SATIRA VI. H%% OC erat in votis: modus agri non ita magnus, Si veneror ftultus nihil horum, O fi angulus ille Illum ipfum mercatus aravit, dives amico Hercule: fi, quod adeft, gratum juvat: hac prece te oro, Pingue pecus domino facias, et caetera praeter Ingenium ; The firft Part imitated in the Year 1714, by Dr. SWIFT; the latter Part added afterwards. 'VE often wifh'd that I had clear I' For life, fix hundred pounds a year, I ask not to encrease my ftore; 'I can't but think 'twould found more clever, • To and to my me Heirs for ever. 'If I ne'er got or loft a groat, By any Trick, or any Fault; And if I pray by Reafon's rules, "And not like forty other Fools: As thus, "Vouchfafe, oh gracious Maker! "To grant me this and t'other Acre : "Or, if it be thy Will and Pleasure, "Direct my Plow to find a Treafure :" 'But only what my Station fits, ( And to be kept in my right Wits. Juft what you gave me, Competence: 5 10 15 25 • Remov'd Ingenium; utque foles, cuftos mihi maximus adfis. Unde homines operum primos vitaeque labores • Remov'd from all th' Ambitious Scene, Nor puff'd by Pride, nor funk by Spleen." Let me but live on this fide Trent; Nor crofs the Channel twice a year, To fpend fix months with Statesmen here. I must by all means come to town, 'Tis for the fervice of the Crown. "Lewis, the Dean will be of use, "Send for him up, take no excuse." The toil, the danger of the Seas; Great Minifters near think of these; Or let it coft five hundred pound, No matter where the money's found, It is but fo much more in debt, And that they ne'er confider'd yet. "Good Mr. Dean go change your gown, "Let my Lord know you're come to town." I hurry me in hafte away, Not thinking it is Levee-day; 30 35 40 45 Hemm'd by a triple Circle round, Chequer'd with Ribbons blue and green: How should I thruft myself between ? 50 Some Wag obferves me thus perplext, "I thought the Dean had been too proud, "To juftle here among the croud." 55 Another in a furly fit, Tells me I have more Zeal than Wit, "So eager to express your love, "You ne'er confider whom you shove, "But Iratis precibus. tu pulfes omne quod obstat, Hoc juvat, et melli eft; ne mentiar. at fimul atras De re communi fcribae magna atque nova te |