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Monkeys are very cunning little creatures, and they never seem half so happy, as when they are in some kind of mischief. They are found in Africa and other warm countries.

A lady in New-England, who had one of these animals, allowed it to run about the yard and kitchen with the cat and dog.

But to the poor cat, the monkey always seemed the most averse and revengeful, while with the little dog

he would play for hours in the most familiar and friendly manner.

One day, as the lady was having some churning done in the dairy room, every person for a few moments happened to be out, leaving the room in the sole possession of the monkey, the cat, and the dog.

But what was the lady's surprise, on entering the room, to see the monkey mounted in a chair and churning away with all his might, while the little dog stood by, barking as if pleased with the sport.

But she was still more surprised and vexed, as she drove him away, and raised the cover, to find that in a fit of anger, the monkey had seized the cat, and put her into the churn.

One day, a man was painting the house. At noon he laid down the brush and went to his dinner; and when he came back, he found this monkey had stolen his brush, and was sitting upon the table painting

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his own likeness upon a large looking-glass that stood just before him.

As this lady's little daughter Emma, opened her basket at school onė "day to eat her dinner, she found both her apples gone, and a potatoe in their place, but with the print of the monkey's teeth upon it so plain, she easily guessed what had become of her apples.

But at last, this little rogue got well paid for his mischief. One of the hired men had been out hunting and brought in some squirrels, which, with his gun and powder-horn, he laid upon a shelf by the door.

While the man was busy, this meddlesome monkey came up, seized one of the squirrels, and ran into the yard with it.

The man caught him, boxed his ears, and then, thinking to avoid farther trouble with him, was going to the barn for a rope to tie him up.

But as soon as the man had gone

the enraged monkey returned, snatched up the powder-horn, and threw it into the fire. But as it burst, the powder flashed full in his face, and threw him prostrate upon the hearth.

The man, hearing the report, hurried back, when, lo! the poor monkey lay kicking and screaming, with his face completely singed and his eyes blown out.

Those who are fond of making mischief, and doing harm to others, like this roguish monkey, often injure themselves more than those whom they design to injure.

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Jenny Jenkins was a sad tattler, Every thing that she heard, she would tell over and over again in her own way, without once giving herself the least trouble to find out whether it was true or false.

One day she heard that some apples had been stolen from Mr. Spencer's garden, and that the thief was thought to be Hester Downs. Away went Jenny, telling every one far and near, that Hester Downs had been stealing Mr. Spencer's apples.


Now it happened that Hester was at home sick, the day the apples were stolen; so when Jenny came school the next day, the affair was inquired into, and she was punished for the scandal she had been guilty of Her teacher then charged her, Not to believe each tattling tongue, As some weak people do;

But ever hope that story wrong,
Which ought not to be true.

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