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State of California,

County of San Francisco.-ss.

Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County aforesaid, personally appeared Frederick Marriott, who, having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is the Publisher of the OVERLAND MONTHLY, and that the following is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management. etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in section 443, Postal Laws and Regulation, printed on the reverse of this form, to wit:


That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers are: Publisher, Frederick Marriott, 259 Minna St., San Francisco. Editor, Frederick Marriott, 259 Minna St. Business Manager, Frederick Marriott.

2. That the owner is Frederick Marriott, 259 Minna St., San Francisco.

3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total mount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: None.



Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3rd day of October, 1919.


Notary Public in and for the City and County of San Francisco, State of California. (My commission expires August 28, 1921.)




of Business

ADDING DDING figures, posting ledgers and other bookkeeping records, and making the countless calculations that must be made in every business office-discounts, percentage and other figuring jobs-all of these can be handled on some one of the models of Burroughs Adding, Bookkeeping or Calculating Machines.

There is a Burroughs for any figuring need; a machine that will do the work more rapidly, accurately and economically than it was done before.



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There is hardly a big concern in the country where this "Y and E" system of filing is not in use. Everywhere some department manager or some individual, if not the concern itself, has found that this system gives Speed in filing Assured accuracy

Reduced maintenance

The principle of this remarkable system is "find alphabetically, refile numerically". It is the original and perfected alphabetical-numerical system.

Numbered guides are provided which divide the file into alphabetical divisionsas many as six thousand, if needed. Behind each guide is filed a direct name folder for each correspondent in that division, besides one miscellaneous folder; folders are given the same numbers as the corresponding guides.

Speed in finding
Quick transferring

Thus in the system that uses forty alphabetical divisions, guide Bro-Bry is number 4, and all correspondence folders from Bro-Bry are numbered 4.

When you want Brown's correspondence, look for it under Bro. When through, just drop it back of guide 4. As simple as that!

The success of the system lies in the fact that it is easier to work with numbers than with alphabetical divisions. If a number 3 folder ever gets

behind guide number 4, your eye catches the difference-one 3 among many 4's-the moment you reopen the file! What chance for mistakes does this leave?

Miscellaneous folders become the guides when you transfer, so the guides can be used over and over again.

The extent to which this "Y and E." system has crept into practically all well-established business concerns proves that it is a better system. More department managers, more individuals, more concerns at large should plan now to install it during the next transfer season. You should do so.



"Leaders of the World" in Filing Devices and Office Systems-Wood and STEEL






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GET MARRIED-Best Matrimonial Magazine Published. Mailed Free. American Distributor, Blairsville, Pa.

Widow, worth $50,000; age 25: anxious to marry honorable gentleman. Write Mrs. Warn, 2216%2 Temple St., Los Angeles, Cal.


If suited? One of the Best Matrimonial Magazines Published. Copy mailed free for the asking. We carry over 200 ladies' advertisements to select from. Send today for your copy; it's free. American Distributor, Blairsville, Penna.

MEN AND WOMEN! There is a Reason why so many of you are weak, diseased, nervous, all run down and no good. Read my book and know the secret, and make life worth living. Mr. Fred Schawbl, Buffalo, N. Y. says: "The book I got, you could not buy for a thousand dollars." Order today and begin to BUILD NOW. SIDNEY TAPP, Ph. B., Dept. O. M. Box 710, Kansas City, Mo.

Crocheters wanted. Positively no canvassing; stamped addressed envelope for particulars. Mrs. Meixel, 517 Lycoming Street, Williamsport, Pa.

ECZEMA, PSORIASIS goitre-tetter, old

sores, catarrh,

dandruff, rheumatism, piles, cancer, sore eyes. Cured or no charge. Write for particulars. ECZEMA REMEDY CO.,Dept. O. M., Hot Springs Ark.

[blocks in formation]

May we send you our guide of Buffalo and Niagara Falls? TOURISTS planning to visit Buffalo

and Niagara Falls can get a good guide with the compliments of this modern, fire-proof hotel. Contains photographs of important landmarks and features-also map of Buffalo, Niagara Falls and surrounding country.


North St. at Delaware Ave.
Buffalo's ideal hotel for tourists.
Convenient to
Quietly situated.
theatre, business and shopping dis-
tricts. First-class garage.

Fire-proof European plan,
all outside rooms, from $2.00
per day up.

Motorists follow Main
St. or Delaware Ave.
in to North St.
On Empire Tours.


Subscribe for the LIVING AGE

IF YOU WANT every aspect of the great European War pre-
sented every week, in articles by the ablest English writers.
IF YOU WANT the leading English reviews, magazines and
journals sifted for you and their most important articles repro-
duced in convenient form without abridgment.

IF YOU WANT the Best Fiction, the Best Essays and the
Best Poetry to be found in contemporary periodical literature.
IF YOU WANT more than three thousand pages of fresh and
illuminating material during the year, reaching you in weekly
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IF YOU WANT to find out for yourself the secret of the hold
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constituency for more than seventy years.

Subscription---$6 a Year.

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The Living Age Co.


Scientific Dry Farming

Are you a dry farmer? Are you interested in the development of a dry farm? Are you thinking of securing a homestead or of buying land in the semi-arid West? In any case you should look before you leap. You should learn the principles that are necessary to success in the new agriculture of the west. You should

Learn the Campbell System

Learn the Campbell System of Soil Culture and you will not fail. Subscribe for Campbell's Scientific Farmer, the only authority published on the subject of scientific soil tillage, then take a course in the Campbell Correspondence School of Soil Culture, and you need not worry about crop failure. Send four cents for a catalog and a sample copy of the Scientific Farmer. Address,

Scientific Soil Culture Co.


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