Evening Post, the like, 6 25 of taxation of costs 14 days in 4 newspapers at $4.95, Gazette and Times, the like, 6 25 19 80 Do. affidavit of publication fol. 1 Morning News, publishing the 60 days notice. 175 00 and copy, 37 Daily Express, the like, 175 00 The like for 3 other newspapers at Evening Post, the like, 175 00 37 1-2 each, 1 124 Gazette and Times, the like, 175 00 Motion that Commissioner Report Morning News publishing the 2nd be completed, 624 20 days Notice, 17 20 Brief and fee on motion, 3624 Daily Express, the like, 17 20 Do. rule thereon for 2.50, coру 25, Clerk entering and for certified copy 75 Evening Post, the like, 17 20 Gazette and Times, the like, 17 20 thereof, Attorneys costs, as per bill an nexed, 1331 63 950 00 $6,128 33 Attending at Albany at the December Special Term to dismiss proceedings commencing in 1839, Attending Commissioners at different times, and advising them as to legal questions that arose, attending the May Term of the Court upon the motion to confirm the report and argueing the same, it being opposed and attending at the July Term of the Court at Utica, to complete confirmation of report arguing in opposition to the objections made to the taxation of costs and attending at the subsequent Special Term, 1846, to complete confirmation, $1331.62 Counsel fees, 750 00 $2281 62 The written objections made before Judge Edmonds, will probably be laid before the Legislature, with other proceedings in this matter. BLOOMINGDALE ROAD. UPERIOR COURT.-In the matter of the application of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New-York, relative to opening a certain new street, laid out under and by virtue of an act of the Legislature of the People of the State of NewYork, entitled "An Act to lay out a certain new Street in the 12th and 16th Wards of the City of NewYork, and to keep open a part of the Bloomingdale Road in said City, passed April 16, 1838,"-Public notice is hereby given, that the costs and charges on the above entitled matter will be taxed by WILLIAM PAXSON HALLET, Esq., one of the Clerks of this Court, at his office, in the City Hall of the said City of New-York, on the 22d day of June instant, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day. Dated New-York, June 4, 1846. UPREME COURT.-In the matter of the application of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New-York, relative to widening Houston street on the north-easterly side, in the 11th Ward of the said City, from the intersection of the northeasterly side of Second street, with the south-easterly side of Lewis street to the north-westerly corner of Tompkins street and Houston street, -Public notice is hereby given, that the costs and charges incurred by reason of the proceedings in the above entitled matter will be taxed by WILLIAM PAXSON HALLET, Esq., one of the Clerks of this Court, at his office, in the City Hall of the City of New-York, on the 22d UPREME COURT.-In the matter of the application of the Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New-York. relative to extending Leroy Street eastwardly from Hudson Street and Burton Street South Westwardly from its present termination at the line commonly known as the boundary line of Trinity Church, until the lines of the said Leroy Street and Burton Street respectively meet or intersect each other. Public Notice is hereby given that the costs and charge incurred by reason of the proceedings in the above entitled matter, will be taxed by WILLIAM PAXSON HALLET, Esq., one of the Clerks of this Court, at his office in the City Hall of the City of New York, on the 22d day of November instant, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day. Dated New-York, November 4, 1846. WILLIAM PAXSON HALLET, J. W. C. LEVERIDGE, CHARLES A. WHITNEY, J. Leveridge Attorney. [PUBLISHED BY THE ANTI-ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE AND DISTRIBUTED GRATUITOUSLY, EDITED BY E. MERIAM.] UNITED STATES PUBLIC STOCKS EXEMPT MR. JUSTICE STORY, in his Commentaries on the Constitution, Vol. 2, pag. 492, says: " In another case the question was raised, whether a State had a Constitutional authority to tax Stock issued for loans to the United States, and it was held by the Supreme Court that a State had not "the reasoning of the Court," was as follows: "Is the Stock issued for loans to the Government of the United States, liable to be taxed by States and "Corporations ? "Congress has power to borrow money on the credit of the United States. The stock it issues is the evidence of a debt created by the exercise of this power. The tax in question is a tax upon the contract subsisting between the government and the individual. It bears directly upon that contract while subsisting, and in full force. The power operates upon the contract the instant it is framed, and must imply a right to affect that contract. If the States and Corporations throughout the Union possess the power to tax a contract for the loan of money, what shall arrest this principle in its application to every other contract. What measure can government adopt, which will not be exposed to its influence ? "But it is unnecessary to pursue this principle through its diversified application to all the contracts, and to the various operations of government. No one can be selected which is of more vital interest to the community, than this of borrowing money on the credit of the United States. Nopower has been conferred by the American people on their government, the free and unburdened exercise of which more deeply affects every member of our republic. In war, when the honor, the safety, the independence of the nation are to be defended, when all its resources are to be strained to the utmost, credit must be brought in aid of taxation, and the abundant revenue of peace and prosperity must be anticipated to supply the exigencies, the urgent demands of the moment. The, people for objects, the most important, which can occur in the progress of nations, have empowered their government to make these anticipations to borrow money on the credit of the United States.' Can any thing be more dangerous, or more injurious, than the admission of a principle which authorises every State, and every Corporation in the Union, which possesses the right of taxation, to burthen the exercise of this power at their discretion. "If the right to impose the tax exists, it a right which, in its nature, acknowledges no limits. It may be carried to any extent within the jurisdiction of the State or corporation, which imposes it, which the will of each State and Corporation may prescribe. A power which is given, by the whole American people, for their common good; which is to be exercised at the most critical periods for the most important purposes on the free exercise of which the interests, certainly, perhaps the liberty, of the whole may depend; may be burthened, impeded, if not arrested, by any of the organized parts of the confederacy. "In a society, formed like ours, with one supreme government for national purposes, and numerous State Governments for other purposes: in many respects independent, and in the uncontrolled exercise of many important powers, occasional interferences ought not to surprise us. The power of taxation is one of the most essential to a State, and of the most extensive in its operation. The attempt to maintain NEW-YORK, FEBRUAY 20, 1847. a rule, which shall limit its exercise, is undoubtedly among the most delicate and difficult duties, which can devolve on those whose province it is to expound the supreme law of the land in its application to the cases of individuals. This duty has more than once devolved on this court. In the performance of it wehave considered it, as a necessary consequence, from the supremacy of the government of the whole, that its action in the exercise of its legitimate powers should be free and unembarrassed by any conflicting powers in the possession of its parts, that the powers of a State, cannot rightfully, be so exercised, as to impede and obstruct the free course of those measures which the Government of the United States may rightfully adopt. "This subject brought before the court in the case of M'Culloch, vs. The State of Maryland, when it was thoroughly argued, and deliberately considered. The question decided in that case bears a near resemblance to that, which is involved in this. It was discussed at the bar in all its relations and examined by the court with its utmost attention. We will not repeat the reasoning, which conducted us to the conclusion thus formed; but that conclusion was, that all subjects over which the Sovereign power of a State extends, are objects of taxation; but those, over which it does not extend, are upon the soundest principles exempt from taxation. The Sovereignty of a State extends to every thing which exists by its own authority, or is introduced by its permission; but not to those means which are employed by Congress to carry into execution powers conferred on that body by the people of the United States. The attempt to use the power of taxation, on the means employed by the government of the union, in pursuance of the constitution, is itself an abuse; because it is the usurpation of a power which the people of a single State cannot give. The States have no power by taxation or otherwise, to retard, impede, burthen, or any manner control the operation of the Constitutional laws, enacted by Congress to carry into execution the powers vested in the general government. We retain the opinions, which were then expressed. A contract made by the government in the exercise of its power to borrow money on the credit of the United States, is undoubtedly independent of the will of any State, in which the individual who lends, may reside; and is undoubtedly an operation essential to the important objects, for which the government was created. It ought, therefore, on the principles settled in the case of M'Culloch, vs. The State of Maryland, to be exempt from the State taxation, and consequently from being taxed by Corporations, deriving their power from States. It is admitted that the power of the government to borrow money cannot be directly opposed; and that any law, directly obstructing its operations, would be void. But a distinction is taken between direct opposition and those measures, which may consequently affect it; that is, a law prohibiting loans to the United States would be void; but a tax on them to any amount is allowable. It is, we think, impossible not to perceive the intimate connection, which exists between these two modes of acting on the subject. It is not the want of original power in an independent Sovereign State, to prohibit loans to a foreign government, which restrains the legislature from direct opposition to those made by the United States. The restraint is imposed by our Constitution. The American people have conferred the power of borrowing money on their government; and by making that government supreme, have shielded its action, in the exercise of this power, from the action of the local governments. The grant of the power is incompatible with a restraining or controlling [VOL. I.....No. 47. power; and the declaration of supremacy is a declaration that no such restraining or controlling power shall be exercised. The right to tax the contract to any extent, when made, must operate upon the power to borrow, before it is exercised, and have a sensible influence on the contract. The extent of this influence depends on the willof a distinct government. To any extent, however inconsiderable, it is a burthen on the operations of government. It may be carried to an extent which will arrest them entirely. " It is admitted by the Counsel for the defendants, that the power to tax stock must affect the terms, on which loans will be made. But this objection, it is said, has no more weight when urged against the application of an acknowledged power to government stock than if urged against its application to lands sold by the United States. The distinction is, we think, apparent. When lands are sold, no connection remains between the purchaser and the government. The lands purchased become a part of the mass of property in the country, with no implied exemption from common burthens. All lands are derived from the general or particular government, and all lands are subject to taxation. Lands sold are in the condition of money borrowed and repaid. Its liability to taxation, in any form it may then assume, is not questioned. The connection between the borrower and the lender is dissolved. It is no burthen on loans; it is no impediment to the power of borrowing that the money, when repaid, loses its exemption, from taxation. But a tax upon debts due from the government stands, we think, on every different principle from a tax on lands which the government has sold. The Federlist has been quoted in the argument, and an eloquent and well merited eulogy has been bestowed on the great statesmen, who is supposed to be the author of the number from which the quotation was made. This high authority was also relied upon in the case of M'Culloch, vs. The State of Maryland, and was considered by the court: Without repeating what was then said, we refer to it, as exhibiting our view of the sentiments expressed on this subject by the authors of that work. "It has been supposed, that a tax on stock comes within the exemptions stated in the case of M'Culloch, vs. The State of Maryland. We do not think so. The Bank of the United States is an instrument essential to the fiscal operations of the government; and the power, which might be exercised to its destruction, was denied. But property acquired by the corporation in a State, was supposed to be placed in the same condition with the property acquired by an individual. The tax on government stock is thought by this court to be a tax on the contract, a tax on the power to borrow money on the credit of the United States, and consequently to be repugnant to the Constitution." PUBLIC POLICY. The Deposits in BANKS OF SAVINGS are not taxed, neither should they be, for in times of great distress, either from war, pestilence, famine, or extensive conflagrations, these institutions afford extensive relief. MARINE INSURANCE COMPANIES. MARINE INSURANCE COMPANIES should also be exempt from Taxation. Storms have been unparalleled in their frequency and destruction, and the Stock is not by any means a desirable investment for capitalists. Public policy requires that such stock should be exempt from taxation. HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD. This enterprize is in giant hands-may it have good speed. Its completion will add twenty millions to the value of Real Estate in New-York, will increase its trade and commerce, and men who have the means of forming correct opinions, say it will be productive. Nature has made the path for it---man should improve it. The prosperity of Boston may be counted up in the numerous Railroeds leading to that growing city. In Boston there is abundance of public spirit-in in New-York there is but little. James Boorman, Stephen Allen. Saul Alley and ethers are engaged in the Hudson River Railroad enterprise. Such men are competent to accomplish what they undertake. BOSTON PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. We are indebted to Charles B. Wells, Esq., of Boston for a package of the public documents of the city of Boston. These papers are valuable. Mr. Shattuck has completed a report for the Common Council of the City of Boston which is a valuable document. We intend to make extracts from it. The industry of the people of New-England is the foundation, under heaven, of their prosperity. VIRGINIA CORRESPONDENCE. FEBUARY 1st, Wytheville, Va. 1847. E. MERIAM, Esq., DEAR SIR:-I came on horseback 60 miles in the past 24 hours over mud, water and icy roads. The thaw is complete and the arid winds from the South West, like those in March, rapidly absorb the waters and even the remains of undisolved snow. On my left as I came South East lay Walkers Mountain, and on my right lay the iron mountain, behind which the blue peaks of the Alleghany and Blue Ridge were visible. The Alleghany South East of this cominingles with the Blue Ridge, while both these and the Cumberland range compose the great Appalachan Chain. All these ranges within this latitude, Southward, are now bare of snow, and this morning the birds and farm fowls by their voice and manners are rejoicing that spring has come. the iv season. I observe however, that down from failure of that staple. In the whole distance I travelled over yesterday I observed that a fungus growth has seized on all the cherry orchards which will quickly, this year, totally destroy the young and old trees-by next fall a dry rot will have seized on the whole woody fibers except one-twelfth inch thickness next the bark, This, to that description of tree, will be no less destructive than the Potatoe disease is to that plant. On Gauley River, near Kenhawa and in the hurricane district of Western Tennessee, the wild Irish potatoe can be obtained, and in three years from it many varieties can be had fresh and renewed. Near Huntsville, Ala., can be found in the mountain the indigenous Tomatto and Nicotianum Tobagoin a wild imperfect condition, and on the Tennessee and Cumberland River Islands, can be obtained a peculiar Artichoke, resembling in form the sweet potatoe, some samples being one foot in length. It seems not generally known that these are natives of the United States; on river banks this Artichoke yields 300 to 500 bushels per acre, and is very difficult to eradicate. It is the great lard oil maker of the Southern swamps and promises to annihilate the whole harpoon race of destructives. There is a bur Artichoke of the South, which for table use should be extensively cultivated-the eatable core of the bur when boiled and trimmed is large as a goose egg and of most delicate flavor.The Artichoke family was the most ancient Lotus family of the Egyptians and the Wild Onion common amongst our mountains, shoots up its stem doubled; its top inclining downward, thus showing the original of one of the most common Egyptian hieratic characters. There is a large Onion, wild in our mountains, colled the Rhamps-it is strong and unpallatable. There are also numerous dyestuffs of vegetable and mineral character dispersed and useless in vast districts, which are as good as the similar articles brought from foreign places. Why does not some one look into these things? Within a few miles of this place are inexhaustible beds of lead ore and many copper veins are foundthere is silver in small amount in union with the lead and copper. Near this also is the famous glade iron ore from which steel is made by a process similar to making common iron. A gentleman near this owns 50,000 acres of iron mountain land, on which are the richest and perhaps the most extensive iron mines in the world; for all which he asks only $5000. The rock salt and gypsam of this region you are already apprised appear to be inexhaustible, but here there are neither roads or other means for transportation of these weighty articles. The coal beds near this are not promising, but the timber is most abundant over all the hills and mountains. I began this letter merely to apprise you of the singular state of the weather. I fear severe winds have prevailed for a week past from the Charybean Sea across the Mexican Gulph. The surface ground is saturated with water and the variable temperature of the air with almost uniform warmth of the crust surface of the earth most favorably prepares the soil for the ensuing ivy and laurel of the mountain streams pays no regard to this premature experiment of the budding Their leaves are curled in the shape of fingers, clinging close to the sustaining twigs, and still preserving the blackened hue indicative of portending cold. When the Spring really opens those leaves in twenty four hours will assume their deep Summer green, wide spread and erect to receive the genial influences. A German to-day said the Spring plentiness of cash will arouse even the most indolent has not come yet, for on this day annually the groundhogs leave their hybernating beds, and after examining the sky go back if the next six weeks is to be cold, and so they have done this day. Finding a burning heat in the suns rays at two o'clock to-day I placed Fahrenheit's thermometer (a very fine one) in the direct sunshine upon a plank wall with a warm breeze from the South West passing over it. On a north exposed brick wall it showed 50 degrees, and exposed as mentioned it rose to 111 in fifty minutes and seemed stationary while Reamers scale shewed in the same situation 35 degrees. It is not freezing this evening; the sky is hazy, rather whitish with bright moonshine. The South and Southwest clouds this winter generally are of the Mexican Gulph kind -dense cumbrous, sometimes black, at others glazed with light as in Summer, often flying swiftly, and sometimes becalmed high up in the sky-above them, have been fewer than usual, of the flaky light curling clouds sailing in different courses at various elevations. The winter of 1806-7 was like this, after which for five or six years fine crops of cotton were yeilded in regions where subsequently the cotton gins rotted crops. The high market values of all commodities and and we may expect superabundant harvests. Grain and meat are now very plenty, but the holders not being in debt have the advantage over buyers throughout the South and West. This state of things it is which causes Cotton and Tobacco to flow so languidly to the great sea board marts. Speculators find it hard to get the staple articles into their hands without giving the extremest verge of anticipated values. The planter holds the key for the first time. Feb. 2. This day is overcast with slow moving clouds from the South West-the temperature at 2 P. M. was 56° Fahrenheat-a light white frost this morning, and a perfect thaw. There will be rain to.night and snow to-morrow night-there has been no sleet this winter-the snow dissolving speedily in all cases. The lead mines company have run a level 1500 feet at a cost of $20,000 under their mines. This way is horizontal into the hill all the distance in secondary limestone, and is about 6 feet deep and 6 feet wide with a railway along it. In the cavities are many splendid metalic chrystallizations that were never before exposed to human vision or the light of day. The lead is soft and of purer quality than any from the North West. Yours, * "A VOLCANO AT WORK." We last week recorded a very wonderful convulsion of Lake Ontario. We have this week to mention one equally wonderful as having taken place in Rice Lake, 12 miles to the North of this town. Last Thursday the 14th inst., the lake was seen to be in great commotion, the ice (18 inches thick,) undulating in every direction. Presently it burst with a noise like thunder, and a large piece from the centre of the lake was, in a few minutes, thrown up in a pile to the height of ten feet, in which position it now lies. This is no doubt related to the earthquake which caused the awful commotion in Lake Ontario at Grafton. Coburg Star, Upper Canada, Wednesday, January 20, 1847. The following statement was written by me and published in the Brooklyn Evening Star of January 20th, 1847: "My record book from the evening of the 14th inst. to the noon of the 18th inst., is a blank. The wires performed their labor, but the eyes that had watched their mysterious pointings, were flooded with grief, and the hand that traced the record was shaken with mental agony. "Oftimes have I suggested in the columns of the Star, that the aged of our race during the suspended periods of inactivity in the air, which I denominated equilibriums, have passed away to rest. Alas, I am made myself, an afflicted witness of the grave character of my own suggestion for although I was unable to record the observations of the nightof Thursday the 14th inst., still I watched with an anxious feeling the pointing of the wires, and they indicated a long suspension of vitality in the atmosphere-a twelve hour's equilibrium, during which time my dearly beloved daughter-she who was a part of us, commenced that sleep which was the entering into rest, and ere the sun had marked the hour of noon, her blessed spirit had winged its flight. Ε. Μ." MORTALITY IN THE CITY OF BOSTON...1846. The number of deaths in the City of Boston during the year 1846, was 3,389-of which 698 were under one year, and 303 still born. Between 1 and 2 years, 435; 2 and 5 years 239; 5 and 10 years 252; 10 and 20, 136; 20 to 30 383; 30 to 40, 354; 40 to 50, 188; 50 to 60, 145; 66 to 70; 108; 70 to 80, 86; 80 to 90, 50; 90 to 100, 10. Consumption 485; Fevers, 416 Dropsy, 205; Dysentry, 52; Diseases of the Bowels 251; Inflamation of the Bowels 58; Diseases of the heart, 42; Measles, 150; Small Pox, 92; Hooping Cough, 38; Appoplexy, 22; Paralasis 30; Old Age, 79; All others, 1473. VIRGINIA CORRESPONDENCE. Letter from THOMAS SPENCER, Esq. SALTVILLE, WASHINGTON CO., ESTEEMED FRIEND: - Your kind letter of 24th December was received by due course of mail. I should have replied at an earlier day, but for engagements which have absorbed all my time, and a part of the time I have been absent. You are laying me under renewed obligations constantly by furnishing me with New-York papers which I receive by almost every mail. This is the most changeable climate that I ever witnessed. During one week we are in the midst of a severe winter with the thermometer at zero, while the succeeding week is like May or June, and we have had some weather this winter as warm as much of that which we experienced last July, By Mr. Milnor's metorological observations for December (which you have probably reeeived) you will notice the weather was mild and warm during some of the last days of the year. Similar weather continued until Thursday evening the 7th instant when the thermometer at 7, 8, 9 and 10 o'clock marked 90 and at 11 o'clock 74°. On the following morning at 6 o'clock it stood at zero, and did not rise above 17o during the day. At 10 o'clock at midnight it again fell to 8°. Saturday however was rather warmer and on Sunday the thermometer showed an equilibrium of twelve hours duration, including eleven o'clock in the morning to 11 o'clock at night, during which time it stood at 340. It snowed during the day from daylight in the morning to four o'clock in the afternoon. On Monday the thermometer varied from 17 to 31°; on Tuesday from 12 to 320; on Wednesday 13 to 420; Thursday 34 to 44°, remaining stationary at 440 from ten in the morning to four P. M. It was also stationary at 40° nine, ten and eleven o'clock in the evening and was found at the same point at six o'clock the next morning where it remained until eight A. M. During the day it marked as high as 63° and was at 510 at 10 and 11 o'clock P. M. and was also found at 51° the next morning Saturday the 16th inst. and continued at 51° until nine o'clock in the morning. During the night however, of Friday we had a severe rain storm of two or three hours duration, during which time the wind blew a hurricane from the south west and the thunder was very hard and lightning vivid, and what appeared to me to be remarkable was, that at eleven o'clock of that night, when I retired, there was a perfect calm and the stars shone with unusual brilliancy, there not being a cloud to be seen in any part of the heavens. It was as fine and beautiful a sky as I ever beheld, and such an one as I love to gaze upon in admiration. Yesterday and to-day the thermometer has marked about 440 most of the time, although it was down to the freezing point this morning, but the day has been mild and pleasant and there is nothing to remind one that it is mid-winter but the nakedness of the foresttrees. I wish that I was more of a geologist, for I am exceedingly puzzled by the general aspect of every thing around me with reference to that science. Three miles north of me I see the "Clinch Mountain" with an elevation of nearly three thousand feet capped with red and white sand-stone, to the depth of several hundred feet. This mountain extends in a northeasterly direction to New River, about sixty miles distant. It also extends in a southwesterly direction into Tennessee, I believe about a hundred miles. It belongs to the Cumberland range. A few miles south of me I see "Walker's Mountain." It lies nearly parallel with Clynch, and is composed of similar materials but is not quite as elevated. The valley between these two mountains is filled with limestone hills varying from one to four or five hundred feet high, which from their peculiar form are called "Knobs." In the midst of these "Knobs" the Holston River is winding its serpentine course in many places encircling mountains for miles, to gain a very small advance in a direct line. You might well suppose that a river, in forcing its way through such a country, would present many lofty and beautiful cascades, but it is not so. It is a navigable stream, and large quantities of salt manufactured at this place, is borne upon its bosom, to find a market in Tennessee and Alabama, although it is considerably "down hill" all the way. A few feet below the bed of the river for many miles above this place, there is a deposite of beautiful white gypsum, to an unknown depth. A few years ago a gentleman attempted to penetrate through the gypsum, at a point about fifteen miles above this, with the expectation of finding salt or brine. He sunk a shaft about eight feet square to the depth of six hundred and seventy five feet and abandoned it, not having passed through the gypsum. Now it seems to me that Clynch and Walker's mountains were once in close proximity and that they have been split apart and sundered a ditance of eight or ten miles, by some mighty and terrific power, the idea of which overwhelms ine, and that a vast and deep chasm was consequently formed between them, which has been for unknown ages the receptacle of these immense deposites of gypsum and salt which are known to exist here, and these lime-stone hills of several hundred feet high and several miles in circumference, seem to have been tossed about like playthings, and (geologically) have been left wrong side up. some standing on edge, some leaning one way and some another way. For to use a word in a geological sense there is nothing" in place" in this vicinity, and I learned that an eminent geologist who spent some time in this country a few years ago, expressed the opinion that "Walker's Mountain" in its present position, is upside down. I perceive that frequent accounts of earthquakes and storms in distant parts are rendering what you had previously said and written of certain conditions of the atmosphere as connected with these phenomena; prophetic. The stores of knowledge which human science are continually unfolding seem to he boundless. They are apparently a sea without a shore, and by their vastness proclaim the ignorance and littleness of man, and the wisdom and unlimited greatness of God. I have not forgotten the geological specimens that I promised to collect for you. I will present them in due time. I do not comprehend the arrangement of your " meteorological wires" and how they indicate the temperature of the atmosphere, and why at certain times they mark the same degree as the thermometer, and at other times are at so great a disagreement with it. E. MERIAM, Esq. Respectfully yours, THOMAS SPENCER. GEORGIA CORRESPONDENCE. Extracts from a letter written by a Clergyman, residing in the State of Georgia. * * * * January 28th, 1847. "It is no doubt well we cannot foresee, and that I did not. My career has been a painful one, disease has disqualified me from occupying important stations, after I have been instrumental in establishing them. My field in was all that I could have wished it, but congestive fever drove me from the country, and here I am again in this retired field, with a little flock, in ministering to which, the Lord has blessed me abundantly. Almost every youth in my congregation, has become a member of the church under my ministry. My family consist of the wife of my youth, two sons and three daughters, on earth, and three in Heaven. My wife's health is feeble; children stout, rosy, healthy. My own health is fair, so long as I lead an active, industrious out of door-life. This has led me to farming, not planting, as an inducement to exercise, and as a help in supporting my family, which has become necessary, from my outlays in supporting my family in Florida, and it is an occupation in which I find pleasure, and would delight, if I could only have a northern farm, with northern labourers. My desire to farm, not plant, and raise something valuable in preference to cotton, induced me to try Benne, and to communicate with you. As my plants were scattered, and few, I cannot say what the produce would be per acre. I have about half a bushel of seed, and could send you a quart or two for trial at the oil mill, or any other use, you please. If you wish it, please say so. I will plant a patch this season, carefully ascertain the labour, cost of cultivation, and produce, and no doubt will have some bushels next fall for experiment at the mill, if you should think it well to try it. Our planters think of nothing but rice, cotton, &c. and consequently there is an over production. My desire is to be instrumental in producing something else. As a farmer, I of course pay some attention to the improvement of stock, and have introduced from your region, an Ayrshire calf, Merino sheep and improved swine. Do you meddle with such things, if so, you might, in your kindness aid me in my future operations. I was not only gratified in the receipt of the papers and pamphlets you sent me as an evidence of your remembrance of me, but greatly in the perusal of many of the communications, not only gratified, but edified. Your communications bearing on lightning, &c. are very satisfactory, and more than usually interesting to me, as I had just taken down my rods in repairing my dwellings, and am extremely anxious to make the protection against lightning as perfect as can be. Our climate is one of thunder storms. There is something in the bluff on which I reside subjecting it particularly to be struck, as the pine trees just back of my dweling are more frequently riven than elsewhere in this region. Will you aid me in arrangement? My roof is fifty feet long and forty wide. Two chimneys extend a few feet above the roof, six feet from the gable ends to the inner part of the chimney. "The foundation of my house is about one hundred feet from ordinary high tide of a salt water river, from the ground to the top of the house. is thirty eight feet, and the chimneys are about four feet higher than the top of roof. There is a gentle declivity from the front door to high water mark. Now if I undertake to put up wire, such as I understand you to recommend, how shall I support it above the chimney top; how manage to fix it at the point at which it should diverge to the wires, as I presume it must run over the road which is in front of the house, twenty feet from the door there are two large trees, just over the road, through the branches of which the wire might be supported, if right. While I seek your instruction in general how to fix the wires, my chief difficulty would be in supporting the wire in a perpendicular line above the house top, without attaching it to a pole. If so attached, how to fix it without rendering the pole liable to be struck. Again how to attach it to the house and confine it where it is to bend off, or diverge, without risking the passage of the lightning at that point to the house. Will you be kind enough to instruct a grateful pupil and inform me what would be the cost of enough of such wire as is suitable, perfectly to protect my house, and whether I may trouble you to obtain it for me. I regret thus trespassing on your kindness, but the importance of the subject will plead with you my excuse. Might I add to this tax the solicitation that you would forward me a specimen number or two of the Monthly Farmer and Mechanic, and also of the Foreign Cultivator, which I perceive are published by Wm. H. Starr, the editor of the N. Y. Farmer and Mechanic, sent me by you. Any other papers of the kind which you think would interest me would be thankfully received. I subscribe to the Farmers' Library and Monthly Journal of Agriculture, American Agriculturist and Albany Cultivator, but in occasional papers sent me, of which I was ignorant, I have found articles of much interest, and in none more so than those sent me by yourself; they have been put with papers to be preserved for my sons. "Could you not be tempted to visit our sunny South. Though not as interesting as your mountain regions, you might find something to interest you, novelty at least you would find, but of its interest I could give no security, a hearty welcome to the home of your friend I can pledge. E. MERIAM, Esq. Yours, most sincerely." REMARKS.-We have taken the liberty to publish the above extract from the letter of our excellent friend, believing that he will not find fault with us for doing so it is a letter that will be read with satisfaction by many good people. The enquiries as to lightning conductors, I will endeavor to answer in the after pages of this volume and in those pages which record the statistics of 1846 and the commencement of 1847. I am satisfied from the examination I have made of the operation of lightning on board of ships, steamboats, &c., that a wire lightning rod never fails to give full protection if it terminates in the water, and rises above the object sought to be supported. The size of the surface protected does not depend on the height of the point of the rod-twenty feet is probably as far as it woutd be safe to rely on the influence of the rod. On board of public armed ships no case has occurred where the immense weight of metal, guns, anchors, &c. have withdrawn the lightning from the little rod. This fact speaks volumes. |