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as Good as this on Your Pay-roll

This Graton & Knight 40" 3-ply Heart Brand Belt is five years old. It is running every day on heavy duty for the Milford Light and Power Co., Milford, N. H. The cost of this belt in cash has been $1.81 a week, or .004 per delivered horsepower per week.

Put a belt as good as this on your pay-roll. Its low cost of upkeep is the result of Graton & Knight Standardization. That means the proper belt for any given requirement. It means the right quality of leather and the right kind of tanning for a given purpose. It means true economy-full delivery of power, without waste.

Leather is the ideal belting material. It has a characteristic pulley-gripping quality. It has pliability with light weight. It has the stretch and the comeback that gives and takes. It stands mauling by shifters and the gruelling strain of main drives. It is firm and strong. It is tough, but tractable. These are the characteristics that good belting must possess.

Every year nearly 300,000 hides are tanned in the G. & K. factory. That gives uniformity. The more stock handled, the more latitude there is for picking equal-quality material for a given specification. And G. & K. Tan


Write for new book about

ning is of a fixed standard of quality for specific requirements. We make all kinds of leather belting, for every use -large and small.

Load carried and conditions of operation must figure largely in the length of service of any belt. Some drives limit belting to a few months or even a few weeks. Graton & Knight Standardized Series Belts are made to give the longest possible delivery of efficient power at the lowest possible cost. And they do it. It may be that belts all look alike to you-and it may be that you are spending more than is necessary for some belting requirements. We can and will help you find out.

Many of the best-belted plants ask us to specify the belting for every drive. Try the plan yourself. Then, when buying, call for "Graton & Knight Brand or equal." This won't commit you to buying our belts. It will put your buying on the one basic consideration-the work to be done. Standardized Leather Belting

THE GRATON & KNIGHT MFG. COMPANY, Worcester, Mass., U. S. A.
Oak Leather Tanners, Makers of Leather Belting, Lace Leather Packings, and Specialties

Kansas City

Chicago Detroit
Boston Cleveland Fall River
Graton & Knight Mfg. Co. of Texas-Dallas, Texas

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Graton & Knight Mfg. Co. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Wis.
Graton & Knight Mfg. Co. of California-San Francisco, Cal.


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Speed Up Production

The Factory at Your Fingers' Tips

difficult these

to make good d deliveries with shortage of man nd shipping con-but you can stimulate on by keeping records

y. You can master many conditions to to-day if your records tell instantly ition of any order, at any time.


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Handling Production Records on a RAND low-inclined desk stand.

Occupies little space-visualizes your factory dflashes before your eye the condition of r-each operation, time of arrival and departure from each department. You know which machines are active which idle. You can plan, route and dispatch advantageously-you can follow these from your desk. You can keep an efficient perpetual inventory; a stock record; a list of parts showing location in stock room; employees' records; take off shortage reports in minimum time; prevent overbuying of material. These things RAND Equipment is doing today in hundreds of businesses, and just as easily it can accomplish such results

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w the Burroughs Adding Machine Co. andles its employees' records.

for you.

Here's a RAND Card Record Machine carrying a RAND S. O. S. Panel-the vital data

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without handling or removing card. Simply lift card and the information is before you.


Visible Record Equipment is Indispensable, too, in Credit, Sales, Purchasing and Accounting Departments.

RAND users now represent every line- and all continue buying more and more equipment. If you want to hasten production and insure future orders by making good now on promised deliveries, you need a RAND need it badly. Write on your business letterhead for interesting information on production records now handled with RAND Equipment.


ND Building

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North Tonawanda, N. Y.

Originators and Patentees of Visible Indexing

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TERMS: $4.00 a year, in advance; six months, $2.25; three months,

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THE LITERARY DIGEST is published weekly by the Funk & Wagnalls Company, 354-360 Fourth Avenue, New York, and Salisbury Square, London, E. C.

Entered as second-class matter, March 24, 1890, at the Post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879.

Entered as second-class matter at the Post-office Department, Ottawa, Canada.

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· Chicago

Second Term Opens Dec. 30, 1918 Courses of study arranged to meet the needs of men returning from Army Camps and discharged from the Students' Army Training Corps. Recognition will be given to Military Training in adjusting programs.

THOMAS F. HOLGATE, President ad interim Northwestern University Building - - Chicago


Published by Funk & Wagnalls Company (Adam W. Wagnalls, Pres.; Wilfred J. Funk, Vice-Pres.; Robert J. Cuddihy, Treas.; William Neisel, Sec'y), 354-360 Fourth Ave., New York

Vol. LIX, No. 11

New York, December 14, 1918

Whole Number 1495





IGHTLY OR WRONGLY, he goes to Versailles to represent America, and the time has come, say some

of his keenest critics, to see that our President is not placed at a disadvantage at the peace table by a fire of faultfinding in the rear. The fact of Mr. Wilson's going being accepted, says such an avowed political opponent as the New York Tribune (Rep.), "we can not afford to seem petty about it." The St. Louis Globe - Democrat (Rep.) knows of nothing "to be gained for our cause or for the dignity of the nation by a national controversy' over it. The choice having once been made, the Philadelphia Public Ledger (Ind.) likewise can not see how "matters would be helped by a barrage of political criticism following the President from Washington and discounting his prestige in Paris." This daily, widely read by Republicans and counting a Republican ex-President among its contributing editors, goes on to point out that Mr. Wilson "has made himself and surely it was not an unAmerican action-the foremost spokesman of the forwardlooking liberals of Europe," and asserts that "if Woodrow Wilson had not gone to the Peace Conference there are long-submerged millions on the plains of Czecho-Slovakia, in Jugo-Slavia, in Poland, and even in Russia, who would feel that a powerful friend on whom they had confidently counted would be absent." So consistent a critic of administration policies and performances as the New York Globe (Ind. Rep.) declares that the people of this country "do not doubt the sincerity of their President's devotion to great ideals," and "recognize he deems himself embarked on a high and noble enterprise"; it further admits that the honor paid America's chief in Europe is a tribute to this country, which should make us proud and will also "knit us closer to our neighbors and partners." The politically

Copyrighted by Paul Thompson.

independent Boston Christian Science Monitor is fully convinced that President Wilson "goes to the Peace Conference with the full faith and confidence of the great mass of his fellow citizens." The American people, the Boston Herald (Ind. Rep.) is inclined to believe, are disposed to trust President Wilson "to perform

his duty in his own way." Influential Republican leaders in Congress advise party associates, still foaming against Wilson and hoping to hamper him, that the people will not "tolerate any meddling" in so important a matter. All sensible people, according to the New York Evening Post (Ind.) now hope for "a calm and dignified attitude on the part of Republicans and everybody else, so that the President of the United States, when abroad, will not appear to have left a squabbling people behind." And the Brooklyn Eagle (Ind. Dem.), declaring that if the President succeeds in his "most difficult task" at Versailles, "he I will be welcomed home with an enthusiasm from which even his most confirmed critics will be able to detract but little," adds these words of advice to readers of all parties:



"Nothing is to be gained in behalf of the United States by keeping alive for the wonderment of Europe the spectacle of a sullen and resentful volume of public opinion, revealing a divided nation and a consequently weakened power at the peace table. Having rightly or wrongly determined to make himself a central figure at Versailles, the President is entitled to the reenforcement of the American people in his efforts to bring about a peace acceptable to them. We need not fear that any of our immortal privileges are to be bartered away, nor any of our fundamental doctrines and laws set at naught. The President is too good a constitutional lawyer to send to the Senate of the United States a treaty which public opinion would not permit that body to ratify. While the President is abroad let us, therefore, temporarily forget partizanship and regard

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