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Supplements his History of Twelve Days by more detailed study of events of July 29-30, 1914, based on further information, to refute the Chancellor's charges placing responsibility on Russia and England for German mobilization and hence for the war.

Kennedy, John McFarland. How the War Began, with an Introduction by W. L. Courtney. Doran, 1914, p. xxvii, 187. $.50. How the Nations Waged War. Doran, 1915, p. 190. $.50. First is hasty compilation by English publicist on period from June 28 to August 4, 1914. Further official documents published a few days after its appearance made it out of date. The second volume deals with first weeks of war.

Mach, Edmund Robert Otto von, editor. Official Diplomatic Documents Relating to the Outbreak of the European War, with Photographic Reproductions of Official Editions of the Documents Published by the Governments of AustriaHungary, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Russia, and Serbia. Introduction, Daily Summaries, Cross-References, and Footnotes. Macmillan, 1916, p. xxii, 608. $6. Criticism of the inaccuracies and misleading nature of editorial portion of volume led publishers to withdraw it. It is, however, a convenient compilation, and the chronological arrangement is particularly handy.

Parker, Sir Gilbert. The World in the Crucible, an Account of the Origins and Conduct of the Great War. Dodd, 1915, p. viii, 422. $1.50. Space divided about equally between antecedents of the war, rupture of relations, and early weeks of war. Well-written, compendious and fairly reliable account.

*Scott, James Brown, editor. Diplomatic Documents relating to the Outbreak of the European War. Oxford Press, 1916, 2 vols., p. lxxxi, xcii, 1516. $5. Careful reprints of official English translations of Austro-Hungarian, Belgian, French, German, Russian, Serbian, British, and Italian "colored" books of documents relating to outbreak of war, with tables of contents and introduction. Most complete collection now available.

*Stowell, Ellery Cory. The Diplomacy of the War of 1914, Vol. I. The Beginnings of the War. Boston, Houghton, 1915, p. xvii, 728. $5. Opens with forty page sketch of history of thirty years prior to the war and closes with appendix of 130 pages of documents. Rest of book is analytical study of documents and exposition of acts, events, rights, and motives. Chapters are topical in character and arranged in order of events. Author, who is assistant professor of international law in Columbia University, concludes "Germany has clearly violated international law." Most exhaustive American account of the Twelve Days and ranks with Headlam.

7. POLEMICS: ENGLAND VS. GERMANY. Angell, Norman (pseud. of Ralph Norman Angell Lane). Prussianism and its Destruction. London, Heinemann, 1914, p. xiv, 248. $1.25. Denounces militarism in his former style, but identifies it with Prussianism which must be fought and destroyed.

Chesterton, Gilbert Keith. The Crimes of England. Lane, 1916, p. 173. $1. The crimes are the failures to arrest growth of Prussian militarism and spread of German ideas, each of which is discussed in author's usual manner.

Harris, Frank. England or Germany? Wilmarth, 1915, third edition, p. 187. $1. American resident in England avows Celtic and revolutionary sympathies and indulges in fantastic diatribe against England.

Harrison, Frederic. The German Peril: Forecasts, 18641914; Realities, 1915; Hopes, 191-. London, Unwin, 1915,

p. 300. 5s. Collection of author's pronouncements against Germany. Claims to be "the oldest and most persistent" anti-German prophet.

Powys, John Cowper. The War and Culture, a Reply to Professor Münsterberg. Shaw, 1914, p. 103. $.60. English edition: The Menace of German Culture. Author was formerly in Education Department of city of Hamburg. Pointed, detailed. destructive criticism; constructive criticism also appears.

Sladen, Douglas Brooke Wheaton. The Real Truth about Germany, Facts about the War, an Analysis and a Refutation from the English Point of View of the Pamphlet, The Truth about Germany, issued under the Authority of Representative German Citizens, with an Appendix on Great Britain and the War, by A. Maurice Low. Putnam, 1914 p. xiii, 272. $1. English edition entitled Germany's Great Lie. Answers arranged point by point are, like the original, assertions rather than proofs.

Stilwell, Arthur Edward. To All the World (except Germany). London, Allen & Unwin, 1915, p. 251. 3s. 6d. An incongruity of belligerent pacifism and anti-Germanism dedicated to King Albert and Henry Ford.


Herrick, Robert. The World Decision. Boston, Houghton, 1916, p. 253. $1.25. Six chapters on observations in Italy in spring of 1915, six more chapters on observations in France in ensuing summer, and three chapters on relations of United States to the war. Importance of volume lies in its revelation of the morale of the several contending nations and its reflections on moral issues at stake.

Jones, Jenkin Lloyd. Love for the Battle-torn Peoples. Chicago, Unity Pub. Co., 1917, p. 166. $.75. Series of popular sermons on the admirable traits of the conflicting peoples and a plea for human brotherhood.

Low, Sidney James Mark, editor. The Spirit of the Allied Nations. Macmillan, 1915, p. 214. $1. Series of lectures by competent authorities on the several Allied nations, arranged by Imperial Studies Committee of University of London.

McCabe, Joseph. The Soul of Europe, a Character Study of the Militant Nations. Dodd, 1915, p. vi, 407. $3. Informative book to explain their Allies to English readers.

Nyrop, Christopher. Is War Civilization?, translated by H. G. Wright. Dodd, 1917, p. 256. $1.25. Not abstract discussion but collection of articles by Copenhagen professor on the war, especially on Belgium, Italy, languages and war, and religion and war.

Orth, Samuel Peter. The Imperial Impulse, Background Studies of Belgium, England, France, Germany, Russia. Century, 1916, p. 234. $1.20. Collection of interesting and informing magazine articles. An additional essay on Our First Duty urges United States to uphold principle that "every people with national instincts" be allowed to determine its own government.

*Powers, Harry Huntington. The Things Men Fight For, with Some Application to Present Conditions in Europe. Macmillan, 1916, p. vii, 382. $1.50. Thoughtful candid book based on wide travel, broad knowledge, and generous sympathies. Seeks to present case of each contending nation as manifesting the highest instincts of that nation. Concluding chapter gives carefully weighed decision in favor of Britain rather than Germany.

Stoddard, Theodore Lothrop. Present Day Europe, its National States of Mind, Century, 1917, p. 322. $2. A study

of the war psychology of the various European nations, based as far as possible upon the utterances of representatives of the respective nations. Quite neutral, and uses material down to opening of 1917.

Wells, Herbert George. Italy, France, and Britain at War. Macmillan, 1917, p. 285. $1.50. Accounts of his visit to Italian and western fronts in 1916, with added section on "How People Think About the War." Chiefly interesting for those who care to know what Mr. Wells thinks.

9. VIEWS OF THE WAR BY EUROPEAN NEUTRALS. *Brandes, Georg Morris Cohen. The World at War; translated by Catherine D. Groth. Macmillan, 1917, p. 272. $1.50. The famous Danish-Jewish writer, without sympathy for Germany, deals rigorously with Allied aims and acts, and urges rights of small, oppressed, and neutral nations. Collection of articles including some of special interest written before the war.

Jörgensen, Johannes. False Witness. Doran, 1917, p. vii, 227. $1. Translation of the Danish author's Klokke Roland, which is an examination of the German professors' "Appeal to the Civilized World." Evidence of the falsity of their statements is adduced and other material on the German character and kultur is included.

Maccas, Leon. German Barbarism, a Neutral's Indictment, with preface by Paul Girard. Doran, 1916, p. xii, 228. $1. By a Venizelist Greek.

Prüm, Emile. Pan-Germanism versus Christendom; the Conversion of a Neutral; edited with comments by René Johannet. Doran, 1917, p. xii, 184. $1. Letter of Prüm, Catholic leader in Luxemburg to Erzberger, Catholic leader in Germany; record of proceedings against Prüm, and an article on the Catholic Center in Germany. Convincingly anti-German.



*Barker, J. Ellis. Great and Greater Britain, the Problems of Motherland and Empire, Political, Naval, Military, Industrial, Financial, Social. London, Smith, Elder, 1909, 2d edition, 1910, p. 604. $3. Counterpart of his Modern Germany, and supplemented by his British Socialism. An avowed disciple of Joseph Chamberlain describes essential matters of domestic and imperial concern in decade preceding the war.

Begbie, Harold. The Vindication of Great Britain, a Study in Diplomacy and Strategy with Reference to the Illusions of her Critics and the Problems of the Future. London, Methuen, 1916, 3d edition, p. xv, 302. 6s. Peculiarly valuable for work and influence of Edward VII and Lord Haldane. Lauds English achievement in arming against Germany during first two years of the war. Peace problems discussed.

*Boutmy, Emile. The English People, a Study of their Political Psychology, with an Introduction by J. E. C. Bodley. Putnam, 1904, p. xxxvi, 332. $2.50. Author was leading French authority in political science in last generation, and one of most eminent foreign students of English constitution and people. French original published in 1901. Accurate in fact, sane in judgment, keen in analysis, bristling with illuminating ideas.

Cheyney, Edward Potts. A Short History of England. Boston, Ginn, 1904, p. xvi, 695. $1.40. Excellent textbook, briefer and more readable than Cross.

*Cramb, John Adam. Germany and England, with an Introduction by the Hon. Joseph H. Choate. Dutton, 1914,

p. xiv, 152. $1. Professor Cramb's lectures were delivered at Queen's College, London, February-March, 1913, and after his death written up from notes and published, June, 1914. Author's study in Germany had convinced him of German bitterness against England and inevitableness of conflict. Book holds historic place because most widely read book in English during first months of war. Note also author's Origin and Destiny of Imperial Britain and Nineteenth Century Europe (Dutton, 1915), first published during Boer war, for fuller statement of chauvinistic English imperialism.

Cross, Arthur Lyon. A History of England and Greater Britain. Macmillan, 1914, p. xiii, 1165. $2.50. Excellent comprehensive account to spring of 1914, written as college


Dunning, William Archibald. The British Empire and the United States, a Review of their Relations during the Century of Peace following the Treaty of Ghent. Scribner, 1914, p. xl, 381. $2. Well written narrative by able American historical scholar.

*Egerton, Hugh Edward. Britsh Foreign Policy in Europe to the End of the Nineteenth Century, a Rough Outline. Macmillan, 1917, p. x, 440. $2. Not a narrative but an effort to show the motives and purposes which have directed British foreign policy, largely in the words of the responsible individuals in promoting or defending their plans and acts. Holds that "policy of the country on the whole has been singularly honest and straightforward;" and such is tone of the book. By professor of colonial history, Oxford.

Gooch, George Peabody and Masterman, John Howard Bertram. A Century of British Foreign Policy. London, Allen & Unwin, 1917, p. 110. Written for the Council for the Study of International Relations; Masterman deals with 19th century; Gooch, with 20th century. Two clear, concise, excellent essays.

*Low, Sidney James Mark, and Sanders, Lloyd Charles. The History of England during the Reign of Victoria, 18371901. Longmans, 1907, p. xviii, 532. $2.60. Best account of period, though little more than narrative of political facts.

*Lowell, Abbott Lawrence. The Government of England. Macmillan, 1908, 2 vols., p. xv, 570; viii, 563. $4. Admirable description of the organization and working of English government, local, national, and imperial.

Marriott, John Arthur Ransome. England since Waterloo. Putnam, 1913, p. xxi, 558. $3. Careful accurate account to 1885, with sketchy chapter to 1901.

Meyer, Eduard. England, its Political Organization and Development and the War Against Germany. Translated by Helene S. White. Boston, Ritter, 1916, p. xix, 328. $1.50. Arraignment of England and English policy by eminent Berlin professor of history, so vehement as to be condemned by German critics. Valuable, however, as presenting essentially the German view of England.

Murray, Gilbert. The Foreign Policy of Sir Edward Grey, 1906-1915. Oxford Press, 1915, p. 128. 50 cents. Good survey and thorough-going defence by eminent Oxford professor whose views were less favorable before the war.

Reventlow, Ernest, Graf zu. The Vampire of the Continent; translated with a Preface by G. Chatterton Hill. Jackson, 1916, p. xiii, 225. $1.25. Original published in 1915. Author is spokesman of extreme Junker group. Denounces England's desire to maintain balance of power and destroy economic rivals as cause of present and earlier great wars which have sucked the blood of Continental Europe.

Author's more substantial work, Deutschlands Auswärtige Politik, 1888-1913 (1914), is not available in translation. *Seeley, Sir John Robert. The Expansion of England, Two Courses of Lectures. Boston, Little, p. viii, 359. $1.75. Originally published, 1883. First course, English expansion in 17th and 18th centuries; second, England's acquisition and control of India. Brilliant and convincing presentation of achievements and high aims of British imperial policy. Seeley's position in history of English imperialism has been compared to Treitschke's in Pan-Germanism.

Tönnies, Ferdinand. Warlike England as Seen by Herself. Dillingham, 1915, p. 202. $1. Account of English foreign and colonial policy since Elizabeth, especially in nineteenth century, by Professor in University of Kiel, composed largely of quotations from English writers. Shows existence of English imperialism, but does not prove causal relation with the war.


Lea, General Homer. The Day of the Saxon. Harper, 1912, p. 249. $1.80. This and his earlier Valour of Ignorance (1909) attracted wide attention by their extreme advocacy of Lord Roberts' efforts to impress the English people with the importance of England's empire and sea power and of their defence. Faulty in fact and logic, though events have justified the main thesis.

MacDonald, J. Ramsay. National Defense. London, Allen & Unwin, 1917. 2s. 6d. Denounces miltarism as a false method of national defense; foresees that defeat of Germany will not be likely to create a pacific German democracy.

*Oliver, Frederick Scott. Ordeal by Battle. Macmillan, 1915, p. li, 437. $1.50. One of most notable English war books, important for insight into English state of mind on foreign and military questions in decade before the war. The author belonged to the Lord Roberts school, and wrote much of book before the war, publishing it to promote conscription. After good analysis of causes of the war and spirit of German policy, the real contribution of the book appears in parts on spirit of British policy and democracy and national service.

Protheroe, Ernest. The British Navy, its Making and its Meaning. Dutton, 1915, p. xx, 694. $2.50. Comprehensive historical and technical account addressed to British youth. Includes chapter on early naval events of the war.

Roland, pseud. The Future of Militarism. London, Unwin, 1916. 2s. 6d. Not an independent discussion but a denunciation of Oliver's Ordeal by Battle.

12. GREAT BRITAIN'S PART IN THE WAR. *Chevrillon, André. England and the War, 1914-1915; with a Preface by Rudyard Kipling. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, 1917, p. xxi, 250. $1.60. Translation of articles contributed to Revue de Paris from Nov., 1915, to Jan., 1916, by nephew of Taine, who was keen observer in England of awakening and reconstruction during the first year and a half of the war. Traces conception and development of England's will to war in way to enlighten Americans when their nation is undergoing somewhat similar transition.

Cravath, Paul Drennan. Great Britain's Part, Observations of an American Visitor to the British Army in France at the Beginning of the Third Year of the War. Appleton, 1917, p. vi, 127. $1. Convinced of greatness of England's achievement and that it will win.

Destrée, Jules. Britain in Arms. Lane, 1917, p. xv, 292. $1.50. Translation by J. Lewis May of L'Effort Britannique, with preface by M. Georges Clemenceau. Originally written in Italian to dispel the Italian suspicion that England was not doing its share. Explains military, naval, industrial and financial activities. By a Belgian.

George, David Lloyd. Through Terror to Triumph, Speeches and Pronouncements since the Beginning of the War, arranged by F. L. Stevenson. Doran, 1915, p. xii, 187. $1. Important for speeches intended to sway public opinion, especially in case of munition workers.

Gleason, Arthur Huntington. Inside the British Isles. Century, 1917, p. 434. $2. Main topics treated are labor, Ireland, women, and social studies. Attaches great importance to changes wrought during the war. Somewhat superficial observations and hasty generalizations of clever American journalist.

Grew, Edwin Sharpe, and others. Field-Marshal Lord Kitchener, his Life and Work for the Empire. London, Gresham Publishing Co., 1916, 3 vols. 25s. 6d. Careful cooperative biography but not a definitive study. Third volFashoda incident opens second

ume relates to present war. volume.

*Murray, Gilbert. Faith, War and Policy. Boston, Houghton, 1917, p. xiv, 255. $1.25. Collection of articles and addresses during the war, in exposition and defence of England's part and policies. Able but open to criticism. Pollard, Albert Frederick. The Commonwealth at War. Longmans, 1917, p. vii, 256. $2.25. Collection of nineteen occasional articles during the war by professor of history, University College, London.

Ward, Mary Augusta (Arnold) (Mrs. Humphrey Ward). England's Effort, Letters to an American Friend, with Preface by Joseph H. Choate; 3d edition with epilogue to August, 1916. Scribner, 1916, p. xv, 228. $1. The author was given special privileges to inspect British military forces, munition works, etc., with purpose of answering criticism that Great Britain was not doing its share.

Ward, Mary Augusta (Arnold) (Mrs. Humphrey Ward). Towards the Goal. Scribner, 1917, p. xvii, 231. $1.25. Series of letters addressed to Mr. Roosevelt in March to June, 1917, describing England's war aims and activities. Practically a sequel to England's Effort.


Barker, Ernest. Ireland in the Last Fifty Years, 18661916. Oxford Press, 1917. 1s. 6d. Good account of political, religious, educational, and agrarian problems, especially useful for condition of peasant class.

Hamilton, Lord Ernest William. The Soul of Ulster. Dutton, 1917, p. 188. $1.25. Able statement of the Ulster side of the Irish question.

Harrison, Marie. Dawn in Ireland. London, Melrose, 1917, p. 222. Chapters on present conditions, the spirit that moves in Ireland, enemies of Ireland, and the future. Insists on English goodwill toward Ireland.

The Irish Home-Rule Convention. Macmillan, 1917, p. 183. 50 cents. Timely papers by John Quinn, G. W. Russell, Sir Horace Plunkett and others.

Kettle, Thomas Michael. The Ways of War, with a Memoir by his Wife, Mary S. Kettle. Scribner, 1918, p. ix, 246. $1.50. Papers by Irish professor and member of parliament who has perished in the war, to show why an Irishman went into the fight. Strong indictment of Germany.

Leslie, Shane. The Celt and the World, a Study of the Relation of Celt and Teuton in History. Scribner, 1917, p. 224. $1.25. Interesting volume which slights the main theme of relation of Celt and Teuton to discuss AngloIrish relations and the war.

Morris, Lloyd R. The Celtic Dawn, a Survey of the Renascence in Ireland, 1889-1916. Macmillan, 1917, p. xviii, 251. $1.50. Review of political, social, economic, and cultural developments in Ireland in last generation to the Sinn Fein rebellion in 1916.

Russell, George William (pseud. A. E.). National Being, Some Thoughts on an Irish Polity. Macmillan, 1916, p. 176. $1.35. Ireland must seek political independence through economic independence, which is to be attained by co-operative rather than competitive methods. Admirable in style and tone, even if not entirely convincing.

McLaren, A. D. Peaceful Penetration. Dutton, 1917, p. 224. $1.50. Australian journalist, familiar with Germany, writes on German colonizing methods and policies, and on Australia's place in world politics.

Smuts, Jan Christiaan. War-time Speeches, a Compilation of Public Utterances in Great Britain. Doran, 1917, p. viii, 116. 75 cents. Chiefly important for discussion of future of what he has named the British Commonwealth.

Worsfold, W. Basil. The Empire on the Anvil, being Suggestions and Data for the Future Government of the British Empire. London, Smith, Elder, 1916, p. xv, 242.

Wise, Bernhard Ringrose. The Making of the Australian Commonwealth, 1889-1900, a Stage in the Growth of Empire. Longmans, 1913, p. xiii, 365. $2.50. With special reference to New South Wales, by a participant in the movement. A study of growth of federation in British Em

Wells, Warre B., and Marlow, N. The History of the pire. Irish Rebellion of 1916. New York, Stokes, 1917, p. 271. $2.50. Comprehensive, though not friendly account, with documents.



** Beer, George Louis. The English-speaking Peoples, their Future Relations and Joint International Obligations. Macmillan, 1917, p. xi, 322. $1.50. By an able historian of the British colonies in America. Excellent discussion of the international problems which America faces; favors cooperative arrangements between United States and Great Britain. Very important and valuable. Abundant references to authorities.

Dawson, William Harbutt, editor. After-war Problems. Macmillan, 1917, p. 366. $2.50. Includes papers on the topics Empire and Citizenship, National Efficiency, Social Reform, and National Finance and Taxation by Lord Cromer, Lord Haldane and several other leading English thinkers, which command attention.

Duchesne, A. E. Democracy and Empire, the Applicability of the Dictum that "a democracy cannot manage an empire," to the Present Condition and Future Problems of the British Empire, especially the Question of the Future of India. Oxford Press, 1916, p. vii, 120. 2s. 6d.

*The Empire and the Future, a Series of Imperial Studies. Macmillan, 1917, p. xvi, 110. 75 cents. Collection of lectures, including Sir Charles Lucas on Empire and Democracy, H. A. L. Fisher on Imperial Administration, and Philip Kerr on Commonwealth and Empire. Able discussions of problems underlying British imperial organization; not a solution. Introduction by A. D. Steel-Maitland, Under Secretary of State for the Colonies.

Fletcher, Charles Brunsdon. The New Pacific: British Policy and German Aims; with a preface by Viscount Bryce, and a foreword by the Right Hon. W. M. Hughes. Macmillan, 1917, p. xxxiii, 325. $3. One of editors of Sydney Morning Herald arraigns German policies and methods in the Pacific, and sets forth Australian ideas for future of the Pacific.

Hodge, Harold. In the Wake of the War; Parliament or Imperial Government? Lane, 1917, p. viii, 226. $1.50. Propounds a plan for the future administration of the British Empire. Disapproves of parliament.

Levi, N. Jan Smuts, being a Character Sketch of Gen. the Hon. J. C. Smuts, K.C., M.L.A., Minister of Defence, Union of South Africa. Longmans, 1917, p. vi, 310. $2.50. Poorly written account of important personage in British Empire, with much interesting information South African affairs.


15. BELGIUM: HISTORY, DESCRIPTION. Ensor, Robert Charles Kirkwood. Belgium (Home University Library). Holt, 1915, p. v, 256. $.50. Concise survey of recent history and conditions before the war. Generally accurate and fair, except, perhaps, to Catholic church.

*MacDonnell, John de Courcy. Belgium, her Kings, Kingdom, and People. Boston, Little, 1914, p. xii, 354. $3.50. Good historical survey since establishment of independence in 1830, with account of conditions under King Albert. Published on eve of the war. Written with fairness and moderation; apparently Catholic in sympathies.

Pirenne, Henri. Belgian Democracy, its Early History; translated by J. V. Saunders. Longmans, 1915, p. xi, 250. $1.50. Original published in 1910. Mainly account of medieval city republics of the Low Countries, by leading Belgian historian.

Van der Essen, Léon. Short History of Belgium. Chicago, University Press, 1916, p. 168. $1. Good outline account by professor of history at Louvain.

16. BELGIUM: GERMAN INVASION AND RULE. Belgium and Germany, Texts and Documents, preceded by a Foreword by Henri Davignon. Nelson, 1915, p. iv, 132. $.25. Documents and illustrations, with annotations. Preface by Belgian foreign minister.

Bryce, James Bryce, Viscount, and others. Report of the Committee on Alleged German Outrages (p. 61. $.10). Evidence and Documents Laid before the Committee on Alleged German Outrages (p. 296. $.50). Macmillan, 1915. Report is an attempt at a systematic summary of evidence. Membership of committee also gives its conclusions the highest standing.

Cammaerts, Emile. Through the Iron Bars (Two Years of German Occupation in Belgium). Lane, 1917, p. 72. $.75. Patriotic presentation of Belgium's plight.

The Case of Belgium in the Present War, an Account of the Violation of the Neutrality of Belgium and of the Laws of War on Belgian Territory. Macmillan, 1914, p. xvii, 120. $.25. Officially prepared by the Belgian delegates in the United States, with official documents and affidavits.

Chambry, René. The Truth about Louvain. Doran, 1915, p. 95. $.25. By resident of Louvain.

*Erichsen, Erich. Forced to Fight, the Tale of a Schles. wig Dane, translated from the Danish. McBride, 1917, p. 184. $1.25. A narrative of war service which has attracted wide attention because of nationality of its author, who has been invalided from wounds. Main importance is for account of campaign in Belgium.

Gerlache de Gomery, Commandant de. Belgium in War Time, Translated from the French by Bernard Miall. Doran, 1917, p. xii, 243. $.50. Comprehensive accounts of events and conditions, amply illustrated.

*Gibson, Hugh S. A Journal from our Legation in Belgium. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, 1917, p. xii, 360. $2.50. Interesting selection from daily notes of first secretary of American legation from July 4 to December 31, 1914.

Grondys, L. H. The Germans in Belgium, Experiences of a Neutral. Appleton, 1916, p. ix, 95. $.50 Journal account of Dutch professor who was in Louvain during the destruction and witnessed other German atrocities during the invasion. Halasi, Odon. Belgium under the German Heel. Cassell, 1917, p. x, 257. 6s. Description of conditions observed by an Hungarian author during a visit in 1916. The anonymous translator adds information derived from another Magyar who had spent eighteen months in Belgium during the war. Sympathetic, not sensational.

Huberich, C. H., and Nicol-Speyer, A., editors. German Legislation for the Occupied Territories of Belgium; Official Texts. The Hague, Nijhoff. Editions in German, Flemish, French, and English have appeared in successive volumes for the legislation of successive periods; fifth volume, with index to first five, covers to Dec. 31, 1915.

Kellogg, Mrs. Charlotte. The Women of Belgium; Turning Tragedy to Triumph. Funk, 1917, p. xviii, 210. $1. By only woman member of Hoover commission. Describes relief work and what Belgian women have done for themselves. Written with simplicity and restraint.

Libert de Flemalle, Gabriel de. Fighting with King Albert. Doran, 1915, p. xi, 327. 6s. By Captain in Belgian army; important for Belgian army before the war and question of its preparedness, with narrative on resistance to invasion.

*Massart, Jean. The Belgians under the German Eagle, translated by Bernard Miall. Dutton, 1916, p. 368. $3.50. Written from observations during first year of the war, with full documentation from German sources. Vigorous indictment of German rule.

Mercier, Desiré Felician Francois Joseph, Cardinal. Pastorals, Letters, Allocutions, 1914-1917, with a biographical Sketch by Rev. Joseph F. Stillemans. Kenedy, 1917. $1.25. The Voice of Belgium, being the War Utterances of Cardinal Mercier, with a Preface by Cardinal Bourne. London, Burns & Oates, 1917, p. ix, 330. 2s. 6d. Similar collections, including some items which have been published separately.

Mokveld, L. The German Fury in Belgium; translated by C. Thieme. Doran, 1917, p. 247. $1. By Dutch correspondent with German army from Liège to the Yser, whose careful, candid, neutral observations constitute a formidable indictment of German acts.

Morgan, John Hartman. German Atrocities, an Official Investigation. Dutton, 1916, p. 192, $1. Professor Morgan was member of Bryce commission, and this volume supplements the Report with additional materials and comments. Nothomb, Pierre. The Barbarians in Belgium; translated by Jean E. H. Findlay. London, Jarrold, 1915, p. 294. 2s. 6d. Account by Belgian, endorsed by preface by Belgian Minister of Justice.

Nyrop, Kristopher. The Imprisonment of the Ghent Professors, a Question of Might and Right, My Reply to the German Legation in Stockholm. London, Hodder, 1917, p. 91. Includes discussion of Flemish, question, case of University of Ghent as well as arrests of professors Fredericq and Pirenne.

Official Commission of the Belgian Government. Reports on the Violations of the Rights of Nations and of the Laws and Customs of War in Belgium, with Extracts from the Pastoral Letter of Cardinal Mercier, and Preface by J. Van den Heuvel, Minister of State. London, Unwin, 1915, p. XXXV, 113, 6d. Systematic presentation of carefully collected evidence. Strong indictment of German war methods and deeds.

Sarolea, Charles. How Belgium Saved Europe, with a Preface by Count Goblet d'Alviella. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1915, p. ix, 227. $1. Patriotic appreciation of Belgium's part in first weeks of the war. Author was in Belgium during period.

Somville, Gustave. The Road to Liège, the Path of Crime, August 1914; translated by Bernard Miall. Doran, 1916, p. xxii, 296. $1. French writer; divides material into narrative and critical sections. Challenges Germans to disprove his statements.

**Toynbee, Arnold Joseph. The German Terror in Belgium, an Historical Record. Doran, 1917, p. xiii, 160. $1. Systematic account of German behavior in Belgium and treatment of Belgian people, based on testimony gathered and published by officials and commissions of various governments.

*Van der Essen, Léon. The invasion and the War in Belgium, with a Sketch of the Diplomatic Negotiations preceding the Conflict. London, Unwin, 1917, p. 356. 158. By a professor of history at Louvain. Best and fullest account yet available, but military side is rather weak and the critical method is not all that could be desired of a professor of history. Discusses neutrality issue.

Verdavaine, Georges. Pictures of Ruined Belgium, with 72 Pen and Ink Sketches Drawn on the Spot by L. Berden. Lane, 1917. $3. Chief value in pictures. Text by art critic of Independance Belge, translated by J. Lewis May, based on official reports.

Verhaeren, Emile. Belgium's Agony, translated and introduced by M. T. H. Sadler. Boston, Houghton, 1915, p. xxii, 131. $1.25. Splendid literary exposition of Belgium's sufferings and pride in bearing the suffering; biting criticisms of Germany.

Williams, Albert Rhys. In the Claws of the German Eagle. Dutton, 1917, p. ix, 273. $1.50. Good account of observations, especially in Belgium, during early weeks of the war, by a Boston pastor of socialist proclivities. 17. BELGIUM: NEUTRALITY AND INTERNATIONAL LAW: DISCUSSIONS.

**DeVisscher, Charles. Belgium's Case, a Juridical Enquiry; translated from the French by E. F. Jourdain, with a Preface by J. van den Heuvel. Doran, 1916, p. xxiv, 164. $1. Excellent, comprehensive, concise study by professor of law in University of Ghent; written with fairness and moderation.

Fuehr, Karl Alexander. The Neutrality of Belgium, a Study of the Belgian Case under its Aspects in Political History and International Law. Funk, 1915, p. xiii, 248. $1.50. Historical and legal study to support German side. Contains various documents, including facsimiles of famous Brussels documents.

Grasshoff, Richard. The Tragedy of Belgium, an Answer to Professor Waxweiler. Dillingham, 1915, p. 244. $1. Claims to use official material of German government to refute charges of German atrocities in Belgium, but generally mistakes vehemence for argument, and assertion for proof. Emphasizes franc-tireur acts of Belgians.

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