Laws, Resolutions, and Memorials of the State of MontanaState Publishing Company, 1905 Includes extraordinary sessions. |
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1905 HOUSE BILL Act Appropriating Money act takes effect Act to amend Acts in conflict amend Section application appointed Approved Feb'y Approved March assessment Auditor is hereby bonds branch bank cent certificate CHAPTER conflict herewith construction contract corporation County Clerk County Commissioners county drain commissioner county treasurer deemed Deputy district court draw his warrants duty election Enacted examination expenses fees filed Five Hundred Dollars Flag of Montana force and effect full force fund Governor hereby amended hereby appropriated hereby authorized hereby repealed herewith are hereby Inspector issued joint stock company lands Legislative Assembly license lien ment Missoula County mortgage necessary notice osteopathy otherwise appropriated owner paid party passage and approval payment person Political Code read as follows record Repealing clause salary Sanders County Secretary thereof Thousand Dollars tion Treasurer is directed trustees Veterinary Surgeon vote warrants in favor water rights