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Explosives-Abandoning Danger, 235-41; Dealers,
324-32; Gasoline, 199-36; Manufacturer, 325-33-
34; Oil Wells, 398 35; Packages, 109-33; Petro-
leum, 109-34; Sale to Minors, 271-39; Storage,

False Imprisonment-Action Against Corporation,
325-35; Cause of Action, 144-31; Justification,

Fish-Polluting Water, 398-36.

Fixtures-Appliances, 253-35; Leases. 235-42; Ma-
chinery, 379-44; Mortgage, 181-44; Personal
Property, 35-40; Trade Fixtures, 253-34.

Fraud-Attorney Fee. 307-40; By Representation,
162-31; Inducement, 271-40.

Frauds, Statutes of-Acceptance, 17-42: Contract,
35-41, 52-23. 90-32; Novation, 71-32; Original
Contract 379-46; Parole Agreement, 288-28,
415-43; Parole Evidence. 90-33; Performance,
181-45; Removal, 52-24; Stocks, 379-45; Time,
35-42; Writing, 181-46.

Fraudulent Conveyances-Bulk Sales Laws, 71-33;
Corporations, 17-43; Intention, 162-32.

Game-Possession, 271-41.

Garage Keepers-See Livery Stables and Garage


Garnishment-Service, 35-43.

Good Will-Assigned, 343-44; Value, 380-47.

Guaranty-Situs of Contract, 144-32.

Health-Police Power, 35-44, 307-41.

Highways-Liability of District, 127-39; Negligence,
162-33, 288-29; Pedestrian, 162-34; Public Walks,
343-45; Tractors,
127-40; Taxpayers' Rights,

Homicide-Indictment of Motorist, 35-45.
Husband and Wife-Evidence, 17-44; Wills, 52-25.
Indictment and Information-Manufacturer, 109-35.

Injunction-Employee, 380-48.

Innkeepers-Causation, 17-45; Check Room, 162-35;
Guest, 415-44; Place of Entertainment, 380-49.
Insurance-Accident, 90-34, 216-31, 343-46. 398-39;

Account Books, 162-36; Adjusters, 253-36, 415-
45; Agency, 127-42, 199-38, 288-30; Amount Re-
coverable, 181-47; Application, 90-35, 127-41,
253-45, 361-33; Attorney's Fees, 35-46; Attach-
ment of Risk, 145-33; Authority, 181-48; Award,
343-47; Beneficiary, 253-38, 361-31; Breach,
253-41; Buildings, 288-32; Burglary, 127-43, 271-
45, 325-38. 344-48. 361-36, 398-38; Cancellations,
109-36, 235-43; Certificate Guaranteeing Title,
325-37; Child Labor, 361-32; Claims, 289-34. 307-
44, 380-57; Conditional Sales, 271-42; Conditions,
71-34, 145-35, 235-47; Contracts, 35-47, 398-37;
Covenants, 17-46; Cyclone, 398-41; Date of Acci-
dent, 216-32; Death by Accident, 253-39; De-
fendants Joined, 380-50; Delays, 127-48; De-
livery of Policy, 271-43; Direct Liability. 199-
39; Disability, 35-48; Discrimination. 380-51;
Double Indemnity. 145-36; Employees, 17-47;
.Employment 163-37; Exemptions, 71-35, 199-40;
Exposures, 398-46; Family Physician, 216-33;
Forcible Entry, 325-38; Fraud, 216-34;
91-36; Hail Insurance. 272-46; Illegal Acts,
253-44; Infirmity and Deformity, 235-45; Insur-
able Interests, 51-6, 71-36, 109-37, 145-37, 235-46;
Insured's Rights, 253-40, 288-31; Insurer, 109-38;
Insurer's Agent. 17-48; Insurer's Letters, 272-
48; Insurer Liable, 145-38-39; Intentional In-
jury, 253-42, 325-36; Knowledge of Agent, 127-
44; Knowledge of Insurer, 127-45; Liability of
Insurer, 127-46; License. 380-52; Lumber. 307-45;
Marine. 90-37; Mortgages, 361-34, 398-40; Mis-
representation of Previous Sickness. 325-39;
Mutuality. 35-49; Notice, 35-51. 272-49; Payments,


17-49; Permanent Disability, 398-42; Place for
Passenger, 163-38; Policy Construed, 271-44,
325-36; Post Facto Law, 90-38; Premiums, 127-
47, 307-43, 380-55; Premium Retained, 289-33,
415-46; Profit Insurance, 272-47; Proof of Loss,
235-44, 361-35, 398-43; Public Policy, 145-34,
307-42, 398-44; Representations, 163-39, 199-41-
42. 235-48, 253-43. 398-45; Restrictions, 217-35;
Rider, 181-49; Risk. 380-54; Service. 199-43;
Standard Forms. 253-37; Stipulations, 361-36;
Subrogation, 380-56; Suicide, 91-39.
Time of Suit, 181-50; Title to Property. 235-49,
325-37; Transfer of Policy. 217-36; Transport-
ing Passenger, 217-37; Unoccupied Building,
109-39, 308-47: Value, 145-40: Vested Rights,
380-58; Waiver, 17-50-51, 35-50, 415-47; War-
ranties, 199-44, 216-38.

Internal Revenue-Income Tax, 217-39; Manufac-
turer, 217-40.

Interpleader-Disputed Funds, 145-41.

Intoxicating Liquors-Contempt Proceedings, 91-
40; Forfeiture of Vehicle, 109-40: Indictment,
17-52, 35-52-53: Intent. 217-41: Larceny, 380-59;
Mortgage, 71-37; Penalties, 181-52; Possession.
35-54-55-56, 127-49: Search Warrants, 18-54;
109-41, 199-45. 253-46: Ships, 18-53, 181-51;
State Statutes, 90-41; Testimony, 109-42;
Transportation, 90-42, 109-43.

Joint Stock Companies-Adoption. 217-42; Mana-
gers. 415-48; Title, 163-40; Trustees, 71-38,

Landlord and Tenant-Dwelling,

217-43; Holding

Over. 71-39; Landlord, 36-57; Lease, 52-26-27,
109-44, 163-41 182-53; Manure 308-48: Posses-
sion, 91-44; Rent, 18-55, 36-58, 91-45; Signs,
235-50; Tenant, 199-46.

Larceny-Intoxicating Liquor, 380-59.


Libel and Slander-Cause of Action, 71-40, 308-49;
Privilege, 127-50. 415-49; Words per se, 361-37.
Associations, 145-
42; Automobiles. 253-48. 272-50; Blue Sky Law,
235-52, 236-53, 289-36; Fee, 380-60; Jurisdiction,
289-37; Slot Machines, 308-50; Steamship
Agents. 398-47: Taxi, 253-47; Trades, 235-51;
Undertakers, 289-38.

Liens-See Livery Stables and Garage Keepers;
Filing, 396-8.

Livery Stables and Garage Keepers-Conversion,
91-46, 217-44; Driver's Agency, 413-3: Excessive
Charge, 341-8; Gross Negligence, 109-45: Lien,
91-47; Limiting Liability, 216-30; Obligation,
199-47, 398-48; Ownership, 396-7; Theft, 341-7.
Marriage-Fraud, 52-28; Minor, 199-48.




Master and Servant-Admiralty Jurisdiction, 71-
42; Agency, 145-43-46, 199-49, 344-51,
Assumption Risk, 182-54-58, 344-49,
Claims, 182-59 253-50; Compensation.
Employees. 163-42, 182-55-57; Employer, 344-
50; Employers' Liability Acts, 91-49, 127-52, 416-
54: Independent Risk. 71-41. 127-51, 145-44-45,
163-43, 325-40 398-49. 416-53; Intent, 217-45;
Invitee, 253-49; Minors, 109-46, 182-56; Negli-
gence, 18-56; Ratification, 52-29, 217-46; Res
Ipsa Loquitor, 128-53.

Mechanics Lien-Filing, 128-54; Oil Well, 361-38.
Mines and Minerals-Contracts, 36-59; 71-43; Dam-
ages. 18-58; Exemptions, 18-57; Forfeiture, 71-
44; Laches, 91-50; Lessee, 36-69. 72-45, 398-50.
Monopolies-Carriers, 72-46; Interstate Commerce,
109-47; Publishers, 128-55.

Municipal Corporations-Agency, 199-50.


398-51; Assessments, 72-47. 272-53; Bridges, 236-
54; Contracts, 36-61, 182-60; Funds, 91-51, 254-
51; 344-52; License, 163-47, 380-61; Notice, 361-
41; Nuisance, 199-51; 344-53; Ordinance, 110-52,
217-48, 218-50; Personal Injury, 72-48-50, 91-53,
128-56, 146-48, 163-44, 254-52, 308-52, 361-43-44;
Public Square, 272-52; Restrictions, 110-50;
Sprinklers, 109-48, 163-48; Traffic, 18-59-61-62,
52-30. 72-49-52, 91-52-54: 109-49; 146-47-49;
163-46, 199-52. 217-49, 272-51, 289-39, 308-51-53,
325-41-42, 361-39-40-42-45, 398-52; Water, 18-60,

[blocks in formation]

Railroads-Care, 36-65; Casual Connection, 146-50;
Contributory Negligence, 199-53, 182-62; Dedi-
cated Street, 128-58; Engine, Application of
Ordinance, 110-57; Flagman, 72-55; Independent
Act of Employee, 146-51; Interstate Commerce,
236-58; License, 52-32; Limitations, 272-56; Ob-
structions, 325-46; Refrigerator Car Companies,
344-59; Servants, 182-61; Service, 91-56, 325-47;
Signals, 72-56, 325-45, 416-59; Speed, 163-53;
Trespasser, 128-59; "Train." 110-56;
Commission Order, 272-55.

Receivers-Procedure, 36-66.


Release-Fraud, 72-57; When Binding, 199-54.
Religious Societies-Title, 72-58.

Removal of Cause-Jurisdiction, 92-57.
Sales-Act of God, 254-57; Acceptance, 110-58; 182-
63. 199-55. 218-52, 361-48; Automobiles, 254-61;
Compensation, 110-59, 164-54, 344-61; Condi-
tional, 128-60, 218-53; Contract. 18-65, 72-59,
200-57, 326-48; Delivery, 36-67, 52-53, 92-58, 110-
60, 128-61, 416-60; Freight, 254-58; Goods to be
Made, 362-50; Illegal, 182-64; Liens, 254-59;
Manufacturer's Liability, 308-57; Notice, 206-
56, 289-40; Quantity, 254-56, 344-62, 416-62; Re-
scinded, 289-41, 344-60; Recovery, 254-60; Repre-
sentations, 164-55, 200-58, 236-59, 362-49, 416-61;
Severable Contracts. 36-69; Taxes, 72-60; Title.
52-34; Warranties, 36-68-70, 52-35, 92-59, 128-62,
146-52, 164-56, 182-65, 254-62.

Search and Seizure-Affidavit, 182-66: Constitu-
tional Rights, 53-36; Evidence, 110-61, 146-53;
Forgeries, 218-54; Illegal, 289-42; Limited, 289-
43: Return Property, 146-54; Sheriff, 18-66;
Warrants, 53-37-38.

Sheriff and Constable-Trespassers, 53-39.

Specific Performance-Contract, 128-63.

States-Public Purpose, 254-63.

Statutes-Liquor, 272-57.

Street Railroads-Automobile Stops, 308-58; Cross-
ings, 272-58; Instructions, 128-64; Negligence,
146-55; Right of Way, 200-59, 308-59; Speed,

Taxation-Churches, 72-61; City Land, 53-40; Con-
version, 254-64; Corporate Franchise, 92-63;
Death, 218-57; Double. 164-58; Eleemosynary,
164-59-60, 290-46; Equality, 218-58; Exemptions,
18-67-68, 254-65; Family Unit, 164-61; Farming

Utensils, 344-63; Highways, 308-60; Hospitals,
272-59; Indian Land, 92-60; Inheritance, 218-56,
289-45; Machinery, 218-59; Merchant, 92-61;
Mortgage Revenue, 326-49; National Banks,
272-60; National Bank Stocks, 146-56, 218-55;
Pensions, 92-62; Pipe Lines, 254-66; Remedy,
218-60; Residence, 344-64; Succession, 164-57;
Title, 289-44; Valuation, 53-41, 110-62.

Telegraphs and Telephones-Damages, 53-42;
Rates, 18-69, 362-52; Right of Way, 146-58.
Theaters and Shows-Negligence, 146-59.
Treaties-Personal Property, 53-43.

Trusts-See Joint-Stock Companies; Conveyances,
362-53; Delay, 416-63; Fraud, 110-63; Innocent
Purchaser, 36-71; Testator, 53-44.

[blocks in formation]

Water and Water Courses-Abandonment. 146-61;
Absque Injuria, 182-67; Appurtenant to Land,
236-60; Franchise, 53-45; Nuisance, 182-68;
Private Enterprise, 18-70; Rates, 53-46; Ripa-
rian Rights, 53-47, 110-64; Waste, 164-63.
Wills-Administrators, 362-54; Certificates, 53-48;
Construed, 128-66; Election, 92-65; Evidence,
52-49; Gifts to Class, 254-67; Intention, 53-50,
92-66, 236-61; Mental Capacity, 362-55; Perpe-
tuities, 53-51; Quality of Paper, 128-68; Re-
minder, 128-69, 164-64; Rent, 290-47; Title, 53-
52; Trust Estate, 128-67; Undue Influence 110-
65; Vested Rights, 362-56.

Witnesses-Corporation Officers,
326-52; Custom
Laws, 362-59; Life Insurance, 218-63; Privi-
lege, 362-57-58; Time Book, 290-48.
Workmen's Compensation Acts-Accident. 236-63,
290-50; Agriculture, 92-71; Aliens, 92-67; Arising
Out of, 362-63; Assault, 326-53, 164-66, 326-54;
Award, 53-54, 416-64; Before Working Hours,
290-53; Casual Employment, 326-61; Course of
Employment, 236-64, 290-54, 362-61; Death and
Probable Consequences, 362-62; Defenses, 164-67;
Demolishing Building, 164-68; Dependency of
Adopted Child, 362-60; Dependency of
Parents, 54-60; Dependency of Child-Parents
Divorced, 326-58; Dependency of Grandchild,
54-59; Dependency of Parent, 164-69; Depend-
ency of Wife, 290-49; Disfigurement, 290-55;
Domestic Employment. 54-56; Election, 54-61,
164-67; "Employee," 54-62, 92-73, 200-61-63-69,
326-60; "Employer," 54-62-63; Evidence, 110-67;
Extra Hazardous Business,



Home, 326-54; Going to Work, 200-68; Hernia,
92-70; Heart Disease, 290-51, 308-61; Holdup,
416-65; Independent Contractor, 92-68, 200-63-
69; 290-56-59; "Injury," 53-64, 200-62; Injury
After Resignation, 54-71; Injury on Street Car
54-69; Leaving

164-72; "Lawful Requirement,'

Work, 54-55, 236-56; Lighting Cigar, 326-57;
Loss of Eye, 146-63, 200-67; Loss of Hand, 54-

58; Loss of Hearing, 146-62; Loss of Leg,


Knee, 362-65; Minors, 200-64-65; Noon Hour
Injury, 290-54. 326-55; Notice, 236-66; Parties
to Action, 110-66; "Pecuniary Gain," 164-70;
Permanent Total Disability, 236-67; Personal
Errand, 236-65, 290-52; "Plant." 290-57; Pneu-
362-64; Refusal to Submit to
326-59; Robbery,
416-65; Rule. Posting Notice of, 54-66; Sun-
stroke, 54-65; Superintendent
200-61; Total Disability,

monia, 236-62,

Operation, 54-68; Release,

of Highways,
200-66-67, 236-67;

Transported by Employer, 54-67, 326-56; Ty-
phoid Fever, 290-50; Ulcer, 92-69; Using Own
Automobile, 290-58; Violating Rule, 54-57: Vol-
unteer, 326-60; Waiver. 164-71; Watering Horse
on Day of No Employment, 92-72; Within Act,


International Law List

A list composed of subscribers to the CENTRAL LAW JOURNAL in good standing, and recommended by us to subscribers for use in the interchange of legal business. We advise that terms and fees for service be arranged by correspondence, as bar association rules in different localities make it impossible to publish a uniform scale of fees. Kindly mention the CENTRAL LAW JOURNAL when corresponding with attorneys whose names appear in this list.

[blocks in formation]


John T. York.


Carl H. Abbott.
Chas. A. Beardsley.
Harmon Bell.

Jesse J. Dunn.

R. M. Fitzgerald.
Eugene E. Trefethen.


J. M. Kerr.

C. L. Johnson.


C. S. Hannum.


C. W. Benshoof.
Adair & Winder.
J. B. Gibson.

J. W. S. Butler.
H. W. Funke.
Devlin & Devlin.


John W. Mott.
F. W. Stearns.

F. P. Deering,
Edward C. Harrison.
Lent & Humphrey.
P. H. Johnson.
Augustin C. Keane.
John H. McDaniels.
G. W. McEnerney.
C. H. Oatman.
W. H. Orrick.
F. W. Sawyer.
Grant H. Smith.
Leo H. Susman.
Paul C. Thorne.
Owen M. Van Duyn.

Benson Wright.


Horatio J. Forgy.

T. R. Finley.


Louis J. Schino. UKIAH.

Keith C. Eversole.


J. H.. Laugenour.



Ralph L. Carr.

Norman M. Campbell.
James A. Orr.

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