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is another Arong Argument in Law, Nihil, quod eft contra rationem, eft licitum; for Reafon is the Life of the Law, nay the Common Law is nothing but Reason: which is to be understood of artificial Perfection and Reafon gotten by long Study, and not of Man's natural Reafon; for nemo nafcitur artifex, and legal Reafon eft fumma ratio; and therefore if all the Reason that is dilperled into lo many different Heads, were united into one, he could not make such a Law as the Law of England; because by many Succellions of Ages it has been fixed and refired by grave and learned Men; lo that the old Rule may be verified ín ít, Neminem oportet effe legibus fapientiorem.

As therefore Pyed Horfes do not come within the Intendment of the Bequest, lo neither do they within the Letter of the Words.

A pyed Horfe is not a white Horse, neither is a pyed a black Horfe; how then can pyed Horfes come under the Words of black and white Horses?

Belides, where Tullom hath adapted a certain determinate Name to any one Thing, in all Deviles, Feofments, and Grants, that certain Name fhall be made use of, and no uncertain circumlocutory Descriptions fhall be allowed; for Certainty is the Father of Right and the Mother of Justice.

Le refte del Argument jeo ne pouvois oyer, car jeo fui disturb en mon place.

Le Court fuit longement en doubt' de c'est Matter; et apres grand deliberation eu,

Judgment fuit donne pour le Pl. nifi caufa. Motion in Arreft of Judgment, that the pyed Horfes were Mares; and thereupon an Infpection was prayed.

Et fur ceo le Court advifare vult.




The Original of the following extraordinary Treatise confifted of two large Volumes in Folio; which might juftly be entitled, The Importance of a Man to himself: But, as it can be of very little to any body befides, I have contented myself to give only this short abstract of it, as a Taste of the true Spirit of Memoir Writers.


N the name of the Lord. Amen. I P. P. by the Grace of God, Clerk of this Parish, writeth this History.

Ever fince I arrived at the age of discretion, I had a call to take upon me the function of a Parish-clerk; and to that end, it seemed unto me meet and profitable to associate myself with the Parish-clerks of this Land; fuch I mean as were right worthy in their calling, men of a clear and sweet voice, and of becoming gravity.

Now it came to pass, that I was born in the year of our Lord Anno Domini 1655, the year wherein our worthy benefactor, Efquire Bret, did add one bell to the ring of this Parish. So that it hath been wittily faid, "That one and the fame day did give to this our "Church two rare gifts, its great Bell and its Clerk.”

Even when I was at fchool, my mistress did ever extol me above the reft of the youth, in that I had a laud

able voice. And it was furthermore obferved, that I took a kindly affection unto that Black letter in which our Bibles are printed. Yea, often did I exercife myself in finging godly ballads, fuch as the Lady and Death, The Children in the Wood, and Chevy Chace; and not like other children, in lewd and trivial ditties. Moreover, while I was a boy, I always ventured to lead the Pfalm next after Mafter William Harris, iny predeceffor, who (it must be confeffed to the glory of God) was a moft excellent Parish-clerk in that his day.

Yet be it acknowledged, that, at the age of fixteen I became a Company-keeper, being led into idle converfation by my extraordinary love to Ringing; infomuch that, in a fhort time, I was acquainted with every fet of bells in the whole country: Neither could I be prevailed upon to abfent myself from Wakes, being called thereunto by the harmony of the steeple. While I was in thefe focieties, I gave myself up to unfpiritual paftimes, such as wrestling, dancing, and cudgel-playing; fo that I often returned to my father's house with a broken pate. I had my head broken at Milton by Thomas Wyat, as we played a bout or two for an Hat, that was edged with filver galloon. But in the year following I broke the head of Henry Stubbs, and obtained an hat not inferior to the former. At Yelverton I encountered George Cummins, Weaver, and behold my head was broken a second time! At the wake of Waybrook I engaged William Simkins, Tanner, when lo! thus was my head broken a third time, and much blood trickled therefrom. But I administered to my comfort, faying within myself, "What man is there, howfoever "dextrous in any craft, who is for aye on his guard ?” A week after I had a bafe-born child laid unto me; for in the days of my youth I was looked upon as a follower of venereal fantafies: Thus was I led into fin by the

comeliness of Sufannah Smith, who firft tempted me, and then put me to fhame; for indeed she was a maiden of a feducing eye and pleasant feature. I humbled myself before the Juftice, I acknowledged my crime to our Curate; and to do away mine offences, and make her some atonement, was joined to her in holy wedlock on the Sabbath-day following.

How often do those things which feem unto us miffortunes, redound to our advantage! For the Minifter (who had long looked on Susannah as the most lovely of his parishioners) liked fo well of my demeanour, that he recommended me to the honour of being his Clerk, which was then become vacant by the decease of good Mafter William Harris.

Here ends the first chapter; after which follow fifty or fixty pages of his amours in general, and that particular one with Sufannah his prefent wife; but I proceed to chapter the ninth.

No fooner was I elected into mine office, but I laidafide the powdered gallantries of my youth, and became a new man. I confidered myself as in fome wife of ecclefiaftical dignity, fince by wearing a band, which is no fmall part of the ornament of our Clergy, I might not unworthily be deemed, as it were, a fhred of the linen veftment of Aaron.

Thou mayeft conceive, O Reader, with what concern I perceived the eyes of the congregation fixed upon me, when I first took my place at the feet of the Priest. When I raised the pfalm, how did my voice quaver for fear! and when I arrayed the shoulders of the Minister with the furplice, how did my joints tremble under me! I faid within myself, Remember, Paul, thou "ftandeft before men of high worship, the wife Mr.

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