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Tubus, a pipe-tube, tubular, tubule, tubulated.

Tumeo, I swell; tuber, a swelling-tumour, tumult, protuberant.
Turba, a crowd-turbulent, disturb, turbulence.

Ultra, beyond; ultimus, farthest-ulterior, ultimate, ultimity.
Umbra, a shadow-umbrageous, umbrella, adumbrate.
Unctum, to anoint-unction, unctuous, unctuosity.
Unda, a wave-undulate, undulated, undulation.
Unus, one-uniform, unicorn, union, unit, unite, unity.
Urbs, a city-urbane, suburbs, suburban, urbanity.
Uro, I burn; ustus, burnt-combustion, combustible.
Utilis, useful-utility, utilitarian.

Utor, I use; usum, to use-abuse, disuse, peruse, usage.
Uxor, a wife-uxorious, uxoriously, uxoriousness.
Vacca, a cow-vaccination, vaccine, vaccinate.
Vaco, I am empty-vacant, vacancy, evacuate, vacuum.
Vado, I go-invade, invasion, pervade, evasive.
Vagor, I wander-vagrant, vagabond, vague.
Valeo, I am strong-prevail, prevalent, valiant, valid.
Vanus, vain-vanity, vainly, vain, vainness.
Vapor, steam-evaporate, vapour, vaporation, vaporous.
Vas, a vessel-vase, vascular, vascularity.
Vasto, 1 lay waste-devastation, waste, devastate.
Veho, I carry-vehicle, convey, invective.
Velo, I cover-develope, reveal, veil, envelope.
Vendo, I sell-vendible, vend, vendor, venal.

Venio, I come convene, advent, prevent, event.

Ventus, wind-ventilation, ventilate, ventilator, ventosity.
Ver, the spring-vernal, vernant.

Verbum, a word-verbosity, verb, verbal, verbiage, adverb.
Vergo, I bend-diverge, verge, convergent.

Vermis, a worm-vermicular, vermicule, vermiparous.
Verto, I turn; versus, turned-convert, conversion, averse.
Verus, true-verify, verity, aver, verily, veracity.
Vestigium, a track or mark—investigate, vestige.
Vestis, a garment-vest, invest, vestment, vesture.
Vetus, veteris, old-inveterate, veteran.

Via, a way-deviate, obviate, obvious, previous.

Video, I see; visus, seen-visible, visit, vision, provide.

Vigil, watchful-vigilant, vigilance, vigil, vigilantly.

Vigor, strength-invigorate, vigorous, vigorously.

Vinco, I conquer; victus, conquered-invincible, convince, evince, vanquish, victor, victory, victorious.

Vindex, a defender-vindicate, vindictive, vindication.

Vinum, wine-vintage, vine, vinegar, vintner, vinous.

Vir, a man-virile, virility, triumvirate.

Violo, I injure-violate, violence, violation, violator.
Vita, life-vital, vitality, vitally, vitals.

Vivo, I live-survive, revive, revival, vivid.

Voco, I call-convoke, vocative, revoke, irrevocable.
Volo, I will, I wish-voluntary, benevolent, malevolent.
Volo, I fly-volatile, volant, volatilize.

Volvo, I roll-revolve, volume, volubility, voluble.
Voro, I devour-voracious, carnivorous, voracity.

Votum, a vow-votary, devote, votive, votarist, devout.
Vulgus, the rabble-vulgar, divulge, vogue, vulgate.
Vulnus, vulneris, a wound-vulnerable, invulnerable.
Vulsum, to pull, to tear up-convulsion, convulse, convulsive.


Aer, air-aerial, aerolite, aeronaut, aerology, aerostation.
Aethlos, a combat-athletic, athlete.

Agogos, a leader-demagogue, mystagogue, pedagogue.
Agon, strife-agony, antagonist, agonism.

Akouo, I hear-acoustic, acoustics.

Alpha, the first letter in the Greek alphabet *-alphabet.
Aner, andros, a man-monandria, androtomy, androides.
Angelos, a messenger-angel, evangelist, evangelize.
Anthos, a flower-anthology, anther, polyanthus.
Anthropos, a man-philanthropy, misanthropy.

Arche, government-monarchy, anarchy, heptarchy, tetrarch.
Argos, inactive-lethargy, lethargic, lethargically.
Aristos, best-aristocracy, aristocrat, aristocratic.
Arithmos, number-arithmetic, arithmetical, arithmetician.
Arktos, a bear, the north-arctic, antarctic.

Astron, a star-astronomy, asterisk, asteroid, astral.

Atmos, vapour-atmosphere, atmospheric.

Autos, self-autocrat, autograph, automaton, autarchy.

Bapto, I dip-baptise, baptism, anabaptist, pedobaptism.
Baros, weight-barometer, barometrical.

Biblos, a book-bible, biblical, bibliography.

* The following are the letters of the Greek alphabet, with their names and powers:

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Bios, life-biography, biology, amphibious.

Botane, a plant-botany, botanic, botanist, botanize.
Cheir, the hand-chirography, chirology, chiroplast.
Chole, bile-choleric, choler, cholera.

Christos, anointed-Christ, Christian, christen, chrism.
Chroma, colour—achromatic, chrome, chromatics.

Chronos, time-chronometer, chronicle, chronology, chronic.
Chrusos, gold-chrysolite, chrysography.

Deka, ten-decalogue, decade, decagon, decachord.
Demos, the people-demagogue, democracy, epidemic.
Doxa, glory, opinion-doxology, heterodox, orthodox.
Dromos, a course-dromedary, hippodrome, orthodromy
Dunamis, power-dynamics, dynasty, dynamometer.
Eidos, a form or kind-kaleidoscope, eidouranion.
Epos, a word or sound-epic, orthoepy.

Eremos, a desert-eremite, hermit, eremitical.
Ergon, work-energetic, energy, metallurgy.
Ethos, manners, custom-ethical, ethics, ethically.
Eu, well-eulogy, eulogize, eupathy, euphony.
Gamos, a marriage-bigamy, agamist, polygamy.
Gaster, the stomach-gastric, gastronomy.

Ge, the earth-geography, geology, geocentric, apogee.
Gennao, I produce-oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen.
Genos, kind, sort-heterogeneous, homogeneous.

Glossa, glotta, the tongue-glossary, polyglot, glossographer.
Gonia, a corner or angle-pentagon, hexagon, polygon.
Gramma, a letter-grammar, anagram, programme.
Grapho, I write-autograph, biography, calligraphy, epigraph.
Harmonia, agreement-harmony, harmonious, harmonize.
Hedra, a seat, an assembly-Sanhedrim, cathedral.
Helios, the sun-aphelion, helioscope, heliocentric.
Hemera, a day ephemeral, ephemera, ephemeris.
Hepta, seven-heptarchy, heptagon, heptarchist.
Heteros, dissimilar-heterodox, heterogeneous.
Hex, six-hexagon, hexameter, hexapod, hexastich.
Hieros, sacred, holy-hierarchy, hierography, hieroglyphic.
Hippos, a horse-hippopotamus, hippodrome, hippocamp.
Hodos, a way-method, exodus, episode, period.

Holos, the whole-holocaust, holograph, catholic.

Homos, like, similar-homogeneous, homologous, homotonous. Hudor, water-hydrostatics, hydraulics, hydrographer.

Horos, a boundary-horizon, horizontal.

Idios, peculiar-idiom, idiot, idiotism, idiotize.
Isos, equal-isosceles, isothermal, isochronous.

Kakos, bad-cacophony, cacography, cachectical.
Kalypto, I cover-apocalyptic, apocalypse.

Kardia, the heart-cardiac, cardialgia, pericardium.

Kele, a tumour-hydrocele, bronchocele, enterocele.

Kephale, the head-cephalic, cephalalgia, hydrocephalus.

Kosmos, the world, order-cosmogony, cosmography, microcosm.
Kratos, power, dominion-theocracy, democracy, stratocracy

Krites, a judge-criterion, critic, criticism, critical.
Krupto, I hide-cryptic, crypt, cryptology, Apocrypha.

Kuklos, a circle-cycle, cycloid, cylinder, cyclopædia.
Laos, the people-laity, laic, lay.

Lithos, a stone-chrysolite, lithography, aerolite, monolith
Logos, a word, a description-logic, apology, dialogue.
Luo, I dissolve; lusis, loosening-analysis, paralysis.
Mache, a fight-naumachy, monomachy, logomachy.
Mania, madness-maniac, maniacal, bibliomania.
Martur, a witness-martyr, martyrdom, martyrology.
Mathema, learning, science-mathematics, philomath.
Mechane, a contrivance-machine, mechanic, mechanism.
Melan, black-melancholy, melancholiness.
Melos, a song-melody, melodious, melodiously.
Meter, a mother—metropolis, metropolitan, metropolite.
Metron, a measure-metre, barometer, diameter, perimeter.
Mikros, little-microscope, microcosm, microscopic.
Mimos, imitator-mimic, mime, mimicry, pantomime.
Miseo, I hate-misanthropist, misogynist, misogamist.
Mneme, memory-mnemonics, amnesty, amnesia.
Monos, alone, one-monosyllable, monarch, monopoly.
Morphe, a shape-metamorphose, amorphous, polymorphous.
Naus, a ship-nautical, nautilus, naumachy, nausea.
Noos, new-neology, neogamist, neoteric.
Nesos, an island-Peloponnesus, Polynesia.
Nomos, a law-astronomy, economy, Deuteronomy.
Nosos, disease-nosology, nosopoetic.

Ode, a poem, a song-monody, psalmody, epode.
Oikos, a house-parochial, antoci, periœci.
Onoma, a name-anonymous, patronymic, metonymy.
Optomai, I see-optics, myopy, ophthalmia, optical.
Orama, a view-cosmorama, diorama, panorama.
Ornis, ornithos, a bird-ornithology, ornithologist.
Organon, an instrument-organ, organist, organic.
Orthos, correct, right-orthography, orthodox, orthoepy.
Osteon, a bone-osteology, periosteum, osteocope.
Oxus, sharp, acid-oxalic, oxygen, oxycrate, oxide.
Pais, paidos, a boy-pedagogue, pedagogy.
Pan, pantos, all-pantheon, pantheism, panacea.
Pathos, feeling-sympathy, pathetic, apathy, eupathy.
Pente, five-pentagon, pentameter, pentateuch.
Petalon, a leaf-petals, petalism, monopetalous.
Petros, a stone-petrify, petrescent, saltpetre, Peter.
Phago, I eat-anthropophagi, ichthyophagi.

Phaino, I appear or show-phenomenon, phantom, epiphany.
Phasis, an appearance-phase, phasis, prophasis..

Phemi, I say; phasis, a saying-blaspheme, emphasis, prophecy.
Phero, I bear-metaphor, periphery, phosphorus.

Phileo, I love; philos, a friend-philosophy, philanthropy.
Phone, voice, sound-euphony, phonetic, symphony, aphony.
Phrasis, a phrase-phraseology, paraphrase, metaphrase.
Phren, phrenos, the mind-frenzy, phrenology, phrenitis.
Phthongos, sound-diphthong, monophthong.
Phusis, nature-physiology, physics, metaphysics.
Plasso, I form-plastic, plaster, protoplastic.

Poleo, I sell-monopoly, bibliopolist, pharmacopolist.
Polis, a city-metropolis, Heliopolis, Decapolis, Naples.
Polus, many-polyanthus, polyglot, polygon, polysyllable.
Potamos, a river-hippopotamus, Mesopotamia.
Pous, podos, a foot-tripod, antipodes, polypus.
Protos, first-protocol, protoplast, prototype.
Pur, fire-pyrometer, pyre, pyrolatry, pyrotechnics.
Rheo, I flow-rheum, Rhine, rhetoric, catarrh.
Skopeo, I look-telescope, microscope, microscopic.
Sophos, wise-sophist, philosophy, sophical.
Spao, I draw-spasm, spasmodic.

Sphaira, a ball-sphere, spherical, atmosphere,
Stello, I send-apostle, epistle, peristaltic.
Stichos, a verse-acrostic, hemistich, distich.
Stratos, an army-stratagem, stratagemical.
Strophe, a turning-apostrophe, catastrophe.
Tautos, the same tautology, tautological.
Taxis, arrangement-syntax, tactics.
Techne, art-technical, technicality, technology.
Tele, far-telescope, telegraph, telescopic.
Tetras, four-tetrarch, tetragon, tetrameter, tetrad.
Theos, God-atheist, theology, theocracy.

Therme, heat-thermometer, thermoscope.

Thesis, position, placing—antithesis, synthesis, parenthesis.
Topos, a place topography, topic, topographic.
Trope, a turning-tropic, trope, tropical.

Tupos, a stamp or figure-type, antitype, typography.
Zoon, an animal-zoography, zoology, zoographer.



Aber, the mouth of a river.

Ac, Ach, Ack, an oak, water.

Alb, Alp, high.

Ald (from eald), old.
Ar, upon, boundary.

Ard, Aren, a high place.
Ath, a ford.

Athel, noble.

Avan, Avon, water, a river.
Bac, Bach, small, a brook.
Bal, Bally, a village, a townland.
Ban, high, lofty.

Bed, Bedd, a grave, a sepulchre.
Beg, small or little.

Bel, a mouth or entrance.
Ben, a hill, mountain, or top.
Blaen, end or extremity.

[blocks in formation]

Braich, an arm.

Brad, broad.

Brom, a broom.

Bron, a breast, a swell.
Bryn, a mount or hill.

Burg, Burgh, Bury, a town, a for-
tified place.

Burne, Burn, a stream, a fountain.
By, Bye, an abode, a dwelling.
Cad, defending.

Cader, a fortress, a stronghold.
Cae, a hedge, a field.

Cam, crooked, bending.

Car, Caer, a wall or mound for defence.

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