Orphan Asylum, - Troy, Mutual Bank of, act to amend articles of association of, 102 624 Warren Free Institute in. (See Wairen Free Institute) 551, 625 386 city of, petition to fund floating debt of, Trout, preservation of, Treasurer, Clerk of, in Kings county, 61, 90, 101 244 117, 127 Monroe county, relative to term of office of,... 117, 127 by,-- 210, 361, 445, 471, 629, 710 Treasury, Solicitor of the. (See Solicitor ) 422, 853 Turnpike roads, act in relation to,.. 37, 44, 78, 140, 149, 153, 159 756, 955 and plankroads, act in regard to exemptions on,. 278, 284 909 U. Ulster, county of, petition from supervisors of,.- 36 act relative to election of Superintendents of poor in,. 127 300, 308, 323 act in relation to roads in, 485, 494 act to erect a new town to be called. (See Denning.) University of Albany. (See Law Department.) of Buffalo. (See Buffalo.) Madison. (See Madison.) of Troy. (See Troy.) Union Free School in Newtown. (See Newtown.) Stage company of Tremont, to incorporate,..... 395, 421 Union Stage company of Westchester, act to incorporate, . 538, 552 406 Savings Bank, remonstrance against bill for,- . Unsafe Buildings in New York. (See New York.) Usury Laws, to repeal. (See New York.) V. Vacancy in the 11th Senatorial district,... 4, 26, 27, 36, 112, 115 report of committee on, 247, 314, 315, 342, 359 370, 377, 378 478 Vagrants and lunatics, act in relation to, &c.,. 586, 613, 677, 729 Van Dyck, invitation from, to attend exercises of State Normal Van Etten, town of. (See Hedding Society.) 132 64, 75, 103 Van Wie, Henry A., resolution relative to papers of,- Vandenburgh, W. G., petition to convey real estate,- act to, 166, 268, 276, 291, 944, 946, 959 Veekl, Joseph, resolution relative to, Victory, town of, act for Canal Commissioners to pay for bridge in, - Villages, boards of health in, 64 66, 254 386 27, 31 171, 175, 563 27, 137 Village Fire Insurance Combination, act to legalize Constitution Volney, act to pay for bridge in, - Voters, act for registration of, Voting, illegal, act to prevent,.. 137, 170, 390, 391, 419, 425, 433 493, 520, 533, 545, 638, 772, 812, 814, 884, 892 illegal, resolution to make special order,- 434, 600 W. Wagner, David, act for relief of,. 620, 690, 844, 902, 917 Wallabout bay, act relative to prisoners who died on prison ships in. (See American Prisoners.) Warsaw, petition of trustees of, act to amend act incorporating,- Warden's office of New York,. War of 1812, resolution relative to militia of, Warren county, petition from, petition for removal of county line of,- 30 31, 38, 58, 89, 93 Free Institute, act to amend act to incorporate the,.. 484 508, 513, 544, 660 village of, chief engineer of fire department of, act to Warwick and Minisink Turnpike company, act to amend act in relation to, 484, 494, 584, 664, 730 Washington Market, lands in front of, - jurors in,- Waterworks, Auburn. (See Auburn.) Troy. (See Troy.) 108 518, 838, 877, 913, 947 Water company, Camden Spring. (See Camden Spring.) Waterloo Union School districts, acts relative to,.. 91, 97, 104, 109 Watervliet Turnpike company, act to amend charter of,.. 105, 171 Turnpike road, remonstrance against raising tolls on, 346 deeds in,. town of, act relative to persons convicted of crime in. (See Albany Penitentiary.) village of, act to amend charter of,... 621, 689, 704, 740 783 Waterloo, village of, act to further amend charter of, 535, 551, 570 Watertown, petition from,- 652, 729 village of, fire department of, act to amend act to in- corporate, - - - - village of, act in relation to purchase of site for new court house in, remonstrance against said act, 732, 769, 874, 891 747 Waverly Place, Greene and Mercer sts., remonstrance against fees of justices and constables in,.. 209, 263 33, 39, 87, 102, 151 200, 205 fees and costs of suits and proceedings before justices 246 of peace in, act to regulate the, Weapons, deadly, act to restrain carrying,- 548, 610, 660 210, 361, 429, 43 212, 217, 245 36, 52, 99 Webb, Nathan, act for relief of,- act for sale of lands for non-payment of taxes in, 265, 266 387, 509, 539 West Troy, act relative to certain piece of land in. (See United West Farms, public roads in, act to macadamize, Westfield and Chautauque Lake Plankroad company, act in re- excused fr m voting,- 478, 522, 571 584, 663, 729 501, 505, 539, 546, 591, 730 Wharfage, rates of, act to regulate the, ... 171, 175, 247, 252, 271 281, 581, 587, 615, 748 remonstrance against increased rates of,... 305, 310, 316 330, 356, 362, 371, 372, 384, 386, 420, 426, 440, 449 487, 829 resolution to print report on said act, 311, 319 Wheeler, O. B., resolution relative to charges of,.. 260 Hon. W. A., address of, .. President pro tem, thanks of Senate tendered to, act in relation to,- 157, 268 Whitesboro, village of, act relative to, 74, 91, 125, 128, 138, 221 126 act to,-. to tolls on, 390, 452, 571, 585, 663, 782 Whiteport Plankroad company, act to change route of road of, local improvements in, 28, 42, 56, 61, 76, 392, 404, 483 Williams, E. J., act to change name of,... 804, 828 116 act relative to,... 118, 122, 169, 344, 347, 353, 860, 891 708 act to protect liberty of, 126 petition from,. 734, 783 Women, married, act in relation to property of. (See Married Y. Yates, Evert L., resolution relative to,.. - Yonkers Savings Bank, act to amend act to incorporate the, 627, 750 99 501 village of, act to amend act to incorporate the, 619, 749 petition in favor of passage of said act, Young, John, petition of, for canal damages,. Z. - 846, 847, 880, 934 829 224, 442 64 Zoph, Margaret, resolution relative to escheated lands to,... |