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ne mocre,

The battelle lofte, a battelle was yndede; Note queedes hemfelfes culde ftonde so harde a fraie; [blede, Oure verie armoure, and our healmes dyd The Dacyannes fprytes, lyche dewe drops, fledde awaie.

Ytt was an Ella dyd commaunde the daie; Ynn spytte of foemanne, I most faie hys myghte; Botte wee ynn hynd lettes blodde the lofs wylle paie,

Brynnynge, thatte we knowe howe to wynne yn fyghte; [deftroie ;Wee wylie, lyke wylfes enloofed from chaynes, ure armoures-wynter nyghte hotte oute the daic of joie. rolle the daie alonge, [brende; Somme hamlette fcalle onto oure fhuyrie Braftynge alyche a rocke, or mountayne ftronge, The talle chyrche-fpyre upon the grene fhalle bende; [rende,

Whene fwefte-fote tyme doe

Wee wylle the walles, and auntyante tourettes

109 Life.

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The love ys foule; I woulde bee deafe for aie, taller thanne heere fyche deflavatie 113 fedde. wythytte file from mee, and ne further faie; ather thanne heare thie love, I woulde bee dead. fbedde,

er feynotes! and fhal I wronge mie Ella's ad wouldft thou, Celmonde, tempte me to the thynge?

at mee be gone-alle curfes onne thie hedde! fas ytte for thys thou dydfte a meflage brynge! ette mee be gone, thou manne of fable harte! wakyu 114 and her starres wyll take a mayden parte.


thence you wylle notte lette mie fuyte avele, love wylle have yttes joie, altho wythe guylte; [ftele; ar fymbes fha bende, albeytte-firynge as merkye feefonne wylle your bloshes bylte 115.


alpe, kolpe, ye feynetes! oh thatte mie blodde was fpylte!


The feynotes att diftaunce flonde ynn tyme of nede,

notte to goe; thou canfte notte, gyff thou wyite Into mie wyfche bee kinde, and nete alfe hede.


frele beftoykerre, I wylle rende the ayre, de.he to ftaie mie dynne, or fomme kynde roder heare.

Hope! holpe! oh Godde!

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Save mee, oh! fave me from thys royner heere!


Stonde thou bie mie; now faie thie name and londe;

Or fwythyne fchall mie fwerde thie boddie tare. Gelmonde

Bothe I wylle fhewe thee bic mie brondeous116 honde.

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Come onne, and fee Gyff mie ftrynge anlace maie bewryen whatte L [Fyrbte al anenfe Celmonde, maynte Danes be fleath, and faleth to Hurra.


Oh! I forflagen 117 bee! ye Danes, now kenne,
I amnie yatte Celmonde, feconde
yn the fyghte,
Who dydd, atte Watchette, fo forflege youre



I fele myne eyne to fwymme yn æterne
To her be kynde.

Thenne felle a wordhie knyghte.

Saie, who bee you?




I am greate Ælla's wyfe. Hurra.


Gyff anenfte hym you harboure foule defpyte, Nowe wythe the lethal anlace take mie lyfe, Me thankes I ever onne you wylle beftowe, From cwbryce 118 you mee pyghte, the worste of mortal woe.


I wylle; ytte fcalle bee foe: ye Dacyans, here,
Thys Alla havethe been oure foe for aie.
Thorrowe the battelle he dyd brondeous teare,
Beyng the lyfe and head of everyche fraie;
From everych Dacyanne power he won the daie,
Forflagen Magnus, all oure fchippes ybrente;
Bie hys felle arme wee now are made to ftraie;
The fpeere of Dacya he ynn pieces fhente;
Whanne hantoned barckes unto our londe dyd


Alla the gare dheie fed, and wyfched hym byt ter dome.


Bee ftylle.



Botte yette he ys a foemanne goode and fayre; Whanne wee are fpente, he foundethe the for


The captyves chayne he toffeth ynne the ayre, Cheered the wounded bothe wythe bredde and


Has hee notte untoe fomme of you bynn dygne? You would have fmethed onne Wedeceftrian


Botte hee behylte the flughorne for to cleyne, Throwynge onne hys wyde backe, hys wyder fpreddynge fhielde..

116 Furious. 117 flain. 118 adultery.

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Ella, Egwina, Egwina.


Ah! that femmly keene to me

Specketh a legendary tale of woe.

Birtha is



Whatt? where? how? faie, whatte of face




Gone! ye goddes! Egwina.

Alas! ytte ys toe trie Yee feynotes, hee dies awaie wythe my


Ella! what? Ella oh! hee lyves agen Ella.

Cal mee notte Ælla; I am hymme ne mo Where ys thee gon awaie? ah! fpeake!! when?

I will.



Caparyfon a fcore of ftedes; Where ys fhee? fwythynne fpeeke, or thou fhalte die.


Stylle thie loud rage, and here thou wh


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Loverde! I am aboutte the trouthe to faie.
Latte nyghte, fulle late I dydde retourne to refte.
As to mie chamber I dydde beude mie waie,
To Birtha onne hys name and place addrefte;
Dwne to hym camme fhe, butte thereof the

Iken ne matter; fo, mie hommage made-

O fpeake ne moe; mie harte flames yn yttes halte;

Ince was Ella; nowe bee notte yttes fhade. Hase alle the furie of mysfortunes wylle

ru one mie benned 124 heade I hanne been Ella fylle.

Tays alleyn was unburled 125 of alle mie spry.te; e honoure, honoure, frownd on the dolce 126 wynde, [pyghte; hatte steeked on ytte; nowe wyth rage imbrundeous unweerè ys mie engy ned mynde. e hommeur yette fomme drybblet joie maie fynde,

the Danes woundes I wylle another yeve; banne thos mie rennome 127 and mie peace js rynde,

de were a recrandize to thyncke to lyve ; Le butaries, untoe everie afker telle,

olie Ella lyved, as noblie Ælla felle. [Stabbeth bys brefte. Servytoure. Clays fleene; the flower of Englonde's marrde.


Rylle; fwythe lette the chyrches rynge mie krelle.

5. ayther brave Coernyke; he, as warde thys mie Bryftowe caftle, wyll doe welle. [Kneile ryngeth. LLA, EGWINA, SERVYTOURE, COER.


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Whatte dynne ys thys? whatte menes yis lea

thalle knelle ? [hee? Where ys mie Ella? fpeeke; where? howe ys Oh Ella art thou yanne alyve and welle? Ella.

I lyve yndeed; botte doe notte lyve for thee.

What menes mie Ella?


Here mie meneynge fee.

Thie foulness urged mie honde to gvye thys wounde,

Ytte mee unfprytes 128.


Ytt hathe unfpryted mee.

Ah Heavens! mie Birtha fallethe to the grounde!
Botte yette I am a manne, and fo wylle bee.

Ella! I amme a Dane; botte yette a friend to thee.

Thys damoyfelle I founde wythynne a woode, Strevynge fulle harde anenfte a burled swayne; I fente hym myrynge ynne mie compheeres blodde, [trayne. Celmonde hys name, chief of thie warrynge Yis damoiselle foughte to be here agayne; The whyche, albeytte foemen, wee dydd wylle; So here wee broughte her wythe you to res mayne.


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O! I will make hys grave mie vyrgyn spousal bedde. [Birtha feyneth.


Whatt? Ella deadde! and Birtha dyynge toe! Soe falls the fayreft flourettes of the playne. . Who canne unplyte the wurchys Heaven can doe,

Or who untwefte the role of shappe yn twayne? Ælla, thie rennome was thie only gayne;


For yatte, thie pleafaunce, and thie joie was

Thie countrymen fhall rere thee, on the playne,
A pyle of carnes, as anie grave can boafte;
Further, a just amede to thee to bee,

Inne Heaven thou fynge of Godde, on erthe we'lle
fynge of thee.



By Thomas Rowleie.


HAROLDE, bie T. Rowleie, the Auboure.
GODDWYN, bie Johan de Iftamme.
ELWARDE, bie Syrr Tybot Gorges.
ALSTAN, bie Syrr Alan de Vere.

KYNGE EDWARDE, bie Maftre Willyam Canynge.

Odhers bie Knyghtes Mynnfirelles.




bie penfmeune 2 moke 3 ungentle 4 name Have upon Goddwynne Earl of Kente bin layde, Dherebie benymmynge 5 hymme of faie 6 and fame;

Unliart 7 divinftres 8 haveth faide,
Thatte he was knowen toe noe hallie 9
wurche 10;
Botte thys was all hys faulte, he gyfted ne 11 the

The aucthourer 2 of the piece whiche we enacte,
Albeytte 13 a clergyon 14, trouthe wyll wrytte.
Inne drawynge of hys menne no wytte y s lackte;
Entyn 15 a kynge mote 16 be full pleased to

Attende, and marcke the partes nowe to be done;
Wee better for to doe do champyon17 anie onne.

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Ille free mie countrie, or Ille die yn fyght

Botte lette us wayte unty lle fomme fea
Mie Kentythmen, thie Summertors fiul
Adented 49 prowess 50 to the gite st
Agayne the argent 52 horfe fhall dauncey
Oh, Harolde, heere forftraughteynge 53.
hope 54 lies.

Englonde, oh Englonde, tys for thee Iblete

22 Grievance; a fenfe of it. 23 ceale, 24 idly. 25 deceived, imposed on. 26 fe. anger, rage. 28 paint, difplay. 29 foul. 30 31 terrible. 32 horrid, grim. 33fmoking ing. 34 oft. 35 heat, rafhness. 36 counir dom. 37 strength, alfo ftrong. 35 taudry, mering. 39 people. 40 fate, deftiny. 42 caft. 43 cross, from crouche, a crafs tempt, or endeavour. 45 unarmed. 46 47 unfpirited. 48 fuch. 49 faftened, anness might, power. 51 mantle, or robe. 51 whit

1 Ofold, formerly. 2 writers, historians. 3 much. 4 inglorious. 5 bereaving. 6 taith. 7. unforgiving. divines, clergymen, monks., 9. holy. 10 work. II not. 12 author. 13 though, notwithstanding. 14 clerk, or clergyman. 15 entyn, even. 16 might. 17 challenge. 15 lord. 19 foes, enemies. 20. dc-luding to the arms of Kent, a horfe faliant, your, deftroy. 21 fatten. 53 diftracting. 54 defpair. 55 bleed.

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