as well as her particular regard to a friendly and allied power.

Great divifions feem to have prevailed this year in the courrt of Petersburg, the extent and nature of which are little known. Two parties, which took the names of their refpective leaders, and seem to divide the empire, have, however, been avowedly formed, upon the great question of war or peace. The former of thefe, under the aufpicies of Prince Orlow, are eager for a continuation of the war, and of obtaining all the fruits from its paft fucceffes, as well as from thofe in expectancy, that they are capable of affording; the fecond follow the opinions of count Panin, who is a zealous advocate for peace and does not want fufficient arguments to fhew its expediency, if not neceffity. The emprefs has bestowed her favours and honours fo equally upon those leaders, that it looks as if he thought it neceffary to trim between the two parties; Prince Orlow refumed his functions early in the year, in confequence of a letter written to him in her own hand for that purpose; and Count Panin, has been called upon in the fame manner, fince its conclufion, to exert his great faculties for the fecurity and prefervation of the empire. It is however faid, that the empress, upon all occafions in the council, has given her opinion for the continuance of the war.

Such differences of opinion would be of little confequence, if other marks of difcontent had not appeared, in different parts of the empire, as well as at court. Of the caufes or effects of these little can yet be faid. It was however obferved, that in the midst of the fplendor and magnificence of the Great Duke's nuptials, and of the fumptuous festivals that enfued, difcontent, fufpicion, and apprehenfion, were in many countenances too vifible to be concealed.

(To be continued.)

A New Theory of Canine Madness, with an infallible Method of preventing, and of curing that Disorder.

Never before printed.
(Continued from p. 474.)


A plain, easy, and certain Method of Cure or Prevention; drawn from the foregoing Confiderations; and from Experience.

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EDICINE owes its birth to Exferience: It was not to the philofophy of the Americans, or their fpeculations on nature, and the compofition of the human body, that we owe the discovery of the virtues of the Bark, in the cure of intermitting fevers. No, it was Experience taught it; the fureft compass, which regulates, and directs the ideas of phyficians.

The medicine which I have proved with conftant fuccefs, and which I propofe as a prevention against canine madnefs, and alfo for a cure, when it comes on, is thus compofed.

"Take of Quickliver revived from Cinnabar, two ounces; triturate it with a fufficient quantity of Mucilage of Gum Arabic, till every globule disappears, then add Hog's-lard, and Duck's-fat, of each two ounces, mix and make an ointment.”

One or two drams of this ointment is to be rubbed, not only on the bitten part, but alfo all round it for a confiderable extent, to be repeated at such intervals as will presently be shown.

In this ointment confifts the whole fe-^ cret. The first who ever mentioned a mercurial friction for canine madness, was Dr. Peter Default, a physician of Bourdeaux, in the year 1733; fince him, it has been adopted by fome physicians of Edinburgh; and in every cafe in which I have used it; it has never once failed, even after the Hydrophobia had appeared.

Before I proceed to point out the method of ufing this ointment, and giving fome cafes, I fhall give the reasons which induced me to make the experiment.

1. If the cause of the canine madness, confifts in the worms which I have mentioned; who can doubt that Mercury is the most proper remedy; fince it is known to be the most powerful vermifuge in the whole materia medica?

2. If the powder of Palmarius has ever been of fervice, it must have been from its being compofed of vermifuge plants, a medicine which exceeds in efficacy, what then ought we not to expect from for that intention, all the plants in the compofition of the faid powder.

3. If we even fuppofe, for a moment, that the aforefaid worms are not the caufa


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