Payment of publie printer for 1858. CHAPTER V. AN ACT for the Relief of Certain Persons. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Kansas: SECTION 1. That the auditor of the Territory be and is hereby authorized to issue warrants on the treasury for the payment of so much of the accounts of the public printer, for incidental printing for the Legislative Assembly for the session of eighteen How to be certi- hundred and fifty-eight, properly certified to by the officers of either branch of said Legislative Assembly, and on file in the office of the secretary of the Territory, as may remain unpaid on the first day of April, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine. Instructions to secretary of the Territory. SEC. 2. That the secretary of the Territory be and is hereby instructed to certify to, and furnish the auditor of the Territory with a statement of the amount of such several bills for incidental printing, for the session of eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, certified to and on file, as aforesaid, as may be unpaid, or in part paid, on the first day of April, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, and of the amounts, if any, paid thereon; and that the secretary of the Territory be further instructed to pay into the Territorial Treasury any and all moneys be may have on hand at, or subsequent to the first day of April, eighteen hundred and fiftynine, that may be applicable to the payment of the bills or accounts aforesaid. SEC. 3. This act to take effect and be in force from and after its passage. A. LARZALERE, Speaker of the House of Representatives. C. W. BABCOCK, President of the Council. Approved February 11, 1859. S. MEDARY, Governor. CHAPTER VI. AN ACT amendatory to an Act entitled an Act making an Appropriation to pay the expenses of the Board of Commissioners to investigate Election Frauds, and granting certain powers to said Board. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Kansas: SECTION 1. That the sum of three thousand dollars, in addition to any appropriation heretofore made, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Territorial treasury not otherwise appropriated, to pay the warrants drawn on the Territorial treasurer by the president of the board of commissioners for the investigation of election frauds, and countersigned by the clerks of said board. To be paid on warrants drawn by the president the board, territorial taxes. SEC. 2. That the several township and county treasurers of To be received for this Territory are instructed to receive warrants, drawn as aforesaid, with interest on the same at ten per centum per annum, in payment of Territorial taxes. A. LARZALERE, Speaker of the House of Representatives. C. W. BABCOCK, President of the Council. Approved February 11, 1859. S. MEDARY, Governor. CHAPTER VII. AN ACT to authorize the Governor to employ Counsel to defend such of our citizens as are now confined in jail in Platte county, Missouri. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Kansas: SECTION 1. That that the Governor of this Territory be and Governor to emhereby is ahthorized to employ counsel to defend John Doy and son, now confined in jail in Platte county Missouri. ploy counsel. SEC. 2. That one thousand dollars, or as much thereof as may Appropriation, be necessary for the object of this Act, is hereby appropriated from the Territorial Treasury. SEC. 3. This Act to take effect and be in force from and af ter its passage. A. LARZALERE, Speaker of the House of Representatives. C. W. BABCOCK, President of the Council. Approved February 7, 1859. S. MEDARY, Governor. Council Districts defined. CHAPTER VIII. AN ACT to define and establish the Council and Representative Districts of the Territory of Kansas for the next Legislative Assembly. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Kansas: SECTION 1. The county of Doniphan shall constitute the first council district, and shall elect one councilman; the counties of Atchison and Calhoun shall constitute the second district, and shall elect one councilman; the county of Leavenworth shall constitute the third district, and shall elect one councilman; the counties of Leavenworth and Jefferson shall constitute the fourth district, and shall elect one councilman; the counties of Brown, Nemaha, Pottawattamie, Marshall and Washington shall constitute the fifth district, and shall elect one councilman; the counties of Riley, Clay, Davis, Dickinson and Richardson shall constitute the sixth district, and shall elect one councilman; the counties of Shawnee, Weller and Breckenridge shall constitute the seventh district, and shall elect one councilman; the county of Douglas shall constitute the eighth district, and shall elect one councilman; the counties of Douglas, Franklin and Anderson shall constitute the ninth district, and shall elect one councilman; the counties of Wyandott and Johnson shall constitute the tenth district, and shall elect one councilman; the counties of Linn and Lykins shall constitute the eleventh district, and shall elect one councilman; the counties of Bourbon, Allen, McGee, Dorn, Woodson and Wilson shall constitute the twelfth Representative district, and shall elect one councilman; the counties of Coffey, Madison, Hunter, Butler, Godfrey and Greenwood shall constitute the thirteenth district, and shall elect one councilman. SEO. 2. The county of Doniphan shall constitute the first rep- Bistrita defined. resentative district, and shall elect three representatives; the county of Atchison shall constitute the second district, and shall elect two representatives; the county of Leavenworth shall constitute the third district, and shall elect four representatives; the county of Jefferson shall constitute the fourth district, and shall elect two representatives; the counties of Pottawattamie and Richardson shall constitute the fifth district, and shall elect one representative; the county of Calhoun shall constitute the sixth district, and shall elect one representative; the county of Wyandott shall constitute the seventh district, and shall elect one representative; the county of Brown shall constitute the eighth district, and shall elect one representative; the county of Nemaha shall constitute the ninth district, and shall elect one representative; the counties of Marshall and Washington shall constitute the tenth district, and shall elect one representative; the counties of Riley and Clay shall constitute the eleventh district, and shall elect one representative; the counties of Dickinson and Davis shall constitute the twelfth district, and shall elect one representative; the county of Breckenridge shall constitute the thirteenth district, and shall elect one representative; the county of Shawnee shall constitute the fourteenth district, and shall elect two representatives; the county of Douglas shall constitute the fifteenth district, and shall elect three representatives; the county of Johnson shall constitute the sixteenth district, and shall elect two representatives; the county of Lykins shall constitute the seventeenth district, and shall elect one representative; the county of Linn shall constitute the eighteenth district, and shall elect one representative; the counties of Linn and Lykins shall constitute the nineteenth district, and shall elect one representative; the county of Anderson shall constitute the twentieth district, and shall elect one representative; the county of Franklin shall constitute the twenty-first district, and shall elect one representative; the counties of Coffey and Weller shall constitute the twentysecond district, and shall elect two representatives; the counties of Madison and Wise shall constitute the twenty-third district, and shall elect one representative; the counties of Butler, Greenwood, Hunter, Godfrey and Woodson shall constitute the twenty-fourth district, and shall elect one representative; the counties of Allen, Wilson, Dorn and McGee shall constitute the twenty fifth district, and shall elect one representative; the county of Bourbon shall constitute the twenty-sixth district, and shall elect one representative; the county of Arrapahoe shall constitute the twenty-seventh district, and shall elect one representative. This act to take effect and be in force from and after its passage. A. LARZALERE, Speaker of House of Representatives. Approved February 7, 1859. S. MEDARY, Governor. President of the Council. Calhoun County taken from 2nd and attached to lat district. 5་/ AN ACT supplemental to an Act entitled "An Act making the Apportionment for the Fifth Legislative Assembly." Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Kansas: SECTION 1. That Calhoun county be and the same is hereby detached from the second council district and attached to the first council district; and all acts, or parts of acts, inconsistent with this act, are hereby repealed. SEC. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. A. LARZALERE, Speaker of House of Representatives. C. W. BABCOCK, President of the Council. Approved February 10, 1859. S. MEDARY, Governor. |