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Recognizing that we are now truly living in an interdependent world, we feel that the negative votes cast by our Government, concerning issues related to the new economic order, were votes cast in haste and not in contemplation of the long-range interests of the people of the United States or of the world at large. We feel that the United States Government would much rather be placed in a position where there is knowledge and understanding on its part of the fact that the Third World definitely exists and that new relationships will develop. As a nation it is not in our best interest to be singled out by other nations as a reactionary country supporting only the status-quo when there is opportunity to make allowance for the aspirations of the underprivileged majority of humanity.

In this respect, it was the United States unwillingness to recognize the repeated demands of the majority of the United Nations membership, during the last session of the General Assembly (29th), calling for an ending of the old economic order, which led to the passage of many United Nations Resolutions which could be interpreted as "anti-U.S.". In reality, these Resolutions were calling for a new and more equitable economic order on which to begin to build a more stable global partnership.

We commend the United States initiative, during the 25th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (1974), in calling for the convening of an international conference in 1975 to celebrate International Women's Year. The United States has much to contribute to this Conference and we urge our Delegation to assume a leadership role, focusing its energies on issues pertinent to the Conference's subject matter.

We, as American Baptists, still believe and affirm that the United Nations represents, to date, the best international organization through which nations can work for a lessening of world tensions and a strengthening of mutual understanding and cooperation for world peace with justice.


Consent of the governed, yes. Rightly a fundamental principle in human relations. Why, then, do we keep it confined within the boundaries of nations? Hunger, security, population, pollution, freedom of the seas and canals, equitable access to goods and natural resources: these urgent problems are global, but is the machinery for solving them global?

Unfortunately, in spite of my best organized and personal efforts as an accredited observer to the funding conference of the United Nations in 1945, the United Nations is an association of sovereign States. This is anarchy, not a practical way to peace.

What is most flagrantly missing in the United Nations is the two-way street familiar in the U.S.A. and other federations leading through elected representatives, to a legislative body capable of resolving problems of general concern because powers to deal with them have been delegated to it. In the other direction, the governing body can enforce its laws directly on individual citizens without the interference of member states.

The building of such a two-way street, from the people to the world organization, and from the world organization to the people directly is the challenge presently before humanity. To accomplish this the United Nations needs:

1. Powers granted to it to deal with world-wide problems, provided.

2. Popular control is maintained through a fair system of elected representatives to one or more legislative branches.

3. Independent enforcement agencies (the smaller the unit needing coercion—that is, the individual citizen, the easier and more peaceful and civilian the enforcement).

4. Independent sources of revenue.

Someone will surely raise the cry; what about national sovereignty? That is a bugaboo standing in the way of a peaceful world order. Where does sovereignty reside? According to the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, "The powers not delegated to the U.S. by the Constitution, nor prohibited to it by the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." The people have every right to re-allocate their reserved powers the better to serve their needs, the purpose of government.

The granting of such powers and responsibilities to the United Nations would be a reallocation of sovereignty. This would restrain nations, but wouldn't that be a blessing? It would not diminish the rights of individuals. Quite the contrary. Popular sovereignty would be augmented because the individual gains a say in what happens to him/her, and within this area of citizenship, gains security from wars and threats of wars. How does the individual benefit from the retention of a national sovereignty which denies citizens any franchise in world affairs and leaves these decisions in the hands of a nation's executive, and the use of military force virtually unrestrained? What kind of protection is this?

Food, peace and security, with justice in close company, these are the primary needs of people all over the world. The kind of political machinery to secure these needs has succeeded in this country for almost two hundred years. Who can say it is impossible to create such machinery at the world level? We have put men on the moon! Of course, it is possible.

Let us proceed now to create the world political machinery necessary to guarantee in all human beings everywhere the unalienable Rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness! That is the goal worthy of our great heritage.

Respectfully submitted by,

GEORGIA LLOYD, Executive Secretary.

Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.

Alabaster, Ala., May 14, 1975.

DEAR SENATOR SPARKMAN: Enclosed is an article from today's front page of The B'ham News entitled, "Sparkman leading deep probe of U.N.," which I have read and which probe I hope you will pursue with vigor.

Also enclosed is a letter that I sent to you 10 years ago urging you to, among other things, get us out of the UN and the UN out of the U.S. I apologize for the two garbled lines, they were garbled on 4-15-1965, and at that time I had no idea that I would ever be remailing that letter. I am not sending copies of that letter to Senator Allen and all Alabama U.S. Representatives because I have sent them similar letters over the past 10 years. I here ask all of these gentlemen to help you and support that probe into the U.N.

I believe that the testimony of former U.N. Ambassadors such as Mr. Lodge and Mr. Goldberg is biased—their job was to promote the U.N. and they still are. They have a vested interest in the error of our participating in the U.N. and neither has the courage to say I made a mistake. Reform won't work-the structure was built on sand-the U.N. was conceived, created and is now OBVIOUSLY controlled by the communists.

Enclosed is Mr. Brooks cartoon of 11-4-74 Re: U.N.-and we've had worse abuses by that so called, "peace," organization. The communist nations of the U.N. are saying nothing about the sickening blood baths and atrocities that are going on in Vietnam and Cambodia. Our President probably hasn't even told Congress about them, Senator Sparkman, but they ARE going on! (See Scott Report of 4-23-75.)

I request that this letter be submitted to the probe on my behalf as I cannot afford to go to Washington to testify, but if your committee wants irrefutable evidence that we need to be Out of the U.N., Mr. Reid Benson of The John Birch Society in Washington can probably convince you all of this need and in short order. Having Mr. Lodge and Mr. Goldberg give evidence on the effectiveness of the U.N. is like asking the crows to guard the cornfield or the fox to guard the chickenhouse.

Congratulations to President Ford (5-15-75) on getting our ship and crew back. That action and the freedom to own gold and the rescue of some of the South Vietnamese civilians and soldiers are the only significant 3 actions of President Ford that I approve of. Today I am very proud of President Ford-hope he will continue to just do what is right and expletive deleted with what the rest of the world thinks of U.S.

Sincerely yours,

[Enclosures are on file with the committee.]




Chairman, Senate Foreign Relations Committee,

U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C.

WASHINGTON, D.C., May 8, 1975.

The 1975 National Council of the League of Women Voters of the U.S., composed of delegates from all 50 States, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia, wishes to commend the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for holding hearings on the United Nations at this crucial point in the UN's history. We deplore recent UN General Assembly and UNESCO General Conference actions which violates the spirit of the UN charter. We do not feel, however, that withdrawal of U.S. participations from these organizations is an appropriate response. We strongly urge that the U.S. provide firm constructive leadership to support UN policies and programs which promote the spirit of the charter.

President, League of Women Voters of the United States.





May 24, 1975.

Chairman, U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee,
Washington, D.C.

DEAR SENATOR SPARKMAN: It's a pleasure to send you this copy of a Resolution unanimously adopted by the Annual Assembly of Iowa members of the United Nations Association.

It is a further, personal gratification to have followed during the past few days, testimony before your Committee's hearing on the United Nations. It was a most useful congressional activity.



Executive Director.

Whereas, the Iowa Division, United Nations Association of U.S.A., Inc., is seeking creativity to develop programs designed to strengthen citizen support for and understanding of the United Nations, and

Whereas, we believe it incumbent upon us to emphasize educational programs for this purpose among youth and adults through out the state and,

Whereas, recent U.N. World Conferences on Population, Laws of the Seas, and World Food Problems demonstrate the validity of a global approach to global problems, and

Whereas, we count it a privilege to commend Congressional committee Chairmen and members who are committed to the more active utilization of the U.N. as a means of facilitating international cooperation, therefore be it

Resolved, That the Iowa Division, U.N.A., meeting in Annual Assembly on May 10, 1975, in Iowa City, commend you for your recent call for a "Strengthened and rejuvenated United Nations" since our "village world" is sorely in need of "international institutions for the solution of global problems."


The immediate goal of CNIEO is to stimulate the Congress and to assure that the Administration begins an active and constructive role in NIEO discussionsbeginning this September 1, 1975 at the United Nations, special session on a New International Economic Order (NIEO). No area of policy discussions is more critical than a NIEO-the issues are War or Peace.

The paths to Global Peace and cooperation must be embraced with the mobility and excitement with which men have marched to war.

Congress is asked to submit letters and/or legislation to the President urging full U.S. participation in NIEO discussions.




"There can be no peaceful international order without a constructive relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union-the two nations with the power to destroy mankind . . . yet the interdependence that earlier fostered our prosperity and now threatens our decline can usher in a new period of progress if we perceive our common interest and act boldly to serve it. It requires a new level of political wisdom, a new standard of responsibility, and a new vigor of diplomacy." (Kissinger, 1/24/75)

"The world has become interdependent in economics, in communications, in human aspirations. No one nation, no one part of the world, can prosper or be secure in isolation. " "The world stands uneasily poised between unprecedented chaos and the opportunity for unparalleled creativity. The next few years will determine whether interdependence will foster common progress or common disaster. Our generation has the opportunity to shape a new cooperative international system; if we fail to act with Vision we will condemn ourselves to mounting domestic and international crises." (Kissinger, 1/24/75)

"You cannot have a peaceful world without most of the countries and preferably all of the countries feeling that they have a share in it." (Kissinger, 1/16/75)

"The achievement of peace requires a vision of peace." (Kissinger, 5/12/75) The philosophies herein reflect:

1. The Kelso, Adler, Hetter thinking of: The Capitalist Manifesto, The New Capitalists, Two Factor Theory-The Economics of Reality:

2. The critical realities outlined by the Club of Rome, Meadows report "Limits to Growth;"

3. The "more with less" Bucky Fuller perceptions of our new technologies; and

4. The experience of the founder of CNIEO in the systems, management and economic sciences-from technical and economic feasibility studies of industry-wide automation and organizational designs; urban and international development projects.

The essence of Kelso or Universal Capitalism is ownership by all instead of by the few or by the state.

The CNIEO has been formed in dedication to the following principles; namely, that:

1. Only free and equal discussion will bring liberty from conflict; and
2. Only acceptance of common goals will bring cooperation.

This is an attempt to define those goals, and the principal economic tools required to achieve them.

The purpose of the CNIEO is to promote a full discussion of a NIEO in America, in the Congress, at the UN; and to bring forth cooperation and unity by the establishment of a NIEO among nations and peoples in pursuit of common global goals.

The ideologies expressed by CNIEO should in no way distract from the principal goals of bringing capitalist and Communist nations, and all of divided societies together. Many of the ideas expressed by CNIEO, although capitalistderived are offered to stimulate dialogue and need not reflect the thinking of members and advocates who are joined together by common agreements to the above principles, purposes and goals. Hopefully, the ideas expressed will focus the best that capitalism, Marxism and democracy have to offer in order to equal and exceed the accomplishments of socialism and Marxism.

The economic philosophy herein described involves the use of strong personal incentives in addition to necessary socialist tools, in order to improve the general welfare and environment.


A NIEO means global cooperation to achieve Global goals. Global goals may be expressed as-SURVIVAL-from the threats of conflict, overpopulation, overconsumption and inflation.

Global goals include:

1. A single Global Cooperative Economy and an end to conflict.

2. Cooperation between the U.S., Russia and China-moving detente closer to disarmament-by building interdependent trade, mutual trust and by cooperative development of the globe.

3. An end to conflict-an end to the Anti-Communism and Anti-Capitalism of the Cold War period. Cooperative development of Third World nations and the transfer of resources and economic development sufficient to overtake the threats of overpopulation; an end to confrontations over the price of oil or bauxite or other raw materials and commodities.

4. The harnessing of maximum economic expansion-to respond to overpopulation; to allow for the reconstruction of cities, to survive the threats of overconsumption, and to alleviate inflation.

5. The establishment of standards for both democratic government, and for economic development and justice.

The transfer of resources and the building of a conserving economy in the Third World can not occur without immediate planning and reconstruction of the U.S. economy in order to end wasteful consumption which exacerbates internal and external conflict.


Financial and monetary policies must provide the tools necessary to harness the full productive expansiveness of the economy. See Chapter II of TWO FACTORY THEORY, Kelso and Hetter.

Savings as a determinant for economic expansion is a social system as opposed to an economic necessity; see "Economic Expansion."

SDR's can be allocated by priority and in exact accord with expansion capacity estimated to be 30% to 50% per year, or $750 billion to $1,450 billionwhich is a vast capacity when compared to current 3% to 6%/year economic growth.

The amount of savings in the system is totally inadequate for the modest or low expansion rate currently projected for the needs of the U.S. economy-let alone to serve the vast needs of the Global Economy.

Use of the SDR's will include into the economy, the vast majority of societythe poor-who have vast needs, no savings, and who are trainable. Financing expansion with pure credit or SDR's together with a discipline ensuring the creation of productive enterprise-the earnings of which can be used to repay the loans.

SDR's for the expansion of investments can be made available at an interest rate of 3% per year.


The physical capacity for economic expansion can be measured by: idle plant capacity; vast unemployment; underemployment; nonproductive employment (about 40% for the economy as a whole); the conservation inherent in new technologies; and wasteful consumption. These factors all relate to capacity capable of use to achieve global goals-30% to 50% growth in the GWP/year appears to be the necessity and capacity for building a new Global economy. Expansion must be maximum in order to allow for simultaneous:

(a) Transfer of resources for the Third World;

(b) Reconstruction of cities in order to conserve resources and provide alternative life styles in an inflated economy.


MNC's offer a means of separating economic power from political power. MNC's can more easily establish a global interdependent healthy economy than 138 governments, all of whom have nationalized their industries and who would have varying degrees of dedication to the achievement of global goals.

MNC's must be encouraged to monopolize and totally control markets. Higher and lower prices can be used as disincentives and incentives to reduce consumption of critical resources and to increase consumption of abundant substitute materials. See the energy plan below.

MNC's have the maximum flexibility in exploiting labor resources and technology. Of course, fair labor standards and capital ownership standards must be applied. The only thing wrong with the MNC's or with capitalism itself—is

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