Resolution to discharge committee from consideration of the bill in regard to establishing a ferry across Sodus bay, 354 in regard to the petition of citizens of Guilderland,.. 363 in regard to loaning money to Rogersville Union School, 363 369 in regard to petition of trustees of Ovid Academy,... 364 to submit document No. 63, to the Judge of the Court 369 370, 377 to reject the paper offered by Senator of the 15th,... 379 to reject protest in regard to vote on question of vacancy in the 11th district, 379, 437, 438 to postpone the whole subject until next Wednesday evening, and that it be made special order, at 8 o'clock,... to recommit the bill in regard to J. R. Timon, 382 393 393, 417 that after Tuesday next, evening sessions commence 395 to recommit certain bills to committee reporting them, 397 for Clerk of this House to furnish Red Books to mem bers, officers, &c., 403, 474, 598, 848 for Clerk of this House to furnish copies of Civil List to members, officers, &c.,. 403, 848 to print report of trustees of the State Library,.. 403, 421 to print copies of the report on bill for suppression of intemperance and crime,.. 403, 407 to recommit the bill in relation to the village of 404 to recommit bill in regard to J. W. Rappleye, 404 to make special order the bill in regard to public 404 to refer bill No. 181, for changing name of First Sab- 404 to recommit the bill in regard to Sun Mutual Insur- 405 in regard to petition to relieve S. P. Cunningham,... 407 to elect two Regents of the University,... 418, 424 that Assembly bill No. 124, be recommitted,- 418 made special order, 418 to refer bill in relation to locks on Chemung canal, to 418 to refer claim of Eli Chittenden, 418 relative to concurrant resolution in regard to commis- 420, 601 Resolution to recommit petition and bill in regard to support that on and after Tuesday next, Senate meet at 10 to refer bill 191, to amend charter of Kingston Bank, 424 425 to refer to committee on literature the bill in regard 433 433 434 to recommit the bill in relation to the New York Pro- 434 to postpone special orders, 434, 474 to make the bill in relation to illegal voting special 434, 600 to refer the bill in relation to draining lands in Pine 435 to refer bill relative to Raymond Collegiate Institute, 440 250, 256 to recommit the bill in relation to costs in actions 630, 673 for Canal Board to adjust rates of toll, 441, 482, 486, 511 447 to refer bill in regard to public health in the city of 447 to refer Assembly bill relative to village of Peekskill, 452 452 to refer the bill for the sale of the New York Arsenal, 452 in West Troy,.. 452 to refer the bill in relation to a ferry from Troy to 452 to refer the Assembly bills relating to Stephen H. 464 to refer Assembly bill No. 115, relating to the village to refer the bill in relation to Niagara River Bank, 464 Resolution to refer bill relative to preservation of public rec ords, 465 Assembly bill, relative to construction of a break- 465 the Assembly bill, relative to a ferry across Deer- 465 to refer Assembly bill in relation to village of Fort 466 to meet at half-past 10 o'clock A. M.,. 473 to make special order, the bill in regard to the float- 474 to postpone bill and reports relative to closing locks 474 to add Senators Scott and Lamont to the judiciary 481 to recommit the bill in relation to the Pacific Ameri- that H. C. Wetmore be admitted to a seat in Senate,. 498 623 that H. C. Wetmore is not entitled to admission as 498 to inform Assembly of nominations of Regents of the University, 499 to extra copies of reports of Messrs. Laflin, Scott and 499 to refer the bill in regard to Canal Commissioners 502 not to speak more than ten minutes, 503 to recommit Assembly bills in relation to map of New 505 that Assembly bill relative to Whiteport Plankroad 505 to refer the bill relative to Saratoga Monument Asso- 506 that Assembly bill relative to Yonkers Savings Bank 507 to refer the bill in regard to Clinton and Auburn pris ons, 507 to refer the bill in relation to New York Bay Steam boat company, 513 Resolution for a bill to provide by taxation for interest on in debtedness of the State,.. 531 that Senate return Assembly bill No. 103, 536 to refer the bill in regard to a new town from Denning 539 to refer the bill relative to village of Medina, 540 to print extra copies of report in the Metropolitan Po- 584 to make Assembly bill No. 380, the special order,... 598 said amendment shall be read before question is 598 to make special order the bill in regard to closing 598 for Assembly to return bill in relation to public health to make Assembly bill No. 365, in relation to canal 692 601 in regard to the annexation of the Canadas, 601 to refer the bill in regard to Watervliet Turnpike 601 that Inspectors of State Prisons in regard to contracts 602 that Commissioners of Canal Fund have constitutional 615 for Governor to return bill for the erection of towns 619 to refer the bill in relation to wills, 622 to discharge committee from further consideration of 647 relative to petitions for Troy and Madison Universities 692 to make special order the bill for removal of Quaran- that the bill for the enlargement of Clinton, Auburn 696 702, 767 relative to bill for personal liberty, of Appeals in the matter of the Board of Police, &c. 703 to recommit the bill in regard to Central Park, to make appropriation bill special order, 703 709 to adjourn sine die,- - - - -. 715, 787, 884, 890, 908, 952 to print reports in relation to public debt of the State, 724 Resolution to print extra copies of report on petitions for aid to the Troy and Madison Universities, - - - -. 724, 770 to make special order the bill relative to Albany and Susquehanna Railroad, 726 to refer Assembly bill for payment of excise money in 727 to refer the bill relating to the mayor, &c., of the city 728 to refer the Assembly bill, relative to the Long Island 764 to refer the Assembly bill, relative to town Insurance 769 783, 784 to refer the bill in regard to division of the Sixth Ju- 784 784 to refer the bill in relation to the City Hall,. 785 785 to make special order the bill for locks and side-cut 786 to refer the bill for the transfer of money from general 786 for the Clerk of the Senate to forward to each Senator 786 786, 919 for the Clerk to furnish each Senator ten copies of 787, 810, 882 for Clerk to furnish five copies of Red Book to each to print extra copies of Transactions of American In- 788 788, 809, 882 in regard to bills involving over $250,000 of outlay 790 in regard to suspending part of rule 10th, so that bills of Assembly, in regard to Assembly bill No. 169, 883 927 as to extra copies on the minority report on the act to 850 for Senator from the 3d to be put under arrest, 852 |