The Tribune Almanac and Political RegisterG. Dearborn., 1907 |
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Страница 122
... Roose- velt put into effect by proclamation on January 2 , 1906 , an agreement with Switzer land granting these special tariff rates on Swiss products : Upon argols , or crude tartar , or wine lees , crude , 5 per centum ad valorem ...
... Roose- velt put into effect by proclamation on January 2 , 1906 , an agreement with Switzer land granting these special tariff rates on Swiss products : Upon argols , or crude tartar , or wine lees , crude , 5 per centum ad valorem ...
Страница 311
... Roose- Comer . B. B. ton .... Strat- A. E. ALABAMA- ( Continued ) . Counties . PRESID'T . 1904 . Rep . Dem . velt .... Roose- GOVERNOR . -1906.- Rep . Dem . Comer . B. B. ton ... Strat- A. E. Parker . utauga aldwin 73 733 21 810 Winston ...
... Roose- Comer . B. B. ton .... Strat- A. E. ALABAMA- ( Continued ) . Counties . PRESID'T . 1904 . Rep . Dem . velt .... Roose- GOVERNOR . -1906.- Rep . Dem . Comer . B. B. ton ... Strat- A. E. Parker . utauga aldwin 73 733 21 810 Winston ...
Страница 312
... Roose- Parker . ington . Worth- velt .... Roose- Little .. Ington . Worth- J. I. Parker . Baxter 236 426 352 755 Benton 1202 1903 1006 2430 White Woodruff 676 578 1238 861 Boone 618 910 814 1161 Yell 913 1079 638 2286 470 1005 739 1946 ...
... Roose- Parker . ington . Worth- velt .... Roose- Little .. Ington . Worth- J. I. Parker . Baxter 236 426 352 755 Benton 1202 1903 1006 2430 White Woodruff 676 578 1238 861 Boone 618 910 814 1161 Yell 913 1079 638 2286 470 1005 739 1946 ...
Страница 313
... Roose- Parker GOVERNOR . -1906.- Rep . Dem . Bell .. T. A. Gillett . J. N. 6561 14 1181 2753 922 1303 1693 302 992 454 169 19065 4409 74 9 11029 52 1279 912 889 Butte 2799 1566 2057 Calaveras 1571 ) 841 1519 Colusa 885 906 375 Contra ...
... Roose- Parker GOVERNOR . -1906.- Rep . Dem . Bell .. T. A. Gillett . J. N. 6561 14 1181 2753 922 1303 1693 302 992 454 169 19065 4409 74 9 11029 52 1279 912 889 Butte 2799 1566 2057 Calaveras 1571 ) 841 1519 Colusa 885 906 375 Contra ...
Страница 314
... Roose- Parker . Adams . Alva H. A. Buchtel Democrats 6 4 10 Independent 1 1 2 Teller 5595 4598 3201 3637 Rep . majorities .. 26 40 96 Washington 460 191 323 190 Weld 4828 2555 3243 2475 COLORADO . Yuma 1111 525 773 533 PRESID'T . GOV ...
... Roose- Parker . Adams . Alva H. A. Buchtel Democrats 6 4 10 Independent 1 1 2 Teller 5595 4598 3201 3637 Rep . majorities .. 26 40 96 Washington 460 191 323 190 Weld 4828 2555 3243 2475 COLORADO . Yuma 1111 525 773 533 PRESID'T . GOV ...
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appointed approved April armament Board Borough Boston Brooklyn Carolina carrier cent certificate Charles Charles H Chicago City Columbia Commission Commissioner common carrier Congress Corregan Counties court Dakota Debs Soc Democrats Department District District of Columbia Edward elected foreign Frank George George W Governor Henry Idaho Illinois Indian Iowa Island James January John Joseph July June 29 June 30 knots Labor Launched Legislature Lewis Lieutenant Louis Mass Methodist miles Moon National Naval Navy New-York Non-sectarian North North Carolina North Dakota officers Ohio Panama Parker Penn person Philadelphia Philippine Pittsburg PRESID'T President railroad Republicans Robert Roose salary scattering vote Secretary Section Senate Sept short tons Smith South speed Tenn term Territory thereof Thomas Totals Treasurer United velt Virginia Washington William William H Wyoming York
Популарни одломци
Страница 87 - ... nor shall any carrier charge or demand or collect or receive a greater or less or different compensation for such transportation of passengers or property, or for any service in connection therewith, between the points named in such tariffs than the rates, fares, and charges which are specified in the tariff filed and in effect at the time...
Страница 92 - That any common carrier, railroad, or transportation company receiving property for transportation from a point in one State to a point in another State shall issue a receipt or bill of lading therefor and shall be liable to the lawful holder thereof for any loss, damage, or injury to such property caused by it...
Страница 98 - In the case of mixtures or compounds which may be now or from time to time hereafter known as articles of food, under their own distinctive names, and not an imitation of or offered for sale under the distinctive name of another article, if the name be accompanied on the same label or brand with a statement of the place where said article has been manufactured or produced.
Страница 86 - Columbia, or to any foreign country, any article or commodity, other than timber and the manufactured products thereof, manufactured, mined, or produced by it, or under its authority, or which it may own in whole, or in part, or in which it may have any interest direct or indirect except such articles or commodities as may be necessary and intended for its use in the conduct of its business as a common carrier.
Страница 86 - ... to inmates of the National Homes or State Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, and of Soldiers
Страница 86 - ... shall include cars and other vehicles and all instrumentalities and facilities of shipment or carriage, irrespective of ownership or of any contract, express or implied, for the use thereof and all services in connection with the receipt, delivery, elevation, and transfer in transit, ventilation, refrigeration or icing, storage, and handling of property transported...
Страница 86 - Provided, That this provision shall not be construed to prohibit the interchange of passes for the officers, agents, and employees of common carriers, and their families; nor to prohibit any common carrier from carrying passengers free with the object of providing relief in cases of general epidemic, pestilence, or other calamitous visitation.
Страница 109 - ... resulting in whole or in part from the negligence of any of the officers, agents, or employees of such carrier, or by reason of any defect or insufficiency, due to its negligence, in its cars, engines, appliances, machinery, track, roadbed, works, boats, wharves, or other equipment.
Страница 188 - II which the United States would possess and exercise if it were the sovereign of the territory within which said lands and waters are located to the entire exclusion of the exercise by the Republic of Panama of any such sovereign rights, power or authority.
Страница 98 - That the term blend as used herein shall be construed to mean a mixture of like substances, not excluding harmless coloring or flavoring ingredients used for the purpose of coloring and flavoring only : And...