23,534,163 12,936,487 557,542 4.13 26,199,247 14,667,698 613,786 4.01 26,977,675 15,845,522 615,622 3.73 11,170,396 16,363,551 565,235 3.33 11,565,354 7,257,507 498,131 6.42 16,561,712 8,583,309 437,209 4.84 10,427,412 13,313,223 441,129 3.20 0.46 8,150,421 1,140,369 0 47.5 9,709,550 1,208,735 0.44 9,995,64: 1,268,548 0.99 3,443,269 1,242,595 0.88 8 4,148,957 1,350,281 0.51 3,688,435 1,424,783 0.82.6 2,355,326 1,232,502 0.62 1,782,591 1,269,997 1.88 986,309 1,166,628 2.71.9 87,010 1,159,209 0.42 22,416,270 19,088,433 766,699 25,516,962 17,878,326 799,740 4.17 31,681,769 20,098,713 889,303 4.23 0.92 |26,099,246 23,333,742 886,999 3.66 1.04 27,961,720 19,712,283 889,818 4.31 822,992 1,368,127 0.55.6 3,976,335 1,372,218 29,964,739 23,205,524 932,094 3.86 1.05 4,051,089 1,741,392 27,697,649 22,681,966 1,013,668 4.27 1.36 4,160,587 1,260,978 28,310,209 21,922,391 1,055,115 36,616,307 24,224,442 1,216,010 4.77 29,356,057 28,465,237 1,315,975 4.41 24,196,104 29.032,509 1,351,544 4.44 18,987,953 16,214,957 1,264,545 7.23 25,914,069 19,391,311 1,284,998 6.21 30,952,642,23,409,541 1,397,469 5.63 11,169,290 1,492,948 11,79 4,319,232 1,191.776 4.598,785,1,267,846 5,272,480 1,439,450 1 25 5,163,938 1,601,150 0.99.9 3,070,119 1,758,907 0.85.7 2,443,383 1,824,940 0.73.5 2,151,757 1,892,102 1.05 8 1,896.685 4.59 1.48 1.17 1.30 1. EXPORTS OF THE PRODUCE OF THE UNITED STATES. Brown sugar 30,487 50 Indigo 140,093 2. VALUE OF DIFFERENT ARTICLES IMPORTED. Value of Merchandise Imported into the United States during the Year ending September 30th, 1838. 90,885 Woollen yarn 86 Gold 230,694 Bullion, Worsted yarn 136,603 Silver 392,843 Manufactures of Cotton Gold 11,444,189 Specie, Dyed, printed, or colored 4,217,551 Silver 5,679,390 White 980,142 Teas, from India, China, &c. 3,495,151 Hosiery, gloves, mits, and Coffee 7,640,217 bindings 767,856 Cocoa 188,729 Twist, yarn, or thread 222,114 Almonds 50,360 Nankeens 27,049 Currants 22,577 Other manufact. of cotton 384,618 Prunes 8,748 From India, China,&c. Fruits, Figs 34,285 Raisins, in jars and Silks, Piece goods 1,176,455 Sewing silk, from In boxes 394,999 dia, &c. 34,237 All other 85,858 Silk, sewing, from other places 323,941 Mace 7,032 Lace, thread and cotton 576,868 Nutmegs 52,143 Flaxen Goods Cinnamon, 66,340 Cloves Spices, 30,765 Dyed and colored linen. 57,339 Black pepper 167,321 Other manufactures of flax 388,758 Pimento 74,135 Hempen Goods Cassia 36,657 Sail duck 683,070 Ginger 3,865 Other manufactures of hemp 47,292 Plated, not specified 114,890 Beer, ale, and porter, in casks 6,828 Gilt Do. in bottles 118,472 2 Common, tinned, japanned 299 Plated brass, polished steel 56,461 Coach and harness furniture 39 Carriages, and parts of 229,383 Slates of all kinds 289 46,395 27,392 Oil of foreign fishing Spermaceti 62,220 Whale, and other fish 130,204 Olive, in casks 4,063 Castor 8,296 Linseed 38,968 Rapeseed 4,602 Teas, from other places than 39,988 India and China 10,407 Hempseed 57,314 Chocolate 27,039 Sugar - Brown 5,401 White, clayed, or powdered 3,486 Loaf 29,938 Candy 363,406 Other refined Sirup of sugar-cane 87,493 Cayenne pepper 29,375 Candles 968 1,717 Wax and spermaceti Tallow 154,978 Cheese 777,675 Soap 8,446 Tallow 805,301 Lard 9 |