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Construction News
Press Clippings

Contractors, Material Men, Bullders, Manufacturers, in fact, anybody interested in construction news of all kinds, obtain from our daily reports quick, reliable Information. Our special correspondents all over the country enable us to give our patrons the news in advance of their competitors, and before it has become common property.

Let us know what you want, and we will send you samples and quote you prices.

Press clippings on any subject from all the leading current newspapers, magazines, trade and technical journals of the United States and Canada. Public speakers, writers, students, club women, can secure reliable data for speeches, essays, debates, etc. Special facilities for serving trade and class journals, railroads and large industrial corporations.

We read, through our staff of skilled readers, a more comprehensive and better selected list of publications than any other bureau.

We aim to give prompt and intelligent service at the lowest price consistent with good work.

Write us about it. Send stamp for booklet.

United States Press Clipping Bureau

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is a high-class magazine published exclusively on subjects of personal nature, such as MARRIAGE, DIVORCE, LOVE, COURTSHIP, BIRTH CONTROL, EUGENICS, SEX MORALITY, ETC. Cover in colors, illustrated, large three-column size; $1.50 a year; copy 15 cents; five months' trial, 50 cents. THE LOCOMA PUB. CO., 308 S. C. & M. Bldg., Farmington, Mich.

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THE BIGGEST 10c WORTH YOU Four months trial subEVER HAVE HAD OFFERED bodys Poultry Magazine,

America's highest class poultry publication. With your 10c include the addresses of ten of your neighbors who keep poultry but are not present subscribers to Everybodys. and we will send you for your trouble the 100-page book "Poultry Secrets" absolutely free. EVERYBODYS POULTRY MAGAZINE PUBLISHING CO.. Box A-13, Hanover, Pa.

MARRY IF LONELY-Have home, love, wealth,

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Texas Oil is Making Investors Millionaires

Keep in Touch With Recent Developments
You Will Enjoy the Stories of the

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Will You Help Us Get to SeaBreeze?

With the hot sun beating down on their frail underfed bodieswith, no hope of relief in sight-the little children and tired mothers of the slums are facing another grim summer in their empty lives.

Help Us Give These Unfortunates
A Chance for Health

Sea Breeze-the Association's fresh
air home-gives the one chance for
rest, nourishment and care for many of
these families each year-but help is
needed at once if we are to provide
for the long waiting list.

Will you give just a little? Allow 60 cents a day, or $4.00 a week for each one whom you will send as your guest.

The New York Association for Improving

the Condition of the Poor

Room 250

105 East 22nd St., New York

George Blagden, Treasurer

A. I. C. P.

105 East 22d Street New York

with which you are to give fresh air relief to the most needy cases on your list.





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Scientific Dry Farming

Are you a dry farmer? Are you interested in the development of a dry farm? Are you thinking of securing a homestead or of buying land in the semi-arid West? In any case you should look before you leap. You should learn the principles that are necessary to success in the new agriculture of the west. You should

Learn the Campbell System

Learn the Campbell System of Soil Culture and you will not fail. Subscribe for Campbell's Scientific Farmer, the only authority published on the subject of scientific soil tillage, then take a course in the Campbell Correspondence School of Soil Culture, and you need not worry about crop failure. Send four cents for a catalog and a sample copy of the Scientific Farmer. Address,

Scientific Soil Culture Co.


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