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E., which lasted about four hours; lost topsails and sprung topsail yard. The O. was on Grand Bank, Feb. 16; has experienced very violent and severe gales from N.W. to W. the whole passage.

Ship Kensington, from Manila, on Feb. 27, at 8 A. M., a severe gale commenced blowing with great violence from S.E. to N. W., without abating for 72 hours. March 4th shipped a sea which stove monkey rails, &c. At midnignt, a whirlwind struck the ship, which sounded like the report of a cannon, split new maintopsail and done much damage.

Schr., from Baltimore, for Bath, went ashore in the gale at 10 P.M. 27th, near the Goose Rocks, W. of Saco River, and immediately went to pieces. The crew seven in number, got safely on shore.

A topsail schr. went ashore on the night of 27th, on Bass Island, Cape Porpoise Harbor.

Sunday, February 28.

Brig Palmetto, at Charleston, from Boston, on the 28th, took a gale which split sails and shifted cargo.

Sch. Alcyona, from Philadelphia for Brazos, on the 28th, lat. 34 21, long. 73 30, experienced a heavy gale of wind from S. E. to N.W. which lasted for 48 hours, during which lost mainmast and all attached, sprung foremast, lost foretopmast, and jibboom, split sails, and caused the vessel to leak.

The weather in the vicinity of Houston, during the early part and middle of this month was said to be the coldest ever experienced in that section of the country. The extreme cold had been productive of much sickness in the interior counties-pleurisy, quinsy and other dangerous diseases prevailing to a great extentand several of the oldest citizens had fallen victims. -N. O. Delta, Feb. 28.

Ship Uncas, wnich returned to this port yesterday morning in distress, bound to Cork from Norfolk, experienced a severe gale from W.S.W. on the 28th, 90 miles E. of Cape Henry; sprung a leak under the counter; made for this port in order to repair.

The amount of rain that fell during the month of February, asascertained by the gauge kept at the Pennsylvania Hospital was 4 inches 57-100.

[From the Brooklyn Evening Star.]

At the dawn of day I took my position upon the top of a forest tree, on a terrestial protuberance, whose sides had for a mantle the clouds of heaven, to watch the rising of the sun above the eastern horizon.

What an observatory this!-what sublimity of scenery!-what grandeur of display!-what magnificence!-pen cannot describe it, for there is nothing with which to compare it.

The reader may imagine himself at a height of 4000 feet above the earth's common surface, seated upon the flattened top of a stunted tree, with nothing to obscure his vision, in calm, silent meditation, surveying the great terrestial carpet, spread out with all its chequered scenery before him-the rivers, lakes, ponds, and water courses, each covered with white clouds formed by the condensing of the atmosphere upon the refrigerating surfaces of these aqueous bodiesto the East, morning, with its golden adornings, entering to the West, night, with its silvery hues, retiring-the stars fading the planets disappearing from the greater effulgence of light-and beyond, in the centre of the mighty vault of heaven, the etherial ocean of boundless space, extending beyond the reach of human vision, and far, far beyond the stretch of thought. In such a position, mortality is forgotten, for the sublimities of nature wholly absorb the mind. Ere a little, and the mind is awakened from its meditation, and roused to the contemplation of the mighty orb of light-the rising sun; the mantled waters send forth their ascending vapors in successive clouds, and in a short space of time the whole terrestial surface beneath is covered with cloud, piled on cloud, looking like the depths of a mighty deep, transformed into vasts cataracts, with majestic cascades, and those of various and of lesser size, shaded with abysses which appear of an unfathomable depth, and studded with majestic columns, carved and ornamented with the various orders of primitive architecture; the edges of these painted and gilded with the richest adornings from the solar pencil, each casting a reflection in a

beauteous tint to some more distant surface, and these continually changing and nearing, until at length, ascending higher and higher, they form the clouds above his head, in which are forged the thunderbolts, in the bosom of which, kindles the lightning's fire. The scene is too gigantic for my pen-I pause.Ε. Μ.


The following account of tremendous snow storms in the year 1777, is taken from the "History of Lynn," by Alonzo Lewis, published a number of years ago:

"Two great storms, on the twentieth and twentyfourth of February, covered the ground so deep with snow that people for some days could not pass from one house to another. Old Indians of an hundred years said that their fathers had never told them of such a snow. It was from ten to twenty feet deep, and generally covered the lower stories of the houses. Cottages of one story were entirely buried, so that the people dug paths from one house to another under the snow. Soon after, a slight rain fell, and the frost crusted the snow; and then the people went out of their chamber windows and walked over it.

Many of the farmers lost their sheep; and most of the sheep and swine which were saved lived from one to two weeks without food. One man had some hens buried near his barn, which were dug out alive eleven days after. During this snow, a great number of deer came from the woods for food, and were followed by the wolves, which killed many of them. Others were killed by the people with guns. Some of the deer fled to Nahant, and being chased by the wolves, leaped into the sea and were drowned. Great damage was done to the orchards by the snow freezing to the branches, and splitting the trees as it fell.

This snow was a remarkable era in New-England; and old people, in relating an event, would say that it happened so many years before or after the great



We continue our catalogue of earthquakes from page 690. On that page we record 38 earthquakes, which have taken place since Nov. 25, 1845, and now add to that long list as follows:

May 8, 1846. Earthquake at Memphis Tennessee. Sept. 16, 1846.

Two severe shocks of earthquake were felt at the city of St. Domingo.

Nov. 24, 1846.

A severe shock of an earthquake about midnight between 23d and 24th, was felt in a large district in Scotland.

Dec. 17, 1846.

Earthquake at Trinidad.

Jan. 20, 1847.

An Earthquake was experienced at Lincolnville, Maine, a few days since. See Journal of Commerce of this day's date.

Jan. 29, 1847.

The Antigonish Chronicle states that a shock of an earthquake was felt in that county on the evening of Jan. 29, at half-past 9 o'clock.

Feb. 2, 1847.

Earthquake at Deerfield, New-Hampshire.
Feb. 8, 1847.

Accounts from South America states that the city of Capiaco had been nearly destroyed by an earthquake, date of its occurrence not stated.

February 14, 1347.
Earthquake at Meredith, New-Hampshire.
Feb. 19, 1847.
Earthquake at Belfast, Maine.
Feb. 21, 1847.
Earthquake at Deerfield, N. H.

March 9, 1847.

Earthquake at Green Bay and on Fox River. April 1, 1847.

Earthquake at Limington, state of Maine. April 27, 1847.

Earthquake at Mount Morris, Livingston County, New-York.

Thus the long catalogue is swelled to the number of 52, and no doubt numerous other Earthquakes have taken place during the same time, of which we have no information.

Our meteorlogical records present observations made simultaneously at three different stations remote from each other, which have been made simultaneously with the occurrence of earthquakes, thereby affording the means of ascertaining how far Earthquakes affect the atmosphere and to what extent a peculiar state of the atmosphere operates in producing earthquakes.


The record of death and of damage by lightning contained in this volume shows that lightning storms prevail to a greater extent than is generally supposed.

Three Ships burnt by Lightning.

Ship Oscar, at Port of Spain, struck by lightning Sept. 15, 1846, and wholly consumed.

Packet ship Thos. P. Cope, struck by lightning. Nov. 29, 1846, set on fire, and with cargo, wholly destroyed. One person perished in the flames.

Ship Christopher Columbus struck by lightning Feb. 11, 1847, set on fire, and with cargo wholly consumed. A lady passenger in feeble health died in consequence of the disaster and subsequent exposure, Ship Hugenot, of 1000 tons burthen, loaded with cotton, struck by lightning, June 12, set on fire and was obliged to put into Savannah to obtain aid to extinguish the fire. Loss $3,000.

Brig Columbia struck by lightning, July 3, 1846. Six men aloft reefing sails were knocked into the sea and lost; the lightning descended into the hold and set the vessel on fire, the Captain was the only person on board saved.

Sch. H. S. Cranston was struck by lightning, off Hog Island, on the 7th of June. One man killed, and all on board severely stunned-both her masts shivered to pieces.

Ship Panama struck by lightning at New Bedford on the 23d of May.

Ship Accommodation, lying at the wharf in Newburyport, Mass., was struck by lightning on the 15th of June.

A schr. at Newport, R.I., was struck by lightning on the 12th of July, and one of her masts was shivered to pieces.

Sloop Genesse at Albany was struck by lightning, on July 5, and both masts shivered from the top to the


Brig Mary Ellen on the 23d of July, in lat. 39, long. 70, was struck by lightning, shivered the mainmast, and knocked down the first officer and man at the wheel.

Brig New-England, struck by lightning on May 5, off East Hampton.

Brig Juliet, at Baltimore, on Aug. 7, was struck and had her mainmast much shattered; a schr. at same place had both masts injured, and two men knocked down and stunned.

Bark Hortensia was struck on May 30, lat. 40, long. 11, broke foretopgallant mast and fore topsail sheet in several places.

Steamer Citizen in the River Thames, near London, was struck on the 1st of Aug. and the box of one of the wheels damaged.

Sch. Comet was struck by lightning at St. Jago de Cuba, on Sept. 11, shivered maintopsail, split head of mainmast, and passed out throuph the cabin deck, ripping off some of the ceiling in the cabin.

Shlp Emily near New Bedford was struck by lightning on the 12th of Sept.

Ship Independence, in lat. 49N. long. 23W wasstruck twice by lightning, Jan. 14, knocked down five men, disabled two, and done other damage.

Brig Tongua was struck and had her mainmast and sail set on fire on Nov. 23, in lat. 38 10, long. 71. PERSONS KILLED BY LIGHTNING IN 1846.

Feb. 13.-A young lady killed in bed in Mobile, Alabama, at 6 A.M.

April 18.-A young man killed at Norwich, NewYork, coming out of a stable.

May 30.-A man killed near Tarboro, N. C.
May 8.-Two persons killed at Georgetown, N.C.
A man killed near Quincy, Illinois.
June 5.-A man killed on the Washington Railroad

near Baltimore.

June 10. Two men killed under a tree in Switzerland connty, Indiana.

June 15. Five men killed in Donjow (Allier) in the woods.

June 17.-A woman killed near Middle River, Va., while standing on the wheel of a wagon.

July 1.-Six persons knocked into the sea by lightning on board the Columbia.

July 11.-A man killed near Cook's Mills, Niagara.
July 24.-A man killed near Washington.
July 10.-Two persons killed near Montreal.
July 27.-A man killed at Vinegar Hill, near Galena,

July 29.-A man killed at Chambersburgh, Pa.
Two men killed at Sault St. Marie.

July 30.-A child killed at Somersworth, NewHampshire.


man killed at Mount Auburn, Shelby county, A young man killed near Mercersburg, Pa Aug. 6.-A man killed at Windsor, Maine, sitting in the house.

Aug. 2.-Three persons killed under a tree at Marshall, Texas.

Aug. 10. A young man killed at Windsor, Maine, sitting in the house.

Aug. 13. A man killed at Indianapolis.

Aug. 14. A man killed in Bedford county, Pa.. in a barn.

Aug. 17. A young lady killed in a house in Elizabeth City.

Aug. 24. A man killed in Lancaster county, Pa. Aug. 28. A man killed near Louisville under a


Aug. 30.-A person killed in Killingworth, Ct. Sept. 2. Three persons killed at Havana, in a house.

Sept. 3.-A woman killed in Wilton, Saratoga Co., standing in the doorway.

Sept. 4. A man killed in St. Louis in a house. Sept. 25.-Three persons killed by lightning at Louisville, New-York.

Oct. 16. A man was killed at Black Rock Dam, New-York. Two persons killed in North Carolina.

June 7.-One man killed by lightning on board the H. S. Cranston.

Accounts from Spain state that several persons had been killed by lightning.

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Struck by Lightning -On the 27th of August, the glue factory at Brighton Lock, near Rochester, was struck with lightning, the fluid entered the building, passed over a table where two men were working, knocking them down, with others in the neighborhood, but not seriously injuring any.

ning on the 16th August, and after shivering it from top to bottom, the fluid escaped through the front door, tearing it in splinters. No other injury done.

Sub-Marine Volcano. A ship passing from Batavia to Canton in 16 N. latitude, longitude 125 E. fell in with immense quantities of floating pummice stones, apparently not having been long erupted, as the samples picked up were free from slime or grass. Many pieces were quite large. The nearest land was distant 1000 miles, the Ladrone Islands.

Phenomenon. A pond of 50 acres, in W. Springfield has changed from a pure, transparent color to a dirty yellow hue. A gaseous spring has burst forth in it. The late earthquake probably had something to do with this phenomenon.-Sept. 1.

Extraordinary Hail.-Hail stones as large as hen's eggs, angular and pointed like stalactites, have recently fallen in Bayonne, in France, completely destroying most of the gardens; the branches of the trees falling as if cut through with a hatchet.

Mr. Colburn represents trade as being extremely dull at Sante Fe. There was a heavy storm of snow on the mountains on the 15th of June, and on the 10th of July he saw large banks of snow. On the 24th of June, there was a tremendous hail storm on the St. Charles: some of the stones measured nine inches, and he saw one house which had holes cut through the roof by it.-St. Louis Republican, Sept. 2.



Dear Sir. I here send you some accounts of the weather and other phenomena of Nature, particularly an earthquake at this place and in the adjoining towns, during the winter now just taking its leave of


The quantity of snow this winter has been much less than we have generally had in most seasons, and in the same months. The weather has been rather mild for the climate, and we have had several small rains. A few of what might be called "sharp cold days," and occasionally a very high wind, has been experienced. The coldest day was the 22d of January, when the thermometer (in a room in which no fire was kept) ranged at two degress below zero, about sunrise.

February 14th, about 5 o'clock in the morning, a small shock of an earthquake passed under us from southeasterly to northwesterly; at which time the snow was fast falling from a squally cloud which apparently rose in the westerly quarter of the horizon. After the squall of snow and wind had passed over, the remainder of the day was considerably calm and pleasant. The preceding day was uncomfortably cold, and windy, if not squally-a state of the weather which does not generally, nor often, immediately precede an earthquake. It appears highly probable that this earthquake proceeded from the same source in which the "Deerfield Phenomena" or subterranean "shakes" originated.

Yours, with respect,


SOUTH DEERFIELD, April 15, 1847.

Dear Sir-I have long delayed answering the enquiries in your last letter hoping to be able to give you more and full and particular information in regard to the head waters of Lamprey river, &c. &c. A friend sent the enclosed to me in January last, and I should have immediately transmitted it to you, but I expected to have an accurate survey, and to have been able to give you the distance to the Winnipissioga from the source of the Lamprey river, and as well as from Pleasant Pond, and the distance from this pond to Suncook pond, and the distance of several other ponds and waters between Pleasant Pond and the Lake Winnipiseogee. One branch of the Suncook river, you will see by the map, issues from Suncook pond in Northwood, and the outlet from Pleasant pond empties its waters into this branch within a mile of the pond.

Between the head waters of the Lamprey river and the said lake, there are many ponds and streams, In a thunder Storm, the steeple of the French Cath- but I am not now able to inform you how near they olic church, in Chatham, Canada, was struck by light-approximateeach other. I have been informed that many

of the shakes in this town have been felt at Meredith and other points near the Lake, and that they have been very severe at the source of the Lamprey near the Saddleback mountain. From my own observations (since my correspondence with you) I find that every shock which I have noticed has been preceeded or succeeded by a storm-generally a storm bas followed in proportion to the violence of the shake. Since I last wrote to you, we have had three or four shocks, two in February, one on the second, and the other on the 21st of Feb. which were followed by rain. I kept an account of the state of the thermometer at each shake, and of the atmosphere, but I cannot now lay my hand upon my record. In every instance the thermometer was more than 45° above zero, but the shakes have never been so violent in winter as in summer and autumn.

You will accept my cordial thanks for the many papers you have sent. Some of the last papers I re ceived from you brought the most solemn and distressing intelligence the death of an accomplished and highly respected daughter of yours.

The doings of the All-wise and Supreme Ruler of the Universe are inscrutable to us. Unexpectedly and even in an instant we are deprived of the most lovely, the most amiable and dearest friend on earth. Yet we must not-we will not murmur. Though I have never seen you nor any of your family, many sympathetic tears dropped from my eyes, when I saw the obituary notice of your pious daughter. Her death brought freshly in my mind the sudden death a few years since of a daughter of mine about 20 years of age, by being thrown from a chaise and the horse falling upon her. Oft have I thought of your grievous affliction, and sincerely do I sympathize with you in the loss of your affectionate and beloved daughter. But the thought that she was prepared for her latter end must afford you a far greater and more heavenly consolation than all the tears and sorrowing of sympathizing friends.

With respect,

I am your obedient servant, And sincere friend, JOSIAH BUTLER. NORTH DEERFIELD, Jan. 29, 1847.



Sir-In answer to your enquiries, I would observe, that Lamprey River takes its rise at Northwood, at the N.W. part of Saddleback Mountain, probably about two miles from Pleasant Pond-thence running in a south westerly direction, it approaches to within one mile 180 rods of Pleasant Pond, thence it takes a more southerly direction. Pleasant Pond is 482 feet above the sea level, and the head waters of L. River are probably from observation about the same height. The land between the River and Pond at the nearest point of approximation is very uneven with high hills and deep intervening vallies. Travelling from the River towards the Pond about equi-distant you come to an escarpment or high ridge nearly 150 feet, thence it gradually descends to Pleasant Pond, which by taking the altitude of an adjoining eminence, I have found to be about 300 feet lower than the top of said escarpment. Some of the rocks in the vicinity of this ridge are highly impregnated with iron and in the vallies may be found the decomposition of hornblende rock of a dark red color, with some fine specimens of Terra de Sena. The rise of the Saddleback Mt. is gradual from the river to the top, which is 1072 feet higher than the river. Pleasant Pond is 24 miles from Rattlesnake Island in the south easterly parts of Winnepiseoga Lake, and 174 miles from Alton Bay, the southeasterly part of said Lake.

In haste, I remain yours, &c.



LIGHTNING STORM, APRIL 21st and 22d, 1847. The barn of Jeremy Rockwell, in Hadley, Saratoga County, N. Y., was struck by lightning, on day, April 21st, and destroyed, together with two valuable horses, two waggons, two or three sleighs and about 200 bushels of grain. This barn had twice before been struck by lightning.

On Wednesday evening of the same day, the barn of Paul Custer, in Herkimer, N. Y., was struck by lightning, and together with five tons of hay consumed, and about 15 minutes after the barn of Albert Tabor, about 100 rods from the barn of Mr. Custer,

was struck by lightning, and together with one horse, four cows, hogs, &c. consumed.

The dwelling-house of Mr. Hiram Sherman, in Fenner, Madison County. N. Y., was struck by lightning the same evening. The lightning struck the roof, shattering two of the rafters, and separating near the plate a part of it entered the side of the house, directly over the head of Mr. Sherman who was sittng bearheaded and leaning against the wall, striking him on the head or shoulders and passing down his back until it encountered a nail driven in the wall, and thence to the outside of the house, without farther damage. A physician was called and restored Mr. Sherman to consciousness, but his recovery is doubtful. Mrs. Sherman, and several of her children, and also a hired man, were present, but received no injury. Cold water should have been poured upon Mr. Sherman immediately, very freely

On Thursday, 22d of April, a horse was killed by lightning near Chelsea, Mass., about 8, P. M., the driver escaped unhurt; same evening, a house was struck by lightning in Newburyport, Mass., and same night thunder and lightning and snow at Albany, and at 2, P. M., next day, a furious snow storm was experienced at Boston, notwithstanding the thermometer had stood at the same place at 83 in the shade the day previous at 2 P. M.

CHURCH STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. - The Nashville (Ten.) Moptheopolitan says, that during a thunderstorm in that city, on the 22d of April, the new College Hill Church was struck by lightning and much damaged. The lightning first struck one of the chimneys, throwing it down; it then passed through the roof into the interior, bursting the posts and other timbers, and passed out of the front door, which it shivered to pieces. The building is otherwise greatly damaged.


The Christian Guardian, published at Toronto, Canada West, April 14, contains a paragraph, copied from the Woodstock Herald, as follows:

"HAIL STORM.-A rather unusual phenomenon occurred here on Tuesday last, in the midst of a very heavy hail storm, from the east, which was followed by snow, a thunder storm passed over head. The thunder apparently was not accompanied by much lightning, though we believe that the hail and snow was so thick, that it could not penetrate the darkness which was so great that candles were found to be necessary at 4 o'clock in the afternoon." This was probably March 30th, 1847.-ED.


At Albion, N. Y., at 6 P. M., Tuesday, March 30th, 1847, a severe snow storm was experienced, accompanied by heavy thunder and sharp lightning.

At Toronto, Canada West, a severe snow storm was experienced on Tuesday, March 30th, accompanied by thunder and lightning.

At Rochester, N. Y., Tuesday, March 30th, a driving snow storm was experienced at 7, P. М., асcompanied by heavy thunder and sharp lightning, during which the telegraph wires were struck.

On Friday, 26th of March, a furious snow storm cummenced at Albany, at 3, P. M., and continued 20 hours, during which 18 inches of snow fell. At 11 o'clock, A. M., of the same day. Mr. J. W. Reeves was killed by lightning at Woodbridge, N. J., together with a span of horses he was driving. His clothes were torn in pieces, and a steel guard chain around his neck melted, and his watch broken. The same day the Farmers' Hotel, at Southport, was struck by lightning, and a young man by the name of Barnard Van Vleeck killed.

On Tuesday, 13th of April, a barn, near Uniontown, Md., was struck by lightning and consumed, together with eight head of cattle and two horses. The same day a barn near Chambersburgh, Pa., was struck by lightning, and with two horses, cow and calf, and 12 or 15 barrels of flour consumed. Same day now fell at Brooklyn and Troy, and next day a violent snow storm at Buffalo, N. Y., Montreal, Lower Canada, and Kingston, Upper Canada. Snow fell more than six inches deep at Montreal.


March 13th, 1846, An engine, attached to a passenger train, on the railroad from Augusta to Atalanta, Ga., was struck by lightning. The fluid passed along the cars, and gave the passengers a shock; but did no further mischief. New York Herald, April 7.


The City Inspector reports 11,318 interments during the year 1846, of which 3,990 were in Catholic burying grounds; 1,630 in Potter's Field. Over 1602 were taken out of the city for interment. In Methodist burying grounds 1,621; Friends 37; Hebrew 78. The residue in church yards of different religious denominotions.

Of persons over 60 years of age, 790 have died during the year; 171 of those were upwards of 90 years of age; 274 between 80 and 90, and 345 between 60 and 70. The death of aged persons occurred as follows: January, 633 February, 63; March, 52; April, 76; May, 64; June, 50; July, 73; August, 62; September, 66; October, 68; November, 61; December, 92.


It is often during periods of great drought that prayers are offered up for rain: men professing to be Christians have confidence in obtaining a favorable answer to such supplications for the reason that their prayers are sincere and earnest and that the all-wise Ruler of the Heavens answers prayer, yet we find among these some Christian professors-men entertaining opinions that the changes of the atmosphere are based wholly upon some system or theory winch is at variance with the special interposition of Divine Providence. Such views are not consistent. The wind bloweth where it listeth, and/none can tell from whence it

comes or whither it goeth.

The venerable Commodore Sloat was at sea during the terrific gale of the 10th of October last. In his letter to the government, he says, it was the most terrible storm he ever witnessed in those seas. He was in the United States brig of war Perry, which was wrecked, but all on board saved. In his official account of the disaster, which is addressed to the Secretary of the Navy, (see ante. p. 735.) he says: "a kind Providence directing her to that part of the reef where the tremendous high seas carried her over." The commodore is an old sailor, and frank in his acknowledgment that his preservation and that of the men on board was the special act of Providence. When Commodore Sloat arrived at New Orleans he immediately repaired to the church and offered up thanks for his preservation from the storm. This was well worthy an old sailor.

When the steamer Great Western was perilled in the great gale on the 19th of September the passengers on board engaged in religious services and sought the special interposition of Providence in their behalf. Their prayers were answered, and they expressed their gratitude for safe deliverance, and immediately raised a fund for charitable purposes. (See ante. p. 729.)

same storm.

The steamer Great Britain was wrecked during the Here the passengers were saved-they sought the aid of Providence in earnest prayer in the hour of peril.

The steamer Atlantic, wrecked on Long Island Sound, on the 26th of November, (thanksgiving day.) The passengers here sought safety in prayer, and although 42 of the number perished, yet there was a merciful interposition in their behalf, and the residue were saved.

When the United States ship of War Boston was lost in 1846, a person on board writing for a newspaper journal, said, there was neither praying or cursing on board during the hour of peril: he probably did not understand in what prayer consists. No doubt many a heart prayed fervently to God for protection. The ship was lost.

THE WREN. On the morning of the 23d of April, at about five o'clock, a wren made its appearance at a wren house near my window but shortly after disappeared and I have not heard or seen it since. I am unable to account for the sudden appearance and equally sudden disappearance of these birds both in spring and autumn. If they journey to a warmer clime they must perform great labor in travelling.-May 1.

WINTER BIRDS.-During the winter and spring, I have fed near my window several sparrows and snow birds that came several times during the day for food. For several days in the month of February a sparrow, that had lost its tail feathers came and I noticed this bird twenty times in a day feeding. On the 21st of February I found one of the sparrows lying dead on the snow. I fed the sparrows and snow birds in Greenwood Cemetery in cold weather. Birds that remain here during winter require food and when the snow covers the ground it is a pleasant employment to minister to the want of these little creatures, for they are full of gratitude, and besides it adds sweet to sleep.



This place of sepulchre contains about 242 acres of land, enclosed by a picket fence 10 feet high. half of the ground is covered with a thrifty growth of wood, has a varied surface, and is well adapted by nature for the sacred purposes to which it has been dedicated.

The Cemetery is within the boundaries of the city of Brooklyn, upon Long Island, and near its western shore, near Gowanus Bay, the village of Gowanus lying between the Cemetery and the Bay.

The distance from Fulton Ferry to the gate of entrance to the Cemetery is about three miles.

A Porter attends at the gate. Carriages and horses are not allowed within the enclosure unless by special permission, except those belonging to proprietors of


1,800 lots have already been sold since the Cemetery was commenced, and there have been in all about 2,500 interments in this place of sepulchre.

The dimensions of a lot is 25 feet by 13, and the price $100. Four lots sold in one parcel are put at $80 each, or $320 for the four.

The money received for lots after paying the original cost of the land is appropriated to the improvement of the Cemetery grounds.

None but proprietors are allowed entrance on the Sabbath.

Several Stages run from the Ferries to Greenwood at all hours of the day. The price of Fare going and returning is twenty-five cents.


The last Sabbath in March I was standing near a willow in Greenwood Cemetery and was surprised to hear soft and plaintive sounds coming from the wiry tendrils of the tree that hung pendant from the branches when the swift zephyrs passed through the vegetable drapery in their hurried flight across these consecrated grounds. It was sweet but melancholy music. Oft have I heard the whistling wind, but I never before have heard such notes from the willow when moved by a cold and chilling wind.


About two o'clock P.M. on Saturday, March 27, great numbers of Robbins and Blue Birds came into Trinity Church Yard in New-York. A severe snow storm had been raging at the north from 3 P.M., the previous day until 11 A.M. of that day. The next day Greenwood Cemetery which contains within its enclosure 242 acres was visited by immense numbers of Robbins, Snow Birds, Blue Birds and flocks of birds resembling the Yellow Bird, except in colorthey had on their winter coat, were greyish striped and so tame that I approached within three feet of *them and threw down seed for them to eat. Sparrows in pairs also were abundant. It was wonderful to see these birds resort to the resting places of the dead for protection.


An instance of animal sagacity and humanity unequalled in our remembrance, took place before our door on Saturday. An unfortunate dog, in order to make sport for some poor fools, had a pan tied to its tail, and was sent off on its travels towards Galt. It reached the village utterly exhausted, and lay down before the steps of Mr. Young's Tavern, eyeing most anxiously the horrid annoyance hung behind him, but unable to move a step further, or rid himself of the tormentor. Another dog, a Scotch colley, came up at the time, and seeing the distress of his crony, laid himself down gently beside him, and gaining his confidence by a few caresses, proceeded to gnaw the string by which the noisy appendage was attached to his friend's tail, and at the conclusion of about a quarter of an hour's exertions, severed the cord, and started to his legs with the pan hanging from the string in his mouth, and after a few joyful capers around his friend, departed on his travels, in the highest glee at his success.-Galt (Canada) Reporter.


A gentleman in whose statement we can implicitly rely, gave us an account of a cat having a large litter of kittens nursing among the brood a young rat. The cat killed the old rat, the mother of the young one, and the next day brought in the young rat and nursed it for several days but being absent from her little ones another cat seized the young rat and destroyed it which so affected the mother of the kittens on her return that she forsook her whole brood of kittens and never would go near them afterward. Our informant saw the little rat among the kittens and was acquainted with all the facts here stated.


The potatoe crop for the last year in Ireland, has been destroyed by the rot and the consequence is that great suffering prevails among those who made use of this root as a principal article of food.

Mankind are but little aware of their entire dependence upon the annual crops of the earth-these are their riches-all the precious metals would serve but little purpose to a nation when their annual crops of food are cut off. The failure of the Potatoe crop has made the Bank of France a borrower and drained the vaults of the Bank of England of most of its gold.


The Committee on Bread-stuffs and Provisions inform their fellow citizens throughout the country, that they will be happy to receive contributions of bread-stuffs and provisions, and ship them free of expense, to the "Central Committee of the Society of Friends in Dublin," for general distribution among the famishing poor of Ireland.

Communications on this subject may be addressed to either of the Committee. The freight from NewYork will be paid by the British government.


New-York, May, 1847. GEO. McBRIDE, Jr.


The atmosphere has been in an extraordinary state during March and April. In March severe snow storms accompanied by thunder and lightning, and other extensive storms. We have accounts of but one earthquake in March, but the peculiar state of the atmosphere indicate that other earthquakes have taken place.

In April the extremes of heat and cold were very great. At Albany, the temperature on the morning of April 1, was at zero. On the 22d of same month at the same place the temperature was 88 above zero --difference in 22 days 88 degrees.

At Boston on the 22d of April at 2 P.M. the temperature was at 83 and next day at the same hour they had a driving snow storm.

An Earthquake was felt at Limington, Maine, the evening of April 1, immediately succeeding the severe cold at Albany and elsewhere.

When we shall have had time to hear from distant places we shall publish the records of March and April.


At Deerfield, Oneida County, N. Y., the temperature was 10 degrees below zero, April 1st, 1847, and at New Lebanon, Columbia County, N. Y., 11 degrees below zero: same evening a violent shock of earthquake was felt at Limington, Maine, to the south-east of the White Mountains.

April 1, at sunrise, thermometer at Albany at zero. At the same place, April 22, thermometer at 88 above zero in the shade: change in 22 days in April 88°.

[blocks in formation]


Ebenezer Purdy,
John C. Horzeboom,

Jacobus Van Schoonhoven,

Jacob Snell,


John Broom, Abraham Adriance, Thomas Treadwell, Caleb Hyde.


John Schenck, Joshua H. Brett, Jedediah Peck, Stephen Thorne,


De Witt Clinton, Robert Johnson, Adam Comstock, Henry Huntington,


Thomas Thorne, James Burt,

Edward Savage, John Nicholas.


Benjamin Coe, Peter C. Adams, John Veeder, Nathan Smith.


Jonathan Ward, James G. Graham, Isaac Kellogg, Alexander Rhae.


Israel Carle, Robert Williams, Daniel Paris, Amos Hall.


Benjamin Coe, James W. Wilkin, John McLean, Philetus Swift.


William W. Gilbert,
Johannus Bruyn,
Henry Yates,
Francis A. Bloodgood.


Peter W. Radcliff,

James W. Wilkin,

John Stearns,

Jonas Platt.


Elbert H. Jones, Morgan Lewis, Samuel Stewart,

Henry A. Townsend,


Jonathan Dayton, Lucas Elmendorf, Ruggles Hubbard, Farrand Stranahan.


Darius Crosby, William Ross, Parley Hayes, Archibald S. Clark.


Walter Bowne,
John Noyes,
John D. Prendergast,
Henry Bloom.


Peter R. Livingston,
Henry Yates,
Jabez D. Hammond,
Henry Seymour.


Stephen Barnum, William Ross,

George Rosecrantz, Stephen Bates.


John D. Ditmas, Levi Adams, John Lounsbury, Ephraim Hart,


Walter Bowne, John T. Moore, Roger Skinner, David Evans.


John Townsend, Charles E. Dudley, Benjamin Moores, Perry G. Childs.

[blocks in formation]

In regard to the taxation of personal property, in the city of New York.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

Sec. 1. All and every person or persons, firm or firms, permanently doing business in the city and county of New York, whether by agency or otherwise, shall be assessed and taxed in the said city and county, for so much property as shall be employed in business in said city and county, in the same manner as residents thereof are assessed and taxed; but for all other personal property owned by them, they shall be assessed and taxed in the county of which they may be residents.

§2. If any person shall be assessed, for the purpose of taxation, in any county of this state in which he resides, other than the city and county of New York, for any personal property, for which, or any part of which, he has been assessed and taxed, under this act, and it shall be lawful for such person to show that fact by affidavit, before the assessors of the city or town in which he resides, and is so taxed, and it shall thereupon be the duty of such last mentioned assessors to reduce the amount of personal property for which they have so assessed him, by the amount thereof which he has been assessed for, and taxed, under this act.

§3. Whenever any person, not a resident of such city and county of New York, but who shall, permanently, carry on any business by agency therein, shall be assessed and taxed therein, for so much property as shall be employed by him, or on his behalf, in business therein, it shall be lawful for such person to make the affidavit authorized by section fifteen of article two, title second, chapter thirteenth of first part of the Revised Statutes, before any court or officer authorized to take affidavits, to be read in the supreme court and in the same manner, provided always, that the said person shall show, in such affidavit, sufficient reason why such affidavit cannot be made by him as required by section twenty-five of article two aforesaid, and provided further, that it shall not be lawful for the said person to reduce the amount of his personal property assessed for purposes of taxation, in any county of this state, by reference to or use of any indebtedness, by reference to or use of which, the amount of his personal property, assessed for purposes of taxation, in any other county of this state, may have been reduced, or by reference to or use of indebtedness or property consigned to him to sell, and on which he may have made advances, and such facts shall be stated in such affidavit; nor shall it be lawful for any person or persons assessed under this act, to reduce the amount of the personal property assessed to him or them, by reference to or use of any indebtedness other than such indebtedness as has accrued and arisen in the regular permanent business of such person or persons; and in case any person assessed under this act, shall make the affidavit authorized by section fifteen aforementioned, for the purpose of reducing the amount of personal property assessed to him under this act, such person shall state in such affidavit, besides what is now required to be contained therein, that his just debts, whereby reduction of the amount of personal property assessed under this act. is sought, accrued in due course of his regular business, carried on permanently, in the city and county of New York, and not otherwise.

§ 4. Goods, wares or merchandize of any description whatsoever, held on consignment, or to be sold on commission, and not otherwise, shall not be subject to assessment and taxation. under this act.

§ 5. This act shall take effect immediately.
The above bill should not become a law.



To enable the Supervisors of the City and County of New-York to raise money by Tax.

The Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen of the city of New-York as the supervisors of the city and county of New-York of whom the Mayor and Recorder shall be one, are hereby empowered as soon as conviently may be after the passage of this act, to order and cause to be raised by tax on the estates real and personal of the freeholders and inhabitants of and situate within said city and county and to be collected according to law a sum not exceeding one million and eighty two thousand two hundred dollars to be applied to wards defraying the various contingent expenses legally chargeable to the said city and county, and such expenses as the Mayor, Aldermen and commonalty of the city of New-York may in any manner sustain. or be put to by law, such portion of the contingent expenses of the said city and county of New-York, as relates to repairing, and cleaning streets in that part of the said city lying south of a line running through the centre of thirty-fourth street shall be assessed only on that part of said city lying south of said line: and also a further sum not exceeding four hundred and

seventy-nine thousand dollars by tax on the estates real and personal of the freeholders and inhabitants of and situated within the said city and county to be collected according to law, to be applied towards defraying the expenses of Police in said city and county, and also a further sum of one hundred and seventyone thousand four hundred and twenty-four dollars by tax on estates real and personal of the freeholders and inhabitants of and situated within that part of the said city and county of New-York which is or may be designated by a resolution or ordinance of the common council of said city of New-York, as the lamp district to be collected according to law and applied towards the expense of lighting such parts of the said city last mentioned, and also the further sum of thirty-one thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven dollars and fifteen cents by tax on the estates real and personal of the freeholders and inhabitants of and situated within said city and county to be collected according to law and applied towards paying the deficiency in taxation in said city and county for the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-six.

The above bill conflicts with section 16 of Art. 3, and section 13 of Art. 7 of the Constitution.

No. 157.

February 24, 1847.

(G. O. No. 161.)

[Brought in by Mr. Develin, on notice, read twice, and referred to the committee on banks and insurance companies; reported on in favor by Mr. Hadley, for said committee and committed to the committee of the whole.]


Relative to expences of Incorporated Companies. SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of every incorporated company of this state to make annually a statement in detail of all disbursements for their current expenses, which statement shall be drawn up in a distinct manner and assessment form, setting forth the salaries paid to each officer; the rate of wages paid to operatives, and the gross amount thereof; the compensation paid for services to any person not regularly attached to the company; the items of such services rendered; the fees paid to counsellors and attornies, and all other items which may constitute the amount of the expense account on the books of said companies.

§2. The statement provided for in the first section of this act, shall be exhibited by the president or some other officer of the company to every stockholder wherein it may be desired; and it shall be the especial duty of the president or such other officer of the Company as aforesaid, whenever dividends are paid by the companies, to submit the inspection of the statement hereby provided for, to each stockholder when he receives his dividend and it shall also be the duty of such companies to furnish annually a copy of said statement to the comptroller, verified by the oath or affirmation of either the president, cashier, or some other executive officer of such companies.

§3. If any company shall fail to comply with the provisions of this act, it shall forfeit for each such offence the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars to be sued for and collected in the name of the comptroller of this State.

This bill is of no good whatever.

No. 156.

February 24th, 1847.

(G. O. No. 160.

[Brought in by Mr. Develin, on notice-read twice and referred to the committee on banks and insurance companies; reported on in favor from said committee by Mr. Hadley, and committed to the committee of the whole.]


To amend Title four, of Chapter thirteen, of the Revised Statutes.

The People of the State of New-York represented in Senate and Assembly do enact as follows:

Sec. 1. The second sub-division of the second section of title four, of chapter thirteen, the first part of the Revised Statutes, is hereby amended so as to read as follows:

The capital stock actually paid in and secured to be paid in and also the surplus or reserved profits, if any there be, in the possession of the corporation, excepting therefrom the sums paid for real estate, and the amount of such capital stock held by the state, and by any incorporated literary or charitable institution. § 2. If the president or any proper officer of any monied or stock corporation, or banking association named in any assessment roll shall show to the satisfaction of the board of supervisors at their annual meeting, within two days from the commencement thereof, that such monied or stock corporation or banking association has, before the twentieth day of August preceding, lost a portion of its capitol stock, it shall be the duty of the board of supervisors to reduce the assessment of such monied or stock corporation, or banking association, to the amount of its capital actually held and possessed on said twentieth day of August, including its reserved and surplus profits: but in no case shall the assessment of a banking association be less than the amount of its securities deposited with the comptroller.

§ 3. The provisions of this act shall net be so construed as to exempt from assessment and taxation that portion of the capital stock of any monied or stock corporation or banking association, which has been secured to be paid in.

§ 4. Every individual banker transacting business under the general banking law of this state, shall be assessed and taxed on the full amount of capital employed in such banking business; and in no case shall the assessment be less than the amount of securities deposited with the comptroller by such individual banker, nor shall any debts due from him be allowed as an offset against such assessment.

§5. This act shall take effect immediately.


We present the copy of a very important report presented in the Chamber of Commerce at their last meeting by the Hon. J. P. PHOENIX, in relation to a Wharf Tax. This report is brief and argumentative. Mr. Phoenix when in Congress rendered great service in matters pertaining to Commerce. He introduced and carried through the inland debenture bill allowing drawback on goods exported to Canada, &c., and he commenced measures which resulted in the enactment of the Warehousing Bill, and had it not been for severe sickness would have consummated that measure. There are few men in our land more active to good measures that pertain to the public interest than Mr. Phoenix, and none who strive harder to obtain a particular knowledge of what is for the public good than this gentleman. The following is the Report to the Chamber of Commerce, which is made the special order of the day, for their next meeting.


Of the Chamber of Commerce of the City of NewYork, not only against any charge in the present mode of collecting wharfage, but against the relinquishment on the part of the Legislature of its control over the subject.

To the Hon. the Legislature of the State of NewYork.

The Chamber of Commerce having noticed the proposed application to your Honorable Body on the part of the Common Council (as well as an article in the amended charter intended to be again submitted to the electors of this City) for leave to change the manner of collecting and to impose additional charges on the lading and landing of produce and other merchandize upon the wharves and piers of this city, beg leave respectfully to remonstrate not only against any change in the present system of charging and collecting wharfage, but against the relinquishment on the part of the Legislature of its control over this important subject. Your Remonstrants believe that the ownership of

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