IN CONVENTION, Feb. 27, 1868. Resolved, That there be printed, in addition to the number already printed, a sufficient number of copies of the debates, documents and journals, to furnish each of the members with three copies; and also one copy each to the Mayor and the members of the Common Council of the city of Albany, and one copy each to the State Law Libraries at Rochester and Syracuse, the law libraries of the several judicial districts, the Law Institute, the Astor Library, and the New York Historical Society in the city of New York, and the Young Men's Associations of the cities of Albany and Troy. LUTHER CALDWELL, Secretary. No. 41. IN CONVENTION July 24, 1867. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE ON THE REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE RIGHT OF SUFFRAGE AND QUALIFICATIONS TO HOLD OFFICE. 1 SECTION 1. Every male citizen of the age of twenty-one years 2 who shall have been for thirty days a citizen and an inhabitant 3 of this State one year next preceding an election, and for the last 4 four months a resident of the county where he may offer his 5 vote shall be entitled to a vote at such election in the election 6 district of which he shall be at the time a resident, and not else7 where, for all officers that now are or hereafter may be elective 8 by the people; but such citizen shall have been for thirty days 9 next preceding the election, a resident of the district from which 10 the officer is to be chosen for whom he offers his vote. 11 Provided, That, in time of war, no elector in the actual mili |