EIGHT SERMONS PREACHED BEFORE THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE AT GREAT ST. MARY'S, IN THE YEARS M.DCCC.XXX AND M.DCCC.XXXI. TO WHICH IS ADDED A REPRINT OF A SERMON PREACHED BEFORE THE UNIVERSITY ON COMMENCEMENT SUNDAY, M.DCCC.XXVI. BY HUGH JAMES ROSE, B.D. CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, AND DEAN OF BOCKING. CAMBRIDGE: Printed by J. SMITH, Printer to the University, FOR J. & J. J. DEIGHTON, CAMBRIDGE, AND RIVINGTONS, LONDON. M.DCCC.XXXI. Mr. Landor has said in one of his exquisite dedications, that it is an insult to any man to request his leave to dedicate a book to him, because it is a request to be allowed to praise or perhaps to flatter him. The principle is generally, though not universally, true. Yet in acting on it in the present case, I do not gain all the advantages which I might expect. It gives me the liberty indeed of indulging my strong feelings towards you, but it does not give me the power of expressing them. I am sensible too, that if I endeavoured to do so, the words, which to me would seem faint and unworthy, would be painful and perhaps offensive to you. I feel the same difficulty pressing on me, whether I speak as a private friend, or as a Minister of the Church of England, under a deep sense of the inestimable advantages which her cause has derived from exertions on your part, the extent and the fruits, of which I cannot describe from zeal, from wisdom, from firmness and from munificence. Every friend of yours will join in my heartfelt prayer, that it may please God to preserve you long to us and to the Church of England. You will join heartily in the prayer that it may please Him to preserve His Church to us and to you. Ever, my dear Sir, Most truly and affectionately yours, HUGH JAMES ROSE. Trinity College, May 10, 1831. CONTENTS. them that are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abomin- able, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate p. 45. Comforts of Religion to the Believer. JOHN XVI. 32. Behold, the hour cometh, yea, is now come, that shall be scattered, every man to his own, and shall * Preached also, with alterations, before the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, |