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OC erat in votis: modus agri non ita magnus,
Hortus ubi, et tecto vicinus jugis aquae fons,
Et paulum filvac fuper his foret. auctius, atque
Di melius fecere. bene eft. nil amplius oro,
Maia nate, nifi ut propria haec mihi munera faxis.
Si neque majorem feci ratione mala rem,
Nec fum facturus vitio culpave minorem:

Si veneror ftultus nihil horum, O fi angulus ille
Proximus accedat, qui nunc denormat agellum!
O fi urnam argenti fors quae mihi monftret! ut illi,
Thefauro invento qui mercenarius agrum

Illum ipfum mercatus aravit, dives amico

Hercule: fi, quod adeft, gratum juvat: hac prece

te oro,

Pingue pecus domino facias, et caetera praeter

Ingenium ;

[blocks in formation]

The firft Part imitated in the Year 1714, by Dr. SWIFT; the latter Part added afterwards.

'VE often wifh'd that I had clear


For life, fix hundred pounds a year,
A handfome Houfe to lodge a Friend,
A River at my garden's end,
A Terras-walk, and half a Rood
Of Land, fet out to plant a Wood.
Well, now I have all this and more,

I ask not to encrease my ftore;
But here a Grievance feems to lie,
All this is mine but till I die;

'I can't but think 'twould found more clever,

• To and to my


Heirs for ever.

'If I ne'er got or loft a groat, By any Trick, or any Fault; And if I pray by Reafon's rules, "And not like forty other Fools:

As thus, "Vouchfafe, oh gracious Maker! "To grant me this and t'other Acre : "Or, if it be thy Will and Pleasure, "Direct my Plow to find a Treafure :" 'But only what my Station fits,


And to be kept in my right Wits.
Preferve, Almighty Providence!

Juft what you gave me, Competence:
And let me in thefe fhades compofe
'Something in Verfe as true as Profe;





• Remov'd

Ingenium; utque foles, cuftos mihi maximus adfis.
E go ubi me in montes et in arcem ex Urbe removi,
Quid prius illuftrem Satiris Musaque pedestri ?
Nec mala me ambitio perdit, nec plumbeus Aufter,
Autumnufque gravis, Libitinae quaeftus acerbae.
Matutine pater, feu Jane libentius audis,

Unde homines operum primos vitaeque labores
Inftituunt, (fic Dis placitum) tu carminis efto
Principium: Romae sponsorem me-rapis: Eia,
Ne prior officio quifquam refpondeat, urge:
Sive Aquilo radit terras, feu bruma nivalem
Interiore diem gyro trahit, ire neceffe eft.
Poftmodo, quod mî obfit, clare certumque locuto,
Luctandum in turba, et facienda injuria tardis.
Quid tibi vis, infane? et quam rem agis? improbus

• Remov'd from all th' Ambitious Scene,

Nor puff'd by Pride, nor funk by Spleen."
In fhort, I'm perfectly content,

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Let me but live on this fide Trent;

Nor crofs the Channel twice a year,

To fpend fix months with Statesmen here.

I must by all means come to town, 'Tis for the fervice of the Crown. "Lewis, the Dean will be of use, "Send for him up, take no excuse." The toil, the danger of the Seas; Great Minifters near think of these; Or let it coft five hundred pound, No matter where the money's found, It is but fo much more in debt,

And that they ne'er confider'd yet.

"Good Mr. Dean go change your gown,

"Let my Lord know you're come to town."

I hurry me in hafte away,

Not thinking it is Levee-day;
And find his Honour in a Pound,





Hemm'd by a triple Circle round,

Chequer'd with Ribbons blue and green:

How should I thruft myself between ?


Some Wag obferves me thus perplext,
And fmiling, whispers to the next,

"I thought the Dean had been too proud, "To juftle here among the croud."


Another in a furly fit,

Tells me I have more Zeal than Wit, "So eager to express your love,

"You ne'er confider whom you shove,


Iratis precibus. tu pulfes omne quod obstat,
Ad Maecenatem memori fi mente recurras.

Hoc juvat, et melli eft; ne mentiar. at fimul atras
Ventum eft Efquilias; aliena negotia centum
Per caput, et circa faliunt latus. Ante fecundam
Rofcius orabat fibi adeffes ad Puteal cras.

De re communi fcribae magna atque nova te
Orabant hodie meminiffes, Quinte, reverti.
Imprimat his cura Maecenas figna tabellis.
Dixeris, Experiar: Si vis, potes, addit; et inftat.
Septimus octavo propior jam fugerit annus,
Ex quo Maecenas mé coepit habere fuorum
In numero: duntaxat ad hoc, quem tollere theďa
Vellet, iter faciens, et cui concredere nugas

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