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Flatbush, morn., 22; aft., 28; even., 26. Barometer 29.90. Wind N.W. all day. Sky clear all day. Saltville, 6 A.M., 271; 7, 28; 8, 29; 9,30; 10, 38; 11, 41; 12, 43; 1 P.M., 44; 2, 3, 44; 4, 42; 5, 36; 6, 35; 7,33; 8, 31; 9 and 10, 29. Sky clear all day. Wind moderate from S.W. all day-at sundown almost calm.


Syracuse, sunrise, 17; 9 A.M., 23; 3 P.M., 28; 9, 23. Barometer 29.50 το 29.60. Sky cloudy all day. Wind W. at sunrise and 3 P.M., N.W. at 9 A.M. Dew-point, 7 to 12. Began to snow at 11 P.M.

Sunday, February 14.

Brooklyn Heights. - Thermometer, at 6 and 7 A. M., 23; 8, 26; 9, 27; 12, 23, 2 P. M., 34; 3, 35; 4, 34; 5, 33; 6,321; 7 to 9, 31; 10, 30.


Wires.-6 to 8 Α.Μ., 46; 9, 47; 12 to 4 P.M., 50; 5, 48; 6, 471; 7, 47; 8 and 9. 48; 10, 47.

New York Hospital, 9 A.M., 27; 3 Р.М., 35; 9, 32. Lowest during the night, 32.

Flatbush, morn., 24; aft., 34; even., 31. Barom. eter 29.90. Wind W. all day. Sky clear all day.

Saltville, 6 A. M., 22; 7, 221; 8, 24; 9,27; 10, 35;11, 43; 12, 44; 1 P. M., 46; 2 to 4, 48; 5, 47; 6, 41; 7,38; 8, 34; 9, 32; 10, 30. Sky clear all day. Calm at sunrise and sunset. Wind light from S. W.

[blocks in formation]

Wires.-1 Α.Μ. to 3, 47; 4.48; 5,49; 6 and 7, 491; 8,50; 9, 51; 51 10, 53; 11, 541; 12 and 1 P.M, 55; 2,57; 3,57; 4, 56; 5,53; 6,521; 21; 7,51; 8,


9,47; 10, 46; 11, 45. New York Hospital, Α.Μ., 36; 3 P.M, 50; 9, 39. Lowest during the night, 26.

Flatbush, morn., 35; aft., 48; even. 42. Barometer 29.80 to 29.90. Wind S.W. all day. Sky clear all day.

Saltville, 6 A.M, 24; 7,25; 8,28; 9,30; 10, 42; 11,54; 12 57; 1 Р.М., 60; 2, 61; 3, 60; 4, 56; 5, 52; 6 and 7, 47; 8, 451; 9 and 10, 44. Sky clear at sunrise and noon, scattered clouds at sunset. Wind light from E. at sunrise, S.W. at noon and sunset.

Syracuse, sunrise and 9 A M., 35; 3 P.M., 36; 9, 18. Barometer, 29.38 to 29.86. Sky cloudy all day. Wind N. W. at sunrise and 9 A.M.; N. at 3 and 9 P.M. Dew-point, 16 to 32. Snow from 1 A.M. to 9 A.M. Fell 2 inches. Damp storm, commenced with rain. 25-100 of an inch of rain and melted snow fell.

Tuesday, February, 16.

Brooklyn Heights. Thermometer, 6 A.M., 261; 7,26; 8 and 9, 25; 10 to 12, 26; 1 P.M., 26; 2 to 4, 28; 5 and 6, 29; 7 and 830; 9 and 10, 32.

Wires.-6 to 8 Α.Μ., 45; 9, 46; 10 and 11, 47; 12, 46; 1 P.M., 47; 2, 49; 3 το 5, 48; 6, 481; 7 and 8, 49; 9 and 10, 50. Clouds of snow overhead at 6 A.M.. Hail from 6 to 8 Р. М.

New York Hospital, 9 A.M.. 26; 3 P.M., 30; 9, 34. Lowest during the night, 34.

Flatbush, morn, and afi., 26; even., 31. Barome. ter, 30.05 to 30.20. Wind N.E all day. Sky cloudy all day. Began to snow at 4 P.M., turned to sleet at 6, and continued till 9 P.M. 20-100 of an inch of rain and melted snow fell.

Saltville, 6 to 8 Α.Μ., 421; 9, 46; 10, 49; 11 and 12, 52; 1 Ρ.Μ. το 3, 54; 4 to 6, 51; 7, 49; 10, 45; 12, 51; 12 30, 52. Sky cloudy all day. Wind N. E. all day. Few drops of rain at intervals during the day. 07-100 of an inch of rain fell.

Syracuse, sunrise, 12; 9 A.M., 14; 3 P.M., 18; 9, 29. Barometer, 29.44 to 29.86. Sky cloudy all day. Wind E. all day. Dew-point, 6. Began to rain at 41 Ρ.Μ.

Gale at sea between Havre, France, and NewYork. At Quebec thermometer from 16 to 22 de. grees below zero.

Wednesday, February 17.

Brooklyn Heights. Thermometer at 4 to 6 A.M., 32; 7,33; 8,33; 9,341; 10, 36; 11, 38; 12, 41; 1 P.M., 42; 2 and 3, 44; 4,43; 5, 42; 6, 40; 7,38%; 8,38; 9 το 11, 36.

Wires.-4 to 6 A.M., 481; 7 and 8, 491; 9,50; 10.51; 11,521; 12 to 3 P.M., 54; 4, 53; 5, 51; 6, 50; 7, 49; 8, 49; 9 to 11, 484. Cloudy in the forenoon and at 9 P.M., clear at 11 P.M.

New York Hospital, 9 A.M., 37; 3 P.M., 45; 9, 40. Lowest during the night, 35.

Flatbush, morn., 35; aft., 44; even., 38. Barometer, 29.80 to 29.95. Wind W. in the morning, N.W. in the afternoon. Sky cloudy in the morning, clear in the afternoon.

Saltville, 6 A.M., 52 1; 7, 53; 8,531; 9 and 10,54; 11,55; 1257; 1 P.M., 56; 2,57; 3, 57; 4,57; 5, 56; 6, 55; 7, 54; 8, 53; 10, 50. Foggy at sunrise and sunset, cloudy at noon. Wind moderate from N.E. at sunrise, S.W. at noon and sunset. 50-100 of an inch of rain fell.

Syracuse, sunrise, 27; 9 A.M., 30; 3 P.M, 36; 9, 28. Barometer, 29.50 to 29.70 Sky cloudy all day, till 9 P.M.-clear at 9. Wind N.W. at sunrise, 9 A.M. and 9 P.M. S.W. at 3 P.M. Dew-point, 20. Rain ceased at 5 A.M. 35-100 of an inch fell.

Thursday, February 18.

Brooklyn Heights. -Thermometer, at 5 and 6, A. Μ., 32; 7,30; 8,311; 9,34; 10, 37; 11,38; 12, 39; 1 P.M., 40; 2 and 3, 39; 4, 38; 5, 36; 6, 36; 7, 35; 8 and 99, 34.

Wires.-5 to 7 A.M., 47; 8,48; 9, 51; 10 to 1 P. M., 52; 2 and 3, 511; 4, 50; 5 to 7, 49; 8 and 9, 481. Star light at 5 A.M., cloudy at 10 A.M.

New York Hospital, 9 A.M., 35; 3 P.M., 38; 9, 37. Lowest during the night, 32.

Flatbush, morn., 34; aft., 41; even., 36. Barometer, 30.10 to 30.15 Wind N.W. in the morning, S. E. in the afternoon. Sky clear in the morning, cloudy in the afternoon. Snow in the night.

Saltville, 6 A.Μ., 481; 7, 47; 8,46; 9, 45; 10,46; 11,48; 12 and 1 P.M., 49; 2,49; 3,51; 4,51; 5,50%; 6,50; 7 and 8, 491; 9,48; 10, 46. Sky cloudy at sunrise and noon-scattered clouds at sunset. Wind fresh before roon, moderate in the atternoon. 02-100 of an inch of rain fell.

Syracuse, sunrise, 13; 9 A.M., 21; 3 P.M., 36; 9, 28. Barometer, 29.70 to 29.84. Sca terd clouds all day. Wind S. at sunrise and 9 A.M. E. at 3 and 9 P.M. Dew-point, 6 to 18.

PENSACOLA, Feb. 27, 1847.

METEOR. On Thursday, of last week, (the 18th,) at half-past 4 O'clock, P.M., was distinctly heard by several persons here a violent explosion, like that produced by the firing of large guns, or the blasting of rocks. This was instantly followed by a whizzing noise, like that of a cannon ball passing through the air, but much more prolonged; this was succeeded again by what might have passed for the report of half-a-dozen or so of muskets, fired in very quick succession. What made these unusual sounds seem the more woderful was, that they came from the northeast, a direction in which there is scarcely a cannon short of New York, or a ledge of rocks short of the Alleghanies. On Saturday, intelligence was brought here that at the same time abovementioned, (Thursday, half-past 4, P.M.,) the same sounds were heard in Mobile Bay, sixty miles west of us; that the sounds were accompanied by the sight of a large meteor, and that the sound and the meteor were at the northeast from that point; thus showing that the phenomenon, whatever it was, was hundreds of miles away. Where, and what was it?-Gazette.

Friday, February 19.

Brooklyn Heights. Thermometer, at 5 and 6 A. Μ., 31; 7,32; 8,31; 9,32; 10, 33; 11, 34; 12 and 1 P.M., 34; 2, 331; 3 and 4, 34; 5 and 6, 331; 7, 33; 8,34; 9, 33; 10, 34.

Wires.-5 A.M., 47; 6,48; 7 and 8, 481; 9, 49; 10 and 11, 50; 12, 494; 1 to 7 P.M., 49; 8,50; 9, 48; 10, 49. Snowing at 5 A.M., and snow three inches deep. Snowing at 5 P.M.

New York Hospital, 9 A.M., 33; 3 P.M., 35; 9, 36. Lowest during the night, 35.

Saltville, 6 A.M., 39; 7, 40; 8,43; 9,474; 10 63; 11.64; 12,65; 1 P.M., 65; 2 and 3, 64); 4, 62; 5.57; 6, 54; 7, 53; 8, 52; 9, 51; 10, 48. Foggy at sunrise, scattered clouds at noon and sunset. Calm at sunrise, wind fresh from S.W. at noon and sunset.

Syracuse, sunrise, 28; 9 A.M., 32; 3 P.M., 42; 9, 28. Barometer 29.70 to 29.84. Sky cloudy all day. Wind E. at sunrise and 9 A.M., W. at 3 P.M. Dewpoint 24 to 25. Damp snow fell two inches at 3 A. Μ. 11-100 of an inch of melted snow fell. Earthquake at Belfast, Maine.

Saturday, February 20.

Brooklyn Heights-Thermometer at 5 to 8 A.M., 34; 9, 35; 10, 37; 11, 40; 12, 41; 1 P M., 411; 2 and 3, 41; 4, 40; 5, 39; 6, 38; 7, 381; 8, 36; 9 and 10, 34; 11, 32.

Wires-5 A.M., 494; 6, 484; 7, 49; 8,491; 9,51; 10 52; 11, 53; 12, 54; 1 P.M., 53; 2 and 3, 52; 4, 51;' 5,50; 6 and 7, 49; 8 to 10,48; 11, 47. Sky cloud

ed at 5 A.Μ.

New York Hospital, 9 A.M., 37; 3 Р.М., 42; 9, 35. Lowest during the night, 29.

Flatbush, morn., 34; aft., 43; even., 36. Barometer 30.15. Wind N.W. in the morning, S.W. in the afternoon. Sky cloudy in the morning, clear in the afternoon.

Saltville, 6 A. M., 39; 7, 39; 8,414; 9, 44; 10; 48; 11, 52; 12, 481; 1 P.M., 514; 2, 52; 3 to 5, 50; 6 to 8, 48; 9, 46; 10, 444. Sky cloudy all day.Wind moderate from N.E. all day. Rain in forenoon 27-100 of an inch fell.

Syracuse, sunrise, 22; 9 A.M., 25; 3 P.M., 33; 9, 26. Barometer 29.84 to 29.90. Sky cloudy all day. Wine N.W. at sunrise and 9 A.M., N.E. at 3 and 9 P.M. Dew-point 16 to 20.

Sunday, February 21.

Brooklyn Heights-Thermometer at 7 A.M., 32; 8, 29; 9, 29; 10 to 1 P.M., 29; 2, 30; 3, 29; 4, 28; 5 to 7, 27; 8, 28; 10, 27.

Wires-7 and 8 A.M., 47; 9, 461; 10 to 1 P.M., 47; 2, 48; 3, 47; 4 to 7, 461; 8,48; 10, 47. Snowing at 7 A.M., hailing at 8 A. M.-found a dead sparrow.

New York Hospital, 9 A.M., 29; 3 Ρ.Μ., 29; 9, 28. Lowest during the night, 27.

Flatbush, morn. and aft., 31; even., 47. Barometer, 29.70 to 30.00. Wind N.E. all day. Sky cloudy all day. Began to snow before daylight, turned to hail aj 11 A.M., and continued the rest of the day and night, 30-100 of an inch of rain and smelted snow fell.

Saltville-6 A.M., 44; 7, 46; 8, 48; 9,51; 10, 531; 11, 56; 12, 58; 1 P.M., 60; 2, 62; 3, 65; 4, 64; 5, 63; 6, 62; 7 and 8, 60; 9,581; 10, 58. Sky cloudy at sunrise and noon, scattered clouds at sunset.Wind light from N.E. at sunrise, S.W. at noon and sunset. Raining at daylight, 04-100 of an inch fell.

Syracuse, sunrise and 9 A.M., 18; 3 and 9 P.M., 21. Barometer 29.30 to 29.60. Sky cloudy all day. Wind N.E. at sunrise and 9 A.M., E. at 3 and 9 P. M. Dew-point 14. Snow fell from 6 A.M. to 4 P. M. to the depth of 4 inches-28-100 of an inch of melted snow.

Snow six inches deep and still snowing at Boston.

Monday, February 22.

Brooklyn Heights-Thermometer at 1 to 6 A.Μ., 26; 7 and 8, 29; 9, 26; 10, 27; 11, 28; 12; 27; 1 to 3 P. M., 28; 4 το 7, 271; 8, 261; 9 and 10, 26.

Wires-1 to 6 Α.Μ., 46; 7, 45; 8,46; 9, 47; 10 and 11, 48; 12, 27; 1 P.M., 48; 2 to 7, 471; 8 and 9, 47; 40, 48. Hail at 8 A. M., snowing from 11 till 7 P.Μ.

New York Hospital, 9 A.M., 27; 3 Ρ.Μ., 28; 9, 28. Lowest during the night, 23.

Flatbush, morn., 26; aft., 27; even., 26. Barometer 29.50 to 29.65. Wind N. E. all day. Snow continued all day till 6 P.M. 40 100 of an inch of melted snow fell.

Saltville, 6 A.Μ., 44; 7, 431; 8, 42; 9,40; 10 to 12,374; 1 P. M., 33; 2 and 3, 31; 4, 30; 5, 29; 6, 281; 7,271; 8, 27; 9, 26; 10, 251. Scattered clouds all day. Wind fresh from S.W. all day. A few drops of rain in the morning, then light snow-wind

Barome-blew a gale at night from S.W.
Rain in

Flatbush, morn., 32; aft., 35; even., 32. ter, 30.00 to 30.05. Wind N.E. all day. the morning, snow in the afternoon. 45-100 of an inch of rain and melted snow fell.

Syracuse, sunrise, 20; 9 A.M., 26; 3, P.M., 27; 9, 13. Barometer 29 30 to 29.40. Sky cloudy all day. Wind N.W. all day. Dew-point 16. Snow fell from 1 to 4 P.M. to the depth of 1 inch-05 100 of an inch of melted snow fell.

Tuesday, February 23.

Brooklyn Heights-Thermometer at 6 to 9 Α.Μ., 20; 10, 22; 11, 221; 12, 231; 1 P.M., 24; 2, 25; 3, 261; 4,26; 5, 25; 6, 23; 7, 22; 8 and 9, 19.

Wires-6 A.M., 44; 7 and 8, 45; 9, 451; 10 to 2 Ρ.Μ., 46; 3, 47; 4, 46; 5, 46; 6, 45; 7, 45; 8,43; 9, 43.

New York Hospital, 9 A.M, 24; 3 Ρ.Μ., 21; 9, 21. Lowest during the night, 18.

Flatbush, morn., 20; aft., 24; even., 21. Barometer 29.85 to 30.05. Wind N. in the morning, N.W. in the afternoon. Sky clear all day.

Saltville, 6 to 8 A.M., 25; 9, 31; 10, 32; 11 and 12, 38; 1 Р.М., 36; 2, 37; 3 and 4, 38; 5, 34; 6,30; 7, 29; 8, 28; 9, 26; 10, 25. Scattered clouds at sunrise and noon, clear at sunset. Wind moderate from S.W. all day.

Syracuse, sunrise, 3; 9 A.M., 11; 3 P.M., 21; 9, 8. Barometer 29.70 to 29.94. Sky clear at sunrise and 9 P.M., scattered clouds at 9 A.M. and 3 Р. M. Wind S.W. at sunrise and 9 P.M., W. at 9 A. M. and 3 P.M. Dew-point 4 to 6.

Wednesday, February 24.

Brooklyn Heights-Thermometer at 6 A.M., 10; 7, 11; 8, 14; 9, 17; 10, 22; 11, 23; 12, 24; 1 Р.М., 25; 2, 25; 3, 26; 4, 26; 5, 23; 6, 21; 7, 22; 8 and 9, 23; 10, 22.

Wires-6 and 7 A.M., 42; 8, 44; 9, 45; 10 to 1 P.M., 47; 2, 46; 3, 47; 4, 47; 5, 46; 6, 45; 7, 46; 8 and 9, 461; 10, 46. Sky clear at 6 A.M.Blue snow cloud in the S.W. at 4 P.M.-cloudy in W. at 5 P.M.

New York Hospital, 9 A.M., 18; 3 P.M., 27; 9, 28. Lowest during the night, 25.

Flatbush, morn., 12; aft., 26; even., 22. Barometer 30.20 to 30.25. Wind N.W. all day. Sky clear all day.

Saltville, 6 A.M., 20; 7, 201; 8, 24; 9, 29; 10, 41; 11, 44; 12, 48; 1 P.M, 50; 2, 53; 3, 511; 4, 48; 5, 45; 6, 43; 7,421; 8, 42; 9, 41; 10, 40. Sky

clear at sunrise and noon, scattered clouds at sunset. Wind light from N.E. all day. 041-100 of an inch of rain fell in the night.

Syracuse, sunrise, 2; 9 A.M., 6; 3 P.M., 25; 9, 18. Barometer 29.80 to 29.98. Sky clear at sunrise and 9, A.M., cloudy at 3 and 9 P.M.Wind E. at sunrise, and 9 A.M. Dew-point 10 at 3 P.M.

At Niskanna, near Albany, the thermometer at 7 A.M. was 20 degrees below zero; at the City Hotel, Albany, it was 100 below zero.

Thursday, February 25.

Brooklyn Heights. -Thermometer at 5 and 6, A. M., 22; 7, 23; 8, 24; 9 & 10, 241; 11, 24; 12, 241; 12 50, 22; 1 to 5 P.M., 26; 6, 24; 7, 241; 8 to 10, 24. Wires-5 and 6 A.M., 45; 7, 46; 8, 461; 9,47; 10, 46; 11, 46; 12, 461; 1250, 42; 1 Ρ.Μ., 43; 2 & 3, 46; 4, 461; 5,46; 6,45; 7 to 10, 46. Snow fallen in the night 1 inch, and snowing at 61 A.M., to 14 P.M., cloudy at 8 P.M.

New York Hospital, 9 A.M., 26; 3 P.M., 27; 9 26. Lowest during the night, 22.

Flatbush, morn., 23; aft., 25; even., 23. Barometer, 29.85 to 30,00. Wind N.E. all day. Sky cloudy all day. Began to snow about daylight and continued till 2 P.M., 23-100 of an inch of melted snow fell.

Saltville-6 and 7, A.M., 37; 8,381; 9,42; 10, 47; 11,481; 12, 511; 1 to 3 P.M, 50; 4, 48; 5, 46; 6, 42; 7, 401; 8, 37; 9, 34; 10, 33. Scattered clouds at sunrise, clear at noon and sunset. Wind light S. W. all day.

Syracuse-sunrise, 15; 9 A.M., 21; 3 P.M., 32; 9, 20. Barometer, 29.64 to 29.80. Sky cloudy all day. Wind E. at sunrise and 9 A.M. N.E. at 3 and 9 P. M. Dew-point 14. Light snow fell inch at 4 A. M.-05-100 of an inch of melted snow.

Friday, February 26.

Brooklyn Heights. -Thermometer at 5 to 8 Α.Μ., 19; 9, 23; 10, 25; 11, 26; 12, 261 ; 1 P.M., 271; 2, 281; 3 and 4, 28; 5, 27; 6 to 11, 26. Equilibriation.

Wires-5 to 8 Α.Μ., 44: 9,471; 10, 48; 11, 49; 12, 48; 1 Ρ.Μ., 481; 2, 49; 3 and 4, 48; 5 to 10, 47; 11, 48. Sky clear all day-dense clouds in the far South at 4 P.M. Equilibriation.

New York Hospital, 9 A.M., 25; 3 P.M., 29; 9, 29. Lowest during the night, 29. Equilibriation. Flatbush, morn., 17; aft., 28; even., 25. Barometer, 30.10. to 30.20 Wind N.E. all day. Sky clear all day.

Saltville,-6 A.M., 351; 7 36; 8, 371; 9 to 12, 40; 1 P.M., 35; 2, 34; 3, 351; 4 to 12, 36. Sky cloudy at sunrise and noon, scattered clouds at sunset. Wind N.E. all day-59-100 of an inch of rain fell. Equilibriation.

Syracuse sunrise 0; 9 A. M., 10; P. M., 20; 9, 28. Barometer 29, 64 to 29 90. Sky clear at sunrise and 9 A. M., scattered clouds at 3 P. M., and cloudy at 9. Wind S. at sunrise and 9 A. M., N. E. at 3 and 9 P. M. Dew point 5 to 9. Began to snow at 11 P. M. The mercury in the Barometer stood at 22, 90, commenced falling about noon, and fell during the day 26-100 inch. Equilibriation.

[blocks in formation]

Wires 2 and 3 A. M., 49; 4 and 5, 50; 6, 49; 7 to 10, 50; 11 to 2 P.M., 51; 3, 52; 4 and 5, 53; 6,49; 7 to 10, 50. Snowing at 330 A. M., hail and wind at 61⁄2, rain from 7 A. M. all through the day, thunder and lightning at 7 20 and 7 22 P. M.

New York Hospital, 9 A. M., 33; 3 P. M., 40; 9, 37. Lowest during the night, 33. Rain at the New York Hospital two inches and 91-100 of an inch.

Flatbush, morning, 32; afternoon, 37; evening, 40. Barometer 29, 10 to 29, 85. Wind East all day. Began to rain before daylight and continued to rain hard all day-thunder shower at 71 P.M.-1 inch and 80-100 of an inch of rain fell.

Saltville, 1 A.M., 361; 6,38; 7,39; 8,401; 9,44; 10 to 1 P.M., 48; 2 and 3, 441; 4, 43; 5, 41; 6,38; 7, 37; 8, 36; 9,341; 10, 34. Scattered clouds at sunrise, cloudy at noon and sunset. Wind moderate from N.E. at sunrise, S.W. at noon and sunset.

Stormy after dark-6 15 P.M. hail-gale from S.W. all night. Earthquake Equilibrium.

sleeping, was torn to pieces, the girls uninjured. A clock within one foot of where Mr.McK. was lying, was shivered to pieces; every pane of glass in the house was broken, and yet none of the family were seriously injured.-Huron (O.) Reporter.

Fall of rain and snow during the month of February. At Syracuse, 3 feet 2 inches of snow; rain and melted snow, 3 inches and 71-100 of an inch;Flatbush, 5 inches and 41-100 of an inch of rain ;Saltville, 2 inches and 62-100 of an inch of rain and melted snow. Rain at the New York Hospital in the month of February four inches and 56-100 of an inch. REMARKS.


The fall of Rain during eight months, commencing with July 1st and ending with February 28th, has been as follows:

At Saltville, Virginia, 27 inches and 151-100 of an inch fell, of which 14 inches and 204-100 of an inch fell in the night, and 12 inches and 951-100 of an inch fell in the day time.

At Syracuse, New York, 26 inches and 95-100 of an inch of rain fell.

At Flatbush, Long Island, 31 inches and 14-100 of an inch of rain fell.

Thus we present the records from the southwestern mountains of Virginia, from the interior near the great Lakes, and from the Sea coast. These show a pretty equal distribution of rain during the time mentioned at the three localities.

The two great saline districts, Saltville and Syracuse, from the records of these eight months, are much alike, and so far as the rain is concerned, appear to be alike advantageously situated for the manufacture of salt by solar heat.

Much is said in reference to the change of climate, as it is termed, the variableness of temperature and frequency and suddenness of changes. These tables show that the three localities named present the same features in this respect-there is need of great and sudden changes in all climates-they give vigor to both body and mind.

A review of all the details of these records require more study and attention than we can at this time bestow, but we intend to make extensive comparisons and full remarks in the succeeding pages of this volume upon the facts stated in the preceding

Syracuse sunrise, 17; 9 A.M., 23; 3 and 9 P.M, 32. Barometer 28.80 to 29.34. Sky cloudy all day. Wind E. all day. Dew-point 14 to 26. Snow fell 6 inches. Rain commenced falling at 10 A.M. and rained all day. Barometer during the day fell to pages. 2880(a depression of 1 10-100 inch)and stood at Equilibrium, for more than twenty-four hours. Heavy storm of thunder and lightning at Hartford, Connecticut.

Sunday, February 28,

Brooklyn Heights. -Thermometer at 3 A.M., 35; 6, 341; 7 and 8, 34; 9 and 10, 37; 11, 38; 12, 39; 1 P.M. 41; 2,401; 3, 38; 4 and 5, 36; 6 and 7, 34; 8, 33; 9, 32; 10, 31; 11, 32.

Wires 3 to 9 Α.Μ., 49; 10, 50 1-2; 11, 50; 12 to 2 Ρ.Μ., 51; 3,50 1-2; 4, 49; 5, 48 1-2; 6, 48; 7 to 9, 47; 10 and 11, 48. Snow clouds overhead all the forenoon, and at 4 P.M. Snow squall at 5 P.M.

New York Hospital, 9 A.M., 38; 3 P.M., 38; 9, 33, Lowest during the night, 30.

Flatbush, morn., 36; aft., 40; even., 35. Barometer 29.20 to 29.25. Wind W. all day. Sky cloudy in the morning, clear in the afternoon. 40-100 of an inch of rain fell.

Saltville 6 to 9 A.M. 27 1-2; 10 28; 11, 29; 12, 29 1-2; 1 and 2 P.M., 29; 3, 281-2; 4 to 10, 28.Sky cloudy all day. Wind S.W. all day-gale con. tinued-very light snow all day. Clinch and Little mountains covered with snow. Gale moderate all day. All following the Earthquake Equilibrium of yesterday.

Syracuse sunrise, 30; 9 A.M., 31; 3 P.M., 33; 9, 23. Barometer 28.80 to 28.90. Sky cloudy all day. Wind S.W. at sunrise, 9 A.M., and 3 P.M., W. at 9 P.M. Dew-point 18 to 20. Snow fell 2 inches-1 inch and 18-100 of an inch of rain and melted snow. Barometer ranged at 28.80 until 7 P. M., at which time it commenced rising, and at the same time the wind shifted W. and blew almost a

gale which lasted about three hours, snow falling at the same time 2 inches.

LIGHTNING. The family of Mr. McKinney, in Harrison County, Ohio, had a narrow escape from the effects of lightning, the night of the 28th of February. A bedstead on which two girls were

The records of the state of the atmosphere during earthquake disturbances, and immediately preceding, and succeeding, those convulsions, are here stated in so much detail and particularity as to afford the means of accurate comparison.

It will be seen by these records that earthquakes affect the atmosphere to a great distance and over an immense extent of surface, and so strongly have these disturbances been marked upon the air we breathe that the Editor of this paper has on more than thirty different days during the last twelve months published his suggestions of a distant earthquake disturbance simultaneously with its occurrence although several thousand miles distant; these notices were published in the Brooklyn Evening Star, a daily paper, and thus made matters of record at the time the observation was made, and when compared with accounts from a distance subsequently received, afford the most positive and conclusive evidence that is ever attainable in human records of the accuracy of the suggestions, and the correctness of the principles upon which they are founded.

The records and suggestions thus published in the Brooklyn Evening Star will be republished in this volume.

These records present facts of great value, of great practical use-instructive to the mariner, to the agriculturist, and to the man of science.

They have been kept and prepared with great labor and intense application.

The details of disasters, destruction and damage by storms, &c., will be placed in chronological order in the pages immediately succeeding this, and should be read in connection with the preceding tables of temperature, &c.

It is a statement of facts we here present, and not theory, and whatever opinions may be entertained as to the shape of the path of a storm upon the ocean, recorded facts show that that theory does not always prove good upon the land. On the land the storm often pencils its own path.

August, 1846.

DETAILS OF STORMS, DROUGHTS, &c. &c. The Hannibal (Mo.) Journal says, the corn in that region has been "fired" several inches above the ground, in consequence of the drought, and that the season is too far advanced for it to recover. From the different parts of this State and Illinois, we learn that the corn crop has been so seriously injured, that not more than half the usual yield will be realized this year.

The Galena Gazette states that the farmers in Jo Davis' and neighboring counties are busily engaged in harvesting their wheat. The yield is very light, in many cases not justifying the cutting. The crop in Jo Davises and Stephenson counties will not be half What was not killed by the winter frosts has been badly damaged by the rust. Many portions of the country in that latitude were visited by frost on the 23d ult. The leaves of the corn had quite a yellow tinge.

an average.one.

The weather has become cooler than it was, but the drought continues, and potatoes will again be a short crop. We hear no complaints of any disease among them in this quarter, but the dry weather has stunted their growth-Kingston (Ca.) Herald, Aug.


The drought is unusually severe in this section of the country, if the small quantity of water in the streams may be taken as an indication. -Rochester Democrat


Philadelphia, August 18. After two weeks of intolerable hot weather we at last have one day that is really delightful; thanks to a refreshing shower we had last evening.

THE CROPS.-The Centreville (Queen Anne's, Md.) Times of the 8th inst. says:

A large portion of Queen Anne's county is suffering the present moment from drought. The coru presents a very languishing appearance generally. In most light soils it has been so much injured that we judge that it can never recover-a failure of the crop is therefore inevitable. The oats are fine in quality though they are said not to yield largely of grain from the straw.

Balt. 26.--The weather to-day was cold and drizzling. Phil. 27. We have had continuous cloudy weather and rain for the past 24 hours.

HEAVY RAINS AND FRESHETS.-During last week several very heavy rains were experienced in Washington co., Pa., which caused the streams to swell greatly, in some places overflowing their banks, causing much destruction of property. The bridge at Thomas's Mill, in Nottingham township, says the Washington Reporter, was carried away. Mr. Williams's milt-dam, a short distance above, was much injured. A new, unfinished bridge, near Mr. Moore's farm in Cecil township, was carried off, and considerable injury was sustained by the bridges on the Pittsburgh turnpike.-Jour. Com. Sept. 3.

DROUGHT IN KENNEBEC.-For some five or six weeks past the heavens have been as brass, no rain of any consequence during that time having fallen. In this place many wells and springs are dry, and the earth is as dry as powder to a foot or more below the surface. Grass is parched and dried up, and the cattle require extra feed in order to make them "hold their own." Most of the showers have gone either to the North or South of us the weather has been hot, and the sun has poured down his fiercest rays. If this drought continues much longer, the shortness of fall feed will serve to enhance the demand for hay, of which there has been an abundant crop secured. We are longing and sighing for rain. O, for refreshing and abundant showers upon the thirsty earth.-Hallowell Cultivator, Sept. 5.

In the month of August, 1846, lightning storms were experienced on twenty-one different days during that month, and Earthquakes on the 4th, 12th, 14th, 22d, 25th and 27th of the month.

The simultaneous occurrence of a Volcano and a lightning storm in the Red Sea in Asia with that of a terrific Earthquake throughout Tuscany in Europe on the 14th of August is remarkable when we take into account that these localities are 2,500 miles apart. We record the death of nine persons by lightning in the month of August, and more than a dozen persons were injured by lightning during the same month.



Sunday, September 6.

Earthquake at St. Vincent's, Grenada, and Trinidad. The brig Virginia, from Baltimore for Demerara, went to sea on the 24th August. Her owners re ceived a letter from the captain, written at sea on the 23d of September. Lat. 35 51, long. 73 18, schooner had been hove on her beam ends and totally dismasted in a hurricane on the 6th. Lat. 29 30, long. 70 16, also had deck swept of every thing, spare spars, water casks, &c., and one man washed overboard. On the 16th, lat. 34 38, long. 73 08, spoke bark Iowa, Thompson, of and from Baltimore for Havana, and received from her a spare spar and saucepan; when night came lost sight of her, thus preventing the rendering of further assistance. Passed 21st, brig Pelon, of North Yarmouth, dismasted and abandoned, kull tight, apparently in ballast. On the 22d, was boarded from the brig G. W. Knight, of Portland, from New-York, in lat 35 34, long. 73 40, who supplied us with a spar, topgallant sails, oars, &c. She intended putting into the nearest port-has subsequently been in tow of pilotboat Eclipse, but when within a few miles of Cape Henry, had to let her go on account of a gale.

Thunder, Lightning and Hail.

VIOLENT STORM.-Our village, yesterday afternoon, was visited with two showers of rain, accompanied with hail and lightning, more severe than any that we witnessed in a number of years; and more rain fell than any one time since the year 1818. The electricity played many fantastic tricks with the magnetic telegraph wire which passes through our village, striking it in a number of places. In one instance, the lightning followed along the wire, until it came in contact with the glass ball surmounting the post in our village, immediately in front of the Troy railroad office, when it left the wire and descended the post, cutting a furrow in it about a quarter of an inch wide nearly to its base, when coming to a knot, it left the post, and struck the ground some eight feet distant.

In another instance, it followed the wire until it came to the glass knob on the post adjoining our office, when it, or a part of it at least, left the wire, accompanied by two reports like that occasioned by the discharge of a pistol, and ascended into the air in two illuminated balls. In another case, some quarter of a mile south of our village, the electricity completely destroyed two of the poles, throwing some of the fragments fifty feet from their foundation. The three instances of the action of the electricity above given were occasioned by the same shock of lightning. The flanges of the glass balls were slightly broken, but the wire was not in the least injured by the destruction of the posts above referred to. Hailstones during the storm were picked up some half mile west of our village half as large as an ordinary sized hen's egg.Ballston Daily Telegraph of Monday.

THE WEATHER.-Yesterday was pronounced by those who keep an accurate account of the weather, the hottest day in the year, and certainly it was the most uncomfortable. At 6 o'clock A.M. it was two degrees higher than it had previously attained. At midday it was 96 and 97, and 9 last evening it was 84.-Bost. Trans. Sept. 7.

Extract of a letter dated

GALVESTON, Sept. 7, 1846.

The New-York left this port on the evening of the 5th, with a strong head wind, say about east, which continued to blow up to yesterday. About noon it veered to north-east, and blew a gale until last night, changing about midnight to north, north-west and west. Our town has suffered as much from the effects of the water, as it did in 1842. The tide rose in our streets up to Avenue F. It is hard to estimate the amount of damage. The wharves have suffered their share, at least $12,000; small boats are annihilated, and many of the small retailers of the strand have found their establishments missing. The captain of the G. B. Lamar thinks she is damaged to the amount of $1500. The John Barnes has holes chafed through her that a man could crawl into. A German brig of 400 tons is in two feet water, by Merritt's press. The Tom Jack is sunk, loaded with dry goods; the G. B. Jones gone to pieces; the new warehouse recently raised, partly blown down.

Bark Falmouth, from Havana, Aug. 29th, bound to Antwerp, with loss of top gallant masts, flying jibboom, and looking badly, having had heavy gales from the 12th. the 6th to the 12th, lay too at one time 76 hours under main-top spencer. one pump continually going; 9th, lat. 35, 30, long. 74, 30, passed brig Augusta of NewYork; 16th at 4 P M. took pilot boat Nettle, Sandy Hook N; by E. 160 miles distant.

Schooner Edward Tillett was blown ashore near the Sabine on the 6th. Vessel a total loss, passengers and

crew saved.

Schooner Lone Star, at New-Orleans, from Rio Grande, experienced very heavy weather on the 6th, had to throw overboard 19 bales of wool.

Monday, September 7.

Bark Fairmount, from Salt Key, on the 7th, 21 miles south of Cape Henlopen, experienced a violent gale intermission until the evening of the 11th; were blown from N.E., which continued to rage with but little down to Gulf Stream, carried away foretopsail, foresail, foretopmast staysail and spanker, stove stern boat, &c. 12th., lat. 37 30, long. 72 50, fell in with brig Josephine, from Philadelphia for Savannah, a total wreck, full of water, masts gone by the board, decks swept, &c., took off captain, crew and passengers, and brought them to port. 13th, off the Capes, saw barks Nashua and Cumberland, both dismasted, standing for the Capes. Several small vessels were also in sight, minus their full compliment of sails. Passed off the Capes, floating timber, spars, broken topmast, a caboose house, fruit, onions, hogs, &c.

Brig Peconic, 7th, lat. 32 30, long. 73 30, experienced a heavy gale of wind from N.E. to S.W., during which lost both topmasts, and mastheads with all the sails, spars and rigging attached, sprung bowsprit, lost stern boat, stove water casks, head rails, billet head, and sustained other damage.

Brig Emily, from New-York for Charleston, on the 7th, three miles north of Hatteras, experienced a very of the compass,

severe blow from N.N.Ε.

to all points

for the space of five days, during which lost deck load, stove water casks, stern boat, bulwarks, gangways, &c., carried away; also lost and split most of the sails.

Brig Clement, on the 7th, lat. 36 40, long. 75 20, experienced a violent gale from S.E. to N., during which lost deck load, the mainsail, stove booby hatch, and received other dainage.

Brig Sea. from Laguna for New-York, 7th, lat. 34, long. 73 42, experienced a severe gale, lost main topsail, jibs and trysail, stern boat, deck load, bulwarks and did other damage.

Brig Fabius on the night of the 7th, lat. 34 30, long. 74 20, in the Gulf Stream encountered a tremendous gale.

Brig Le Grange was dismasted on the 7th, in a gale of wind from all points of the compass. She had on board a cargo of bricks, cement and lime. After the masts were carried away, the water got into the hold and communicated with the lime and set fire to the vessel. The fire was kept under for four days by having the hatches, companion way and scuttle confined. Saturday, 12th, the crew were taken off by the brig Rowland, of Bath, and carried to Wilmington. The crew had neither provisions or water for four days, and were unable to save any thing but what they stood in. Shortly after leaving the vessel the flames burst forth and she was entirely consumed.

Bark Isaac Mead, from New-York for Savannah, encountered the gale on Monday night, September studdingsail booms, cat head; started false stern and 7th, off Hatteras, and carried away bowsprit, jib-boom, lost topsails, jib. flying jib, foresail, staysail, &c. On Wednesday night, 9th, Hatteras bearing S.W., distant 40 miles, came in contact five times with schooner Imperial, from Philadelphia for Charleston, and so severe was the concussion that the captain and crew of the I. abandoned her and took refuge in the bark. Russel Brown of New-London, one of the crew of the schooner, had both legs horribly mangled.

Schooner Gold Hunter, from Turk's Island, on the 7th, 8th and 9th, in the Gulf Stream, experienced three severe gales from N.E., split sails, stove boat, bulwarks, &c.

The schooner Champion, from Philadelphia for Boston, with a cargo of coal, went to sea from the

Breakwater; 7th and 8th, when off Barnegat, encountered the gale, which swept deck load, split mainsail, carried away jib-boom, &c. The brig Edward Blake and schooner Genius, which were driven ashore during the late gale on Mispillian Beach, have gone to pieces.

Norfolk Herald Office,

Sept. 15, 2 o'clock, P. M.

THE LATE STORM. -The gale of last week was more terrible and disastrous in its effects on the coast, than we had any idea of. This will be seen by the following statement from a gentleman who had melancholy evidence of its violence. A number of vessels in distress are reported off the capes by pilots who have come up; and upon a representation of the facts to Commodore Wilkinson, in command at the Navy Yard, he immediately ordered the U. S. steamer Engineer to be got ready and proceed to their relief.

Old Point, Sept. 1846.

The undersigned was passenger on board the bark Isaac Mead, from New-York bound to Savannah, during the gale which commenced on last Monday evening at 8 o'clock, and continued to rage with unabated violence until Friday at 12 o'clock.

It is impossible to form any idea or estimate of the immense loss of life and property. We hazard little in saying that no vessel out at the time has escaped without serious damage, while many have gone entirely to pieces, and hundreds, and perhaps thousands of lives lost. Two long-boats, innumerable pieces of ship timber, barrels, and other portions of cargo, and one wreck of a vessel, men seen floating past us at various times during the gale; all of which bear testimony to the assertion ventured above. The writer has seen 15 or 20 vessels making into port since the storm, and not one of them but has sustained heavy loss and damage in some part. The "Isaac Mead," Capt. Perkins, lost all her sails (which were closely furled) off Cape Hatteras, on Tuesday morning, in eight fathoms water-and at the time when the tempest was driving her with terrible speed upon the breakers. The wind at this moment changed, and drifted us away towards the north west. She lost her bowsprit, foremast, and suffered considerably in various places by coming in contact with the schooner Imperial, Capt. Reid, from Philadelphia, bound to Charleston. The schooner was run down, but it affords us much pleasure to state that all her crew were saved.

One poor sailor had both legs badly broken, and was when we left the vessel this morning, expected to die in a few hours. To prevent any imputations upon officers of other vessels, we take occasion to say that no human skill, or foresight, could have prevented the accident. The darkness of the night, the violence of the waves and wind, and the helpless condition of both vessels, prevented any thing like further efforts than were used. All hands were on deck, and every possible means used to arrest the calamity. We learn that the schooner's cargo was worth about $40,000, and the schooner about $10,000.

Capt. Pickens, mates Derrick and Holt, deserve our lasting gratitude for their great and unparalleled exertions during the whole gale. To them the passengers are indebted for their lives.


P. S. Since writing the above, I have seen a gentleman who reports the wreck of the schooner Walter R. Jones, from up James River, for New-York: all on board saved, with the exception of the mate, who was washed overboard before the wreck. Another gentleman reports four vessels lost, names not known.

Pilot-boat Aid, from the Capes, encountered the late gale on Monday night off Smith's Island, and on Wednesday in the edge of the gulf, carried away mainmast, &c. Saw on Thursday about 130 miles in the Capes, it bearing W. by N., a ship or bark on her beam ends. On Saturday a bark standing to the N. with bowsprit, foremast, main topmast, bulwarks, &c. gone.

A slip from the Mobile Tribune of 10th inst. gives an account of the loss of the steamship New-York on the 7th inst., in a severe gale from the north-east. The news was brought to New-Orleans by the steamship Galveston, Capt. Wright. Seventeen persons were drowned, including twelve passengers and five of the crew. The survivors were picked up by the Galveston, and taken to New-Orleans. Capt. John D.

Phillips, of the lost New-York, states that he left Galveston Saturday evening, the 5th inst., for NewOrleans; and in that night, finding the wind blowing very hard from the north-east, with a heavy sea running from the eastward, he got back into eleven fathoms of water. On Sunday morning at ten o'clock, the wind having lulled, he weighed anchor and proceeded on his course. Soon after, the wind increased, and he came to anchor in ten fathoms of water. The wind then commenced blowing a perfect gale, and held on until Monday morning. He attempted to slip out of the troughs of the sea, and before the wind, when a very heavy sea struck her larboard guard, carrying it away, and straining the vessel so much as to cause her to leak considerably. At four o'clock, A. M., a heavy squall carried away the smoke pipe, lifted the promenade deck, stove in the larboard guard and wheel-house, causing the vessel to leak in such a manner as to extinguish the fires in the furnace, and at six o'clock she went down in ten fathoms of water, the wind blowing a perfect hurricane. The captain and eighteen of the crew were saved.

The Monmouth (N. J.) Enquirer has accounts of the storm along Monmouth coast last week from as far south as Barnegat Inlet, from which we learn that eight to ten vessels have been shipwrecked, and at least sixteen lives lost! The vessels, with perhaps one or two exceptions, are or will be totally lost. Two or three vessels, we understand, are ashore in the inlet.

Philadelphia, Sept. 18.-Arrived brig Harriet, Collegan, from Havana. Sept. 7, lat. 34 25, long. 75 30, experienced a hurricane from N.E. to N.W., and veering S.W. to S.E., which carried away both topmasts, head of foremast, jibboom, fore yard, and every thing attached thereto; swept deck of caboose house, stern boat and long boat, lost best bower anchor and chain, broke stanchions, &c.

The schooner John James, from Philadelphia, bound to the West Indies, was totally lost on Monday night in the gale, together with all her cargo, three miles north of Hatteras, on the beach. I learn that little or no damage was done to the shipping at Ocracoke bar.

The Conductor of the train from Albany states that there were fine showers yesterday at Greenfield and Springfield. The wind in Boston Bay, at times, on Sunday and yesterday, was easterly. Yesterday forenoon, the breeze reached the inner harbor, and was felt upon some of the wharves, but had not sufficient force to penetrate into the city. -Boston Daily Adv. Sept. 8.

To day at 1 P.M. the mercury in our office stood at 88, and in State street 91 degrees.-Boston Trans. Sept. 7.

Most of the vessels wrecked at Ocracoke, in the storm of 7th, are totally lost. The schooners Charles Slover and Francis will probably be got off. The schooner Patrick Henry has floated off and been taken into Wallace's Channel, where she is at anchor full of water. The Harbor Island light boat has been got off, but a little damaged and will be soon at her station again. On the 18th, the schooner Raleiah, Tripp, going over the bar, the wind blowing a gale, missed stays and went ashore near the Amity shoals; the crew were taken off in pilot boats, and the schooner it is thought will be got off.

In the gale of the 7th, when in sight of Smith's Island, the U. S. brig Washington, Lt. Bache, on a surveying expedition, was knocked down on her beam ends, and dismasted, and her decks swept, lost poop deck, guns and boats, and had twenty-five men washed overboard, twelve of whom were drowned. Capt. W. first saw the brig on the 12th inst., with her colors union down, and ran to her assistance; when he was requested to lay up by her, which he did for the space of four days, and supplied her with spars, a cable and anchor. In the gale of the night of the 15th inst., both vessels were hove to, and on the next day Capt. W. lost sight of the brig, twenty miles north of Cape Hatteras, at which time she was working up for Cape Henry. A bark reported that she stood away for the south yesterday, but Capt W. does not credit it. The steamship Palmetto, bound for Brazos, with government stores, supplied the Washington with a small boat capable of holding three or four men only. Since the above was in type, the brig J. Patterson has arrived in Hampton Roads, and the captain reports

that among the number of the drowned, was Lt. Bache, commander of the Washington.

Schr. Curlew, from Curacoa, has experienced tremendous heavy weather from the 7th to the 12th of September, between lat. 31 and 36, 30, long. 73, and 7330; scudding under bare poles for 66 hours, wind veering all round the compass.

Brig Etruria encountered the gale on the 7th, lat. 63, lon. 73 30, and was totally dismasted, besides losing boats, round house, part deckload, &c.

Brig Montillo, from Matanzas for New-York, 7th to 10th, experienced severe gales from S.E. to N.E., lay too 60 hours, was knocked down on her beam ends, started the cargo in the hold, which stove most of the riding tier, swept the decks, stove boat, galley, bulwarks, lost the main and trysails, and received other damage.

SEVERE SQUALL. - On the 7th inst. we were visited by a very severe squall of wind and rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning. Several vessels dragged their anchors and two went ashore--but were got off next morning without damage. Boats and doreys broke adrift on all sides, and were beached or driven out in the harbor, some of them materially damaged. A large quantity of mahogany, too, got loose, was forced over the bar and carried southerly-some of which has not yet been recovered.-Honduras Observer, Sept. 12.

WRECK OF THE BARK METEOR OF ALEXANDRIA. The Meteor, Capt. Janney, sailed from Baltimore for St. Thomas on the 3d September, and was wrecked in the disastrous gale of the 7th and 8th. The only survivors of the crew, John Thompson and William Deany, seamen, arrived at this port yesterday from St. Thomas, in the schooner Zenobia, they having been taken off by the bark Chancellor of New-Haven, and carried to Antigua.

We have been furnished by them with the following account of the loss of that vessel. She passed Cape Henry light at + P. M. on Monday, 7th Sept. 11 P. M., took in topgallantsails and reefed the topsails; 12 midnight, took in fore and main courses, and 8 A. M., 8th, close reefed the maintopsail and furled the foretopsail; also took in jib and spanker; at 3 A. M., carried away the fence of the maintopsail yard, and in an instant the maintopsail was blown into ribbons, the sea making a clear breach over the bark. About 4 A. M., the vessel capsized; the cook being in the cabin at the time he was drowned. All hands immediately got on her broadside, and lashed themselves to the mizzen channel plates. A few minutes after, a heavy sea struck her, and washed the captain, mate and three men overboard, who were lost: two minutes after she was struck by another sea, and the lashing that was round Mr. Glass, the second mate, cut his bowels completely open.

At 5 P. M. the vessel righted, and the foremast, mainmast and mizzenmast all went by the board, bursting in their fall the decks open. All was now lost of the crew save these two men and the wounded mate, Mr. Glass, whom they made fast to the deck, the vessel at the time rolling beam ends under.

After being thus exposed eight days, with nothing but a little molasses to subsist upon, the two seamen were, through the blessings of God, rescued by the bark Chancellor, of New-Haven, Captain Samuel Collins, on the 16th Sept., carried to Antigua, and placed in the care of the U. S. consul at that port. Mr. Glass survived his injuries until about half an hour before his companions were rescued.

Brig Joseph in the gale of the 7th and 8th, lost sails, decks swept, &c. Reports having seen on the 9th several vessels more or less damaged, two of them large ships, one totally dismasted, the other apparently a ship of 700 tons, with loss of foremast and topmasts.

Tuesday, September 8.

Ocracoke, Sept. 12, 1846.-A severe gale of wind we had on Tuesday the 8th inst-one of the worst we ever had in this part of the world. The following is a list of vessels on shore. Schr. Paragon, of Ocracoke, laden with wheat bound to New-York allin good order, she is high and dry. Schr. Locust, of Plymouth, N. C. laden with corn, bound to Charleston, a total loss. Schr. Patrick Henry, of Plymouth, N. C., laden with lumber, supposed to be a total loss. Schr. E. Townsend from N. Y., from West Indies with salt, sunk. Brig Washington of Newbern, N.C, sunk, lighter taking the cargo. Schr. Sophia D., bound to Savannah, laden with iron from the wreck. Ship Howard sunk, cargo will be got out as early as possible, and reship if practicable. Schr. Conquest of Plymouth, N. C., laden with corn, total loss-two of the crew also lost. Schr. Frances, of Newbern, N. C.; she is full of water, loss of deck load; the rest of the cargo will be saved and re-shiped. Schr. Charles Slaver, ashore, both masts ⚫ cut away, no water in her hold, cargo of naval stores will be got out and re-shipped. One centre board schooner sunk. Two lighters went to sea, and five a total loss inside. The schooner Emeline was driven

to sea with only two men on board. Schr. G. C. Merchant, sunk. Schr. Philadelphia ashore, loaded with clover seed. The Harbor Island light boat ashore.

The Norfolk Herald of Tuesday, Sept. 8, says: A storm of wind and rain commenced on Tuesday morning at an early hour, continuing during the day and increasing in violence till night, when it began to subside. The tide rose to an uncommon height. The steamers for Baltimore, Richmond and Old Point were detained all day on Tuesday by the storm.

Brig Detroit, from New-York bound to Charleston, put into Norfolk in distress, having encountered the gale on Tuesday last off Cape Charles, and lost main topsail and yard, main topgallantmasts, royalmast and sails, fore topmast and sails, jib, foresail, trysail, staysail, and spare topsail, together with all the rigging attached; lower rigging badly chafed, bulwarks stove, transom started, shivered about the bowsprit, head rigging gone, &c., besides leaking freely. On Friday, 10 A. M., spoke a square rigged vessel, supposed to be a brig, called the Meteor, with two men on the top of the house on deck, it being the only part of the vessel out of water; kept away for her immediately and run alongside and hove lines to them which they caught, but were afraid to leap on board, the brig going so fast-hove too and lay by them four hours, but drifting to the E. lost sight of them.

Schooner Lavinia, from Boston, off Cape on Tuesday, lost boat, jib-boom, jibs, split sails, &c.

Bark Nashua, bound to New-Orleana, put back in distress, having encountered a tremendous gale on the 8th, in lat. 36, long. 74, which carried away chaintopmast, topgallant-mast, and mizzen topmast, with all the spars, sails and riggin rigging attached thereto, lost stern boat, swept deck load, &c. Capt. Skaats states that he never experienced a more violent gale on the American coast-the wind at times blowing from every point of the compass, passed after the gale a number of wrecks and dismasted vessels.

Yesterday afternoon our city partook of a heavy thunder shower, with violent wind. The rain continued into the night, cooling things most agreeably. The hot charm is broken and we shall now enjoy the usual fine cool September weather.-Boston Post, Wednesday, Sept. 9.

Capt. Murch, of the schooner G. W. Davis, at Wilmington, reports having experienced a severe gale off Cape Hatteras, on the 8th, his vessel being thrown on her beam ends, lost bulwarks and most of the deck load; also passed about 30 miles N. of Hatteras, a vessel bottom up, some few spars floating near her.

For the first 25 days after leaving Liverpool, the ship Harkaway experienced heavy westerly galessince which, has had light westerly winds and calms, until Tuesday 8th inst., when off Matchapungo shoal in 18 fathoms water, at 4 P.M., it commenced blowing a tremendous gale from E.N.E., with very thick weather. and a very heavy sea, hove too under a close reefed main-topsail. At 7 do. had drifted into eleven fathoms water, when fortunately the wind backed into the N.W. and the ship drifted to seaward; at 7 30 do., it blowing a hurricane, with a tremendous sea, split the main-topsail, and were compelled to remain all night under a mizen-staysail, the ship laboring very hard; Wednesday 9th, at 11 A. .M. spoke the pilotboat Dolphin, of Baltimore, Cape Henry W. by N. 70 miles, she lying too under a four-reefed foresail, and making fine weather of it; at noon, set a close-reefed main-topsail, and continued lying too without any decrease of wind or sea until Friday midnight, when the gale abated, and we made sail on the ship. During the gale the wind was from N.W. to E.S.E., and the ship drifted off to long. 72 10. We saw a number of dead sheep, oxen, staves, shingles, spars, &c. drifting about. The ship has sustained some trifling damage in bulwarks, rigging, &c.

Lewis, Del. Sept. 9.-We were visited last evening with a tremendous gale from N.N.E. which contiuued with but little abatement until nine o'clock this morning.

Brig Midas, on the 8th inst., encountered exceeding rough weather in the bay, and on reaching Cape Henry Sunday last, was found leaking so rapidly, that it was almost impossible for the pumps to keep her free-the night before she was perfectly tight and dry. She immediately put away for Baltimore, where she arrived this morning, leaking at the rate of fourteen inches per hour. She will discharge her cargo; the leak is supposed to be in her bottom.

Brig Mary-Ann, from Bath, bound to New-Orleans, encountered the gale on Tuesday off Smith's Island, and had her decks swept, galley, &c. washed overboard and carried away fore topgallant and royal masts and sails, jib-boom and sails, and three studding sails from the decks, &c.

Also Norwegian brig Washington Croch, from NewYork bound to Rio Janeiro via James River, in distress; encountered the late gale on Tuesday off the Capes being about 60 miles distant, and carried away bowsprit, jib-booms, foretopmast, topgallantmasts, &c. and sprung foremast and lost two jibs and topgallant


16th, arrived brig Aldrich, Henlow, from NewYork, encountered the late gale on Tuesday between Hog & Smith's Island, and lost topgallantmast, jibboom, sails and rigging, head of maintopmast, and besides leaking freely,

Brig Trojan, Mitchell, from New-York, in distress, encountered the late gale on Tuesday in lat. 38, and lost topsails, foretopmast, staysail, &c.

Brig Alvano, Ingraham, from Matanzas, bound to Baltimore, encountered the gale in lat. 36, lost all her masts, spars, sails and rigging, boats &c., and had her decks swept of every thing.

Brig L. Baldwin, from Savannah, bound to NewYork, lost during the gale, main yard, main topsail, topgallant yard, sails, bulwarks, boats, water casks, &c., leaking badly, having two feet of water in the hold.

Br. brig Sea on September 8th, experienced a gale off Cape Henry, during which lost fore topmast, sails, &c.; also strained the vessel, causing her to leak.

Brig Orbit, from New-York for Para, from the 8th to the 16th of September, experienced very heavy gales of wind, and lost sails, spars, &c. On the 10th, William T. Knight, of Hudson, N. Y., first officer, fell from the foretopsail yard, head foremost, on the deck, aud expired instantaneously. He was an accomplished seaman and a very worthy man.

Brig Union, from Havana, on the 8th off Smith's Island, encountered sland. a terrific gale from N.E., during which she shipped a heavy sea that swept deck load, started part of her cargo in the hold, sprung rudder head. stove stern post, and received other damage of a serious nature.

Brig Envoy, from New-York, encountered the gale of the 8th, lost sails, fore topgallantmast and yard, running rigging, hull badly strained, leaking, two feet water in the hold.

Schooner Abel Story, from Providence, on Tuesday night off Hog Island, was hove down and shifted ballast and cargo, and shipped large quantities of water, damaging to some extent the cargo, &c.

Brig Caucassian encountered the gale on the 8th, lost deck load, boat, foremast, &c.

Bark Zalette, on the 8th, lat. 36 40, long. 74 10, experienced a heavy gale of wind from S.E. to N.E. during which lost boat and sustained other damage.

HURRICANE IN THE WEST INDIES.-We learn from Captain Berry, of the bark Burtel, from Point Petre, that on the 8th, that place was visited by a violent hurricane which did considerable damage in the interior. The shipping in the harbor suffered no material injury.

Ship St. Louis, from Philadelphia, at N. O. reports, on the 8th, off Hatteras, experienced very heavy weather from S.E.; and the 9th, fell in with a brig dismasted, bore down to her to render assistance, which was refused, could not learn her name.

Ship John P. Howard, sailed hence on the 1st instant, for New Orleans, returned in distress, having been dismasted on 8th, in a hurricane; on the 16th,

spoke brig Circassian, from Charleston, for Providence, with loss of foremast, main top mast, &c. The J. P. H. has seen a number of vessels with loss of sails, spars, &c.

Bark Autolean, from New Orleans, for New York, on the 8th, when off Barnegat, was drove back by heavy N.E. gales; has fallen in with a number of vessels with loss of spars and sails. 12th, lat. 37 20, long. 76 15, at 6 A.M., spoke brig Detroit, hence for Charleston, lying too under close reefed main top sail, had been dismasted in the gale of the 7th, and was making for Cape Henry, with a lower studensail bent to the foreyard; he reported that on the day previous he fell in with a brig full of water, with two men on board-he ran near them and threw a line, there being so heavy a sea they did not succeed in getting hold of it; having both boats stove, was unable to render any further assistance.

Schooner Charlotte, from New York, for Philadelphia, encountered the late gale on Tuesday night, the 8th, off Squam Beach, and had her boat stove, her mainsail split, &c.

Schooner Native, from New York, for York River, on the night of the 8th, off Cape Henlopen, encountered the gale, and carried away jib boom, mainstay, bob stay, flying jib, sampson post, stove yawl boat, &c. Passed, on Wednesday, in the edge of the Gulf, a full rigged brig with both masts gone. Saw off Cape Henry, yesterday, a pilot boat towing into the Capes a dismasted brig. Saw also 4 or 5 square-rigged vessels dismasted standing in for the Capes. Passed a quantity of spars, several boats, &c., at


MARINE DISASTERS.-The ship St. Mary, which arrived yesterday from New York, picked up at sea on the 12th instant, in lat. 35 16, long. 75 30, Captain Shanklin and crew of the schooner Mary Anna, of and for Philadelphia, from Charleston, with a cargo of lumber, the vessel having been dismasted in a gale on the 8th instant, off Cape Hatteras, and abandoned. Captain Shanklin reports having seen, on the 11th, a New York brig, name unknown, with her masts gone by the deck. On the 12th, spoke the schooner Angeline R. Thompson, which reported having seen the day previous a schooner bottom upwards. The St. Mary also brought here John Valentine, one of the crew of the brig Helen McLeod, Captain Marston, from Baltimore, bound for this port, with a cargo of assorted merchandize. He states that she left the Capes of Virginia on the 7th instant. On the following night, in a heavy gale, they lost their sails and sprung a leak. On the 11th the brig was half full of water; at the same time was near to the hull of the schooner Mary Anna, when Valentine jumped overboard and swam to it. On the 12th, the Helen McLeod, still in company with the Mary Anna, a sail was seen in the West, towards which the H. McLeod bore down. Shortly after a violent squall of wind and rain set in. After the squall cleared away, the Helen McLeod could not be seen, and it is supposed she went down, with all on board. consisting of Capt. Mates and crew-eleven in number-four lady cabin passengers, and four persons in the steerage.

Captain Shanklin thinks it possible they may have been saved, as there were several sail in sight when the squall commenced, and one or two were still in view when it ceased.

Norfolk, Sept. 16.-Brig Prince de Joinville, from Matanzas, bound to New-York, encountered the gale on the 8th and 9th inst, and carried away jib-boom, from the top-gallant mast, foresail, &c, lost boat from the quarter and sustained other damages, besides leaking freely, having at one time 3 feet water in the hold. On the 11th, the wind N.N.E. stood on shore 45 miles south of Cape Henry, saw a brig laying at anchor, both masts gone, American Ensign set on the stump of the main-mast, union down, saw men on board, endeavored to succor them, but was unable to do so as she lay close to the breakers, and the current was setting in strong to the shore, 1 mile distant with a heavy swell, and both vessels being without a boat. On the 12th saw 4 wrecks, a ship or barque and three brigs at a distance, top-masts of all gone and two of them under jury masts. At 10 P.M. spoke a NewYork brig, underjury masts; could not ascertain her


Schooner Nancy W. W. B Bishop, from Port au Prince, on the 8th and 9th experienced a tremendous gale

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