Votes and ProceedingsSome vols. previous to 1830 have appendices consisting of reports of various state offices. |
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New York (State). Legislature. Senate. LIBRARIES 266892 MARCH 1930 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE . STATE OF NEW YORK : SENATE CHAMBER , IN THE CITY OF ALBANY , TUESDAY , JANUARY 4 , 1859 . Pursuant to the sixth section of the tenth article of ...
New York (State). Legislature. Senate. LIBRARIES 266892 MARCH 1930 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE . STATE OF NEW YORK : SENATE CHAMBER , IN THE CITY OF ALBANY , TUESDAY , JANUARY 4 , 1859 . Pursuant to the sixth section of the tenth article of ...
Страница 4
... Senate as follows , to wit : SENATORS - I enter upon a discharge of the duties devolved upon me as presiding officer of this Senate , with but a limited knowledge of the forms or laws governing legislative action , and can only give you ...
... Senate as follows , to wit : SENATORS - I enter upon a discharge of the duties devolved upon me as presiding officer of this Senate , with but a limited knowledge of the forms or laws governing legislative action , and can only give you ...
Страница 5
New York (State). Legislature. Senate. 1 Mr. Diven moved to amend by striking out all after the word " Resolved , " and insert , " Inasmuch as it is represented to the Senate that Hon . Wm . G. Mandeville has , since he was elected to this ...
New York (State). Legislature. Senate. 1 Mr. Diven moved to amend by striking out all after the word " Resolved , " and insert , " Inasmuch as it is represented to the Senate that Hon . Wm . G. Mandeville has , since he was elected to this ...
Страница 29
New York (State). Legislature. Senate. On motion of Mr. Ames , Resolved , That the Sergeant - at - Arms under the direction of the Lieutenant - Governor , provide for the exclusion from within the bar of the Senate and its Library rooms ...
New York (State). Legislature. Senate. On motion of Mr. Ames , Resolved , That the Sergeant - at - Arms under the direction of the Lieutenant - Governor , provide for the exclusion from within the bar of the Senate and its Library rooms ...
Страница 46
New York (State). Legislature. Senate. Ordered , That said preamble and resolutions be laid on the table . Mr. Prosser offered for the consideration of the Senate , the follow- ing resolutions : Resolved , ( if the Assembly concur ...
New York (State). Legislature. Senate. Ordered , That said preamble and resolutions be laid on the table . Mr. Prosser offered for the consideration of the Senate , the follow- ing resolutions : Resolved , ( if the Assembly concur ...
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act entitled act in relation act to amend act to authorize act to incorporate act to provide affairs of towns affirmative amend an act Ames Boardman April 15 Assembly bill entitled bill committed cities and villages Clerk deliver Clerk return concur decided deliver said bill Ely Foote entitled An act favor thereof final passage incorporation of cities introduce a bill J. A. Willard John judiciary leave to introduce members being present members elected message informing motion NEGATIVE passed April power to report President put put the question read a third read and referred read the second referred the Assembly report complete report was agreed reported in favor return said bill Schell Scott Scott Sloan Scott Smith Senate have passed Senate voting Senate would agree third reading Troy University Truman W. A. Wheeler unanimous consent voting in favor W. A. Wheeler J. A. Wetmore Wheeler J. A. Willard Willard John D