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THE following is a list of the more important books, brochures, official documents, and other publications that have appeared since the outbreak of the war, most of which have been used in the preparation of this work. The list does not include books published prior to the year 1914, nor does it include articles published in periodicals or in the proceedings of learned societies.



AJAX, The German Pirate, His Methods and Record, New York, 1918.
ALESSANDRI, J., Contribution à l'Étude des Blocus Nouveaux, Paris, 1919.

Allier, R., Les Allemands à Saint-Dié, Paris, 1919.

ALVAREZ, A., La Grande Guerre Européenne et la Neutralité du Chili, Paris, 1915. ALVAREZ, A., Le Droit International de l'Avenir, Washington, 1916.

ARCHER, W., The Pirates' Progress, A Short History of the U-Boat, New York, 1918.

AUBRY, A., Ma Captivité en Allemagne, Paris, 1916.

BARBOUR, R. H., For the Freedom of the Seas, New York, 1919.

BARCLAY, T., Law and Usage of War, London, 1914.

BARCLAY, T., Collapse and Reconstruction, Boston, 1919.

BARRÈS, M., La Lorraine dévastée, Paris, 1919.

BARTHÉLEMY, J., Le Droit Public en temps de Guerre, Paris, 1915.

BARTHOU, L., Le Traité de Paix, Paris, 1919.

BASILESCO, N., La Roumanie dans la Guerre et dans la Paix, Paris, 1915.

BATEMAN, C. H., U-Boat Deviltry, London, 1918.

BATY, T., Prize Law and Continuous Voyage, London, 1915.

BATY, T., and MORGAN, J. H., War: its Conduct and Legal Results, New York, 1915.

BAUDRILLART, Mgr., The German War and Catholicism, Paris, 1915.

BECK, J. M., The Evidence in the Case, New York and London, 1914.

BECK, J. M., The War and Humanity, New York, 1916.

BREWER, D. C., Rights and Duties of Neutrals. A Discussion of Principles and Practices, New York, 1916.

BROWN, L. F., The Freedom of the Seas, New York, 1919.

BROWN, P. M., International Realities, New York, 1917.

BRUCY, J., Les Traités et la Règlementation du Droit de la Guerre, Paris, 1917.

BRUNEAU, L'Allemagne en France, Paris, 1914.

BRYCE, JAMES, and Others, The War of Democracy: The Allies' Statement, New

York, 1915.

BUCHAN, J., Nelson's History of the War, 23 vols., London, 1914-18.

BULLARD, A., The Diplomacy of the Great War, New York, 1915.

BURGESS, J. W., America's Relations to the Great War, Chicago, 1916.
BURGESS, J. W., The European War of 1914, Chicago, 1915.
CALIPPE, A. C., La Somme sous l'Occupation Allemande, Paris, 1918.
CAMPBELL, H. C., The Law of War and Contract, Oxford, 1918.

CARILLO, G. E., Among the Ruins, London, 1915.

CARLÉS, M. W. R., La République Argentine et la Guerre Européenne, Paris, 1915.

CARSTEN, L., Maatregelen ter handhaving onzer onzijdigheid in den huidegen oorlog. (Measures taken by the Netherlands for the Maintenance of their Neutrality during the Present War.) London, 1916.

CATELLANI, E., Le Droit Aérien, Paris, 1915.

CHAMBRY, R., The Truth about Louvain, London, 1915.

CHAPTAL, M., Rapatriés, 1915–1918; Paris, 1915.

CHARLTON, R., and LASCOT, F. R., Edith Cavell, London, 1915.

CLAPP, E. J., Economic Aspects of the War, Neutral Rights, Belligerent Claims and American Commerce in the Years 1914-15, New Haven, 1915.

CLAUSEWITZ, C. VON, On War. New and revised edition, with introduction and notes by F. N. Maude, New York, 1915.

Clements, A. F., and WatersON, H. G., Commercial Law in War Time, New York, 1916.

COHEN, L., The Ruheleben Prison Camp, New York, 1917.

"Cosmos," The Basis of a Durable Peace, New York, 1917.

DAMPIERRE, J. M., German Imperialism and International Law, London, 1917. DAMPIERRE, J., L'Allemagne et le Droit des Gens d'après les Sources Allemandes et les Archives du Gouvernement Français, Paris, 1915.

DAMPIERRE, J., Carnet de Route de Combattants Allemands. (Publication authorized by the French Minister of War.) Paris, 1916.

DAVIS, G. B., Elements of International Law, 4th ed., New York, 1916.
DAVISON, C. S., The Freedom of the Seas, New York, 1918.

DEMBOSKI, N., Europe and the New Sea Law: A Manual of International Politics and Maritime Law, London, 1914.

DESSON, G., A Hostage in Germany, London, 1917.

Deutschland und der Weltkrieg, various German authors. (English translation under title "Modern Germany" by W. W. Whitelock.) New York, 1916. DILLON, E. J., A Scrap of Paper, London, 1914.

DUCKWORTH, L., Principles of Marine Law, 3d ed., London, 1916.

ECCARD, F., L'Alsace sous la Domination Allemande, Paris, 1919.

ECCARD, Biens et Intérêts Français en Allemagne et en Alsace-Lorraine pendant la Guerre, Paris, 1917.

EDWARDS, G. W., Vanished Towers and Chimes of Flanders, Philadelphia, 1916. EDWARDS, G. W., Vanished Halls and Cathedrals of France, Philadelphia, 1917. EVANS, L. B., Leading Cases on International Law, Chicago, 1917.

FAGE, A., Lille sous la Griffe Allemande, Paris, 1917.

FAVRAUD, Y., Contrebande de Guerre, Blocus, Droit de Visite, Paris, 1916.

FAYLE, E. C., The Great Settlement, New York, 1915.

FERRAND, Des Réquisitions en Matière de Droit International Public (Deuxième edition), Paris, 1917.

FRANÇOIS, J. P. A., Duik boot en Volkenrecht (Submarines and International Law), Leyden, 1919.

FRANK, R., Die Belgische Neutralität, Tübingen, 1915.

FRANK, R., Das Seekriegsrecht, Tübingen, 1916.

FRIED, A. H., The Restoration of Europe, New York, 1916.

FROST, W., German Submarine Warfare, New York, 1918.

[blocks in formation]

FUEHR, A., The Neutrality of Belgium, New York and London, 1915.
GERARD, J. W., My Four Years in Germany, New York, 1917.

GIBSON, H., A Journal from our Legation in Belgium, New York, 1917.

GOMERY, G. DE, Belgium in War Time, New York, 1916.

GORE-BROWNE, Effect of War on Commercial Relations and the Position of Corporations during the War, London, 1918.

GRASSHOFF, R., The Tragedy of Belgium, New York, 1915.

GREEN, H., The Log of a Non-combatant, Boston and New York, 1915.

GRONDYS, L. H., The Germans in Belgium, Experiences of a Neutral. (English translation.) London, 1915.

GROTIUS, Annuaire International pour les Années 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, etc., The Hague, 1914–1919.

GROTIUS SOCIETY, Problems of the War, 4 vols., Papers by various authors,
London, 1916-1919.

GRUET, P. L., Réquisitions Militaires (Armées de Terre et de Mer), Paris, 1915.
GUEULLETTE, Des Effets Juridiques de la Guerre sur les Contrats, Paris, 1918.
GUYOT, YVES, Les Causes et les Conséquences de la Guerre, Paris, 1915.

HALL, W. E., International Law. (Seventh edition by A. P. Higgins.) Oxford, 1918.

HAMILTON, C., Senlis, London, 1917.

HART, A. B., The War in Europe, Its Causes and Results, New York and London, 1914.

HEADLAM, J. W., The History of Twelve Days, London, 1915.

HEDIN, S., With the German Armies in the West, New York and London, 1915. HÉLYS, M., Les Provinces Françaises pendant la Guerre, Paris, 1918.

HENNEBOIS, C., In German Hands. (The diary of a severely wounded soldier.) London, 1916.

HENNING, R., Les Déportations de Civils Belges en Allemagne et dans le Nord de la France, Brussels, 1919.

HILL, D. J., The Rebuilding of Europe, a Survey of Forces and Conditions, New York, 1917.

HILLIS, N. D., The Blot on the Kaiser's Scutcheon, New York, 1918.

HÖCKER, P. O., An der Spitze meiner Kompagnie (Three Months of Campaigning), Berlin, 1914.

HÖLYER, O., La Théorie de l'Équilibre et le Droit des Gens, Paris, 1917.

HOOGHE, E. D., Droit Aérien, Paris, 1914.

HUBERICH, C. H., Das Englische Prisenrecht in seiner neuesten Gestalt, Berlin, 1915. HUBERICH, C. H., The Law Relating to Trading with the Enemy, New York, 1918. HUBERICH, C. H., and KING, R., The Development of German Prize Law, New York, 1918.

JITTA, D. G., The Renovation of International Law, The Hague, 1919.

JOHNSON, O., The Spirit of France, New York, 1916.

JONES, J., The Fall of Tsingtau, Boston and New York, 1915.

JULLIET, Les Aéronefs Sanitaires et la Guerre de 1914, Paris, 1918.

KELLOGG, V., Headquarters Nights, Boston, 1917.

KIPLING, R., Sea Warfare, New York, 1917.

KRAUEL, W., Neutralität, Neutralisation und Befriedung im Völkerrecht, Munich and Leipzig, 1915.

LABALLE, J. B. DE, El Peru y la Gran Guerra, Lima, 1919.

LAINEL, G., La Propriété Industrielle et la Guerre, Paris, 1917.

LANGENHOVE, F., The Growth of a Legend, a Study based upon the German accounts of Francs-Tireurs and "atrocities" in Belgium. (English translation by E. B. Sherlock.) New York, 1916.

LANESSAN, J. L., Les Empires Germaniques et la Politique de la Force, Paris, 1915. LAURENTIE, J., Les Lois de la Guerre, Paris, 1917.

LAWRENCE, T. J., The Society of Nations, Oxford, 1919.

LE FUR, L., Des Représailles en Temps de Guerre, Paris, 1919.

LEMOINE, A., Les Conventions Internationales sur le Régime des Prisonniers de Guerre, Paris, 1917.

LETTENHOVE, H. K., La Guerre et les EŒuvres d'Art en Belgique, Brussels and Paris,


LISZT, F. VON, Das Völkerrecht, 11th ed., Berlin, 1918.

LODGE, H. C., War Addresses, 1915-1917, New York, 1917.

MACCAS, L., German Barbarism, a Neutral's Indictment. (English translation from the French.) London, 1916.

MACCAS, L., Ainsi parla Venizelos, Paris, 1916.

MACH, E. VON, What Germany Wants, Boston, 1915.

MACH, E. VON, Germany's Point of View, Chicago, 1915.

MAHONEY, H. C., Sixteen Months in Four German Prisons, New York, 1917.

MAHONEY, H. C., Interned in Germany, New York, 1918.

MALNOURY, L., L'Etat de Guerre et ses Conséquences Juridiques, Besançon, 1915. MARÈS, R., La Belgique Envahie, Paris, 1915.

MARGUERITTE, P., Contre les Barbares 1914-15, Paris, 1915.

MARGUILLER, La Destruction des Monuments sur le Front Occidental, Paris, 1919. MARINO, F., Corso di diritto internazionale pubblico, Naples, 1917.

MARTIN, H., and BAKER, J. R., Laws of Maritime War Affecting Rights and Duties of Belligerents as Existing August 1, 1914, Washington, 1918.

MASSART, J., Belgians under the German Eagle, New York, 1916.

MASSART, J., Comment les Belges résistent à la Domination Allemande, Paris, 1917. MASSART, J., The Secret Press in Belgium, New York, 1919.

MATOT, JULES, Almanach de la Guerre, Reims et la Marne, 1914-15, Reims, 1916.
MAUSBACH, Naturrecht und Völkerrecht, Freiburg, 1918.

MAYERS, E. C., Admiralty Law and Practice in Canada, London, 1916.
MCCARTHY, D. J., The Prisoner of War in Germany, New York, 1918.

MCCLELLAN, G. B., The Heel of War, New York, 1916.

MEARS, E. G., The Destruction of Belgium, a Reply to the German White Book, London, 1916.

MERCIER, CARDINAL, The Voice of Belgium, London, 1917.

MEURER, C., Die völkerrechtliche Stellung der vom Feind besetzen Gebiete, Tübingen, 1915.

MEURER, C., Das Program der Meeresfreiheit, Berlin, 1917.

MEURER, C., Der Lusitania-Fall, Tübingen, 1915.

MICHEL, A., Les Villes Martyres, Paris, 1915.

MIKHAILOW, P., Le Rôle de la Russie dans de Droit International. Preface by M. Renault, Paris, 1915.

MOKVELD, L., The German Fury in Belgium, Experiences of a Netherlands Journalist during Four Months with the German army in Belgium. London and New York, 1917.

MORGAN, J. H., The War Book of the German General Staff, being "the Usages of War on Land," issued by the Great General Staff of the German army. New York, 1915.

MORGAN, J. H., German Atrocities: an Official Investigation, London, 1916. MORGANTHAU, H., Ambassador Morganthau's Story, New York, 1918. MOULIN, La Guerre et les Neutres, Paris, 1915.

MÜLLER-MEININGEN, Der Weltkrieg und der Zusammenbruch des Völkerrechts, Berlin, 1915.


NIEMEYER, T., Privateigentum im Seekriege, Munich, 1915.

NEWBOLT, H., Submarine and Anti-Submarine, New York, 1919.

NIPPOLD, O., Die Gestaltung des Völkerrechts nach dem Weltkriege, Zurich, 1917. NOEL, L., Louvain 891-1914, Oxford, 1915.

NOTHOMB, P., Les Barbares en Belgique, Paris, 1915.

NOTHOMB, P., La Belgique Martyre, Paris, 1915.

NOYES, A., Open Boats, New York, 1917.

NYROP, L'Arrestation des Professeurs Belges et l'Université de Gand, Paris, 1917.

OPPENHEIM, L., The League of Nations, London, 1919.

OTLET, P., Problèmes Internationaux el la Guerre, Geneva, 1916.


PAGE, A., War and Alien Enemies, The Law Affecting their Personal and Trading Rights, 2d ed., London, 1915.

PALMER, F., My Year of the Great War, New York, 1915.

PALMER, F., My Second Year of the War, New York, 1917.

PARKER, SIR GILBERT, The World in the Crucible, An account of the Origins and Conduct of the Great War, New York, 1915.

PASSELECQ, F., Les Déportations Belges à la Lumière des Documents Allemands,
Paris and Nancy, 1917.

PASSELECQ, F., La Question Flamande et l'Allemagne, Paris and Nancy, 1917.
PASSELECQ, F., La Vérité sur les Déportations Belges, Paris and Nancy, 1917.
PASSELECQ, F., Le Second Livre Blanc Allemand, Paris, 1917.

PCHÉDECKI, E., Le Droit International Maritime et la Grande Guerre, Paris, 1916.
PETRE, M. D., Reflections of a Non-combatant, New York and London, 1915.
PHILLIPSON, C., International Law and the Great War, London, 1915.
PIGGOTT, F., The Neutral Merchant in Relation of the Law of Contraband of War
and Blockade under the Order in Council of March, 1915, London, 1915.
PILLET, A., La Guerre Actuelle et le Droit des Gens, Paris, 1916.

PILLET, A., Les Conventions de la Haye, Etude Juridique et Critique, Paris, 1918.
PLATER, C., A Primer of Peace and War, the Principles of International Morality,
New York and London, 1915.

POHL, H., Deutsches Seekriegsrecht, Berlin, 1915.

POTEZ, H., Villes Meurtries de France (Arras), Paris, 1919.

POWELL, A. E., Fighting in Flanders, New York, 1914.

PRATT, S. C., Military Law: its Procedure and Practice, 19th ed., London, 1915. PULLING, A. (Editor), Manual of Emergency Legislation (comprising all the acts of Parliament, proclamations, orders, etc. passed and made in consequence of the war). With 4 supplements, London, 1914-16.

PYKE, G., To Ruheleben and Back, Boston, 1916.

PYKE, H. R., The Law of Contraband of War, Oxford, 1915.

RECOULY, J., M. Jonnart en Grèce et l'Abdication de Constantin, Paris, 1918.

REDSLOB, R., Das Problem des Völkerrechts, Leipzig, 1917.

REULOS, A., Manuel des Séquestres, Paris, 1916.

ROBIDA, A., Les Villes Martyres, Paris, 1915.

ROGERS, LINDSAY, America's Case against Germany, New York, 1917.

ROHRBACH, P., Der Krieg und die deutsche Politik, Weimar, 1915.

ROLLAND, L., Les Pratiques de la Guerre Aérienne dans le Conflit de 1914 et le Droit des Gens, Paris, 1916.

ROSENTHAL, E., Deutsches Kriegsrecht, Berlin, 1915.

ROTHERY, H. C., Price Droits. (A Report of H. M. Treasury on Droits of the Crown and of Admiralty in times of war. Revised and Annotated by E. S. Roscoe.) London, 1915.

ROUSSEAU, A., Sous-Marins et Blocus, Paris, 1917.

ROXBURGH, R. F., The Prisoners of War Information Bureau in London, Preface by L. Oppenheim, London, 1915.

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