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on his face and shouted inside, "Dinner for three!"

For reply there came the merry ripple of a woman's laugh within.

It was a pleasant autumn forenoon, with a soft breath from the hills, so the ranger gave me a rocker in the rustic porch and took one opposite. He lighted his pipe, stuck his feet up on the railing and dreamily watched the wisps of smoke lose themselves in the hazy atmosphere.

"You wouldn't think," he said between puffs, nodding toward the Indian sprawled on his blankets in the shade of a pine, "that I came near being a member of his tribe-he's a 'Warmspring,' isn't he? Yes, I came within a blanket's length of it."

"That so?" I inquired. "Taken prisoner, were you?"

"Yes, a prisoner-and captured by a girl," he grinned at me. "I might as well unburden myself while we are waiting for dinner. It would cause domestic complications if told at the table."

"It happened ten years ago, when I was reckless and irresponsible as an unbridled cayuse. I had finished my first year's work as ranger and had been granted thirty days' vacation. With my pockets full of money, where should I put in those thirty days? That was my problem.

"And then I thought of the Warmspring Indians who lived just over the mountains, of their wild, carefree existence, whose lives were a continuous round of dancing, roundups, hop and berry picking, fishing and hunting. With a few of them I had become acquainted, and with one young buck, 'White Feather,' he called himself, had struck up a real friendship, having once saved him from arrest by a game warden. To show his appreciation 'White Feather' had invited me to visit his tribesmen at their annual roundup and hee-hee, which came off around the first of July.

"I knew Indians well enough to appreciate their love of pomp and show. In fact I had a little weakness in the same direction and liked much to

make the grand impression. I fairly swelled as I pictured the show I would make riding down upon them mounted on 'Jimmy Britt,' my black stallion, my saddle set off by the gaudiest of 'Navajo' saddle blankets, bridle studded with silver stars, with a huge silver bit and reins of handwoven horse hair. A buckskin suit I had bought especially for the occasion, tan-colored boots with tinkling spurs, and a big sombrero encircled by a band of rattler's hide. Ah, life came to me in big gulps in those days.

"It was well along in the afternoon when I struck the reservation. From a passing Indian I learned that the 'Warmsprings' were encamped about six miles away in Beaver Creek valley, and were in the midst of a big roundup. Thither I proceeded full speed.

"It had never occurred to me that I might not be given a cordial welcome. And if such a thought had struck me, what did it matter? I had my horse and sleeping blankets, so, like 'Sancho Panze,' could ride on seeking further adventures.

"So I rode boldly up to the Indian encampment, my horse's head as high as my own, for he, too, seemed to have sensed the coming of a new adventure. On all sides were strange sights and unfamiliar smells, so warily he pranced and sniffed and snorted.

"And what a picture! In a little green valley, with the hills aflame with flowers for a background, were the tents and tepees of the 'Warmsprings.' Through the middle of that granite-walled valley, Beaver Creek sang and purred; while from the top of those granite walls, the greentimbered hills rose grandly, fading gradually into mountains of silver. All my life I had spent out of doors, but never had I seen anything so wildly picturesque.

"With an air of studied indifference I rode slowly round the encampment. Outside, in the shade of their tents and tepees, the Indians were lounging, the men playing cards, the women working with beads and bas

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"When I figured that I had all the redskins sitting up and taking notice, I dismounted and walked over to a corral where a bunch of trapped cayuses were vainly circling and fighting for freedom. While I stood watching, a hand was laid upon my shoulder. I turned-and there stood my old friend, 'White Feather.'

"'Hello,' he greeted me in good English. 'You didnt forget my invitation, did you?' You see, 'White Feather' had been away to school. Perhaps that is how he got his name. "Come with me over to 'Chief Queahpama's' tepee,' he said, when we had talked for some moments.

"He led the way over to the center of the encampment, pulled back the flap and signed me to follow. Lounging on a huge blanket in the middle of the tepee were four old Indians playing cards. 'White Feather' spoke in his own tongue, and immediately one of the men arose and came toward


fore me was 'Chief Queahpama.' Tall, erect, broad-shouldered and heavily muscled, though sinewy, he looked every inch a chief. His square face was stern and immobile as though cast in bronze, his long black hair hung loose over his shoulders, his black eyes keen as steel light; and when he spoke his voice rumbled like falling water.

'My son,' he said, speaking in Indian, with 'White Feather' interpreting, 'White Feather tells me that you have been a friend to my people. Therefore I bid you welcome. where you will, and at eating time come back to my tepee.'


"When I had thanked him, he dismissed me with a wave of his hand and resumed his card game, while I followed 'White Feather' outside.

"As 'White Feather' and I strolled about, we chanced to pass a tepee somewhat apart from the main encampment. Squatting near the entrance, mending a bridle, was an old man, his flowing hair sprinkled with gray. Nearby, beading a pair of moc"I knew at once that the man be- casins, slouched his squaw, fat, thick

waisted, and strangely resembling a feather tick with a string tied around the middle.

"That is Running Deer,' said 'White Feather', nodding toward the old man. 'He was a famous runner in his day.'

"I was just on the point of passing him when I glanced inside the tepee. And the picture there set my heart to pounding like a trip hammer. An Indian girl was preparing a meal over a camp fire a mere slip of a girlbut what a beauty.

"She wore a dress of fancy colors, made in loose Indian fashion that fell away from her neck and arms, showing a gaudy necklace and bracelets of heavy silver. Her eyes were the softest brown my own ever had looked into, her dark face touched with a delicate shade of pink, and her blueblack hair fell over her shoulders in two braids, tied with ribbon.

""That is Raven Wing, Running Deer's daughter,' White Feather announced.

"I had to say something or else be whisked away by 'White Feather,' so I asked in Chinook, 'Is supper ready?'

"And then she laughed—a little rippling laugh like that of a mountain stream. I knew then, that she spoke English, and was laughing at my miserable jargon.

"It will be ready in a leetle while,' she answered, with just a shade of native accent, and again she laughed merrily.

"Just then old Running Deer's squaw said something to him in Indian, which I, of course, didn't understand. But from the look she gave me I guessed it was something like this: "That strange buck is getting altogether too gay with our girl. Isn't it about time you were butting in?'

tillicums (good friends),' he confided, patting my shoulder.

"And then, through 'White Feather' he had me understand that next day the Indians were sending out for a load of supplies. He didn't ask me outright for a donation, but so cunningly did he maneuver that I was lighter by the weight of a ten dollar gold piece before I left him.

"I was loath to leave 'Running Deer's' tepee without again seeing 'Raven Wing,' but the clanging of a gong at 'Queahpama's' tepee warned us that supper was waiting. That 'Chief Queahpama' maintained the ancient traditions of royal hospitality was attested by the number who partook of his bounty; for when 'White Feather' and I entered his tepee we found a half hundred men and women sitting around in a circle, scooping up food from off blankets spread out on the floor.

"As the Indians finished their mea! I noticed that they stole away in groups. I turned to White Feather for enlightenment.

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"They are going to the dance,' he explained. "Tonight we have what you whites call a courting dance. The Indian girls of marriageable age start dancing alone, then the young fellows dance out to meet them, each choosing a partner by placing his hand upon the shoulder of the girl he prefers. If this girl favors his suit, she allows his hand to remain and finishes the dance with him. And this is not merely a choice for one dance, but is a public announcement of his intention to marry her.'

""We will go,' he said, seeing my interest.

"The dance took place in a leveled space alongside Beaver Creek. Blankets spread out beneath them, the Indians sat around in little groups, their dusky faces lighted up by a blazing camp fire in the middle of the dancing

"Anyway Running Deer came up, his crafty old face concealing his native curiosity, and looked me over from hat to spurs. 'You got heap space. money? he asked.

"Pretty soon the ceremonies began.

"Oh, a little,' I answered indiffer- Spooms, an old medicine man, whose ently. sightless eyes, wrinkled face and white "You heap fine boy. We be hyu locks made him strangely resemble a

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Chief Queahpama

grizzled wolf, arose and sounded a tom-tom. Out around the fire danced the girls, casting shy glances toward their expectant partners. Immediately the gallant braves danced out to meet them, each choosing a partner as 'White Feather' had intimated. If the hand was allowed to remain, away they would whirl; otherwise the disconsolate suitor would slink away to his corner, looking much as one of our lads when his lassie refuses to walk home from church with him.

"And then a wave of jealousy overwhelmed me. I had glimpsed Raven Wing and her people off to themselves. Would the girl take part in

the dance And if so, would any of those bucks presume to put a hand upon her shoulder?

"Just then my questions were answered, for out sailed Raven Wing as light and graceful as a swallow. Her head was proudly erect, her lithe body swayed rhythmically to the beat of the tom-tom, and her eyes shone like stars. And immediately a young buck danced out to meet her. A giant of an Indian he was, over six feet, with the fine bronze and classic features of the artist's Indian. He wore a suit of buckskin with vest and moccasins beaded in fancy designs and patterns.

"Ah, Red Wolf! Red Wolf!' whis

as the brave

pered White Feather, danced up to Raven Wing and laid his hand upon her shoulder.

"I would have given worlds just then to have seen Raven Wing fling off that red hand. But no, she smiled up at Red Wolf, and away they whirled.

"I didn't remain to see that dance

through, for such an unreasoning anger and jealousy seized me that I strode outside under the starlight to reason myself into sanity. 'Look here,' I said to myself. 'you are a fool to fall head over heels in love with an Indian girl. What would sweet little Helen think (and here my conscience smote me) to see you with a painted buck for a rival; she who kissed you good-bye and bade you God speed on your journey?'

"But Lord bless you! it was no good. My main trouble, I think now, was that I had too much imagination. For whenever I would think of those great brown eyes, that exquisite body, from which seemed to pour a flame of superabundant vitality, all else was forgotten.

"When I got back inside, the Indians were in the midst of a worship dance a sort of religious ceremony in which they joined hands and danced around a camp-fire. When this dance was ended, I waited patiently, hoping that the girls might again dance singly, and if so, firmly I had resolved to dance with Raven Wing. But no opportunity offered, so, in desperation, I had to resort to a subterfuge which I had fixed upon outside.

"Calling White Feather to one side, I explained that I had a gold watch and chain which I wished to give to the best girl dancer. However, they must first dance before me that I might render an impartial verdict.

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"At once I danced out toward Raven Wing, intending to put my hand on her shoulder and fasten the chain around her neck. But Red Wolf, evidently anticipating any move, beat me to her. He was just on the point of sailing away with her when I came up, seeing red in more ways than one. Beside myself at Red Wolf's insolence, I struck his hand from Raven Wing's shoulder and placed my own thereon.

"The tom-tom stopped. There were grunts and shouts of disapproval, and Mrs. Running Deer came running up, jabbering and making faces at me, as she pulled Raven Wing away. I shot a glance at Red Wolf, standing proudly by the fire, and returning me such a look as no words may express.

"Just then Chief Queahpama relieved the tenseness of the situation by announcing that hardtack and canned salmon would be served; so our little affair of the heart was lost sight of in the louder call of the stomach. And while the Indians feasted, Running Deer and White Feather came over to where I stood gloomily aloof, still nettled over my encounter with Red Wolf.

"White Feather began: 'Running Deer says that he wants to speak to you straight from his heart.'

""Go ahead,' I snapped.

''He wants to know if you really wish to marry Raven Wing.'

"That certainly was a stunner, but I came back at him. 'Tell Running Deer that I have thought it all over and that I want Raven Wing more than anything else on earth.'

"When White Feather interpreted my answer, Running Deer mumbled something, then White Feather continued: 'Running Deer says to tell you that what you say is good-very good. But he says that it is the Indian custom for the suitor to give the girl's father ponies or money. How much will you give him for Raven Wing?'

"Tell Running Deer,' I retorted hotly, 'that I don't believe in buying a wife, just as one would a horse or

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