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had more courage than himself; for sure enough, they had been seen from the first, and Captain Norton was now within a very few rods of them.

Luman was so much afraid, that he trembled, and turned pale, while Peter and little Charley both began

to cry.

But Caleb, who had now reached the middle of the brook, turned back, and told the Captain the whole story, and begged of him to forgive his brothers this time, for they had never stolen before, and he thought they never would again.

When the Captain found how sorry they felt for their wicked conduct, he freely forgave them, and kindly told them, if they became good and honest boys, he would be glad to give them, at any time, as many apples as they wished to eat, if they would only call and ask for them.

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"Marcus," said Edwin Stephens,

"I'll bet you my new ball against your old knife, that I can run round the guide board yonder, and get back here to the school house before you can."

Well, I'll do it," said Marcus, and at the word away they went. Marcus was the loser, and the old knife that his brother gave him, had to be given up.

Edwin was now in a great glee at his success, and tried all his playmates, one after the other, to bet and run with him.

But when he found there were

none of them so foolish as to do it, he thought himself the smartest lad among them all.


was now called; but Edwin's mind was still on his play. The teacher saw there was something wrong, and soon found out what it all meant.

For as he began to inquire about it, he saw Edwin look towards Marcus, who seemed so sad, that his teacher made him explain the cause of it. "Well, Edwin," said his teacher, you have been betting it seems; but you not know, that as sure as one wins, the other must as surely lose?" Edwin owned that he did.



"Then," said Mr. Gordon, his teacher," would it be right for you to deprive Marcus of his dinner in that way, for the sake of having it yourself? and his knife, you know, is worth more than his dinner, and yet you have got that from him by betting.

"And then, Edwin, as to your be

ing so clever, just because you can run fast, why, there is Mr. Noyes' little, old, black dog, that can run three miles to your one,


"Come, then, my boy," said he laying his hand gently upon Edwin's head, "come, let us see if you can't do something, that will make you better than a little black dog."

Mr. Gordon soon found that Edwin's mind was fully roused, for from that time, he began to study as if he thought more of his head than of his heels.

And as to betting, Edwin began to think that as he would not like to be robbed of his dinner, or something he cared still more about, so he would not again try in that way to rob others.

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"Now my dear boy and girl," said their aunt to Albert and Helen, "you have come to stay a whole week with me, and we must take care not to misspend our time.

"You, Albert, shall practice your drawing, while Helen works; while I hear her spell and read, you may write.

"We should make some good use of each day of our lives; and while we are young, and have health and strength, we ought to learn all those things, which we may wish to know when we are grown old."

Albert and Helen now ran in search of their books, which were soon found, as they were laid in the right place.

Then they sat down to their tasks, glad to please their aunt, who was so kind as to instruct them in their lessons, and teach them how to be wise and good.

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