In pursuance of previous notice, Mr. Prosser asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act for the relief of I. Jewett White," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary. In pursuance of previous notice, Mr. Pratt asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act to abolish the office of Inspector General," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on militia and public defence. Mr. Laflin moved that when the Senate adjourns it adjourn to meet on Monday evening at 7 o'clock. The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said motion, and it was decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Smith, the Senate adjourned. MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1859. The Senate met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Parker. The President announced the following standing committees : The President appointed as the select committee on the bill for the relief of the New York State Inebriate Asylum, Messrs. Truman, Ames and Schell. On motion of Mr. Smith, the Senate adjourned. TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1859. The Senate met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Sheldon. The journals of the 7th and 10th, were read and approved. The President appointed as a member of the select committee on Quarantine, in place of Mr. Laflin, who has been appointed one of the committee on commerce and navigation, Mr. Hubbell. Also Mr. W. A. Wheeler in place of Mr. Noxon, as one of the select committee to which is referred the subject of the alleged vacancy in the 11th Senatorial district. Mr. Boardman presented a petition of Jonas S. Compson, for interest on moneys advanced on a canal contract, which was read and referred to the committee on finance. Mr. Diven presented a petition for the relief of the heir-at-law of E. Jansen, deceased, which was read and referred to the committee on the incorporation of cities and villages. Mr. Hubbell presented a petition of Squire Whipple, for payment for the use of his patent iron truss bridge, used by the Canal Board, which was read and referred to the committee on canals. Mr. John D. Willard presented a petition of the corporation of the city of Troy, and of the water commissioners of that city, for an act the better to enable them to increase the supply of water, which was read and referred to the committe on the incorporation of cities and villages. Mr. Pratt presented a petition of supervisors of Ulster county, for a law authorizing the election of an additional superintendent of the poor, which was read and referred to the committee on the internal affairs of towns and counties. Mr. Brandreth presented a petition of the commissioners of the Croton aqueduct department, for payment of their account for water furnished to Sing Sing prison, which was read and referred to the committee on State prisons. Mr. Foote, from the committee on banks, to which was referred the petition of John N. Hungerford for authority to transfer certain stock, reported a bill entitled "An act to authorise John N. Hungerford to sell and convey his stock and interest in the Geo. Washington bank," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and committed to the committee of the whole. Mr. Paterson presented the annual report of the managers of the Western House of Refuge, which was read, laid on the table and ordered printed. (See Doc. No. 8.) Mr. Paterson offered the following resolution: Resolved, That 1,000 extra copies of the report of the managers of the Western House of Refuge, be printed for the use of the managers. Ordered, That said resolution be referred to the committee on public printing. Mr. Diven gave notice that he would at an early day ask leave to introduce a bill for the repeal of chapter 296 of Laws of 1858. Mr. Foote gave notice that he would at an early day ask leave to introduce a bill for the relief of Lewis Clement. Mr. O. B. Wheeler gave notice that he would at an early day ask leave to introduce a bill to amend and change the names of the Lisle and Forestburgh plank road company, and the Mount Hope and Lumberland turnpike road company, and merge them into one. Also a bill in relation to plank roads and turnpike roads. Mr. Paterson gave notice that he would at an early day ask leave to introduce a bill conferring additional powers upon courts of special sessions in and for the county of Monroe. Also a bill to provide for the appraisal of canal damages. Also a bill conferring additional powers upon the board of supervisors of the county of Monroe, in relation to the office of county clerk of said county. Mr. Sloan gave notice that he would at an early day ask leave to introduce a bill for the incorporation of the Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn. Mr. Ely gave notice that he would at an early day ask leave to introduce a bill to incorporate the German Savings Bank, in the city of New York. Mr. Brandreth gave notice that he would at an early day ask leave to introduce a bill to authorize the building of a Lunatic asylum on the State farm at Sing Sing. In pursuance of previous notice, Mr. John D. Willard, asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act in relation to courts of special sessions, courts of sessions, and police courts," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary. In pursuance of previous notice, Mr. O. B. Wheeler, asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act to release the interest of the State in certain lands of which Henry Smith died seized, to Thomas Smith," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary. In pursuance of previous notice, Mr. Diven asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act to prevent and punish prize fighting," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary. In pursuance of previous notice, Mr. Diven asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act to amend the charter of the Republic Fire Insurance company," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on insurance companies. In pursuance of previous notice, Mr. Boardman asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act to enable agricultural and horticultural societies to extend a more perfect protection to their property and the property of exhibitors at fairs, and to allow the board of managers to appoint a police for that purpose," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on agriculture. In pursuance of previous notice, Mr. Foote asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act to change the name of Emrilous Janette Hadlock to Emrilous Janette Williams," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary. In pursuance of previous notice, Mr. Hubbell asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act to amend title 21, chapter 20, part 1st of the Revised Statutes, relative to insurance on property by individuals and associations, unauthorized by law," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on insurance companies. In pursuance of previous notice, Mr. Hubbell asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act to amend an act to provide for the incorporation of insurance companies, passed June 25, 1853," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on insurance companies. In pursuance of previous notice, Mr. J. A. Willard asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act to enable the supervisor of Lowville, the president of the board of trustees of Lowville academy, and the town clerk of the town of Lowville, to take and hold title to certain premises in Lowville upon trust," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on internal affairs of towns and counties. In pursuance of previous notice, Mr. Hubbell asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act to prohibit the business of insurance by companies or associations unauthorized by law," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on insurance companies. In pursuance of previous notice, Mr. Darling asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act to provide for an equalization of the State tax," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on finance. In pursuance of previous notice, Mr. Halsted asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to incorporate the village of Warsaw, passed April 17, 1843," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the incorporation of cities and villages. In pursuance of previous notice, Mr. Williams asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act in relation to the place of hearing and deciding appeals to the general term of the Supreme |