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York cities, and in the cities of Connecti- the Democratic majority in West Vircut, confessed attachment to free trade, ginia. was easily rallied under the Democratic From this time forward the battle on banner. In convention in New York the part of the Republicans was hopeful; city this element denounced Blaine on on the part of the Democrats desperate what it pronounced a paramount moral but not despairing. Senator Barnum, the issue, and for a time such brilliant orators Chairman of the Democratic National as Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, George W. Committee, was a skilled and trained polCurtis and Carl Schurz, rang the itician, and he sedulously cultivated Inchanges" upon the moral questions pre-dependent and Prohibition defection in sented by the canvass. They were halted New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Wisby scandals about Cleveland, and the consin and Indiana. Whether the scanMaria Halpin story, almost too indecent dals growing out of the result be true or for historical reference, became a promi- false, every political observer could see nent feature of the campaign with the that the elements named were under at acquiescence, if not under the direction least the partial direction of the Demoof the Republican managers. Many of cratic National Committee, for their supour best thinkers deplored the shape thus port was inconsiderable in States where given to the canvass, but the responsi- they were not needed in crippling the bility for it is clearly traceable to the chances of the Republicans. The Republiplan of campaign instituted by the Inde- can National Committee, headed by Mr. B. pendents, or "Mugwumps," as they were F. Jones, of Pennsylvania, an earnest and called "Mugwump" implying a small able, but an untrained leader, did not leader. seek to check these plain efforts at defection. This Committee thought, and at the time seemed to be justified in the belief that the defection of Irish-Americans in the same States would more than counterbalance all of the Independent and Prohibitory defection. The Republicans were likewise aided by General Butler, who ran as the Greenback or "People's" candidate, as he called himself. It would have done it easily, but for an accident, possibly a trick, on the Thursday preceding the November election. Mr. Blaine was at the Fifth Avenue Hotel in New York, and among the many delegations which visited him was one of three hundred ministers who wished to show their confidence in his moral and intellectual fitness for the Chief Magistracy. The oldest of the ministers present was Mr. Burchard, and he was assigned to deliver the address. In closing it he referred to what he thought ought to be a common opposition to "Rum, Romanism and Rebellion," an alliteration which

Only Ohio, West Virginia and Iowa remained as October States, and in the height of the canvass all eyes were turned upon Ohio. In all of the Western States both of the great parties had been distracted by prohibitory and high license issues, and Ohio,-because of temperance 'agitations, which still remained as disturbing elements-had drifted into the Democratic column. If it were again lost to the Republicans, their national campaign would practically have ended then and there, so far as reasonable hopes could be entertained for the election of Blaine. This fact led to an extraordinary effort to influence favorable action there, and both Blaine and Logan made tours of the State, and speeches at the more important points. Mr. Blaine first went to New York city, thence through New Jersey, speaking at night at all important points on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and was the following day received by the Union League of Philadelphia. In the evening he reviewed a procession of not only awakened the wrath of the 20,000 uniformed men. He then returned to New York, not yet having uttered a partisan sentence, but in passing westward through its towns, he occasionally referred to their progress under the system of protection. Reaching Ohio, he spoke more and more plainly of the issues of the canvass as his journey proceeded, and wherever he went his speeches commanded national comment and attention. His plain object was, for the time at least, to smother local issues by the graver national ones, and he did this with an ability which has never been matched in the history of American oratory. The result was a victory for the Republicans in October; they carried Ohio by about 15,000, and greatly reduced

Democracy, but which quickly estranged many of the Irish-American supporters of Blaine and Logan. Mr. Blaine on the two following days tried to counteract the effects of an imprudence for which he was in no way responsible, but the alliteration was instantly and everywhere employed to revive religious issues and hatreds, and to such an extent that circulars were distributed at the doors of Catholic churches, implying that Blaine himself had used the offensive words. A more unexpected blow was never known in our political history; it was quite as sudden and more damaging than the Morey forgery at the close of the Garfield campaign. It determined the result, and was the most prominent of half a dozen

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for the highest on each ticket is given in all cases where the complete statement of the vote of the State has been received. The results show a total vote of 10,046,073, of which the Cleveland ticket received 4,913,901, the Blaine ticket 4,847,659, the Butler ticket 133,880, and the St. John ticket 150,633, showing a plurality of 66,242 for Cleveland. The total vote in 1880 was 9,218,251, and Garfield's plurality 9464. It should be noted, in considering the tabulated statement of this year's vote, that the Blaine Electoral tickets were supported by the Republicans and

[blocks in formation]

the People's Party in Missouri and West at the capitols of the various States. On

Virginia, and that Cleveland Electoral

the 9th of February, 1885, the to


tickets were supported by the Democrats of Congress assembled to witness the

and the People's Party in Iowa, Michigan

counting of the vote.



to have cast about 41,300 votes for the tion, announced that "it appears" from and Nebraska. The People's Party claims President of the Senate, upon its comple

fusion ticket in Michigan and about 33,000 votes in Iowa. The vote of California is

the count that Mr. Cleveland
elected President, etc. This

has been form was

official from all but two counties; the used upon his judgment as the only one

unofficial reports from these are included

which he could lawfully use, the


in the totals given in the table. South law not having as yet determined the

Carolina returns 1237 "scattering" votes. power or prescribed the for

for de

There was no hitch in the count of the claring the result of Presidential elec

vote in any of the Electoral Colleges, held tions.

Cleveland's Administration.

this prophecy, though it is yet too soon to accurately judge the result with nearly three years of administration yet to be devoted to its pursuit.

Ohio witnessed in her last October elec

PRESIDENT CLEVELAND was inaugurated on the 4th of March, 1885, amid much military and civic pomp and ceremony. Jubilant Democrats from all parts of the country visited the National Capital to tion the first great struggle under the celebrate their return to National power Democratic State and National Adminisafter a series of Republican successes ex-trations. Gov. Hoadley was renominated tending through twenty-four years. The by the Democrats, and Judge Foraker was inaugural address was chiefly noted for its renominated by the Republicans. The promises in behalf of civil service reform. latter were aided by the strong canvass of It showed a determination on the part of John Sherman for his return to the U. S. the President to adhere to the pledges Senate. The contest was throughout exgiven to what are still termed the Mug-citing, some of the best speakers of the wumps" prior to the election. The senti- country taking the stump. The result was ments expressed secured the warm approval as follows: of Geo. W. Curtis, Carl Schurz, Henry Ward Beecher and other civil service reformers, but were disappointing to the straight Democrats, who naturally wished to enjoy all of the fruits of the power won after so great a struggle. Vice President Hendricks voiced this radical Democratic sentiment, and was rapidly creating a schism in the ranks of the party, but his sudden death checked the movement and deprived it of organization, though there still remains the seed of dissatisfaction, much of which displayed itself in the contests of 1885.

President Cleveland appointed the following Cabinet:

Secretary of State: Thomas F. Bayard of Delaware.

Foraker, R.
Hoadley, D.
Leonard, Pro.
Northrop, G.





The Irish-Americans who had left the Democratic party to vote for Blaine, adhered to the Republican standard, and really increased their numbers-more than a third more voting for Foraker than for Blaine, while the Mugwump element practically disappeared. The Prohibition vote had almost doubled, but as all third or fourth parties as a rule attract their vote from the parties in which the most discontent prevails, the excess came not from the Republican but the Democratic ranks.

Pennsylvania's result, following in November, was similar in all material points to that of Ohio. Col. M. S. Quay, an acSecretary of the Treasury: Daniel Man- knowledged political leader and a man of ning of New York.

Secretary of War: W. C. Endicott of Massachusetts.

Postmaster-General: Wm. F. Vilas



national reputation, thought it wise that his party should oppose in the most radical and direct way, the Democratic State and National Administration, and with this purpose became a candidate for State Treasurer. The Democrats nominated Conrad B. Day of Philadelphia.

Secretary of the Interior: L. Q. C. Lamar result was as follows: of Mississippi.

Attorney General: Augustus H. Garland of Arkansas.

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Quay, R.
Day, D.
Spangler, Pro.
Whitney, G..





Up to this writing, May, 1886, the Administration of President Cleveland has not been marked by any great event or crisisits greatest political efforts being directed toward appeasing the civil and holding in New York, of all the November States, close political alliance with the civil service very properly excited the most attention. reformers, without disrupting the Demo- The Democrats renominated Gov. Hill cratic party by totally refusing to distribute upon a platform tantamount to a condemnathe spoils of office. It had long been pre- tion of civil service reform-a platform dicted by practical politicians that a serious dictated by Tammany Hall, which was alattempt to defeat the doctrine "to the ready quarrelling with the National adminvictor belongs the spoils," would destroy istration. The Mugwump leaders and the administration attempting it. The journals immediately condemned both the elections of 1885 point to a realization of Democratic ticket and platform, and joined

Col. Quay's majority greatly exceeded all expectation, and was universally accepted as a condemnation of the two Demo- . cratic administrations.

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In New York the Irish-Americans, angered by the return of the Mugwumps, whose aristocratic and free trade tendencies they were especially hostile to, under the lead of the Irish World left the Republicans and returned to the support of the Democracy. They decided the contest and their attitude in the future will be or immediate concern in all political calculations. The net results in three great States gave satisfaction to both parties-probably the most to the Republicans, but it is certain that they left politics in a very interesting and very uncertain shape.


THE campaign of 1886 showed that the New York city witnessed, not a revoluRepublican party was capable of making tion, but such a marked change in politics gains in the South, especially in Congres- that it excited comment throughout the sional districts and upon protective and entire country. The Labor party ran Henry educational issues. Indeed, so plain was George, the author of Progress and Povthis in the State of Virginia that Randolph erty, and other works somewhat socialistic Tucker, for whom the Legislature had ap- and certainly agrarian in their tendencies, portioned a district composed of eleven for Mayor of the city. Hewitt, the wellwhite counties, refused to run again, and known Congressman, was the candidate of Mr. Yost, editor of the Staunton Virgin- the Democracy, while the Republicans preian, who had canvassed the entire district sented Roosevelt, known chiefly for his on tariff issues and in favor of the Blair municipal-reform tendencies. Hewitt was educational bill, was returned over a popu- elected, but George received over 60,000 lar Democrat, by 1900 majority. Of the votes, and this unlookedfor poll changed ten Congressmen from Virginia the Repub- the direction of political calculations for a licans elected six. Morrison, the tariff-re- year. George was aided by nearly all the form leader of Illinois, was defeated, as was Labor organizations, and he drew from the Burd of Ohio, while Speaker Carlisle's Democrats about two to the one drawn seat was contested by Mr. Thoche, a pro- from the Republicans a fact which greatly tectionist candidate of the Knights of raised the hopes of the latter and at the Labor. These and other gains reduced the same time made the Democrats more cauDemocratic majority in the House to about tious. fifteen, and this could not be counted upon for any tariff reduction or financial measures. The Republicans lost one in the U. S. Senate.

In 1886 the Republicans and Democrats, with the qualifications noted above, held their party strength, with the future prospects so promising to both that at this early Local divisions in the Republican ranks date preparations began for the Presidenwere seriously manifested in but one State, tial campaign, General Beaver, defeated that of California,, which chose a Demo- for Governor of Pennsylvania in 1882 by a cratic Governor and a Republican Lieuten- plurality of 40,000, was now elected by a ant Governor, so close was the contest. plurality of 43,000, though the ProhibiThe Governor has since died, the Lieuten- tionists polled 32,000 votes, two-thirds of ant Governor has taken his place, but the which came from the Republican party. Legislature re-elected Senator Hearst, The general result of the campaign indiDemocrat, who had previously been ap-cated that the Republicans were gaining in pointed before the retirement of Governor unity and numbers.



INTEREST in the forthcoming Presidential campaign was everywhere manifested in the struggles of 1887. The first skirmish was lost by the Republicans, and while it encouraged Mr. Cleveland's administration, it gave warning to the Republicans throughout the country that they must heal all differences and do better work. So quickly was this determination reached that Rhode Island came back to the Republican column in November, by the election of a Congressman.

The elections of the year, as a whole, were largely in favor of the Republicans, and three pivotal States were capturedConnecticut, New Jersey, and Indiana, with Virginia claimed by both parties. True the issues and candidates in Indiana and Connecticut were purely local, a fact which contributed largely to the continued hopefulness of the Democracy, who had again carried New York by an average majority of 14,000, notwithstanding Henry George now ran for Secretary of State in the hope of more greatly dividing the Democratic than the Republican vote. He did this, in somewhat less proportion than when he ran for Mayor of the city, but the agitation of High License for the cities alone, and the Prohibitory agitation led to the union of all the saloon interests with the Democracy. These interests, headed by the organization of brewers, established Personal Liberty Leagues in all of the larger cities, which Leagues held a State Convention at Albany said to represent 75,000 voters, or 500 to each delegate. The figures were grossly exaggerated, but nevertheless an alliance was formed with the Democratic party in the State by the substantial adoption of the anti-sumptuary plank in its platform. Sufficient Republicans were in this way won to balance the Henry George defections from the Democracy, and the result was practically the same as in 1886. The Mugwumps supported the Republicans in 1886, but they cut little if any figure in 1887. It was very plain to the hind-sight of the Republican leaders of New York, that if they had resisted and resented the formation of the Personal Liberty Leagues, and made a direct and open issue against the control of the saloon in politics, they would have easily won a victory like that achieved in Pennsylvania. Two acts contributed to the swelling of the Prohibitory vote, which in 1887 came more equally from both parties. Governor Hill had vetoed the High

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The Republicans of Pennsylvania met the growing temperance agitation in such a way as to keep within and recall to its lines nearly all who naturally affiliated with that party. The State Convention of 1886 promised to submit the prohibitory amendment to a vote of the people, and the Republican Legislature of 1887 passed the amendment for a first time, and also passed a High License law, which placed the heaviest licenses upon the cities, but increased all, and gave four-fifths and threefifths of the amount to the city and country treasuries.

During the closing week of the campaign of 1885 in Pennsylvania, a combination was made by the brewers of Allegheny County with the Democracy for a combined raid against the Republican State ticket headed by General Beaver. A large sum of money was raised, and the singing societies, or such of them as could be induced to enter the movement, were marshalled as a new and potent_element. The result was a surprise to the Republicans and a reduction of about 4,000 in their majority. Thus began the movement which this year culminated in the organization of Personal Liberty Leagues throughout the cities of New York and Pennsylvania. Encouraged by this local success in Pennsylvania and angered by the passage of a High License law, an immense fund was raised in Philadelphia and Pittsburg, and the Democratic workers in all singing and social clubs and societies were employed to create from these, as their nucleus, the Personal Liberty Leagues. In Philadelphia alone the Central Convention represented over 300 societies, and this fact led to extravagant claims as to the number

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