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To All the "Digests of Current Opinions" in Vol. 96

This subject-index contains a reference under its appropriate head to every digest of cur-
rent opinions which has appeared in the volume. There are no cross-references, but each digest
is indexed herein under that head for which it would most naturally occur to a searcher to look.
The first figure after heading is the page number; the figures following are the digest numbers.

Action-Crimes Act, 15-1.

Admiralty-Local Death Statutes, 269-1.
Adverse Possessions-Color of Title, 396-1.
Agriculture-Laborers' Lien, 51-1.

Ambassadors and Consuls-Immunity, 51-2.
Arrest-Resisting Officer, 305-1; Unlawful, 179-1.
Assault and Battery-Intent, 413-7.
Assignments-Negotiable Instruments, 51-3.
Attorney and Client-Authority, 323-1; Disbarment,
69-1; Fee, 15-2; 269-2; 323-2; Representations,

Automobiles-Admissions, 33-1; Agency, 33-2, 51-4,
89-1; 107-1; 215-1, 251-3, 305-2-3-6, 323-6, 341-2-3,
377-1, 396-2-3, 413-1; Allegation, 143-1; Approach-
ing Stationary Vehicle, 287-1; Borrowed, 359-3;
Brakes, 287-2; Cause of Action, 125-1, 341-1;
Chargeable Knowledge, 143-2; Contributory Neg-
ligence, 15-4, 305-5, 323-4, 396-4; Crossings, 125-2,
161-1, 179-3, 197-1, 233-1, 251-2; Damages, 51-5,
341-7; Defective Highways, 269-5; Defendants,
233-5; Degree of Care, 396-6; Demonstrations,
233-3; Evidence, 323-5; Extending from Rear
of Truck, 287-3; Incompetent Driver, 416-57;
Intoxicated Pedestrian, 233-4; Invitee, 269-3,
377-2; Liability, 125-4, 143-3, 269-4, 269-8, 413-2;
License, 33-3, 197-2, 269-11, 341-4-5-6, 396-5;
Manslaughter, 215-2; Negligence, 51-7, 125-5,
143-4, 161-2-3, 269-7, 305-4, 359-2; Ownership,
251-4; Passenger, 69-2, 305-7, 359-1, 413-4-5;
Registration, 51-8, 251-5; Right of Way, 125-6;
Road, 251-1, 269-10, 377-4-5; Signals, 15-3-5,
179-2, 233-2, 413-6; Speed, 125-3, 233-6, 269-9,
287-4, 377-3; Warrant, 215-3; Wrong Side of
Street, 269-12.

Bailment-Borrowed Automobile, 359-3; Considera-
tion, 341-8; Filing, 396-8; Ownership, 396-7.
Bankruptcy-Accounting. 306-15; Act of Bank-
ruptcy, 89-2; Appeal, 197-3; Assets, 215-7,
305-8-9, 413-11; Attorneys, 269-13, 396-9; As-
signment for Creditors, 413-8; Award, 107-2;
Bankrupts Checks, 233-7; Bona Fide Purchaser,
305-10; Bonds, 215-8; Bulk Sales Law, 287-6,
359-4; Chattel Mortgages, 89-3; Claims, 33-4,
107-3, 179-14, 180-23, 197-4, 233-8, 251-11, 287-5,
341-12-13, 413-9; Commingled Money, 161-5;
Common Law Trust, 287-7, 414-13; Composi-
tion. 179-15, 305-12; Conditional Sales, 33-5-6;
Consigned Goods, 341-9; Contempt, 359-5, 377-7;
Corporation Stock, 179-16; Discharge, 197-5,
306-19; Exemptions, 69-3, 143-6-7, 197-6; Ex-
penses, 341-10; Fraudulent Purchase. 215-9;
Homestead, 15-6. 107-4; Incriminating Evi-
dence, 323-8; Interested Party, 180-17; Juris-
diction, 69-4, 89-4, 107-5, 251-13, 377-9; Knowl-
edge of Insolvency, 180-18; Leased Premise,
107-6; Liability, 306-16; Liens, 69-5,
161-4, 305-13, 341-11; Life Insurance, 89-6;
Liquidations, 251-14; Mortgage, 143-5-8, 197-7,
306-17, 377-8; Name, 180-19; Occupation, 806-18,
359-6; Partnership. 33-7, 89-7, 197-8, 306-14,
396-10-11; Payments, 413-11; Petitions, 33-8,
233-10; Petitioner, 269-14; Pledges, 125-7,
413-10; Power of Attorney, 197-9; Preference,
15-7-8, 125-8, 161-7, 180-20-21, 377-10-11; Pre-


ferred Claims, 33-9, 89-8, 180-20-21; Priorities,
33-10, 180-22, 251-15, 287-8; Proof of Claim,
143-9; Qualified Creditors, 15-9; Receiver,
305-11; Referee, 377-6; Refund, 197-11; Repre-
sentation, 215-10; Sale, 125-9, 377-14; Schedules,
233-9; Securities, 33-11, 107-7, 323-9; State
Courts, 377-12-13; Taxes, 15-10, 251-12, 359-7;
Terms of Sale, 270-15; Title by Entirety, 33-12;
Trade Name, 69-6 161-8, 342-14; Transfer,
33-13; Trustee, 69-7, 161-6, 323-7, 342-16, 369-12,
413-12; Trust Funds. 342-15; Wife of Bankrupt,
287-9; Withdrawal of Motion, 251-16; Witnesses,

Banks and Banking-Absolute Purchaser, 414-14;
Acceptance of Check, 143-10, 306-20-21-22, 414-
16; Accounts, 306-23; Adverse Interest, 197-12;
Accounts, 306-23; Adverse Interest, 197-12;
Agency, 15-11-12, 33-14, 69-8, 89-10, 125-10,
306-24, 396-13; Assets, 414-20; Bailments, 179-4;
Bank Note, 51-9; Cashier, 33-15, 161-11; Certified
Checks, 161-9; Certifier, 233-13; Checks, 107-8,
342-17-20, 359-8, 378-16; Claims, 251-9; Commin-
gled Assets, 306-25; Contracts, 34-18, 179-5; Con-
version, 179-7; Correspondent Bank, 270-17;
Credit Union, 161-10; Damages, 215-4; Demand,
179-10; Deposits, 15-13, 107-9, 215-5. 287-11, 323-
10-11, 342-18, 378-17, 414-18; Depositors, 233-12;
Double Liability, 233-11; Directors, 342-19. 378-18;
Dividends, 251-6; Drafts, 15-14. 414-19; Duty
to Notify, 179-6; False Reports, 69-9; Fed-
eral Reserve, 396-14; Forgery, 270-16; Fraud, 125-
11; Funds, 359-13; Guaranty Fund, 270-19; Illegal
Assent, 107-10; Injunction, 15-15; Joint Ac-
count, 179-8, 323-12; Letter of Credit, 359-10,
396-15; 414-17; Liability of Indorser, 125-12;
Liens, 161-13, 198-15. 215-6; Notes. 15-16, 33-17,
251-7, 359-9, 378-19; Notice, 414-15; Officer,
33-16, 378-20; Owner of Draft, 125-13; Party to
Suit, 179-9; Partnership Accounts, 125-14; Pref-
erence, 396-16; Preferred Claims. 15-17, 197-13;
President, 161-12, 251-8; Priorities, 197-14;
Representations. 359-12; Savings Account, 125-
15, 270-18; Set Off, 179-11, 251-10; Stakeholder,
143-12; State Superintendent. 287-10; Statute,
69-10: Stockholders, 143-11, 359-11; Stocks, 179-
12, 378-15; Stopped Payment, 397-17; Superin-
tendent of Banks, 342-21; Testimony to Joint
Account, 162-30: Trust. 107-11: Trustee, 179-13,
270-20; Trust Funds, 16-18. 34-19, 143-13, 323-13;
Ultra Vires Contracts. 51-10. 378-21; Unjust
Enrichment, 34-20; Withdrawals, 342-22.

Bills and Notes-Acceleration, 233-14, 359-14; Ac-
ceptance, 233-15; Accommodation Indorser,
89-11; Bank Officials, 252-18; Checks. 360-15;
Collateral, 198-16, 234-16, 287-13; Collecting
Agent, 287-12; Comaker, 323-14; Consideration,
51-11, 69-11, 215-12, 234-17, 270-21, 396-18; De-
fault of Part Payment, 234-18; Due Date,
306-27; Evidence, 107-12; Good Faith, 360-18;
Holder, 252-19, 397-19; Indorsements, 125-16,
126-17, 180-24; 234-21, 324-17; Makers, 16-19,
360-19. 378-22, 397-21; Marginal Notations,
306-28; Mortgages, 378-23; Negotiability, 34-21,
180-25, 234-19, 414-21; Notice, 34-22, 180-26,
270-22, 342-23; Notice of Fraud, 126-18, 161-14,
360-16; Ownership. 324-15; Payee, 397-20; Pay-
able to Bearer, 161-15; Payment, 360-17; Pre-
sumed Obligation, 234-20; Protest, 89-12, 306-26;
Revenue Stamps, 144-14. 324-16-18, 342-24:
Statute. 107-13: Surety, 16-20. 89-13; Third
Party, 252-20; Time Check, 51-12; Title, 69-12,

Brokers-Commission, 252-21; Compensation, 161-16;
Deposits, 270-23; Jurisdiction, 34-23; Negli-
gence, 215-11; Principal, 16-21.
Carriers-Agency, 126-19; Bill of Lading, 89-14,
378-25; Care for Stock, 270-26; Crowded Car,
270-24; Damages, 90-15; Dead Bodies, 215-13;
Fenced Tracks, 270-25; Heated Coaches, 342-25;
Rates, 342-26, 378-27-29; Rebates, 378-28; Re-
lease of Liability, 144-15, 378-26.

Carriers of Baggage-Baggage, 108-14.

Carrier of Freight-Claims, 108-15; Damages, 34-25.
Carrier of Goods-Agency, 16-22, 144-16; Bill of
Lading, 126-20; Claims, 288-15. 360-21; Damages,
198-17; Delays, 307-29, 324-19; Delivery, 34-24,
126-21, 360-20; Household Goods, 288-14; Lia-
bility, 69-13; Penalties, 180-27; Shipper Must
Sue, 307-30; Striking Employees, 234-22; Title,
108-16, 324-20.

Carrier of Passengers-Accounts,

198-18; Bus
Driver, 198-19; Care, 198-23, 378-30, 414-23;
Cause of Action, 144-17; Charter, 414-22; Con-
necting Lines, 198-20; Fare, 215-14, 397-23; In-
jury, 307-31; Jurisdiction, 126-23; Liability,
144-18; Mileage, 360-22; Negligence, 144-19,
198-21, 215-15, 324-21; Parties, 126-25; Passen-
ger, 108-17, 126-24. 397-22-24; Permit, 288-16;
Recovery, 198-22; Right of Way, 126-22; Sleep-
ing Passenger, 180-28 Signals, 360-23.

Charities-Aged Poor, 324-22; Trustee, 270-27.
Chattel Mortgages-Actual Knowledge, 270-28;
Cancelled Debt. 108-18; Conditional Sales,
162-17; Conversion, 51-13; Foreclosure, 69-14;
Priorities, 34-26, 307-32; Registration. 16-23;
Sales, 16-24.

Civil Rights-Restaurants, 198-24.

Colleges and Universities-Compensation, 360-24.
Commerce-Agency, 360-27; Coal Cars, 70-15; De-
murrage, 414-24; Duty, 342-28; Employee,
108-19, 234-26, 414-27-28; Federal Trades, 70-16;
Final Order, 342-27; Fuel Administration,
414-25; Garnishment and Attachment, 180-29;
Inspection, 252-22, 270-30; Interstate, 34-27,
126-26-27, 144-20-21-22, 162-18-19, 180-30.
288-17-18, 397-25; Interrupted Journey, 342-29;
Intrastate, 126-28; License, 198-25; Limiting
Liability, 234-34; Market Manipulations, 271-31;
Mining, 360-25; Newspapers. 360-26; Rates,
51-14, 198-26. 234-23, 379-31; Shuttle Train,
270-29; Statute, 34-28; Steamship Agents,
51-15; Stolen Automobile, 198-27; Stopping
Train, 271-32; Switching Crews, 216-16; Taxa-
tion. 126-29. 144-23. 216-17, 307-33. 397-26;
Tickets, 234-25, 414-26; Trade Mark, 216-18;
Transportation of Persons, 252-23.

Confiscation-Coal, 108-31-32; Ownership of Coal,

Constitutional Law-Acts of Congress, 397-27;
Amendments, 70-17: Appointments, 252-25;
Bonds, 414-29; Boundary Lines, 34-30; Carriers,
70-18; Classification, 288-21; Contracts, 180-32;
Conveyance of Property, 307-34; Criticism,
126-31; Decision. 198-28; Discriminating Ordi-
nance, 216-19; Due Process, 198-29; Employee,
415-31; Estoppel, 126-32; Federal Power Com-
mission, 34-29; Hail Insurance, 234-29; Insur-
ance Tax, 108-20. 234-27; Intoxicating Liquor,
108-21; Jitney, 360-28; Judgments, 16-25; Jur-
isdiction, 16-26; Legal Relations, 252-26; Legis-
lative Power, 288-19; Licenses, 90-16-17, 162-20;
Liens, 234-28; Making a Case, 271-34; Permits,
397-28; Police Power, 90-18; Power, 342-31;
Property Rights, 198-30; 252-24, 414-30, 415-32;
Public Policy, 288-20; Public Utilities, 16-27;
Railroad Commission, 216-20; Schools. 342-30;
Soldiers Preference, 288-22; Special Privilege,
16-28; Supreme Court, 343-32; Surety, 70-19;
Teachers' Retirement, 324-23; Telephones,
234-30; Trustee, 108-22; Vagrant. 288-23; Void
Statute. 343-33; Wages, 126-30; Working Hours,
271-33, 379-34.

Conspiracy-Labor Unions, 180-31; Representations,

Contempt-Inherent Right, 70-20.

Contracts - - Acceptance, 343-34; Consideration.
288-24; Fiduciaries, 90-19; Fraud, 34-31, 379-32;
Illegal, 34-32; Intention, 52-17; Jurisdiction,
415-33; Labor, 180-33; Mutuality, 52-18; Option,
90-20; Rescission, 397-29; Subsequent Agree
ment, 379-33; Surety, 252-27; Time Limit,
216-21; Unilateral, 126-33.

Conversion-Election, 16-29.

Corporations-Acceptance, 162-21; Agents. 70-24,
144-24, 234-32, 307-37, 360-29; Attachments,
216-22; Books, 70-26, 180-34; By-Laws, 70-21;
Charter, 162-25, 181-36; Constituent Company,
324-24; Consolidated, 324-25; Contracts, 234-31.
360-30; De Facto, 307-35; Directors, 34-33,
144-25, 162-22. 181-37, 379-36; Dividends, 198-31;
Electors, 16-31; Equity, 198-32; Estoppel, 70-22;
216-23; Expenditures, 181-38; Filing, 379-37; For-
eign, 52-20, 144-26; Fraud, 70-23, 108-25-26, 181-
39: Incorporations, 234-34; Increased Capital,
343-38; Interstate Commerce, 181-40; Jurisdic-
tion, 216-24, 252-31, 271-36, 343-35, 397-30; Knowl-
edge Implied, 90-21; Lease, 307-36; Liable, 379-
35; Liability, 126-34, 415-34; License, 343-36; Lo-
cation of Transaction, 216-25; Mortgage, 70-25,
271-35; 379-38; Notice. 16-32, 52-19. 108-23;
Officers, 16-30, 343-37; Place of Business,
162-23-24. 234-33; Property, 252-29: Proxy,
16-33; Public Utility, 415-35; Purpose, 216-27;
Qualified to Sue. 108-24. 379-39; Receivers,
144-27, 180-35; Reorganized Companies. 252-30;
16-34; Right
to Rescind,
90-22; Seal, 288-25; Service, 17-35. 70-27, 126-35,
198-33, 216-28, 343-39, 415-37; Slander. 288-26;
Stock, 216-26, 252-28-32, 307-38, 324-26, 397-31,

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